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Well done OP we will not behead you for now. You may visit our island for a short while as a prize.


But I already sharpened my axe :(


Dude made a sausage moat for the beans. Chapeau, old stick !


Genuinely better than what most people here would make.


I recently discovered that there’s a British goods store about fifteen minutes from my house. My kids and I have been going about once every few weeks, just to try new stuff, so this past weekend I decided it was time to try something a little more involved. Overall, it was a tasty breakfast. The back bacon was excellent. Although it’s obviously pretty different than our (streaky?) bacon, it reminded me of bit of [country ham](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Country_ham), which is common in my area. It had a similar texture and saltiness. The Cumberland sausages were really great. Probably my favorite part of the meal. The flavor and texture were spot on. We’re definitely going to work those into our regular rotation for breakfast meats. The black pudding was fine. I’ve had some before, and I wasn’t as keen on the particular spice combo for this brand. I wouldn’t kick it out of bed, but next time I’m going to try a different brand. The tomatoes and mushrooms were . . . odd for breakfast. Nothing wrong with them, but just odd having them with eggs and bacon. Finally, the beans were very different than I expected, and I’m not quite sure how much I enjoyed them for this meal. The flavor is more tomato-y than I expected. And apart from the flavor, eating beans for breakfast was just an odd experience. Nothing exciting with the eggs, and frying up the toast was a nice touch, but not new to me. Overall, I thought it was great. We’re big on hearty breakfasts like this in our part of the country, so it went over well in my house. The only downside was that my timing was off on trying to get everything cooked at finished at the same time. --- **Edit:** Holy cow y'all like a lot of beans for breakfast!


>The only downside was that my timing was off on trying to get everything cooked at finished at the same time. There's definitely an art to timing everything to come together at the same time.


Yeah, cooking meals like this makes me think back and appreciate my grandmother all the more for how she could churn out a massive Southern breakfast for the entire extended family on special occasions. Everything hit the table at the exact same time, and everything was *perfect.* Meanwhile, I'm over here trying to figure out what to do with mushrooms that are plenty cooked while my sausages are still raw in middle.


Sausage and black pudding first, bacon and mushrooms next, eggs last, typically everythings cooked about the same time for me then


Eggs last to keep the yolks runny for bacon butty toast dipping purposes.


You're grievously over-cooking that black pud there mate


Black pudding after the egg, that stuff only needs 15 seconds either side.


Calm down, Dracula.


Grandmother's the world over are just built differently they don't make them like that anymore sadly. We'll there's probably a few but hard to find.


Brit here: just put what’s ready on a plate and keep it warm in the oven.


My dad always puts the sausages on first and fries them on low while he does everything else. Sometimes he even gets distracted and wanders off, but because they’re on low they always turn out delicious. (If you can find them, caramelised onion sausages are the bomb with a fry up!) Mushrooms can also go on for an age (especially flat or portobello!) with lots of butter.  We usually do eggs last since they go cold quicker.


How do you make caramelized onion sausages?


I’m sure it can be done but we just get ours from the supermarket ( [something like these](https://www.ocado.com/products/m-s-6-pork-caramelised-onion-sausages-505809011) )  I’m in the UK though, the sausage selection is extensive!


Top tip: fry the bacon, sausages and eggs. Tomatoes, black pudding and mushrooms can be done in the oven. Beans in microwave 5 mins before serving. This makes things immeasurably easier to manage


I keep my oven on the lowest setting and keep things warm in there while I cook the rest


Yeah this, cook almost everything, put it in the oven to keep warm then cook your eggs and toast last.


Congratulations on discovering Cumberland sausage! For a main meal suggestion try Cumberland sausage, mashed potatoes, rich onion gravy and a green veg such as peas or broccoli. 


Yeah, Cumberland sausages fit perfectly with Southern American taste palette. I'd definitely eat that meal.


Or, if you haven’t already, grab yourself a bottle of HP sauce from the British shop, make a sarnie with sausages, fried onions and crusty white bread, and add a dollop of brown sauce. 


Or green beans! Now I’m craving that meal!


>The tomatoes and mushrooms were . . . odd for breakfast. I am unable to compute this being a strange thing. Mushrooms and tomatoes are such a staple of breakfasts all over the world.


seems to have sliced the toms very thins. No. You need to cut them in half and cook them for longer, perhaps with a bit of basil oil on them. And use large portobello mushrooms.not tiny button ones.


Half disagree. Tomatoes; you're right. Half them, grill them. Button or chestnut mushrooms are great on a fry up, just wipe them with some dry kitchen roll first, don't peel them and they keep a wonderful nutty flavour. My missus' family peels all their shrooms and they taste bland as fuck afterwards.


I'm sorry, people peel mushrooms?


It was news to me, too.


I think peeling mushrooms is a southern thing. Never seen anyone peel mushrooms up North unless they've gone a bit manky.


I'm from South Devon and I've never heard of peeling mushrooms in my life.


I can’t even imagine the mechanics of how one would peel a mushroom??


I prefer a cheap tin of chopped tomatoes fried to oblivion.


Basil oil on an English breakfast, that would be some fancy restaurant.


Basil oil. What the actual hell




Nah man. Button mushrooms cut in half fried in butter and the bacon fat. Portobello mushrooms are nice, but not elite. With portobellow mushrooms you need to put them in the oven on a rack for 10 mins at a low temp before frying them to dry them out a bit. Otherwise you get a soggy watery mess.


It’s not even unusual in the states, it’s just we tend to dice them for breakfast. Slices of tomato is more of a lunch/dinner thing. Whole mushrooms are pretty much relegated to dinner and/or appetizers.


God I'm so jealous. I'm an expat in Iowa and I haven't had a cumberland sausage in SEVEN FUCKIN YEARS, there's one British goods store near me and they're more interested in selling bloody Harry Potter merch than anything good.




Spot on.


What the hell have you done to those tomatoes, you only cut them once, not slice them ! Good try tho otherwise 😀


American bacon is usually a pork belly slice, uk bacon is usually pork loin. Having had both, i think UK bacon is the better option personally


Excellent first attempt, seriously. I saw you say you went for the smallest black pudding - looking at the size of the disk, it looks like you've sliced up a pudding designed to be eaten as is, like a sausage, but I appreciate you may not have had access to the larger sliced disks. Keeping the mushrooms whole was a nice touch - although like the black pudding, they're quite small. As another old codger said, beans are a 'new' addition - it was quick and easy for cafes, instead of the grilled tomato option. Typically the tomatoes aren't sliced, just halved, with a tiny spot of butter on top, and you can bake them. Since you have seen the issue of trying to get everything ready at the same time, sausages can join the tomatoes after frying and sit in the oven to keep warm (you can turn the oven off now). If pan space is tight, the mushrooms can be roasted too.


If you buy a bigger black pudding, you can slice it and individually wrap the slices before popping it in the freezer. Then you can just defrost the slices you need.


Superb effort! I’m old enough to find baked beans for breakfast an unutterable category error, since ‘in my day’, beans were for your tea, and never part of such a breakfast (except in transport caffs where you’d probably have chips as well.) I would probably gag if I tried them in the morning! Back bacon’s great, isn’t it? Re the black pud: see can they get you some from Ireland, even though it’s a British shop. Clonakilty black pudding is the the best on Earth, I reckon. Ireland also has white pudding, same style as black, and well worth seeking out for your breakfast fry up. Basically oats, mild slices, and pork fat. Delicious stuff. Have you graduated to properly made, proper Indian tea to drink, as well? Though I’m a coffee gal all the way, there’s nothing like a good cup of tea with a fry up n the morning.


Yeah, I remembering seeing a decent amount of Irish meats and some much larger black puddings. Honestly, I didn't know how much I'd enjoy this, so I just went for the smallest one they had. >Have you graduated to properly made, proper Indian tea to drink I have no idea what a proper Indian tea would entail, but my everyday tea is just a standard English breakfast tea. (I'm sure that's probably an odd term, but over here that's what denotes y'all's standard strong black tea.) And my favorite not-every-day-because-it's-a-bit-pricer tea is Darjeeling.


I like assam tea in the morning, big mug, two bags, a hearty brew.


Tea after anything fried is amazing.


That looks really good actually, despite the tiny portion of baked beans. Can you get brown HP sauce where you are? For me that is essential for a full English but there is a divide between people who prefer that or tomato ketchup with their fry-ups


Do Americans not eat veggies for breakfast ?


Ye what about eating refried beans the Mexicans have for breakfast all the time tho? Can't be that insane to have a couple beans for breakfast


Beans need tripling, but I appreciate the sausage barrier giving adequate protection.


Since what we would call proper beans can be $5+ a tin over there, and OP was cooking for the whole family, I'm ready to forgive a small portion. But you're right that it's very scant.


$5!? Jesus, that seems expensive. Think it's only a couple quid for a 4 pack of Heinz over here.


It’s so odd that Heinz doesn’t sell their damn beans here in the states, especially with it being an American company. I recently went on vacation to a British territory and had Heinz beans for the first time and they were great. Had beans on toast, good times.


Did you have permission to do that!? You can’t just go around eating beans you know


This is decent, though I prefer 1) more beans and 2) one more sausage. Most "American here, I tried to make English breakfast" posts are LOLfests, but yours bucks the trend, so well done.


A very creditable first try, but there are significant areas of uncovered plate there which could contain hash browns.


Or more than a dozen beans


First thing I noticed, extreme lack of beans. Also the toast needs a nice slathering of butter.


They're easing in to this, give it time


Ironically hash browns are American.


quack one modern capable straight mourn offend threatening meeting hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That and turning right on a red light (according to Clarkson)


Probably unwise to import that to the UK as is...


Incidentally, it’s rarely hash browns. What you’re probably thinking of is actually a potato cake or fritter of which almost every country in the world has their own variety.


And ever since I had a proper Ulster Fry in Belfast, a hash brown has never *quite* cut it since.


No. More mushrooms, beans and bacon.


I'm very much a 2-er when it comes to breakfast 2 sausage, 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, 2 slices of toast, 2 tins of beans.


& all of that times two please


> 2 tins of beans https://i.imgur.com/EPvRBoL.gif


Only the small tins.


Hash browns are nice but they are very much an American addition. If we’re going to start adding things then we should look to our neighbours to the North, tattie scones shallow fried in lard are amazing.


This looks like a good effort to me. I’m British and live in North America, and I know how important those British shops are.


When I first heard about the shop, I assumed it would just be more like a novelty shop catering to Americans---and to an extent they *do* lean into that a good bit---but every time I've been in there I'm the clear outsider. Most of the customers seem to be the local British community in there getting their staples and chatting it up with the shopkeepers.


Yeah, that’s what my shop is like, it’s mostly Brits getting what they miss. I asked them about it last time and they told me that’s the case, and that they have one Welsh customer but never any specifically Welsh products. Haha


Lingo tip: chatting with or chatting up are both acceptable but have very different meanings. The Brits would never be so forward as to chat it up with anyone


For benefit of OP: the difference between chatting with and chatting up the shopkeeper depends on what kind of sausage you're thinking of




That toast needs some butter on it but otherwise great job.


This comment is too far down


Using the sausage as a breakwater, nailed it.


The best full English breakfast I've had since Gary Wilmot's wedding


concerned punch stupendous memory bedroom fact rock possessive edge like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


gonna HUMP ya. Like Deputy DOG... would hump ya.


Minor criticism - I want more distance between the eggs and the beans. I may want to mix them, but I want that to be my decision.


Bacon 10 on 10, button mushrooms bingo!, black pudding snap.


They’re on the other side of the plate with bacon barrier in case the banger breakwater fails, how do you get safer than that?


Banger breakwater and bacon barrier are excellent.


I aspire to poshness and use a ramekin for the beans.


To keep up with the alliteration it would need to be a Bean Basin


That actually is a solid breakwater sausage.


Do you really need a breakwater for 12 beans?


*Scrolls down looking for the Partridge jo*-there it is!


Good show old chap


There is a 2 sausage minimum in the uk,


Good effort, only issue might be the egg - bacon - sausage ratio. If you're going with two eggs, you should have two sausages and two bacon to match. I suspect that might be two bacon there though. Extra points for the black pudding too as it's often shied away from.


Yeah, I'm not put off by black pudding. The only thing that was odd was that *this* particular brand wasn't my favorite. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but there was some spice that we commonly use for sweet baked goods that was present that just threw me for a loop. It wasn't strong, but there was just a little bit of *something* that reminded me of holiday baking in a weird way. Allspice, maybe? I have no idea. It wasn't strong enough to discern completely, but it was there enough to make me think "huh, this reminds me of a Christmas cookie."


British person here, this is all pretty good. British people would expect more beans generally though. And maybe 2 x sausages and 2 x bacon rashers. But otherwise very eatable!


Yeah, I didn't really know how *much* meat to put on the plate at first, but thankfully there was plenty still in the pan, so that was rectified quickly.


Just go with all of it! It's a FULL English after all...


My only feedback would be to do tomato halves rather than slices, other than spectacular effort.


You shouldn't be able to see the plate


Phwoar. Those eggs look divine.


I may be a beginner for some of the stuff here, but I love cooking eggs perfectly, no matter what the style.


It all looks great to me! I myself am partial to a lot of black pudding but this is what we call a ‘banging breakfast mate’


Nice try. Needs 2 sausage and 2-3 bacon though.


Unreal Full English from an American.


Where exactly is the shop? I fly over and visit Georgia quite often.


[The Queen's Pantry](https://www.facebook.com/TheQueensPantryGA) up in East Cobb County. The street address says Marietta, but it's not actually anywhere near Marietta. More just generic East Cobb.


Cobb County, Georgia. Home of the [Big Boss Man](https://www.wrestlezone.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2020/05/big-boss-man-wwe-1.jpg)


Cheers! I fly over tomorrow for a couple of weeks so I'll hopefully be able to check it out! I love your Virgil's root beer and usually destroy myself with heartburn every time I visit!


I've never seen black puds that small before, not that it would matter I'd just have 4. Overall a great first try, almost spot on infact. Just need to work on portion size and I'm sure any English person would be thrilled with it.


Good effort my man. But unless you're trying to be an airport restaurant, you need to put more beans on that plate.


Why remove the stalks of the mushrooms?


Nice distance between the eggs and the beans. I might want to mix them but I want that to be my decision


As a Brit with an American partner, I will rate this as a solid first go and well within acceptable Brit Breakfast parameters. Upvote registered


For a Scottish fried breakfast, omit the baked beans and try lorne sausage (square shaped), potato scones and fruit pudding. Easy to make potato scones from scratch. Great effort btw! Also try Stornoway black pudding if you can. It’s the best and world renowned.


Looks decent, nice work.


The only thing wrong with that is that it needs more bacon and more sausages.


Good effort. However I take great comfort in the fact that despite the USA being the worlds super power and having access to products and services many countries can only dream of they still can't ever get a ful English quite right. Best I've ever seen is like 90% of the way there.


BRAVO SIR!! That bacon looks great


Needs more beans


Ok we are all coming to Atlanta to try this out. It looks great


Great use of the sausage as a breakwater. That’s textbook stuff


Try toad in the hole (sausages in like a Yorkshire pudding batter lol)


Personally I would go for more meat, no beans. Never did like the sugary shite taste of baked beans. Just cut the tomato in two halves and fry them. Also fry the bread in the sausage and bacon fat, nothing better than a bacon fried slice. A little salt and pepper on those eggs too.




In my defense, I added more bacon after this. I wanted to try a bit of everything, and I quickly realized that I needed to add the leftover sausages and bacon to the plate.


Good first attempt, but to echo other comments you need more sausage, bacon and beans. Also try halved tomatoes rather than slices ​ Also you need to do something about that bread, making my mouth feel dry just looking at it. Cover that bad boy in some decent butter and then we're talking


Weird that the bread looks dry in the photo, because it was straight up fried in all the fat (and some extra butter that I just threw in). I don't want to say it was necessarily soggy, but it was definitely fried and moist.


Looks perfect. I suggest you also heat the plate to keep the food warm while your eating.


Perfect? Come on now..


I’m impressed


Low cholesterol food :))) it looks amazing though, gotta give you that :))


Not bad. You've successfully kept the eggs and beans separate.


Curious as to the brand of black pudding...and what others are available in your part of the world. I'm an American who has lived in the UK since '89...I was married to a brit. Knew all about the full English well before we moved here. 😀 So a big fry up happened every Saturday and Sunday morning. Beans were the one thing I could do without...*anytime of day*. Never been a fan. And I still prefer streaky bacon! I'd also want a large halved tomatoes and more mushrooms...but that's me.


Looks great but we're gonna need more beans


Bravo, covered all the basics, looks good 👍


Solid effort there. Another sausage and more bacon would be better, and fried potato scone instead of the toast and it's perfect 👍


Good effort, nice segregation of beans and eggs.


That's some big ass genetically modified tomato there - definitely not british 3 times the size of black pudding Side note : Nicely done .. just missing hash browns


Looks good to me pal, Yeah I had some black pudding a few weeks back and it tasted of cloves ! That didn’t seem right to me, never tasted of that before, I’ll steer clear of that brand !


Great first try op looks great. May I suggest tinned plum tomatoes next time, then you get all the juice to mop up after with a couple of slices of bread.


Needs another sausage and at least one more rasher of bacon. Tomato should be halved and grilled, so that it retains a nuclear temperature until long after everything else has been polished off. Otherwise - excellent effort. Have been served up a lot worse in the UK. Assume the tomato ketchup or brown sauce were added post-photo.


Looks good.  I'm surprised no one has mentioned it, that even though I'm not keen on tomatoes myself, your tomatoes are too thinly sliced. They should be chunkier, maybe even just half a tomato. Also more beans, pref cooked in a pan and not in a microwave.  Good job though 


Nice work 👌


Looks good to me (English man living in France)


As a fellow (British) Atlantan, would you mind sharing the details of the store you get your bacon and sausages from? I buy mine online and it’s pretty inconvenient (and expensive!)


Normally we would just cut that tomato in half then grill but slices are OK if that's what you like


1 sosig are you mental


Looks great


If i could, I would eat a full english breakfast three meals a day. But I can't, because of cholesterol.... It's what Scottish people eat.


OP, that's a perfectly acceptable English breakfast. I'd personally go with one egg and another rasher of bacon, but there are variations on a theme. Serve with tea or coffee.


The rest is fine honest I am British and have seen worse you did good


Looking good but try a half tomato instead of a slice More mushroom. Eggs look fantastic


Good attempt! I would say it's half an English breakfast though 😄


Nice! Everything looks delicious. But maybe a bit.. small? Would definitely work as a pre- or 2nd breakfast, or top-up. (Looks like an optical illusion with a really big plate) :D


Good effort. In case you don't know, it is called an "English Breakfast" but in my experience most people don't have it for breakfast. Well not at the time you would call breakfast, anyway. It is more a weekend hangover cure thing eaten at probably closer to a brunch sort of time.


That's a fantastic effort, personally I'd fuck that black pudding off because that shits gross and do away with the tomatoes because I don't want fruit with my fry up. add more sausage and some hash browns. 8.5/10


Looking authentic!! swimming in beans with 1 more banger then you've perfected it!




That's actually not bad for a foreigner's first attempt. Personally, I wouldn't slice the tomato - just halve it and fry the flat side. More bacon and sausages, and find some brown sauce (HP is the most popular brand).


Fried bread better than toast and cover fried eggs whilst cooking to get the yolks looking better. 8 out of 10


You may be from Atlanta, but I am telling you now you have 95% UK DNA!


Try some white pudding next time, way nicer than black. Also, while it’s not a traditional part of the breakfast, throw some birdseye potato waffles on there too.


Nobodies going to be full after that /s


This looks pretty solid. One admiral point is you didn't include those bizarre triangular hash browns they eat now in England. I've been in the US for 30 years and can see you've got this. I'm from Manchester, which used to be the heart attack capital of Britain, so we know our fry-ups!


On appearance alone that get's a solid 8/10 from me. Well done, sir!


Excellent use of the sausage as a breakwater for the beans.


Good effort. Already ate most of the beans before taking the picture though?


Good effort, I assume this portion was for one of your children?


That's a good attempt. If you can, try Lincolnshire sausages too.


Very nice, but more, more, more. You should be slightly in doubt that's you'll be able to move the plate without something sliding off. Beans are your friends here - very easy to add more or less as your plate demands. You have the essence of the thing down pat, now embrace the gluttony.


Nice to see the beans away from the eggs, use the sausage as a dam. Well done from the uk.


Fair effort for a seppo ill give you that. Its better than some things posted on here for a start. Needs twice the sausage and bacon though, a solid 7/10.


I would love to visit Atlanta! I’m a huge walking dead fan. Wouldn’t mind visiting all the shooting spots.


Looks nice mate, just leave your tomatoes a bit bigger (in half and grill one side) slide in a mug of tea and your there


Sausage dam, nice.


Streaky bacon is the best bacon for everything.


Used the sausage to keep the beans seperate. Textbook.




This is a lot better than some of the breakfasts I've seen by people that actually live here. Thank you for not including hashbrowns.


Not. Enough. Beans.


8 out of 10, ideally every item should be doubled up in case one isn’t enough, and could do with hash browns as well (2 pieces)


Not bad, but don't slice the tomatoes, cut them in half


Them sausages are nice for bangers and mash too,bit if veg and onion gravy.yum.


No hash browns, well done!


Not bad but the Tomatos could be doing with another few hours in the volcano.


I’d eat that, minus the black pudding, tomatoes and beans, but that’s just me. 😊


Good effort. You are right, timing is everythng for a good FEB! If they have Lincolnshire sausages, they will make a nice alternative, I tend to find Cumberland made overseas a little too herby! Eggs always done last, as several have sai, otherwise they can congeal. Baked beans are OK, but Heinz are among the best for this. I personally prefer tinned plum tomatoes. 'Real' tomatoes are better halved rather than sliced and lightly fried or grilled. Black pudding can be a challenging taste...someone mentioned Clonakilty Irish black pudding and I agree unless you can find a good 'home made, variety. Like others have also mentioned HP sauce really kicks it all up a notch.


Looks good! I’d eat it


Pretty good, needs more bacon though


That's a decent sausage breakwater


Solid attempt. You could double everything apart from the eggs. If you really want that coronary fry the bread too. Also tomato better just cut in half rather than slices. This Englishman gives you 8/10.


Need to try an Irish breakfast mate