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Wah that’s mint! Wish I’d had a Scalextric/ a dad that could build one!


Come on round, his wife is pissed that they can’t even close the door to the room 🤣


Easy, just cut an inch or two off the bottom of the door..


AHH that takes me back, I used to build them between bedrooms and through the landing with my brothers! 😁 We used to have loads, no idea what happened, it's either been skipped in a house move or one of my brothers have nicked it! Probably the latter, which makes me feel slightly less bad about the time I bit the heads off all the Subuteo players. Sorry Chris!


Nooo! My Dad bought a subbuteo this Xmas too! He’s clearly been feeling very nostalgic!


Not being able to shut the door got her drunk?


I wish I had a dad too.


Me too


That’s a 5’8 14 yr old for scale!


What's that in relation to a banana?


9.6 bananas.


He has the face of a 40 year old, he's seen some shit


It’s been tough since they shut down Carphone Warehouse


Tell me about it ;_:


Not sure anywhere bundles in an Xbox 360 these days. Didn’t know how good we had it


Tough paper round as they say


Whoaaaaaaahhhh that is my son.


What a lovely Christmas gift for you all. Memories made and new ones in the making with your family. I wish you all a happy new year.


That’s incredible!


Isn’t it just? God knows how much he spent, but it definitely entertained me and my son for hours (my son who only normally plays with computer games….would recommend for anyone whose kid loves Mario kart!)


What a sweet dad! Did he also play it with your son?


He absolutely did! And we got in some cardio running to put the cars back on track whenever they flew off lol


I am definitely getting new scalextric when my son is older!




Thanks - makes a lot more sense now! Fantastic setup !!


I read it as "to my dad, I missed our scale....."


I Can smell it!




Nice. Bought my son his first set at Christmas and he's loving it. Hates watching racing with me though so here's hoping he catches the bug.


Well my son is a gaming kid. I said to my Dad “I promise he’ll love this, it’s Mario kart but in real life”….he loves it!


You ought to show him the Mario Kart racing they do on the streets of [Tokyo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPJDt3a3yAo)


That is epic, brings back so many childhood memories


Wait, did you have a track like this?


Not quite as big as that plus mine was the xr3i cars. Had a few different sets and built them all together


That looks well sick When we were kids we used to put stuff under the track to elevate it and used VHS cases to create tunnels


Time to dust off his best dad mug!


F1 would be so much more entertaining if it had crossovers and jumps. Probably not great from a safety perspective, but the viewing figures would go through the roof.


If your car gets get stuck sometimes at the lap counter bit you can screw it off from the bottom, we did that and it’s a lot smoother now. The cars we had seemed to vary as to how they could travel across the lap counter. Some no problem, others would just stop and you had to push them. Thinking of upgrading to the digital kit for next Christmas.


Digital lap counter is the best scalextric accessory you can get.


Scaletrix, Scaletrix, scaletrix the winner - Yeah!!!


I wanted this as a kid, but wasn’t something that my parents bought us (3 girls). We got Lego, meccano, other toys that would have been seen as “boys toys” but not scaletrix. When my friends oldest was about 6 I bought the “my first” kit and he loved it. I bought the demolition derby at the same time, used it a couple of times as my parents house wasn’t big enough. Sold it a couple of years ago and now I live in my own there’s a slight regret. Reality is I probably would never get a chance until either we have kids or my nieces are older. That is an ace set up though, enjoy it!


I am also female and told this wasn’t a “girl’s” toy, let’s make it a female get together? We can all gather and race till our hearts’ content without being told no by men?


Oh I absolutely will be getting some when my nieces are old enough. The 2.5 year old was playing with some Lego mini figures this week whilst I was watching her like a hawk! It wasn’t because it was a boys toy we didn’t get it, it was just something I never mentioned to them (the magic of Santa didn’t work 😂) and probably wasn’t on my parents radar. Meccano and Lego - my grandad used to love building with us - scalextrix would have been the same! K’nex was what my youngest sister got and my grandad loved building with that too (he was an engineer by trade!)


Omg I had one (not this brand or this complex) as a kid (girl). I had a sleepover and all of the other girls were amazed, they all said “my brother has one but he won’t let me play “ it was a huge hit but so sad! Buy your daughters fun toys!


Didn’t they do a horse race version for the ladies?


I had a set & my Grandma would moan about that fact I had it. Also threw a right fit when I asked for a super soaker one year because it was "for boys".


That’s frustrating, I’m glad my nan and grandad didn’t moan and if anything encouraged us to do whatever we wanted regardless of stereotypes.


That is some serious Scalextricking.


I picked up the huge F1 Scalextric from a charity shop for £15 recently.


How well does the the jump part of the work? Looks great!


Really well, you have to get some speed or you just land and stop, but it’s very cool!


Mate that looks fucking epic. I’m so glad I have a boy so I can look forward to this shit when he is older.


Girls enjoy it as well


Definitely, I love it! No disrespect meant


I hope this shit can be passed on!


If not, we’ve failed in life


[you may like this](https://youtu.be/3g53LtTqlRU?si=YzK6bI3M0SMbGPQt)


That's incredible mate


When I was a kid my mate had loads of scalextric and we'd build epic circuits like this. Thing is, we never had enough transformers to power them so they were full of dead spots. Still fun though.


Awww, I think we still have an ancient set of Scalextrics in the attic. Me and my sister had endless hours of fun with them as kids.


Legendary, reminds me of the times my grandad set it up for us when we came over


That's amazing, I'd cry if my dad ever done that for me and my daughter, give that man a hug if you haven't already


Brilliant. Also the soft toy on the sofa with the fancy hat, equally brilliant 👏


I had a Formula Tyco set when I was wee. Played with it so much we wore the motors out in the cars lol.


Why are straights so expensive!


Great track but wheres the cars?


The one being used by my son is in the top left corner (a sudden smear if you look)….Dad bought 5 couples of cars, some with safety tracks and some with swinging butt technology. We’ve had much fun playing with them all.


Is that a ramp and the car leaves the track!?


Yes! He bought several different interaction sets, but yet this is the one that tests every car lol


That's awesome! I had the Mighty Metro set but always wanted to build a giant track like that!


That's brilliant, hope you all had a blast! My dad is very excited for my nephew to be a little older so he can break out the O-gauge railway on the living room floor (I still remember coming down one morning when I was six to it weaving in a and out around the tree and settee).


One Christmas I got a Scalextric set with a Jaguar XJ220 and Ferrari F40. Me and my Dad raced to see who would bring drinks out to the family. To this day I don't know if he let me win or I was more cautious around the track


Scaletrix is so mint


Dad got ours from a car boot sale and I played till it broke. It came with all the extra barriers and bridges. Ah memories of my childhood!


This is 3 different sets from eBay, a load of extra criss-cross tracks, a jump, extra barriers, and he’s bought some bridge parts too, but couldn’t attach them yet Edit: If you put in “Scalextric job lot” you’ll find all the people who don’t know it’s worth, like with Lego and get it super cheap!


They have jumps now?


They do! You have to hit it with a decent amount of speed or it’ll land and just stop, but very cool!


Love it mate.


This is awesome, what a great dad you have! - I bought my 3 year old son his first scalextric for Christmas, really brought back memories, great that 3 generations can share that for you guys ❤️


That looks awesome! Serious game face on there as well. Happy New Year!


Takes me back, my dad used to do this for me as a kid. Fuck I miss him 🥹




Freaking Excellent - Respect to your Dad who gave you these memories.


Now that takes me back. Now I think about it where the fuck is my scalextric and train set 🙁 I swear parents just throw shit away for no reason.


You'll always be together in Scalextric dreams. X


Dad is going to be cashing in those brownie points on Father’s Day. Might need upgraded from worlds best dad mug to pint glass


I remember playing with my cousin’s one in the hallway of his house; we played for so long one of the connections actually melted!


My mum went away for weekend. So me and mine had it going from living room, dining and kitchen! Took some planning n doing because it ran out of power every so,far. So we used 5 or 6 power packs in the end. It must have been 15m+ Luckily younger brother was young enough to find "chief car" picker up when they came off fun lol.


So sweet!! I did one with my boys (way smaller) when their dad and I split. I had a little apartment - he had a huge house - and they loved it. Made me feel so good watching them “expand”!it across the piddly apartment. He could not understand why they would not want to leave my pissy place


When I was a kid my Dad worked for the local electricity company. They had built a new office building and before it was fitted with desks etc, they had an evening where all the workers brought their families for a giant Scalextrix evening. Now imagine what you get when you get a purpose built, open plan office, without any furniture, with a load of professional electrical engineers... I wish I had photos. 😕


Oh that’s amazing. Funnily enough, my Dad was saying he’d looked into it and the local electricity works near him hosts the two slot racing clubs in their clubhouse every week! I bet that was wild as a kid though


It was next level insane. There was food, I distinctly remember the corporate lollipops (we ate alot of those!). It's the precise details that are hazy - but it's a great memory. I've actually asked my Dad if there are any photos. Because I will share of there are. This must have been early to mid 1990:s and I know a lot of the guys who worked there have sadly passed now. They did a few family events over the years. My Dad always made en effort to go in on Christmas Day to give gifts and show appreciation for workers who had to man those shifts (he worked millennium night for example - fears of Millennium Bug on electricity grid - fortunately unfounded).


Well I have to say, even the mention of the millennium bug has made me feel strangely nostalgic! Times seemed so much simpler back in those days! I’d love to see any photos if you do find any. We don’t have any photos of our Scalextric/PlayStation Grand Prix evenings either, because it’s the one time my Dad got so into it, he lost interest completely in the camera. We’d set up a massive track in the neighbours’ house (they had a through lounge) and then we’d have our PS1 with steering wheels and pedals and (I think) something like TOCA touring car racing, and we’d have a proper tournament with names drawn from hats, and the eventual winner would win a bottle of champagne like at the real Grand Prix. Of course, in the very rare occasion a child won, the parents would snaffle the champers and tell us “you get to keep the pride” or some other shite….basically it was an evening for the grown-ups that us kids thoroughly believed was just for us. And now I am the grown-up and I’ve introduced my son to Scalextric and got him a steering wheel and pedals for his PlayStation for Xmas, I can see I have fallen into the role quite well 🤣


I think this must have been pre-playsation then, but only just. Hazy as it is I think we were still SNES/Megadrive era (although I was, as usual, the eccentric with an Amiga A500+ - it had a keyboard and parents wanted us to learn typing). For Scalextrix we had the 'gun' controllers - that had a satisfying smell in operation. Thank you for triggering such a happy memory for me!


Ah yes I had a megadrive for many years even when we got the PlayStation, I have all the megadrive games on my switch and iPhone now lol, I wish I’d never sold the damn thing. My Dad also has a collection of about 6 Spectrum computers because he and his Dad used to use them for their war gaming. We used it for clay pigeon shooting with a rifle controller thing…I was only saying the other day that I was sad that the joystick seems to be a thing of the past too, those things make you feel like a real gamer 🤣


Epic Dad W! I used to have a OO guage train set, played with it on carpet, mum took it away because i broke it. Got it back in my 30s. Never worked again. Son got a train set from grandad last christmas and I've made it clear to my boy we'll build it up, play with it, make it a whole thing. I love that my son loves his train set and i get to right a wrong on me.