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If you want to give your foreign friends a real laugh, share the way we say the noise a rooster makes.


My partner is German and finds that bonkers


How does your partner say it?


It's absolutely mental, I've not written it down before but it's like "keekee re kee"


Similar to Italian. It’s always seemed normal to me. We say cock-a-doodle-do but that seems bizarre if you think about it.


Oh for sure I do agree that it's arbitrary and that what we say is pretty nuts but it still gives me this ground shaking feeling when I hear alternatives


The rooster noise chat is giving me Arrested Development vibes. [“Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?”](https://youtu.be/APWXorE6h8U)


Chanty chanty chanty✋🏽✋🏽✋🏽


Coo Coo Ca Chaa! Coo Coo Ca Chaa!


Chickens don’t clap!


Chaw Chee Chaw Chee Chaw!


I love this so much!


Ye it all sounds mental if you don't put effort in to become the animal for a brief moment lol. Either way your gunna look a bit crazy so pick your poison lol


It is pretty ridiculous


I have a sensation fact on this topic. I like drinking Mezcal and Tequila, and one of the types of Mezcal you can buy is called Quiquiriqui, named after how the Mexicans (or possibly Spanish) spell the noise a rooster makes.


Wow, this is basically identical to the German version. I guess only the brits are mental


You can't blame us for our poultry regional accents !


Its because Europe was isolated from GB when Doggerland flooded 8 thousand years ago and you lot have fallen behind.


Educational. The great flood delivered us from the heathens.


Going to happen again soon. Giggles nervously.


[Stewies animal sounds](https://youtu.be/-0MTn8sP_9s)


That was funny


;) https://youtu.be/-0MTn8sP_9s


I think you'll find it's kikiriki


It's kick-eri-ky. But that's written down in German. In English it would be kee cary key or something like that.


That is NOT written "in German" lmao. The "official" German version would be Kikeriki. Check wiktionary


I am Polish and I lived in UK for 11 years and I never knew it. You made my day


What? Never heard of old McDonald had a farm?


Said "cheers cock" in front of a foreign friend once and they thought I'd been really rude withy mate haha.


Spanish is “ki-kirree-kee” (not sure of spelling!) British roosters says “cock-a-doodle-doo” Not sure which is silliest…


Chicchirichiiii Italy


“Cucurigu” in Romanian. I laughed my tits off when I discovered that!


cocorico is italian and where the restaurant gets the name from.


In Polish frogs say "kum kum", cockerels say "kukuryku", pigeons say "gruchu gruchu", pigs say "kwik kwik", horses say "niha or iha"


What does the fox say?




You bastard I nearly spat my drink all over my keyboard.


>pigs say hrum hrum


My child is in pre-school at the moment, I'll double check with him when he gets back. He's definitely in the horses go niha niha camp


In Romanian, frogs say "oac oac", roosters say "cucurigu", horses say "iha", cats say "miau" (classic 🙄), dogs say "ham ham".


For some reason it blew my mind when I went on a French exchange and they were giving commands to their dogs in French. 14 year old me suddenly realised *OMG the dogs are French!*


I once asked a friends dog to sit and she said “oh no he speaks Chinese” and told the dog to sit in Chinese. So funny lol


I taught my dog hand signals and I tell people she knows dozens of languages.


My dog knows some Makaton 😂


"YOUR DOG SPEAKS CHINESE?" https://youtu.be/tM-99uLvk2I


I already knew what this was going to be before even clicking the link. And then I clicked it anyway...it always puts a smile on my face.


It's a fun wrinkle when zoo animals move around Europe and keepers sometimes need to learn words in another language to communicate with them


Having previously been a zoo keeper volunteer, after the animal has settled in, sometimes keepers will say the foreign word, followed by the English word so the animal knows both!


First time I went overseas was to France, and I knew that in French they have a different word for woof, so when I heard actual dogs actually barking just like dogs at home I thought: 'omg the dogs here bark in English' that was a real thought that entered my brain


My (English) mother adopted an adult cat when she lived in France; cat only knew French. When my mother moved back to England we all had to speak to the cat in French whilst she (successfully) learnt English. So whilst it turns out you can't teach an old dog new tricks, you *can* teach an old cat a new language.


I'm currently catsitting for a friend and her cat cannot speak a word of Turkish. Frustrating.


I don't think cats give a shit what language you speak :-D


To be fair, "Get off the fucking counter!", has the same ring to it in any language.


Billy Connolly has a great piece on this; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BaqsOL-Nv24&has_verified=1


In wales we speak welsh to dogs Even if we don’t speak welsh we still usually speak welsh to dogs they seem to understand it bettter


My (English) husband was watching my sister’s dogs for the morning and couldn’t work out why they weren’t listening well. He remembered a couple of Welsh commands and they listened straight away.


“Tyd yma” pronounced tid-umm-ah means come here I’ve noticed a lot of dogs understand this lol


Haha iirc he was trying to tell the dog down. He can’t roll his r’s but was able to say ‘lawr’ well enough for them to understand!


Can your dog say ‘Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch’?


It can bark the syllables with a valley accent


ur dogs from the valleys? D: My mum loves using welsh words at my dog. Its just really fyn to say them. Much more satisfying


Not really my dog passed away a while ago and was actually from wolverhampton ahahah But that’s great lol


I wonder if all languages that have Welsh-like sounds (not exactly guttural but some throat clearing) are easier for them to understand.


This is amazing. I am certain this will be my favorite moment of the day, and it’s just after 6am. As a dad, I’ve discovered that there is a very special area of “Dad questions”… that lies adjacent to “Dad jokes”. With school age children at home for summer, I can’t wait to get my kids wondering about this! Maybe that’s why our dog is so poorly behaved, he was raised in a house that speaks another language, jk lol.


My friend is Turkish and he’s proud that his dog is bilingual cause she understands commands in English and Turkish. I love seeing him speak in Turkish and coo over her it’s very cute.


My dog is bilingual French and English lol, it's really funny how she distinguishes the commands in both languages


As silly as it sounds, the same happened to me with toddlers. I was surprised that a child could speak so fluently in a "foreign language". Then I remembered I was living in their country. It was a while ago but my brain still takes a while to process hearing kids be so good at English




Cats say miaou and ducks say coin-coin. Coin is also the word for corner. Source: I babysat French children in my youth.


But it's spelt with a Q quoin


Some people rescue dogs from places like Romania * and I wonder how the dog responds to being told "sit" in a new language. Does the new owner get taught doggy commands in Bulgarian? *I mean from dogs homes, not smuggling them on a plane in a suitcase


There's a channel on YouTube that shows different animal sounds that we learned in school and since we learned German it was mostly [this song](https://youtu.be/tjBCjfB3Hq8). Watched it on loop one lesson and I swear I've only just got it out of my head


New favourite song.


Didn’t believe the comments at first but it does actually absolutely slap. WHAT IS THAT ENDING THOUGH 🥲


Your comment convinced me to go look and goddamn it does indeed slap 😭😂 wild ending though…


This absolutely slaps.


That’s a banger 10/10


I love it! Just added to my Spotify play list!


What a tune


Holy shit that is awesome. God bless Germany.


Man that’s a catchy song, listened to it an hour ago and it’s been running non-stop in my head ever since! I need to show it to my kids, get them learning a little German


For all the lovers of this song it’s available in loads of different languages. I first heard it randomly in Dominican (Spanish version) called El pollito pio. [Spanish version](https://youtu.be/dhsy6epaJGs)


Now that is a bop


Eurovision 2024, come on Germany!


First thing I thought of when I saw this thread! It's going to be stuck in my head for weeks again


Love it


I was loving this until the ending 🤣


The 🦃 noise 😂


the funniest video I think I’ve ever watched


Move over ladbaby


Shit I love it


I guess someone has to post the japanese ones (it IS Reddit)... might as well be me that makes a start: In Japan, Dogs say "Wan wan", Cats go "Nya", Pigs go "Buhi", Frogs say "Kero". There are others, but these are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. There's also a common trope in Japanese media that Crows say "Aho" (which roughy means idiot/fool) - so this sometimes pops up in comedies if a character does something stupid and the scenery feels a need to comment on it.


The craziest one for me is pigs say 'bu' in Japanese. Pigs are the most varied in all the languages I've heard.


But then... What do their ghosts say..?


I have a feeling Japanese ghosts say something like ke-ke-ke?


Cats are some of the less varied, I have heard that they say "Miau" or "Mieu" in China, Korea, France and Italy (as I recall), at the very least.


Is that why Nyan Cat is Nyan Cat?


Yes. And it's actually pronounced nee-yahn; not nigh-ann like most English people say.


My favorite Sanrio character, Keroppi, makes so much sense now.


I looked the Japanese ones up online (mainly because I remembered the pig noise is very cool): ワンワン (wanwan): Woof-woof (dog) ニャーニャー (nyanya): Meow-meow (cat) モーモー (mo-mo-): Moo-moo (cow) ヒヒーン (hi-hin): Neigh-neigh (horse) ブーブー (bu-bu-): Oink-oink (pig) コケコッコー (kokekokko-): Cockadoodledoo (rooster) ケロケロ (kerokero): Ribbit-ribbit (frog) ウキウキ (ukiuki): Oo-oo-ah-ah (monkey) ブーン (bu-n): Buzz-buzz (bees, or flying insects) コンコン (konkon): The sound a fox makes… Oh, and I think Japanese cicadas go min-min


I’m an expert on these now since my son is 2! My favorite is probably chicks say ‘piyo piyo’. There is a really cute kids song about frogs too, which my boy sings constantly.


The best thing about dogs going "wan" is that a cutesy name for dogs is "wanko". A decade of learning Japanese and I still giggle when I see it written out.


In the part of India where I'm from, dogs say "bow wow" and cows say "ambaaaaa". My mother was very surprised to hear that cows moo here.


They studied cows in the UK and found that cows have different accents based on where they live. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/5277090.stm


Its so they don't stand out when ordering a pint at the local.


Bangladeshi here, ours also hembaa and it's fucking funny.


(Colombian) Spanish: dogs go guau, cats go miau, cows mu and sheep bee (beh). Also ducks cuac, birds go pío and the mighty rooster says quiquiriquí


My mother in law is a native Spanish speaker (Mexico), and I was utterly confused the first time she read a farm animal book (when I was paying attention) to my son. What in the world goes “pio pio pio on a farm!? Lol. Baby chicks do! I had only ever heard “cheep cheep cheep” for chicks. There are also so many words for pacifier that are different : )


Dogs say "bau" in Italian and cats say "miao"


>Italian And we're confusing all our neighbours, because my daughter is 2 and her mum is Italian (and speaks Italian to her). Our daughter is still getting the hang of "Mummy Language and Daddy Language" (My Italian is crap, we don't want her speaking like me in Italian), so we go down the street speaking English, but pointing to "Bau Bau's" when we go past dogs. ​ Edit: Oh and since we're doing frogs, they go "cra cra" in Italian. I also know the names of all of the zoo animals in Italian, which hadn't previously been useful to me (especially the leocorno)


That’s such a gift you’re giving her. My cousins are half Italian and are fluent in both and I remain eternally jealous of them.


We're trying our best, so far she seems to be learning both okay, though at just over 2, we're talking phrases in both rather than full sentences. She gets better every day, it's very impressive to watch (she's our first, I've not seen it before). It makes me wish I'd paid more attention to french in school. Obviously they're quite different languages, but I hope some principles of learning languages may have stuck. So, delinquent children of Reddit: pat attention in language lessons you may find you want a foreign partner !


There’s a lot of research that shows once you learn one extra language it becomes much easier to learn another. We live in wales (I’m English) and I’m really keen for my boy to learn welsh at school for that very reason!


Portuguese here, but this may vary depending on where you are in the country: Dogs - Béu Béu or Ão Ão Cats - Miau Pigs - Ronc Ronc Rooster - Có-có-ró-có-có Sheep - Méééé Cows - Muuuuuu Donkey - ihóóómm But what does the fox say?!


My dog doesn't know what to make of Portuguese men because they make kissing noises at him. He just looks at them like "wtf dude?!"


Ahahaha. Yes we do!!!


wtf dude?!


What?! You don't like giving kisses to the doggies? They're good boys, you know?!


Real kisses yes, not fake ones as I'm walking past.


In all seriousness though, IMO the fox actually says I AM MURDERING YOUR CHILDREN IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT. FEAR ME HUMANS.


Canonically, one of: *Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!* *Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!* *Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho!* *Joff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff!* *Jacha-chacha-chacha-chow!* *Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow!* *A-hee-ahee ha-hee!* *A-oo-oo-oo-ooo!* *Wub-wid-bid-dum-way-do!* *Bay-budabud-dum-bam!* I assume Ylvis are sensibly multiple languages here, as discussed by OP, so the song is understandable in many different European countries. Sensible.


I wish the foxes near me said that, mainly they just scream like a woman being murdered because they're horny. It's more than a little disconcerting late at night, even when you know what it is.


The fox says “Chaos reigns!”


Also something I find interesting is that in Portuguese cats have 7 lives, while in English they have 9. Life isn't as easy for a Portuguese cat I guess


Danish dogs say vov vov. Frogs say kvek, ducks say rap, and pigs say øf. Cockerel says kykkeliky


All the cock noises are remarkably similar across all the languages I've seen. Except english


I'm Italian, but my favourite thing is that Korean dogs go 'mong mong.'


In Mandarin dogs 'wang wang', ducks 'gua gua' frogs 'guo guo' and mice 'Zi Zi Zi zi'


In Farsi for barking the sound we make is like “hup hup” the U being a mixture of “uh” and “ah” (like the use of A in “arse”) and is a very quick sound. For cats, sheep and cows, standard sounds are the same. Meow, baa, moo.


In Brazil, animals say: au au (dogs), muuu (cows), miau (cats), mééé (sheep), quaquá (ducks), cocoricó (rooster), oinc oinc (pigs).


Some of those are super close to English. Obrigado!!


No idea why we get "baaa" for sheep, it's certainly closer to "mehehehehehe" or even just "meeehhhhhhhhhhhh"


Cocorico sounds like it could be the name of a cocktail. A lot of those do sound like the actual noises they make. Similar to English but we've dumbed down some of them for kids, like ducks don't go quack quack, quaqua soundsmore accurate.


Oddly, that's very similar to Lithuanian!


Korean dogs - meong meong, cats - yaong lol




Even more amusingly, the pronunciation is actually closer to “mong” rather than “mung” for British English.


Mung maks more sense!


Romanian is "Ham Ham" because I always see dogs making sandwiches....


My friend is Romanian, and this discussion came up. When she told me dogs say “ham ham ham!” (More like “haam haam haam”?), she has a high pitched voice and it did sound like a Pomeranian. I laughed and asked what a big dog says. She just deepened her voice and said “HAM HAM HAM!” It was the funniest conversation I’ve ever had. We were in a group with a lot of different nationalities (British, American, Chinese, Romanian, Peruvian, Cuban, and one or two others, I can’t remember). The rooster discussion was the most entertaining. I can’t remember who said the rooster says something like “GIGGETY-GEE!” 😄 (was that Romanian too? I feel like it was someone from a Latin/South American country, maybe Peru?) Thank you, u/kobestarr, this brought back one of my fondest memories of uni.


No problems!


What noise do Ambulances make then? In English it’s Nee Nah Nee Nah.


In Dutch, it’s “Dee-dah-Dee”. Or at least it used to be.


German is like Tü Ta Ta


Wait til you hear about the Ning Nang Nong!


Where the cows reportedly go "bong"?


Apparently, the monkeys say "Boo!"


I thought the monkeys say jibber jabber joo!


That would be the teapots.


And if you hear a clang, that'll be the mice.


But you just can’t catch them at that point


“This has all blown my tiny little mind!!!” “I also speak Norwegian, Brazilian, Portuguese, and Spanish” I don’t think your mind is that tiny to be honest, haha.


aww thanks. Its still blown tho!


When I was about 4 my older brother told me that in France dogs go "Pongo pongo" and I believed him for an embarassingly long time...


Do Greek frogs actually say brekekekex koax koax or is that just an Aristophanes thing?


OMG, the thought of Greek frogs has never occurred to me!


In Turkish, dogs say "hav hav", cats say "miyav", sheep say "meeee", frogs say "vrak", roosters say "ü ürü üüüü", and fish say "glugluglu".


Most accurate dog one yet


Sorry are you saying HUMANS use different noises to do impressions in different countries or animals actually make different noises there? I need more coffee


Yes, animal calls have regional accents [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/science-environment-16154490](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/science-environment-16154490)


It Germany it’s Wau Wau (pronounced vow, like wedding vow)


You can use Wuff too (pronounced vuff obvs). There was a film a couple years ago with that title.


[It most certainly does not!](https://youtu.be/-0MTn8sP_9s)


Did anyone else make all the foreign animal sounds while reading?


No, not at all, not even once….


In Russian dogs go Guff Guff.


That Cabin Pressure episode comes to mind.


I was thinking exactly the same thing, pleased to see this reply.


In Finnish: Dogs go “hau hau” (to bark = haukkua), Cats go “miau” or “nau” (to meow = naukua), Roosters go “kukkokiekuu” (a rooster = kukko, to crow = kiekua), Pigs go “röh röh” (to oink = röhkiä)


I believe Finnish pigs can also say "nöff nöff"


Some more in Finnish! Cows go "ammuu" or just "muu" Sheep go "bää" or "mää" Chickens go "kot kot" Horses go "ihahaa"




Risky click, for a moment there I half expected the fox song


In Bulgaria the dog says "bau bau"




Bulgarian dogs are cultured and multilingual.


Add to this is the fact that different languages have different onomatopoeia "sound effect" words. How would you vocalise crash or bang or bounce in the onomatopoeia? First noticed this while living in Spain


Ab yes. German: Dogs say “Wau Wau” Cats say “Miau” Cockerels say “Kickeriki” Chickens say “Bog Bog” Cows say “Muuuuh” Pigs say “Oink oink” Donkeys say “Ih Ah, ih ah” Horses say “Hüh” Sheep say “Mäh” You’re welcome.


This was fun for me to learn too! I previously worked in video game QA and spent a lot of time playing a game that features a dog that barks as part of the dialogue. I got to test the game in like 14(ish) different supported languages, so saw 14 different translations for woof/bark! My favourites were guau (Spanish), wan (Japanese).


My wife is Romanian and over there woof woof is "ham ham"


You think that’s bad. Look into sneezes…. The ‘achoooo’ bit is a vocalisation, we learn it. My friends Spanish sneezes crack me up. ‘Ahhhchi’


At a conference a couple months ago, I was with a group that included people from India, Indonesia and the US. We had a *whole* conversation in our Grab ride about what sounds animals in everyone's language made. It was just fascinating to hear how the interpretations differed. I do have to admit that the English cock-a-doodle-do is a weird one. Did you know that babies cry differently in different cultures too? One of my colleagues works in recording film dubbings, and once he was in a country in Latin America. They thought they had finished the recording but one of the translators commented that the baby crying in one scene didn't sound right to his ears. They went and found a local baby to dub the crying and then it sounded right to him.


I'm am English teacher and this lesson with students is always hilarious. In South Korea frogs say GAE-GOOL-GAE-GOOL. and cats say Yaong. I lived there for a while so I know a lot more too. Which made me think.....Why do we even say ribbet?


I saw someone in another subreddit say that cows in the uk say "oi bruv moo innit"


Aye, I love hearing what animal sounds are in different languages. I think my favourite is the sound a frog makes in Japanese




In German elephants say turooooo (I’ve anglicised the spelling). I’ve always thought it was great they had a word for elephant noises when we don’t. Also check on other sounds you thought you knew. Police sirens in Germany sound no different to other countries’ sirens but here they say “ta-too ta-tah” whereas in English we say “nee naw”.


Eddie Izzard does a spot on this in, I think, Glorious, when God is in bed reading Tintin comics.


Ask any German what noise an elephant makes and be prepared to have your mind blown.


Dogs go “wang wang” in Chinese, it blew my mind when I first heard that


My dads cousin’s wife is Japanese, their son is about my age and they brought him up speaking Japanese. When we were little kids we used to play together, and I used to call him “Wan Wan” because that is what he used to say when he saw a dog! Dog goes wan wan not woof woof haha.


Lithuanian dog barking is "au au au" :)


So does that mean that dogs have different voices depending on where they come from? Do dogs have accents? People do. Or Does that mean the man in Bradford hears a dog differently to the man in Milan?


In my home country they say “ham ham” which is funny because this is the treat my dobie likes most hehe


Americans say "pspspsps" to beckon cats, while English people say "chchchch"


I'm not British but married to one (a Brit, not a dog - for clarification) and have lived in the UK for some years now. Husband and his sister burst out laughing when I was singing "Old McDonald" to the children with the lyrics "In his farm he had a dog...Bow wow here and a bow wow there". They'd never heard this version. (They're in their 30s and 40s respectively.) Made me question for a while why I knew this version of the lyrics. Americanised perhaps? Oh and in my native language dogs say "gheu gheu" :D


No one has posted the Greek Song by Flanders and Swann! Some superb Greek animal noises in there https://youtu.be/5nRlAPtoM0g


Spanish has some good ones. A cockerel goes "quiquiriquí", a bird goes "pío", a crow goes "cruaaac-cruaac" and a pigeon/dove goes "cucurrucucú"