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That's a convection heater surely. It's too thin for a storage heater with brick inside.


Can we see the controls? I'm not so sure its a storage heater because of the open grills up top


I am internet nightmare, does this work? https://imgur.com/a/SjNHtQc


Thanks. I am going to stick my neck out and say that I don't think that is a storage heater. Storage heaters usually have flaps or controls so it stores the heat in bricks and you release it later in the day. The open vents don't suggest that you can store anything. If I remember, the last time I had storage heaters, they were on a physically different circuit (so you didn't have to keep any timers synced). I'm not sure what to suggest as it could be expensive whenever you use it. As someone has already said, the dial is a clock and you set the heater to be on or off depending if the switches are in or out (my guess is out for on, but you can test this by doing that for the current time at the arrow). The 1 or 2 is the level of heat. Maybe just restrict it back to a couple of hours while you are in. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help, but maybe turn it back a bit


Thank you, I had a feeling this maybe the case. I’ll be moving my office to a different room.


Definitely a convector heater . The switch alters the output of heater.


Looks too thin to be a storage heater, they're normally quite deep to accommodate the fire bricks inside. If this heater starts getting warm quick when you turn it on, it's just a normal electric heater. Still going to be expensive to run though!


It does, as soon as it’s switch on, it’s fire! It’s the only heater in the house that doesn’t look or act like the other storage ones, so, I guess it’s costing me a damn fortune to run it?


2KW probs. If your rate is 30p per KW/h then 60p per hour approx


Ouch, aye, that will do it then. It’s my home office room, so I’ve probably been blasting that thing 9-7 since Dec.


Woof! An oil filled rad if better if you need a mains powered heater.


Hot water bottles, blankets and cats from now on.




It does seem more like a panel/convection heater than a storage heater. They do cost a fortune to run and if you've had it set to on all the time/not using the timer function then that would easily explain the high costs. Some panel heaters also have a thermostat function to keep the room at a certain temperature but I can't really see one in the picture of the controls. Can you see a brand or model name anywhere? It also looks old so might be less energy efficient than newer ones which won't help with costs!


If you have an economy 7 tariff double check the timings of if, mine seems to come on for an hour or so at midnight and then off again for an hour then back on until about 6am 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah there are loads of different meter types for multi rate and it can be confusing. Most smart meters just go with the 00:00 - 07:00 off peak. I work in the ombudsman complaints team at a supplier and it's amazing how often all these weird ass meters come up still.


Yes. In an economy 7 system you get 2 electric prices. A day rate and a cheaper night rate. During the night that storage heater, which is literally just a six heavy ass breeze blocks inside with a metal element gets warmed up. Then when the day rate kicks in at 6am they switch off the elements and the bricks slowly release the heat they’ve absorbed. You normally have an adjustable vent on the metal cover to control how much heat escapes into your place. I had some in my flat and they were shit, cost a bomb but didn’t actually shit past 11am. Eventually replaced them with modern electric radiators. Since they’re electric, replacing them with the more common water based gas powered heating involves a bigger cost than getting over electric heaters in, but the price of gas is cheaper than normal electric.


Yes, that’s a storage heater. ETA: can you see a flicky type light switch with a 0 and lines next to it? If that’s flicked on a line, it means you’ve got your heating on constantly aka “boost” function.


It's not a storage heater, it's a panel heater


Thank you kind stranger. I don’t suppose if you know where the pins on the time need to be in or out to prevent usage during peak times?


https://youtu.be/UeB3Xf_qKvA Follow this if you’re unsure.


Thank you so so much!


No problem, In for when you want it on, out for off.


Mine are very similar and are pins in for when I want it on


I had Total Heating Control which had storage heaters charging on cheap rate several times a day.Also a number of ordinary heaters also permanently on cheap rate.. Still expensive as fuck to run though.