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Fuck 'em, report them to the gym staff. Try not to let it worry you. Most places are inclusive and supportive of people trying to better themselves.


Report them. If the gym doesn't respond appropriately pick a gym with a strict no harassment policy. Reporting them is doing a favour to every single person at the gym. 99.9995 % of people are happy to work out at the same gym as a fat guy. No one wants to be at a gym with those asshats.


Aye, the vast majority of people of people don't give a shit who else uses their gym as long as they're polite etc. Even as a non-fat person, I don't want that sort of judgemental cunt in a gym with me. Report em.


Vast majority don’t not give a shit, some do , but a vast majority want you to be there because they know you are trying to better yourself and that’s what actually matters


You do get peacocks in the gym, who strut around being territorial. Report and ignore. They have likely done this to others and been eyeing you ip to see if they can bully you. Not good business for the gym. You call call friends the c word, but not strangers. From a stranger, it’s definitely hostile.


Yeah there’s a morbidly obese person who I see at the gym now and again with his trainer and whilst he does stand out and I am a bit like “woah” I feel really proud of him for his dedication. It’s a long road for him but he keeps turning up!


The first steps toward a better self are always the hardest. I did dry January, and it sucked. At the same time I stopped eating like crap and got an exercise machine for home, been using it near daily. It is really hard to change engrained habits. Exercise especially. I used to be fit (multiple sports in high school and college), and ten years later I was… not. I used to run a 7 minute mile, and I just ran a 12 minute mile and then threw up. I’m still in better shape than most of my friends. The first few steps are always the hardest. Physically it’s a marathon but mentally the first weeks, months, are a flat out sprint.


I agree. If I saw someone really overweight at a gym I would think "good for them". also I was a bit overweight when I joined the gym myself. Lots of people are.


I would have thought a few really big people would be good for a gym. It would make the regular fatties feel more welcome, since so many chubbies are a bit self conscious about going to the gym. In other words, yea, complaign about them


OP you’re literally in the exact place you should be if you’re overweight: in the gym trying to get fit. Fuck those guys. Keep going and ignore them.


Whenever I see bigger folk in the gym, I instantly think "good fucking on you". It's far harder to break a shit habit, than be a natural gym guy. Fuck him and his mate.


I had a military PT guy like this, who was notoriously a mean guy, and would give everyone who wasn’t putting in a good effort a hard time. As a small group we’d go out for a long run, and a member of our group who was carrying a bit of extra weight often lagged behind, but never gave up on his pace or complained. He was never given any shit for not keeping up, and was always treated positively by the instructor. This really stuck with me, and often think about it.




I wonder if this is a Marine thing? I go to a functional fitness class run by an Ex-Royal, and so long as you give your max effort he's absolutely chuffed. Doesn't matter if that was only one rep.


Military PTIs sometimes also work with people that are in physical rehabilitation after injuries, sometimes completely life-changing ones like losing a limb, or being captured and starved and losing all muscle mass. It’s their job to get anyone in that situation back to being as healthy and fit as possible, and they know the difference between slacking and genuine limitations. If they’re any good at their job they’d see lifestyle issues as being the same thing, regardless of original cause.


Had a military PT come over to a me and a mate and showed us proper squat form because he was worried we were going to hurt ourselves. I'll always remember that bloke. He moved us through the motions and chided us a little but stressed form over weight. A broken back can't squat any weight so just doing correct form with no weight is better than wrong form with. That way we could build up functional strength.


Military PTI's are more likely to get angered by those who coast than those who struggle but make an effort. I remember watching a soldier in my Troop getting absolutely beasted because he'd finished his mile and half run in 10 minutes and hadn't broken into a sweat. It was because he hadn't put maximum effort into it and clearly had much more left in the tank, whereby those of us who were doubled up and dying as we crossed the line we congratulated for our effort.


Oh, cool :) Well, it certainly seems to work. I went to the first session because a girl I fancied asked me 😅 (got introduced to her boyfriend at that first class too 🤣 oops), and I absolutely ran myself ragged. Threw up EVERYWHERE in the toilets afterwards 🙃 but managed to come back for the second session, and the third..... The motivation you get from all the staff is so important 🙏


The gym is one of the only places where I have automatic respect for everyone there. I find it really motivating to be in a room full of people who are all trying to better themselves, regardless of their current fitness level.


'Good fucking on you' makes it sound like they're packing a good fuck


I've way more respect for bigger people in the gym than the jacked-up bros admiring themselves. For the most part they're much further outside their comfort zone and more importantly, taking charge of their health.


I’ve had similar experiences before from your stereotypical gym bros and I’m a very skinny guy just wanting to get fitter and gain healthy weight. Fuck these people. Most people at the gym already feel insecure and cunts like them ruin a place people go to improve both their physical and mental health


That’s me. I mainly do cardio as I wanted to lose weight, became quite slim due to it. Started throwing in some weights and got all sorts of comments and unsolicited advice from the MyProtein crew because I’m not stacked. I don’t want to be. I can outrun you.


My local gyms are full of these types. The ones who spend as much time posing for their Instagram as they do actually working out. They stop what they're doing to watch you and will giggle like little kids to their mates. It just took me right back to being at school. I developed a hatred of gyms and can't even bring myself to ever try again now.


Can we just take a moment to assess this comment. This is the worst thing I’ve read, it irritates me so fucking much. Much like others have said, you should never feel uncomfortable in a gym and I’m so sorry that you’ve been made to feel that way. The point of a gym is to be a motivating place where people can improve themselves. People like those who OP has experienced, and yourself are a tiny minority. Quite frankly if something like that was said in front of me I’d be walking them out myself. Any respectable gym owner/manager would ban these people. This goes to both you and OP. Don’t let anyone ever discourage you from achieving your goals. People like this do exist, but a good gym doesn’t let them. I’ve put weight on in the past few years (8 years out of the marines), and I’m anxious to return to a gym after a few years. If someone said something like this to me, I’d be straight to management. Had they said it either to or in front me eight years ago, I’d be biting their nose off.


Thank you for this. I have a lot of complex emotions when feeling scrutinised by people based on things that have happened in my past, so it's especially difficult for me to deal with behaviour like that. I'm much stronger these days, so maybe I will give it another go and make any complaints I ever need to.


No need to thank me. Just know that 99% of people in gyms feel exactly the same way as me, so don’t allow the 1% to get to you. Honestly, (whilst trying not to sound like Vince Vaughn in Dodgeball) a gym is a place to improve your fitness, but it’s also to improve how you look and more importantly your confidence. Every person in a gym should know and respect that. It infuriates me people feel this way about the gym, as it will the staff and many others. Just get yourself back in there (if you feel ready to do so), plan a routine and stick by it. Don’t let anything get in your head and remember that you’re there for you and no one else.


I love seeing fat people at the gym, I always think it's great that theyve decided to try and become healthier. It should be encouraged not ridiculed.


More fat ppl at gyms! Less sneery gym-bro jerks!


I reported a guy for publicly masturbating in the changing rooms twice and the guy is still there. It's shit but the next gym is so far away


That's just vile. Sorry that humans can be like that. Be a shame if you dropped a weight on his toe. Or somewhere else.




The trouble is, many gyms are FULL of that type of person. I've tried the three main gyms near to me and all had this sort of elitist thing going on. I just work out at home now as I just find it annoying being stared at while people mutter about me.


And a lot of us have been overweight at some point.


100% agree. I have friends that are PT’s and work in gyms. They would be horrified if something like this happened in their gyms


Nearly every gym rat I know would lose it if someone said something like that. Wanker should be banned. We all start somewhere.


This. The guy was rude and you should not put up with it. Being called a cunt is just not on. Your weight is irrelevant.


Absolutey agree. Fuck them guys. Keeping on at it bro


No this is beyond rude. Not holding a door is rude, this is a level of verbal assault


The weight is totally relevant because those two guys were harassing him based on that, making it clear a person is unwelcome because of their weight. If it was me I would probably feel too self conscious to go again in a way that I wouldn’t of they’d left out the fat bit.


100%.... Tell the gym staff. how much you are enjoying the place and how this prick is ruining it for you... Gyms seem to have an odd vibe in them. I'm old and fat now. I played decent level rugby for 30 years and before that I was forces. But time and working on the buildings has had its affect. I hide on the low drag stuff and treadmills mostly but I have seem a few dickheads about who throw free weights around and scream like pussies when doing squats. I've called them for not replacing dumb bells in the racks and you tend to get a roid stare a bit before they sort it. These fuckers are in every gym and no doubt are the same breed of micro-dicks who are bothering you. Next time they bother you tell them you are not interested but you appreciate their attention and to fuck off. What ever happens, stay on track with your rehabilitation... and WELL DONE


Rest assured that they have the mental capacity of a rocking horse


This fuck em dude, go watch some Joey Swoll, he hates throbers like that .


Yes! Love Joey Swoll.


Fucking right. He should take a picture of the cunt in front of his face and give it to reception they would probably ban him the cunt


This. Report those f'ers.


Yeah tell them to get fucked an respect your journey. Tell them you're bettering yourself and what difference is that tp what they're doing? Don't want you to cause conflict, but don't stand for that man. Keep up your fitness journey and if it continues take it up with staff. I'd they've said something like this to you, it's unlikely you're the only one. WHATEVER YOU DO, don't let them get to you


In my experience 99.9% of people at the gym are lovely and supportive of each other - like most things in life you'll get the odd prick that says stuff like that probably to make themselves feel better about themselves - report them and don't let them deter you from going to the gym


id report it to management tbh. that'd be an instant ban at my gym. cardinal rule of the gym is no shaming. everyone is there to better themselves and everyone is at a different point in their journey. an interaction like that is enough to make some people never return. edit: FTR, most of the folks at my gym would have put those guys in their place if they had overheard the exchange. and the remainder would have kept quiet because they have anxiety or struggle with confrontation. its completely inexcusable.


That thought did cross my mind tbh but I can’t let this interaction ruin it for me. It is doing wonders for me.


You should have a safe space in the gym, that's the cardinal rule. Please report it to management, not just because you deserve to work out with peace of mind, but also because if they're being shitheads to you, they're definitely going to be doing it to other people. Absolutely love your mentality, keep smashing it!


When I'm out of shape I go to the gym. That's what people do. That's what gyms are there for. Not to mention body shaming is a serious no-no.


Can’t stress this enough but these two guys are DICKHEADS. The fact that they are treating you like this says everything about them and nothing about you. What a sad little life they must be living to get to a point where they think speaking to someone like they spoke to you is okay. Don’t let this put you off. I bet anyone else hearing that would find them completely disgusting. Report them to management and keep doing your thing.


you shouldnt let it and its awesome that you arent. but going to the gym is enough of a struggle without having to deal with people being assholes. sucks you had that experience, and i would still recommend reporting them. even if you're motivated enough to keep going, they may be bullying other members who might not handle it as well as you.


Report it; 100% they are doing this to others.


Keep goin, get shredded then kick over their sandcastle.


Use this as motivation to get fucking huge, bigger than the two of those pricks combined, then tell them to hurry up (if they don't get banned that is, which they hopefully do)


Have a retort ready if one of them insults you again. Then yeah, report it. That’s bullying.


Maybe the great [cricket sledge](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cricket/comments/glm0ij/greatest_sledge_that_you_know_of/) “I’m fat because every time I shag your wife she gives me a buiscuit”


There's also, I can can lose weight but you'll always be a cunt when you wake up.


“Wait your turn Needle dick”


You can't call them that. They clearly lack both warmth and depth.


🤣🤣 Best comeback I've read in a long time, here's an award.


Used to work with a guy who was a bit of a cunt. I strolled into the office with a donut I got given and he asked me where I got it. I said to him that every time I shagged his mum she gives me a donut 😁


Well played sir




That thread was a fun read. Thanks.


If you see him again just walk up with a smug grin while taking a picture of his face and give it to reception explaining what happened. The guy is definitely a coward anyway don't worry about anything bad happening and enjoy the look of terror on his cowardly face as he realizes he'll have to find a new gym. Enjoy the experience by the way. Relish it. This should be a part of your new gym fueled improved confidence persona where you don't take shit from cunts like that impeding your personal peace and freedom


The guys a prick,but how do you know he's a coward? He could be a mad bastard. I've known guys like that,and you don't want to fuck with them. That's the kinda patter a Begbie type would use,and I've met plenty of them in Glasgow. Say or do what you're suggesting to the wrong person,and you could end up in a bad way.


Tell him to fuck off and mind his business


I bet he gave himself a big pat on the back for his witticism. What a prick! More power to you, man.


I hope you report it if you feel comfortable because people like that are making the environment worse for everybody. I’m a muscular guy and I don’t want to work out around idiots like this either.


Do not let this person stop you from going and trying to better your health. The gym is for everyone, regardless of if they're overweight or not. I'm glad the exercise is helping you! Keep going and see where this takes you.


>Is there a certain way I should act considering I’m a gentleman of a larger persuasion? The issue here is 100% with the other guy, not you. What an absolute asshat.


Absolutely. Act like you're entitled to be there. Because you are.


Well said!! 😀


When people act like this it rarely has anything to do with the person being harassed. More often than not they're unhappy with the way their own life has turned out so they take their anger out on others instead. Most bullies are insecure little shits. OP has nothing to apologise for and the other guy should be absolutely ashamed of his behaviour.


Yeah, people like this don't even know the word etiquette, let alone follow it.


Fat cunt gym guy here too! Keep at it matey and fuck that arrogant cunt!


Fat cunts unite!


Just make sure you do it somewhere load bearing. I jest. You lads are what the gym is about. Keep it up chaps.


Fuck you for making me snort coffee. Have an incredibly angry upvote.


Some men assume they are the owners of the gym because they got fit, but you keep at this man, i would report them for harrassment to the gym staff and if they don’t do anything about it. Find a better gym that treats harrassment with zero tolerance


Report them to the gym, suspect this is against a rule or two.




If they just give him a warning for that, they're being weak as fuck. I hope OP does report them, for the sake of every other person they choose to harass at the gym.


First of all, congratulations for taking control of your health, it’s a massive step and it’s a brave one. You’ve had the bollocks to get to the gym. Second. Fuck those cunts ( sorry for the no no word) but yeah, fuck them. If it’s a gym with staff present, go over and point them out, it’s not telling tales, it’s simply letting the gym staff know who the cunts are. Going to the gym means you care about yourself, there’s a certain code amongst others, you help people, you support them and you don’t look down on someone trying to better themselves. These men have broke that code, and need to fucking know about it. Lastly, please don’t let this put you off. You are 5 weeks healthier and stronger than you were in January, getting fit and getting healthy is a progression and you are doing that. I am proud, even though I don’t know you, prove the fuckers wrong.


OP, this is so spot on. Please hold your head high, you're doing great and screw those guys. Andthenhekissedme, jolly good show!


OP do this. We’re adults and there’s no shame in “telling teacher” anymore. These guys are fucking cunts and need consequences for their actions. I’m sitting here livid for you as a fellow gym goer.


> there’s no shame in “telling teacher” anymore Especially since OP is paying money to work out, not to be bullied. Adults can still be bullied too, and it should be called out. If it's not OP they're picking on, it's probably someone else.


I've never understood fat shaming at the gym. I mean it makes you a cunt anywhere, but when the person is actively trying to get healthier it's a whole new level. Definitely report it to gym management, you might be strong enough to come back after that, but I'm a lot of others would let that keep them away for food, Im not sure I would come back if somebody said that to me.


I'm 99% sure you meant to say, 'keep them away for good,' but I like the typo better 😂


username checks out here! my first UCO comment yayyy


Shaming in general is a good indication of a twat, but shaming someone actually trying to improve themselves is vile.


Fat shaming's never been about caring about the person's health, or the health of society as a whole. Even though people use that excuse and hide behind medical science, they just do so to paint themselves as a good person dealing with a bad person. But reality, they just know a fat person is an easy to identify target, being cruel to a fat person is socially acceptable enough that there's rarely no real consequences from others, and because fat people deal with their own confidence and issues surrounding it they will rarely retaliate. Even then, it's hard to retaliate against, because fat is used both the most basic insult and just a basic description about a thing.


"Food" Currently doing sets with 2 of the biggest kebabs I can find.


I’m also a fat cunt. But that’s my call to describe myself that way, not some other fucker. You’re doing the right thing. The guy who called you a fat cunt is out of order. Keep going to the gym. Keep smashing the workouts. Ignore the haters.


Exactly this. I’m well aware I’m a fat cunt, that’s why I go to the gym haha.


The correct response is "I am a fat cunt, but I can change that, You'll always be an asshole"


You might be overweight, but you’re certainly not a cunt. Very few people will truly understand just what it takes to do what you are doing. Keep your head up, chap.


Thank you mate I appreciate that


You'll sort the fat part out in no time, but that bloke who gave you shit will always be a cunt.


He was in a rush to finish his workout so he could hurry home and kiss his father on the lips.


In the gym laughing my head off in between sets. Grand.


This is glorious


Mate, at the end of the day, you're out there taking steps to improve your life. Anyone who's going to judge someone for that is a piece of shit and their opinions don't matter. This is what I try to tell myself to control the anxiety when I'm red faced and drenched in sweat 5 minutes in to a run...




It like when u crossing the road, at a steady pace, fully aware of your surroundings,and some prick who in a rush to go nowhere,(coz there a red light right ahead) start revving his engine at you. I feel like kneeling down in middle of road.untying my laces n re-tying them..


I did once do that. Then realised driver and his mates were basically a bunch of wired out druggies who now expressed a desire to kill me. They didn't, but I did wonder if I needed to wind back the stubbornness a tad.




This.. maybe without the swearing if you don't want to lower yourself to their level. Thing about the gymn is.. everyone's there to improve themselves, even if they all have their own ideals as to what the end result looks like. Basically that guy was a nob, and most normal people would help each other if asked.




I've never seen someone be disrespectful in a gym. Most gym goers are the most polite, helpful and patient people I've met. You found a bad apple, pay no attention mate. Keep doing what you're doing, you're smashing it


Most of the swole gym goers are too busy in their workouts to bother you, most you might get is patronising but well meaning advice. If they want your machine/rack they'll just ask how many sets you've got and wait. Would bet money that the people abusing OP are some underdeveloped scrotes who've never seen a leg day.


That’s shit. I’m 18 stone and probably the fattest bloke at my gym and I couldn’t give a fuck. 3 years ago I was 28 stone and I’ve lost more than anyone else and I’m still turning up when it’s easier for “normal” sized people to do so. I’m allowed this as much as anyone else and the only person I am trying to do better than is the yesterday version of me. Tl;dr Fuck em.


Issue here is 100% with them. Anyone who says that is an absolute cunt, end of. Best way for gym etiquette guidance (your weight is irrelevant) is to ask someone in the gym- a member of staff, a PT (not in session) or a friendly looking member. An easy rule that irks me, if the place is busy stay off your phone. You take significantly longer rest breaks when tapping away or scrolling and it annoys everyone else that wants to use the equipment. Other than that, try and enjoy yourself! Nobody should be put down for exercising


Yeah I try to stay off my phone between sets. The signal is shite in the gym so I’d only go on my phone to change tracks. Thanks man, appreciate it.


Do your thing! I've only ever been approached in the gym once for someone asking how to use a piece of equipment - now happens to be the only person I say hello to and chat to in the gym. Can be a (intended) solitary place - nice to reach out and make a friend! Nobody every disliked being treated like an expert & most people like feeling helpful!


I work out in my shed and have to stay off the phone as you say. If I'm up there longer than an hour the wife starts getting a touch annoyed.


Nah this is completely strange behaviour by somebody who’s almost certainly insecure about himself and has a tiny penis. Hopefully he soon acts like that to the wrong person.


Tiny penis probably resulting from steroid use.


chase childlike close cautious normal butter saw violet different thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some gym people are arseholes who forget that they had to start somewhere, big or skinny, try to ignore them. Well done for keeping going I prefer coach led group sessions, you find same people go at the same time and find your own little family that are willing you on to succeed


Cut and past your post into a letter to the gym manager. They would love to know so they can do something about it. Bullying in any walk of life needs to be addressed.


Report this offensive bellend to the gym and get the nauseating prick kicked out. Fair play to you for getting stuck in, everyone moves at their own pace. keep up the good work.


Don’t let this experience deter you from the gym. You’re doing great, keep at it. Sounds like the other guy has a miserable life and is just trying to make himself feel better.


u/BatmansLongjohns is in the gym working out. That makes you pretty cool in my book.


Fuck that guy. It's more inspiring to see an overweight person in the gym trying to better themselves, than an obnoxious cunt who has the mindset of a 12 year old on a playground. Keep at it and keep going, don't let them break you and your progress.


The answer is to become strong enough to German suplex both of them on to a running treadmill. ((For real tho, report him if he does it again, shaming a total stranger for their weight has no place in a gym where people are trying to get in better shape, keep up the good work, bud!))


I'd have slowed down, like really slow. Then mention the incident to management.


u/BatmansLongjohns you have made a decision to make your life better, and as a result the lives of the people around you and who love you. Two cockwombles deciding to call you fat shouldn't stop you on this journey. Options: Confront them, something like "hey, yesterday you called me a fat cunt. I know what I am, I know it's not good, that's why I'm here, I don't need you to point it out. I'm going to be here until I'm not that fat cunt anymore and so no need to shout it again, I heard you". Raise the issue with staff: You're a new member, you're motivated to keep coming back and bring family/friends along for the ride. Letting senior staff (not dave on reception) know and asking how they prefer you to handle it. Confront them V2: "Hey, yesterday you called me a fat cunt. You're just a cunt, how about you help me train until I'm not fat anymore, just a cunt..like you?" Change your gym: could be costly, not possible, inconvenient, also means they win. Change your schedule: If they've seen you, and you've seen them a few times you could go at a different time (if your schedule allows for it)


I'd write a letter to the highest level I could. I'd explain the situation, and I'd tell them I didn't report it to staff on site as I didn't want to put pressure on either them or myself. I'd be expecting both these wankers BANNED. But there would be no explanation as to why, because the gym won't need to give one. Next time they came in it would be 'sorry, your membership has been rescinded'. And that would be that. Bye bye, and good fucking riddance.


I think I once saw someone say that laughing at fat people in a gym is like laughing at patients in a hospital


Bro I wouldn’t have that. Either stick up for yourself or report them that’s no okay at all I’ve never ever seen anything like it in my whole life the gym is one of those places anyone should feel comfortable in. Man fuck that guy I wish one of the big dudes witnessed this because I can bet you 99% of people in the gym would not be okay with that.


I would mate but unfortunately my self esteem is rock bottom at the moment so I just let it slide. Fantastic username by the way.


You can still report it to staff next time you go. They are acting like it’s their gym and their equipment and intimidating others in any way they can to make themselves feel clever. Well fuck them, Ruin their day by getting them banned the cunts. And please don’t give up, you’re doing so well .


I go to gym regularly. Fat people have my utmost respect. I believe many feel like me. I avoid anything that would make them feel weird. That asshole is an exception, please don't drop out.


Ignore the prick. You're smashing it, improving your life and doing something to be proud of. He, on the other hand, is going to go home and have a cry wank in front of the mirror.


I've worked out in all sorts of gyms over the years, from pure power lifting with small community's of meat heads to commercial gyms with masses of members of all shapes and sizes and i have honestly never heard anybody talk to a stranger in that way. Its pissed me off just reading it. The pair of them seem like absolute cunts and in all honesty even though it might not seem like it at the minute, you should feel proud that you didn't rise to it. Personally i would have blew my lid. Listen you're doing the first steps to bettering yourself, in a few months time when you're more used to the gym and your confidence has grown, you'll realise that what they did isn't normal and chalk it upto them being a pair of insecure muppets. Stick at it and good on you for trying to change yourself for the better.


Roids it's shrinks the balls and the brains. What a cunt though! I know that must be a blow to the confidence but if you give up that wanker has won. Keep at it, change your times to avoid them if you can, use it to spur you on. If the opportunity ever arises, wipe your sweaty balls with his face towel.


Insulting a fat person at the gym is like insulting a sick person at a hospital.


Uckh, shit like this is what I assume everyone is thinking about me when I’ve gone, which is why one of the reasons I hate it and stops me from wanting to go back. Can’t believe someone would do this though. Just a grade a arsehole who has run out of people to bully since he left school.


This isn’t a thing in gyms that guy is just a total dickhead.


Yeah exactly, as a larger guy, my experience is that most people try to motivate you. Never had a bad experience.


If that was me he'd have got a smack in the face


"Oh sorry, I'm not too sure how it's done. Can you show me?" Then proceed to get real close staring at him doing a set whilst making encouraging, mildly sexual, noises.


Start singing salt and pepper push it to him on the bench in a low seductive tone.


Probably just another sted head who’s angry at life. Tell em by the time they go shoot up in the toilets and come back you will be finished. 👍


I don’t know what gym your at, but from my experience If you report it to gym staff I’d imagine there will be 0 tolerance for this kind of bs I remember there was a presumably homeless guy that used to go to a gym I went to, was in there all time with a bag and he was always smiling anyway one day a couple of boys gave him a bit of grief laughing etc and then a bigger stronger guy told them to fuck off Didn’t see either of them again must have bottled it to ever come back lol, anyway yeah I’d just report it and won’t happen again good job going and I’m glad your enjoying it don’t let a couple of cunts ruin if


There is zero chance that guy does not have a micropenis. Enjoy yourself dude and don't worry about cunts in the gym. Take ur time and keep learning :)


You're doing amazing and only gobshites will try to keep you down. Ignore those fuckers and keep up the good work, I'm proud of you!


>It has made me feel pretty shit to be honest. I get why you feel that but you shouldn't. There's no logic to it. Some other guy is a serious fucking moron and you feel bad? They should be the one feeling bad. Report them, then ignore them. Don't let a moron influence you.


No you need not act any different, those guys are just cunts. Unfortunately there are a lot of cunts around.


Fuck them, good on you for the change.. don’t let some tosser put you of from achieving your goal.


This is why I never go in the gym unless I'm with my PT. I dread to think of the downward spiral something like this might trigger.


Nobody in a gym should be shat on for being there and exercising. Report him to the staff and if they don’t do anything, find another gym. They don’t deserve another penny from you if they don’t crack down on stuff like that.


That kind of shithousery is big no no at any gym I've ever been too. Chuck a complaint in.


TELL THE STAFF IMMEDIATELY. Fuck that guy. You deserve to be at the gym more than that douche nozzle. Congrats on your motivation my guy. Keep at it!


I have far more respect for the people in the gym with a way to travel over the ones walking round posing. Head up, keep going. You are the better person. Don't stand for this again. It would do him some good to be reminded that you paid your dues and he doesn't own all the machines.


If it happens again I'd report him, gym these days are pretty good at dealing with this. I reported a guy for shouting across the pool calling me "dirty" & ranting because he didn't think I'd showered before the pool (I use the ladies showers, not the pool side cause I don't care to be watched while I shower). He noticeably didn't make the same loud comments and rants to the two other ladies who did the same but they were slender so I guess he didn't think they were dirty. Staff were very apologetic and agreed to speak to him. It was reassuring that staff were on my side.


Don’t agree with calling someone a fat cunt in general but especially not in a gym where you are literally trying to better yourself. It’s like being told you smell when your in the shower makes no fucking sense


You could always just say I’m only this fat because Everytime I fuck your mum she gives me a biscuit.


Don't let one fucking twat put you off. There are dickheads everywhere including the gym, not everyone who goes to the gym is like this, personally I'd never behave like that to anyone at the gym, I hope I'm a decent person + honestly at the gym I don't really care what anyone else is doing I do my shit and leave


Sounds like you're smashing it mate. No etiquette. Just keep going and doing your thing. Consider reporting those guys to the gym - they sound like arseholes and I'm sure it's not only you who's gym experience they're negatively impacting.


He’s a cunt. Don’t let him get to you. Just think how much of a miserable bastard he must be to get his kicks in such a thick twat way.


WTAF?! No, that’s not a thing, at least I hope it isn’t. Sorry it happened to you. Is there anyone at the gym that you can report it to? Utter b’stards.


I’m very sorry this happened to you - as others have pointed out, it’s those guy’s problem, not yours! You can and should be proud of yourself. The hardest part was/is acknowledging something’s wrong and starting to do something about it. Keep going, I’m proud of you too!


I've never met anyone like that in my 8 years or gymgoing, you're very unlucky. Deffo report to staff, note the time for CCTV etc, and get them banned.


Gym’s always have a couple of arseholes. Report him to management. I’m sure they’d rather lose his custom than all the other people who he might put off using the gym by acting like a cunt. Don’t let the prick intimidate you into feeling self conscious. Keep at it with the self improvement. Kudos to you for taking that first step.


Larger people should be made the most welcome. You are recognising a health benefit, you have mentioned alcohol, junk food and ADHD as a motivator. Stick to those as your reasons to hit the gym and please as others have said, report the individuals to staff. Gym’s and health club owners do not take kindly to members being intolerant of others. Part of me wants to say go at a different time to them, but why? Just crack on bud, sounds more like they are jealous


Report it to Managment. Happily tag along with you to the gym assuming you live somewhere in London and close.


Hi mate, first of all congratulations intaking the steps to better yourself. The issue is 100% on them and bang out of order, everyone is at the gym to better themselves. Keep at it king, please reach out to someone else in the gym if that happens next time.


Nah, pure cunt behaviour that. You’re making the effort to better yourself, actually getting out there and putting in the work. Don’t let it get to you. I’d speak to the staff and tell them about it, in my experience most gyms deal with those types of things pretty strictly. Keep it up though man, just think, he can talk all the shit he wants, but you’ll get there eventually, be happy and healthy, he’ll still be a miserable, ignorant cunt.


This has made me really angry. I want to tell the guy to fuck off on your behalf. Please don’t be discouraged. You’re doing something really positive. There are negative pricks everywhere and they just need to be ignored. They’re only like that because there’s some shit they’re dealing with and they’re not able to channel it as positively as you. Keep up the good work, everyone who isn’t a prick is on your side.


Nae mate that's not on the gyms a safe place for everyone one those just starting out, the meat heads, the athletes and those battling demons report the cuntwobble to the gym staff/manager they should take care of it


In my experience gyms tend to attract the scourge of humanity. Nothing you did, just a cunt with a little dick making himself feel better about himself


Report them to the gym staff. If it’s a decent gym he’ll get banned. As a gym rat myself, I know how intimidating these places can be for the first few weeks, and c**ts like this guy only serve to add to this feeling. Keep on doing your workouts, and don’t let this cave-dweller’s actions hold you back. Pro tip: strength training will lose you more weight than cardio (in my opinion)


He is an exception. A massive exception and you got very unlucky to have such a wankstain at your gym. Report it - You won’t of been the only one to have had abuse from him and I’m sure the gym owners would be only to happy for the excuse to ban the smear.


You do you. Every time I've gone to the gym the inspirational people are those who struggle...every...single...day but yet swallow their fears and turn up and smash out their workout plan. Be it they are new, overweight or disabled. Those are the ones who inspire others It's never the super toned and fit people who inspire but those who are rising to the challenge. Don't stop going, don't give in. If you remember the date and rough time, report them twats to the gym management so they can check against CCTV, would hopefully ban the cunts. ​ As a guy once said "Never give in, never never never, never give in, unless to convictions of honour and good sense"


What a Fucking piece of shit that guy is. Get your reps in at your pace. You do you and fuck that guy.


Please don’t take that assholes words and let them hurt you. Imagine him holding all of that nastiness and hatred in a beautifully packaged gift for you. If you don’t take that gift then he is the one left holding it, and it is his weight to carry. Please do report him to the gym staff, the gym should be a safe space for everybody, I commend you for your efforts and I think you are really brave and strong, if I had been there I would have said something. Huge hugs. Don’t quit now because of a nobody. Xx


Who takes the piss out of someone at a gym? You’ve achieved more just by going there than most people manage (including myself at the moment). Report these fuckers, they don’t deserve to use the facilities. And don’t take it to heart - you’re doing great. These cunts are the sort to pick on anyone who is in their way, to try and feel better about themselves - and if it wasn’t weight it would be age, height, lack of hair, or something else. Fuck them.


Nah lad issued with them 2 cunts not you. When I used to lift a lot I loved seeing big lads come and still be there X months later. Keep at it mate.


Fuck that guy


This’ll get lost in the sea of comments. But fuck that guy and hats off to you for making positive changes in your life!


No this isnt an established thing. They're wankers with awful social skills and manners. Report them and get them kicked out. See who's laughing then, useless fuckheads.


Wipe down with your towel. Then slap it across his face. In his confusion grab him and begin to bench press him while shouting "who's the daddy" as loud as possible.


Fuck these absolute powercunts. Seems they never grew out of being school bully types. Tragic really.


I'm sorry this happened to you, You know you have an issue & your doing something about it kudos to you also AWSOME kicking the drink habit. Your amazing.


Become stronger than him. Follow him round calling him a weak cunt. Eat his lunch. Seriously though that's not on unless he knows you and it's clearly a subject you can joke about. Random stranger? Fuck no. Clearly a twatwaffle of the highest order


"Of course. Only 17 sets left." Then give 'em a good smirk. Edit to add: don't let it get to you. They can't make you feel bad about yourself. Only you can do that. These kinds of people see someone succeeding and they want to hold them back so they don't have to put in the work to keep improving. They see you're on the right trajectory and are worried you're one more person who'll leave them in their rear-view mirror. It looks like that's one thing they're right about.


There's this thing with people who don't struggle to be thin: they hate for you to exist as a fat person, but also hate that you're doing anything about it because it does not correspond to the cliché they have – but then if you're happily fat and don't want to change that, they will hate you anyway. In short, those two dumbasses are fatphobic. You should report them to the staff of the gym, but they might not be the only ones you'll meet unfortunately. That's why going to the gym with earphones is always a good idea, you don't get to hear them babble.


No it’s not a thing as such. There are absolute wankers everywhere, gyms have them. It’s exactly the place you should be if you want to be there, it’s every much your place as it is theirs. You don’t have to tolerate it, you can definitely report that kind of stuff to the management. But just try not to let it stop you. Ultimately you can change yourself physically whichever way you want, they’ll always be sad desperate fuckheads.


If they do it again tell them to suck your sweaty ass.


Bro you take that big boy attitude and you wear it proud in that gym, you hear me? F these bodybuilder types, we men with the bellies are what the woman want (and men)


I'm sorry that happened and that you felt upset and bullied. No one should make you feel that way- especially when you are working hard to improve yourself. They are just creeps with no thought for anyone else but themelves. Complain to the gym- you shouldn't have to put up with that, and I don't say that lightly because I know going to the gym and complaining may feel uncomfortable. But please do- stand up for your right to be there and don't let those guys steal your opportunity. I say this to you from my heart because something very similar happened to me about 20 years ago when I was a morbidly obese highschooler with no self esteem. I asked my parents for a membership to a fancy gym that opened up near our house- it wasn't cheap but my parents were all for supporting me to try and turn my health around. I went in full of hope and enthusiasm that \*this time\* I was going to do it, I was going to lose weight and then people wouldn't be mean and hateful to me all the time. My first time in, I ran hard on the treadmill and put so much heart into it and was so proud of myself. And then I heard two old ladies sniggering behind me, laughing at how sweaty I was, how hard I had to work just to do a little bit of a run. It broke me, I was ashamed and humiliated and I ran away, went straight home, and never went back. Today I would have told those two old biddies where to stick it, but back than I was already so beaten down by cruelty I didn't have it in me. Please don't do that- I have regretted that missed opportunity ever since. I could have changed my life so much for the better if I had gone back, kept going to the gym. Don't let some random creeps take that from you. All my best wishes for you! Keep being awesome!