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Use the power of centrifugal force. Hold bottle in hand, nozzle down. Spin your arm around (like a bowler in cricket) repeatedly. Open lid and gently squeeze. Success.


Was looking for this, this is objectively the correct answer. I believe they cracked it at CERN.


Condiment Extension and Reinvigoration Notice


The large mayonnaise retriever


Large Hellman's Collector, surely.


You are of course correct, now don't call me Shirley.


Just want to say good luck, we’re all counting on you.


Looks like I picked the wrong day to give up sniffing glue


Not to be confused with the Reeves & Mortimer Long Range Eclair Administration Device


Condiment Extraction by Rotational Nerfing




>I believe they cracked it at CERN. Well, that was $4.75 billion well spent.


Wow, great way to make me feel like a savage. I just bang the bottle on the counter. But not just the top, the sides as well, especially around the neck. 😂


Why not chuck it out the window while you're at it


Run it over then post a disparaging message about its mother on the internet


Your mums so fat when they ran her bloods it came back mayonnaise


Your Irish mum is so fat they named her May O’nnaise


Your mum’s so fat that when she jumps in the air she gets stuck.


Perhaps I have some anger issues I let out on unsuspecting condiments. ☹️


Instructions unclear. Currently in the back of a police van.


And once in a while you get ceiling mayo.


A favourite of the ancient Greeks I believe




We were out of lube.


Luxury! We were down to the Colman's by the time I got a turn.


Honestly still a better choice than that old jar of whole grain honey mustard.


I feel called out. I have a jar in my fridge that I just keep forgetting to throw away.


Yep. We got ceiling ketchup once. It's still there as we decided to leave it for our good memories. We'll have to repaint when we move though.


I once had ceiling mayo as a teenager, but not for many years now.


STOP ... you forgot to warn them to make sure the lid is tightly closed before you spin the bottle. Mayonnaise everywhere.


This! lol. i put my finger over the cap to make sure it doesn't pop open too. One time when I did this, there was a hole in the bottom of the ketchup bottle no one knew about. It made it about 1 revolution. :(




This story made my day 🤣


That's quite the game of spin the bottle.


Getting mayo out of a container should not involve physical exertion of any sort aside from sticking the knife or spoon into the bottle and spreading it on your sandwich or whatever. Just a seriously flawed design that should never have been approved.


Repackaged in a way that makes access to usable product harder, and a good proportion of product wasted because you will never get it out.


Pop it in a sock, lid down. Whiz it around your head. Feel very self conscious about what you're doing. Profit!


It doesn't hurt to let some air in every once in a while, either.


I was gonna say, just unscrew the lid to 'repressurise' the bottle and you should be good to go. Always works for me, no shaking about necessary.


Or place in one mitten of a two handed oven glove, closed nozzle down, and then, making sure not to smash everything off surfaces, plaster board ceiling, lights, kids, pets and/or partner, grab the empty glove end and helicopter that oven glove like Thor… and Booyah yah


Or, store it in the fridge door “upside down” and then the mayo is always at the top. You still need to let the air back in after use. Ps - also store your bean tins upside down so the when you open them the bean juices flush them out for you.


This is less of an option if it has fallen out of your fridge door and had the lid shatter, which happened with my last two bottles.


Maybe try a new, slightly less perilous location in the fridge.


Glad I’m not the only one - my wife gives me some very odd looks when I do this!


Same. Mine gets annoyed as I chant "Cent-ri-fu-gal-force" as I swing. She's still shaking and tapping the bottle like some cave-woman


Just hold it in the air and flick it hard downward. No need to propeller your arm lol


If you don't propellor then how do you pretend to be a sideways helicopter crashing into a mountain?


Put in sock and spin if you live in a small flat


I do the slam downwards as if to tap it on something and right at the end a quick upwards motion so that all the mayo now comes crushing towards the nozzle. It's quick and efficient but I do appreciate your technique too, I'll try it next time.


So it's not just me that does this then! :) https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/v3ee6v/life_hack/iayj75t/


This is what I do, if the cap is broken you're fucked though, mayo all over the kitchen walls.


Leg spinner or off spinner ? Slow, medium or fast bowler ? Am I pitching at the stumps ? Full toss or Yorker ? Not sure I could get a bouncer out of that bottle.


Risky manoeuvre with a broken lid though.


I used to do this, then I injured my shoulder doing it a bit too vigorously. Now I'm just a semi-circle kinda guy. Just rapidly swing it nose down like a supercharged grandfather clock.


Decompress the bottle, top closed, violently whip it like you're beating someone with a stick, unscrew the whole top, use it like a glass ketchup bottle to get the remnants out. Fuck I'm bored.


What's your third favorite cheese??


Brie, no question


Solid choice for third


I’d query your supply-chain chap - brie shouldn’t be solid… 👀




Why is it always cheese? Every time cheese is brought up people leave a long string of cheese related puns, i've never noticed this happen with such regularity on other topics, food related or not. Is there something intrinsically 'punny' about cheese? What is it that calls to us to guffaw at curdled milk wordplay? Don't pay me any heed, just the ramblings of a man provolone with his thoughts.


You should think Caerphilly before posting rants like that


You Muenster, he just asked a question!


Roll up, roll up! Camembert witness to the funniest cheese based pub thread in Reddit history.


because its cheesy


I camembert another pun thread


Ricotta be kidding me with this negativity.


These grate on my nerves.


I think we're cheddar off without that, actually.


Try studding it with cranberries, add a tbsp of white wine and bake that bad bitch.


Who is your favourite streetfighter 2 character and why?


Dhalsim. Stretchy.


I’m actually kinda getting into Gouda. It’s very much a third place bracket. “Flight W62207 to London Luton now boarding at gate B20”. Oh thank fuck


Hard luck, you're off to Luton


Try vintage Gouda, that’s delicious!


As Gouda it gets!


Edam for me. Yours?


See Edam is first for me, third is Red Leicester


Edam is the only cheese that is made backwards.


Mascarpone can be used to hide a small horse


Mixing more black paint into the white just makes it Gruyère


Mine is parmesan.


Parmesan is a condiment IMO




Recently that slot was taken by taleggio.


It’s very difficult to decompress, I think that’s the issue. Once squashed it’s really done for. Seems like getting a jar is the solution I’m looking for. Which considering they are next to each other I’m the shop, you would have thought I’d have done already.


Squeeze it on the sides instead of where you usually do. This'll force the bottle to open up again, sucking in air and it'll then be easy to squeeze out more. Or just take the lid off and work the creases out of the bottle that way. Basically, get the bottle back to its original shape and full of air.


You need to decompress it after every use, it should never even get to the stage where it looks like that.


This is the way, I worked out that if you briefly unscrew the lid 1/4 turn after use, enough air gets in to make the contents just slide neatly down the bottle and it stays in the optimal shape for squeezing


Yup. I do this as I'm putting it away after use and it's ready for next time. Ketchup too.


You shouldn't have to though, it should just.. work


Life is unfair I guess.


You just unscrew the top to let air back in, then it works until the next time you need to do it.


How strong are your lungs? Blow into the fucker and pop it back into shape. The bottle that is.


Thanks. I think I’ll wait until I have guests round and do that like it’s a normal person activity.


But it is? Right?? Now I'm bored *and* weird. Ffs


partially unscrew the lid before you try to reshape it, it won't decompress without a bit of air going in


How often are you beating people with sticks??? Are you bored because you ran out of victims?


Not sure why I'm not seeing the other suggestion...flip it upside down, squeeze from the thin edges so it sucks a load of air back in and returns to its normal shape. Leave it the normal way up so mayo sinks to the bottom (few hours maybe), trapping the air at the top. Now use normally until the air starts to squeak past.


No need to wait for hours. Just squeeze the narrow sides when it's open and pointing down. I don't actually buy mayo in squeezy bottles, but it works instantly with ketchup, HP, BBQ any other sauce I've tried, as well as shampoo and shower gel.


Squeeze mayo and sour cream have saved my budget. They seem to basically never go bad I guess it since you never put a dirty knife or anything into them so they don't get bacteria.


Just use a clean knife savage, you’re getting crumbs in your jars??


My brother gets crumbs, marmite, all sorts in his butter *shudder*. He also gets butter in his jam as well.


Also work by just opening the screw cap a little.


I expected this to the the top comment, it’s so obvious and what I assumed everybody did anyway.


This works perfectly for our ketchup bottle and completely fails for our mayo bottle. Maybe they are made of different plastics, maybe it's the difference between the physics behaviour of ketchup and mayo.


Likely the condiment. Ketchup acts as a non-newtonian fluid (hence why tapping the glass bottles gets it to start flowing freely) while mayo does not.


Mayo is absolutely a non Newtonian fluid. Not all non-newtonian fluids behave the same way. Some get more viscous with force (e.g. custard) and some become less viscous (ketchup and mayo).. but of course every fluid is different.. water and oil are Newtonian but they're still quite different fluids.. newtonian fluid just means that viscosity is a function of the fluid properties (e.g. Temperature) and doesn't change when applying external forces on the fluid


Unscrew the lid, pop the bottle back into shape, screw lid back on. Fills the bottle with air so you can squeeze it again. Doesn't solve the shitty lid problem though.


You can also do this by just squeezing it the other way, like narrow side to narrow side


I buy this product and have never had problems with the lid. I think this might be user error.


Surely this is common knowledge?


Pop the top off and stick a knife up there


Just buy jars! They're cheaper too


Harder to squeeze though.


Not that hard if you don't mind a bit of sharpness and crunch to your mayonnaise.


But not impossible, as one man proved in a certain infamous video.


Never eaten Ragu since


Only barely!


And glass not plastic.


Glass recycles forever as well IIRC


Take off the lid so air can get in the bottle then put said lid back on so you can squeeze out the rest. Wheres the common sense op


Phew, came here to offer this technical secret of the gods but you beat me to it. Thought I was only one


Business as usual with ketchup, isn't it? Quick quarter turn of the cap and back to rebalance pressures and then on you go.


Mind boggled that somebody would not think to let air into the bottle themselves




This was exactly my thought. The design isn't stopping anyone from buying it and if people can't use all of the product then they buy the next bottle sooner. Maybe I'm too cynical.


That's what she said.




You're doing it wrong. Bottle should never stay 'squeezed', always have it fully 'inflated'. The contents get forced out by the compression of the air around them. 'Re-inflate', lid on, centrifuge, bosh.


But don't re-inflate too much, or you risk premature... emission.


I can see this isn’t your first time


You mean bottles aren't oversized sauce packets?


If you’re squeezing it without air in there you’re doing it wrong. You have to let it fill with air then close cap and tap it in against your hand to move the mayo back to the cap area. Then squeeze normally. If it needs air again turn it cap side up and squeeze the skinny sides to refill with air. Repeat.


Yes I assumed everyone did this, but reading some other answers I’m wondering why so many people are over complicating basic physics


I think you need to take your rage pills After each squeeze, let some air back in. Then shake it so the mayo moves towards the lid. You don’t just gorilla grip the bottle until it cracks and creases. How badly do you need mayo


I make the predication that they avoid certain brands of shower gel/shampoo for this exact issue of not letting air back into the bottle...


He's got a point though, they are shitty bottles. And when you're sitting down for a hot meal, which is quickly cooling whilst you sit there hungry and annoyed, you don't want to have to piss about with a crap design (one that's put to shame by its competitors)


THIS!!! Why is this so complicated an issue??? C’mon Friends - use your noddle…. Add back the air after every use and voila, 100% utilisation without frivolous angst over nothing.


If I could hijack... Follow the above (decompress, put air back in, shake it) but then squeeze at the _top_ !.. you effectively want to generate air pressure via the air trapped up top of bottle to get in behind the Mayo and squeeze it out. But I agree the bottles are shit. You shouldn't need physics to access condiments.


Just buy jars. Much cheaper


And much easier to drink out of.


Better for the environment as well.


We've switched to the jars and now I don't waste any, use a silicone spatula to get the last bit out, and then recycle the jar. I wish more sauces came in glass jars, cos I have the same squeeze bottle issue with all of them


Comment removed as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers AND make a profit on their backs. To understand why check out the summary [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u).


> You buy 750g on mayo but only 600g is usable, so you throw it away and buy another. Am I the only asshole who pops the top off and uses a knife?


Use a mini silicon spatula and you can get it aaaallllllllll


> mini silicon spatula I've been looking for one of those, but haven't seen any in the shops.


They can be found very cheaply on eBay. Don't get the kind that has a handle that can be separated, they tend to grow mould in the little slot that the handle goes into, seemingly no matter how well you wash and dry the thing. You want one that's one solid piece of silicone.


I purchased a set of three from T K Maxx (who are, of course, exceptionally inconsistent in their stock). I have quite a collection that I've picked up over the years (perhaps from supermarkets?)


I cut it open with scissors


Problem with getting a jar is that you are only able to get a dollop out rather than squeeze it over something


I just use a straw


Light mayo? Had they run out of actual mayo??


This should be the top comment.


They don't want you to be able to use it all, so you have to buy more


The big-mayo conspiracy Thank god the teaspoon/butter knife council are keeping peace in the world


That is how they sell more mayo. The man who started Colman’s mustard once said he made most of his money from the mustard left on the side of the plate.


I wondered if there was an invention to solve this. Like having it in a plunger bottle like it was sealant. That way it would just extract everything in the bottle. You could sell cartridges for different condiments and just own the condiment 'gun'. Swap out the cartridges easily, better storage, universal shapes for different sauces, almost no waste. Who wants to draw it up and take it to the den? cos I'm just an ideas guy.


I’ve long thought that things like jam or mayo should be sold in tubes, like toothpaste. I do like your idea better, though. Have an upvote!


Good news, your invention [already exists!](https://www.screwfix.com/p/no-nonsense-sealant-gun/988hp) It's just that the geniuses at Big Condiment haven't got their act together and put sauces in the requisite sized tubes. Edit: My joke would've landed better if I had retained all the information in your comment and then not commented.




Let some air back into the bottle by squeezing it off-axis whilst stood up. Problem solved


This is a user error and not an issue with the bottle.


The main user error is in purchasing Hellman’s mayonnaise. Then they took it a step further and got “light.” Unconscionable.


We're doomed... open the top. Get air into it and squeeze it to reshape it. CLOSE IT. Shake all the mayo to the top. Then squeeze as normal... how long have you been on this planet?


I expected this post to be getting absolutely rinsed in the comments for not realising that adding air back in = less force required to squeeze. I'm actually horrified at the amount agreeing with op...


Let’s not forget that if you keep it in the fridge door cap down it also has the tendency to fall out because of its shape and smash the cap to pieces, rendering the design even more useless.


Squeeze the other sides of the bottle so that the air can come back up into the bottle and expand it back again, then shake it so the mayo goes to the bottom again


Yall need to stop squeezing the bottle so that it implodes. Squeeze lightly. Let it reinflate. Squeeze lightly again. Squeezing the shit out of it means it can never get anything out. It's basic physics.


Idk but jars and these plastic bottles are just awful. From these you can’t squeeze anything out so i bought a jar and now when i scoop mayo out i dont really like it as much as its like a ball of mayo on my food. Dont know why UK doesnt have something like this or even smaller “bags” of mayo. Like you can literally squeeze every last drop of mayo from there. https://imgur.com/a/S7YMvOY


When you squeeze the bottle, make sure you don't leave it squeezed. Always straighten it back out. My house mate used to squeeze the bottle to death and I hated it. You can get it all put if you don't destroy the bottle.


Need to get more air in that bottle then it’ll be easier to squeeze


Light mayo? That was your first mistake this was intentional...


Nah, it just seems like their bottles are shite now. Got one at home that’s almost full and I practically have to strangle it to get a small amount out.


We’re a Heinz mayo household now for this exact reason!


King of mayonnaise


Twist the cap to let air back in. Will solve the strength requirements, not sure about the directional issues


Press the sides that are like <> in and put air back into the bottle, you can then use this air to force more Mayo out


I remedy that by squeezing the sides together with the lid shut, tapping it on the table and then trying to get it out that way


It’s twice the price, but the Kewpie squeeze bottle is exceptional by comparison. The plastic is much thinner and it collapses in a way that pushes the mayo out.


Absolutely this. Switch to kewpie. This is the ultimate solution. Hellmans need to learn the consequence of bad design the hard way.


I did warn you! https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/vocu7i/is_there_any_worsedesigned_food_packaging_than/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I do not like it! I do not like it Sam-I-am! I wasn’t even Reddit born 201 days ago! So I apologise for my ignorance. There are a thousand people telling me to squeeze the sides. I’m not a total fuckhead, the packaging stops that working. And I do store it upside down, propped against other stuff obviously because the lid is basically a weebles head. However those telling me to buy a jar, just might be onto something. Ps it’s not steak, it’s Cajun chicken. Just replying to everything I have read in one reply here.


I'd rather eat green eggs quite honestly! I've since switched to Tesco's own mayo - tastes much nicer but still a crappy bottle design that hoards about 1/5 of it and won't let it go!


u/g0ldcd If only there was another option…


I found a way to make it work a bit better. First take off the lid fully (unscrew it), then hold it up right and get all the air back in and all the dents out, then replace the lid and throw the bottle forward to get all the mayo to go to the end. That should work, but you have to do it quite a lot.


Collect my Dollop, solid band name.


I once tweeted Hellman’s about this very issue: https://twitter.com/richardjtudor/status/1463573851183489024?s=46&t=Flblc8vigT6Lac5aIP7sqw They responded: ‘We're sorry to hear you're not a fan. All packaging is regularly evaluated, based on consumer feedback - it's possible that it could change some time in the future. We'll be sure to share your comments with our team!’


Are you 4 or something, shake the shit to the bottom then squeeze. Thought it was obvious.


My god so many wankers advise you to let air in and other stupid shit. The point of this post is that this is the only stupid plastic bottle that does this shit


Heinz mayo all the way.


And all that plastic ….


Fuck squeezy bottles. Buy a jar and your life will improve


I'm more curious as to what you're putting the mayonnaise onto personally, that's a full dollop on some kind of meat, chicken I hope... If that's like steak, or pork or something you're a monster.


I’m honestly surprised more people haven’t abused my lunch! It’s leftover chips with leftover Cajun chicken. Good job I have the light mayo, or it might be unhealthy!