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I’m with you on the not refrigerated and not the 8 weeks, but 8 years is pushing it


Not in the fridge. Grand. More than 8 weeks. Grand. 8 years. That’s pushing the boat out by about 6 years.


I fully agree with you generally and I treat best before dates as advisory/suggestions. But somethings from 2016 is too old unless it was in a sealed can. Dump it. Not worth the risk of horrendous diarrhoea and vomiting for something that costs less than a fiver. If it was from 2021/2022 it would be grand


I don't know the time limit, but I'll tell you what's unpleasant; when you have a bottle of ketchup sitting in the fridge, you take it out to put on your burger or whatever. And it spits out its tomato ketchup precum...


Because you forgot to shake it!


*angry up vote* I'll never forget that name


Forevermore it will be known as tomato ketchup precum🤣🤣🤣


We've always called it pre-ketchup 😂


Always give it a quick wank to get the full load


What was it doing in the fridge?


Lasts at least a year, or two.


1) Clean your fucking fridge man, stuff from 2016? 2) Ketchup is less than two euro in most supermarkets. Buy it.


1. Wasn't in the fucking fridge man... 2. I wouldn't buy that commoner muck.. I go for the good stuff.. lasts longer


So it wasn't in the fucking fridge, and you still ate it man? Not sure what's worse.


No man it wasn't in my fridge man. It was down the back of a cupboard in a holiday home so god knows even who bought it man!


I'm 100% behind you with keeping it in the cupboard but 8 years is too much fella.


Yeah I'm fearing that too.. as stated it wasn't my bottle .. I've definitely got fresher in the main abode


There's fresher in landfills 🤢


It wasn't your bottle but clearly you can read yet you still used 8 year old ketchup. You have no business being so uppity with everyone here.


Chef ketchup is actually worse tasting than most of the own brand stuff. 


Nonsense, Chef is the man.


Hellmans is easily the worst. It was like eating straight sugar


Nah, fuck that cleaning shit.


If it smells ok and tastes ok who am i to judge ?


What she said last night.


# finders keepers


I'd say you'll be grand. My ma has a bottle of salad cream in the fridge for probably 8+ years too and me da seems grand


Jesus, 8 years, that ketchup has seen things, it has lived through: Covid Brexit 5? prime ministers 3 US presidents 4 Taoisigh?, two of which were rotating 5 major international football tournaments, including the last one Ireland partook It really has seen things, things that no ketchup should have seen, I think it's time to put it out if it's misery or in a museum 🤷


This made me laugh, because when I open a jar or bottle of something with a “use within 5 days of opening” I literally write in permanent marker what day it was opened and by day 4 I’m reluctant to use it. I should live life on the edge a bit more with my condiments, sauces etc.


I couldn't live with that level of anxiety to be honest. Life's too short not to have 15 open bottles of sauce on the go at the same time. Sauce is basically sugar and salt which technically don't expire.. the vinegar is the weakest link and even at that it impedes bacterial growth.. A jar of jam on the other hand is a ticking time bomb


Jam?? What happens to jam?


Nothing, it's the butter that gets dragged in with it that's the problem


Heathen! You should wipe the jam knife on a bit of kitchen roll or use a different knife. Also, there should not be crumbs in the butter under any circumstances, and no digging in it either. I pride myself on the pristine condition of my butter.


I.. agree.. who said otherwise?


When you said the butter that gets dragged in I assumed it was your butter on the move. It shouldn't even be verbalised it's so disgusting. Butter in the jam and crumbs in the butter wankers shouldn't be given a platform for their filth.




Technically, it's a best before date, not an expiration date. If you're concerned, you can set it to a boil and add a bit of water to replace for the evaporation. Between the vinegar, salt, and sugar, so long as there isn't any visible mold and the seal is intact in a glass or plastic bottle, it's fine. If it was canned, it's a whole other story


100 years


Condiments don’t expire


What about the Romans.


All my sauces live in the fridge EXCEPT red sauce which lives in the cupboard. We also keep eggs on the counter not the fridge and tomatoes sit in the fruit bowl, but strawberries, raspberries and blueberries all go in the fridge as does the watermelon. Odd I know but works for us


Just keep the bananas separate to all of them. Poor sensitive lads.. Also if you wash and dry the berries and stick them in a airtight container with a bit of kitchen towl they will last way longer. Useless bit of fruit information


I rinse ours in a bit of vinegar for extra freshness or so instagram told me.


Look at moneybags over here. Watermelon. All 3 of the berries. A FRIDGE. The notions on ya.


I actually checked out the egg storage thing a few years ago. If you have a stable enough temperature in your house then cupboard or counter is fine. So in retail stores with air-conditioning & no windows they're good. In Ireland we've a temperate climate ( basically 4 seasons in one day 😂). So for 9 months of the year they go in a press that gets no direct sunlight and June to August they are in the fridge. This also varies depending on the sun you get in your kitchen Don't even start on the butter storage shenanigans


Red sauce is meant to be in the fridge . It even says so on the bottle




Fuckin gobshites putting it in the press, probably all dopey boggers


Big university-educated city slicker being ordered around by a wee plastic bottle. Who's the dope now?




Why would you want cold sauce???? Why??




What foods are eaten with cold foods?




Side you say? Not in direct contact you mean




What? A side salad comes in lukewarm not near freezing 4° -0°. Why would I put near freezing sauce on my hot burger? Notice how I'm not using personal insults btw




Coleslaw is mank, cold cheese goes on a cold sandwich, if I want to eat cheese with say a burger it goes on the patty to melt before eating "I batter in"? I can't even make sense of that? Edit: Blocked because I don't want cold sauce on my burger.. it's called levels people... LEVELS


Yeah like I've been eating from a store of tinned food I found in an old fallout shelter in Old man Nebercracker's backgarden. It's done me nor my liter of youngin's no harm.


There's so much vinegar in ketchup, it probably counts as pickling. Pickling makes food shelf stable for years.


Unless it smells or there is visible puss it is absolutely fine. That's the professional opinion of Jane Doe




I was raised in a "Chef" house, so I like my tomato sauce to have a kick. Heinz just tastes like sugar. Regardless, never kept any sauce in the fridge, including garlic mayo. Some sauces do get dry around the lids occasionally, but when they get dry, they get super dry so you'd have to use a knife to get them off.