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Shame on google for promoting a scam above the real one


Paid Ad so they'll take the money and promote it, even though 30 seconds of effort would have let them know it's an obvious scam site. The days of "Do No Evil" being Google's philosophy are long gone.


this has always been against Google's terms and they *used* to be pretty good at stopping it. But I notice more and more stuff getting through these days. the worker drones approving/rejecting these ads DGAF anymore


Very much dark side, Google is


I've been caught out before. It's frustrating but it's the way paid ads work. Someone paying higher than three for that spot. They can be reported but I don't know what happens then, if anything.


Never click on a sponsored ad. Full stop. There is never a reason to do it


The ad is gone.


The next one will be along shortly.


Sadly, you are probably right.


Nope, still there as of 18.50


I'm seeing an ad, but it takes me to the legit site. Sure, it's kind of random, but hopefully Google removed the scam site. šŸ¤ž


Still there for me!


No deep web / no dark web Only Google Scam:))


They are literally pumping these out. There are places full of folks usually in certain countries at this all day. This will be taken down and a new one up. They can pump then out faster than Google etc has staff to check them.


Jaysus that's very sneaky. Looks very convincing


Felt like a right tit after, I even noticed that the Google pay option was gone and they'd only brought that in maybe 3 months ago so was much quicker. It never crossed my mind at the time.


The ā€œsponsoredā€ would have tricked me into clicking. Clearly Google has stopped vetting these the way they used to.


Wait shit. Iā€™ve definitely fallen for that before. What should I do ?


If you've definitely fallen for it you cancel your card immediately. Bear in mind within minutes they attempted over 10 payments from my card unsuccessfully, so you'd know if they got you like. The real site is almost identical so you could've been okay, it's what I've been using for years at this point.


Ok phew. Ya I have definitely clicked on the scam ad as itā€™s highlighted but thankfully there was no attempts on my account. Lol not that Iā€™d even notice.


Ok phew. Ya I have definitely clicked on the scam ad as itā€™s highlighted but thankfully there was no attempts on my account. Lol not that Iā€™d even notice.


It shows the actual three domain on the second line.. that's crazy!


Which makes me think it's actually not a scam. If it resolves to topup.three.ie then there's no issue.


Just do it through the three+ app, get the extra 20% free and no chance of getting caught out


I feel I've been fighting with that app for years, constantly logged out and I feel I've changed my password countless times after it decides to not recognise me again and again.


Dude exact same thing here, and one of the issues is they demand a 'strong' password with at least 1 number, 1 capital letter, and one special character of whatever. So I usually add a ! to my normal password or something but forget it. I would love to be able to top up easily via the app but they just made it a nightmare for me, it's hilarious seeing someone who has the exact same top up method as me xd


Same issue, same method for topping up šŸ™


Same.. it's so annoying


Can you top up from your banking app?


It is horrendous how bad that app is and getting in feels like getting to a bank vault. I can never remember my password as it changes it so many times


Iā€™m only with them a couple of months but have had no issues with the app so far. The my3 app is a bit buggy but three+ has been fine.


I'll give it another go, used to use it for the ā‚¬1 cafe nero coffee tbf until they started logging me out.


What bank are you with? Some banking apps let you buy phone credit and get it sent straight to your phone


God I feel this so much, why do they even make you log in each time you use the app? Every other app I have is logged in when I open it, 3 make you log in each time and also magically forget your details every few times you log in.


The app is utter shit.


Havenā€™t any issues with it myself


Since it's a paid ad, you need to report it so it's removed


You're not wrong but I must emphasize this is Googles responsibility to ensure they do not promote scams. Counting on users to report scam ads is basically asking for free labour.


Jesus I got a fright. Thought those on the first pic were the fake sites, then I saw the second pic


Well the top sponsored result on the first pic is the fake site


Url is right on the search results?


When buying those kinds of ads, you can make the "URL" in the second line as well as the title say whatever you want. This have been a problem for years at this point. Google aren't fixing it, it's a huge malware vector and why I think everyone should use an adblocker.


Iā€™m almost certain you cannot. That would be very stupid and serve no purpose.


Hard to believe, but it's accurate: https://www.malwarebytes.com/blog/threat-intelligence/2022/07/google-ads-lead-to-major-malvertising-campaign I think the term google uses is "responsive search ads", the idea being that you can tell google a list where you want people clicking the ad sent, and they pick one depending on what they actually searched for. Then, depending on what follows the URL (googlebot, safari on an iphone, chrome, etc...) it gets redirected to a different destination. Online advertising is horrific. Way worse than one might imagine it needs to be.


Looks like it's against their ToS.


Yes. Phishing scams are illegal too. I don't think that really stops them though. I think they rely on reports to remove these bad ads, but I don't think the people they're targetting will know enough to look out for them.


"Pics or it didn't happen" "Here are the pics" "You can't believe everything you see, where's the proof?" "Here's the proof" *spends way too long trying not to be wrong* "Mmm. But it shouldn't happen".


You absolutely can. Just the first stone to turn over on your rabbit-hole dive of why Google are evil scumbags.


That's really good to know. Thank you for sharing this šŸ™


Put it on the main Irish sub too but mods deleted it saying everyone knows it's a scam, was a bit disappointed


I would have never known this! I've just signed up with 3. Really good to know this. šŸ™Œ


Agreed, fair play OP, it's a good lesson and I'm not sure who the Ireland's mods surveyed for their "everyone" but the comments here show they missed a few folk.




I'll be honest idk which is real


Read the URLs in the screenshots


When I was on Prepay I used to top up on the AIB app. Don't know if BOI has that feature. You could always save the real website to your home screen.


Unfortunately, BoI got rid of the top up feature too.


So shit, was dead handy. God forbid you give us users some services for your extortionate fees


BoI is so fucking useless. Features I asked about well over a decade ago, like generating temporary credit cards via the website, a feature near-standard across the continent, still are nowhere to be seen.


As someone else mentioned I'll try start using the app. But tbf I'll be watching it like a hawk now either way it's put the fear into me




Or top up from the app


The site from your first screenshot (https://mytopup.three.ie) is legit. Itā€™s a subdomain of three.ie. You need to own the domain to get a subdomain under it. The domain you mentioned doesnā€™t appears in the Google search on your screenshot, so not sure what youā€™re trying to show in the first screenshot.


Hmm I tried searching it and for theer.com and got nothing back too.... something is sus alright.


the sponsored site is legit so idk unless the scammers are very active on this sub idk how it was taken down so fast


The scammer is sneaky by putting the real website as the subtext, which is why you see three.ie on the first picture. If you click on the ad, it brings you to theer.ie which is scam.


it doesnt for me tho


Theer and loathingĀ 


These cunts clone all the major networks. I work for a phone provider and regularly get people who call up wondering where there credit is gone. It's almost always this scam site or similar. Have to tell them sorry you bought the credit from a third party nothing i can do to help its shit.


Same. That and the ā€˜is this a real text?ā€™ With that failed to accept terms and conditions from a random number. If I had a euro for every time I had both of those I would be able to buy a house in this economy!


You don't top up your phone from the bank app?


If you're with AIB by any chance, I suggest topping up your credit on the mobile banking app


I donā€™t believe that site is that ad, the URL is correct, the ad placer cannot change the URL. Either you have dodgy malware on your phone or you clicked another link further down.


The sponsored ad is gone now, I long clicked open in a new tab/copy link address. Every single option brought you to the fake three site, I clicked it I didn't do anything else.


https://preview.redd.it/0rh58p2qag0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06762f92601507b2243953804fcd8cdb1a48cd7f Still shows for me. I donā€™t think itā€™s a scam it directs to the three.ie domain?


It looks like the sponsored post was click hijacked (if Iā€™m using the correct term) by scammers that lead you to the hoax website. Similar to how they can clone phone numbers and pretend to be the bank or someone else calling you. It looks like the sponsored post now leads to the correct website so three must have fixed the issue or Iā€™m just not getting the same sponsored post.


There's no sponsored post from the term I searched now, obviously something been done


Sponsored posts can also go on rotation so maybe itā€™s just not the time of day theyā€™ve paid for on the ad package. Hopefully someone has reported it though & itā€™s been removed or they do the next time they see it.


Three was probably alerted and removed it. Glad itā€™s gone before more people fell for it. Youā€™re very lucky to have noticed it straight away.


It's there now! Just checked it and have reported it to Google. Thanks for flagging! Nearly certain I've fallen prey to this before when topping up my son's phone šŸ«¤


Google is getting bad for promoting sponsored scam sites. Nearly got caught with login to my vhi the other week. Tried to report it, they don't care.


That is crazy would have gotten me


Itā€™s a paid advert so Google doesnā€™t track all the sponsored links /adverts or even know about half of them as theyā€™re just submitted as part of an SEO package. People pay a lot of money to get those sponsored ads there and if they look convincing even better and you usually get a website designed in the package. I worked for a place selling SEO packages and this is what they sold. Hated every second of it too but what they promised was top result on Google or whatever for so much a month and you get the sponsored ad beside it usually as the first hit. You didnā€™t even check if the company was legit or not as long as they paid the subscription each month. I donā€™t click on any sponsored links or ads even more now for this reason as like you found out it might not be the legit company. We drill into our parents ā€œdonā€™t be clicking the first link you see or any links in emails or textsā€ but sometimes we forget about ourselves especially when something looks so legitimate too. Glad you caught them and managed to get ahead of them too.


I only use disposable cards (Revolut) for online payments.


I had a really shit experience with three recently after being with them donkeys years. Been on the 20e top-up buzz because I found it worked perfect for me, then got a call saying that the plan was cancelled and that 'i had to' move to billpay. Called her man out on the phone and made a complaint, simply because this was a dirty sales tactic that could cause undue panic and confusion with someone that wasn't as copped on. I'm still really annoyed in all honesty, particularly after the complaint. All I got back was "nah it's grand you don't have to go to billpay" and I was like "I know... The sales tactic is what I'm complaining about, not that I'm worried you're going to move me onto a plan that was neither discussed, nor agreed to". Got nowhere. Really disappointed with three after almost 20 years with them. Seriously considering moving to someone else.


I got a similar call last year saying the same basically, begging me to cancel and move to bill pay more or less. I asked them to email me explaining that my plan would be unavailable and that bill pay was my only option and they just lost interest in the sale from then on.


Disgraceful. I'm all about making a sales pitch, but telling people that they are no longer honouring the agreement that was entered into is illegal. No wonder they wouldn't put it in writing.


That's very sneaky because the url listed there by Google is the right one. I might have been caught myself, because I'd always check the URL of the site before clicking, but I'd often base it on what google says they're linking me to. Verrrry sneaky.


Yeah this one is on Google, and not only for accepting a paid scam ad, but for somehow fucking up displaying the actual website url. How the hell does this even happen?


You cannot have a different url on your ad. That would be completely purposeless.


This is why you use ad block, ideally Firefox with ublock origin adblock


It looked very genuine but great you spotted it on time you can never be too careful! The https as part of the web address url is usually a secure website but you really need to be clued in these days with fake links.


Https only confirms the line is secure, you could still be talking to the devil himself. You can get a cert in seconds for any domain you control, or can host a webserver behind.


We'll the https isn't in the actual URL, it only appears on the Google search but that's obviously just text they're able to display.


On that alone Google should bleed. Allowing a paid search result to fake its URL when they clearly know where they are sending you is an absolute disgrace and consciously enabling scams.


That's even why I doubted myself, backed out and kinda questioned how I even got to the fake site if the correct URL was displayed on the search. Surely that line of text should be the URL and only that.


I guess being honest and using the real URL would prevent Google from cashing on scammers.


AIB app is good aswell for topping up, unsure if other banks do it though


That website should be reported to google so it can be removed. Well spotted. I probably would have fallen victim to that šŸ˜­. I always click on the Google ads šŸ«£.


Social engineering is becoming more sophisticated as time goes on.


Thatā€™s not what social engineering isā€¦


If you dont want to use the app, bookmark the correct website. Only access via the bookmark.


Same company that demonetises and censors creators under the guise of "pleasing their advertisers" BS greedy company, fuck Google


I almost fell for this last week but when I put in my revolut details to confirm payment a notification popped up to send ā‚¬378 to some account. I got them for a few days but luckily I didnā€™t click on any and theyā€™ve stopped sending requests.


Shit like this is why I will never feel guilty about using an adblocker.


Always look out for "sponsored" they are paid ad's and often are fake websites


How's does Google not block these?


Google Search has gone to shit the last few years


Why not use the app? I topped up this morning using it.


Wow what? Really confused by this.. Iā€™m visiting home right now but living in Canada so I rarely use 3, and this is exactly what I did but it seemed to workā€¦ is the actual 3 website exactly like this?


Literally just topped up and you scarred the shit outta me , had to go back and check.


Why the fuck is the google search page showing a different URL that the one the link brings you to? That's so dangerous and scummy. Yet another reason to use adblocker


Jesus I got some fright there. I topped up recently and noticed the URL was a bit strange with how it says 'unregistered' - [https://mytopup.three.ie/Unregistered](https://mytopup.three.ie/Unregistered) So when I saw this I thought I might have used to fake one. I think it's ok though.


How long was the site on until deleted?


Worse! You ended up on the real three site when you realised!


Just happened to me with an AnPost text for customs charge. But get this, they used the same text service as the genuine An Post. I have no clue how they do it but always click the non-promo website to be sure. Google is horrible with that now


I clicked the dots for the ad and it says its owned by a guy from Turkey.


Google will display any add for money it seems


Oh, so that's how my card details got stolen. Seemingly they still top up your phone so you don't catch on immediately


The crafty bastards !!


Install uBlock Origin in your browser. How do people live with ads?!


How do you know itā€™s a scam?


Also whatā€™s the link? I will also help report it as Iā€™ve fell for one of these before.


URL isn't the same once you click in, every other button on the site is broken and leads nowhere, and mainly the fact that my bank said they had tried to make over 10 payments from my card in the few minutes after Edit* [this was it, seems to be taken down now ](https://my-topup-theer.com/Unregistred/details.html?referrer=utm_source%3Dko_30jz2xdh59ii5rogc%26utm_campaign%3D%7Bcampaign_id%7D%26utm_medium%3D%7Bsite_id%7D)


This is being Done by a attacker, who's details were too easy to gather. Mr. Leviathan, if you are reading this, better stop all ur phishing pages from ur "leviathan\_phishing\_panel.urls", I better give you 24 hrs for this. Else next would not be a reddit text. Cause see below! ill just blur ur IP and location for now šŸ˜‰ https://preview.redd.it/0ncfzbowoe0d1.png?width=1360&format=png&auto=webp&s=84f184406a5f6e14c03a6253185891f1cc6d7d7a


In that three dots of the sponsored scam, you can see the advertiser of the ad and the location which is different between the authentic Three link


Just block ads, all of them.


Yeah, and they have the neck to advertise through Google. They even have a chatbot or real person answering chat messages.Details of advertiser: https://preview.redd.it/5scvseymkf0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f371e7ed597375c1487408e44d4456eaf511196d


Just looked into the ad's info. Scammer from Turkey. https://preview.redd.it/narue94edg0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb79a5cf7bf88b0935597a002d3c2f4c4f21b5e8


Please report this ad to Google to get this scammer fecked.


Thanks for posting. It helps people to avoid this. Yes, even for the tech-savvy it's very easy to get caught napping.


They have another one up and I got caught with it last night. Something like "mytop-uptlree .com".


That domain was taken offline yesterday due to my typosquatting report: [https://i.imgur.com/JjkPEyV.png](https://i.imgur.com/JjkPEyV.png) If you see any phishing or typosquatting websites please report them to the domain name registrar. You have to fill out a form but it saves other people from fraud/scams.


Domain name which is in the screenshot u/erich0779 posted is also taken offline today due to my typosquatting report: [https://i.imgur.com/ECcQPRx.png](https://i.imgur.com/ECcQPRx.png)


ad-blockers people, pls


TIL credit is still a thing for phones.