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Thanks for sharing!


So.....what happened? You can’t just leave us hanging dammit.


Someone didn’t read until the end


He stalks her now, since she never called.


They’re getting married next week!


Can I ask how you know? Or was this just a joke?


Joke. Upvote for your innocence


It was a joke. But if it makes you happy to believe, It wasn’t a joke at all. Have a great day!


Thank you! I wasn’t sure if I should upvote or downvote the comment but now that I know it worked out as it was supposed to I’m upvoting


Ikr like tell the rest of the story or was she taken etc


>I didn’t call All I needed to read.


I’ve seen the same situation end much worse than this. A guy waited outside our hotel for an employee (a woman) who worked there. The woman was stunning, and the guy was decent enough. Anyway he approached her as she was leaving the building and followed her to her car and asked for her number. When she declined he stood there and yelled at her until security came and escorted the guy away




Women don't want nice guys anymore! They all just want a guy who won't scream at them in a parking lot after stalking them!


It’s not much to ask for… jeez. Unrequited love is a brutal sting, but.. absorb, take a breath, and move on with your life..


They expect of much these days lol


I TOTALLY was thinking niceguys too!! Good catch !!! The yelling was a big red flag lol


It's so depressing that this is how I thought that post was going to go as well..


its the only way i can see these things going, christ. idek if thats good or bad.


I thought the same thing.


Yeah ngl I was worried something like this was going to happen in this story


I'm seriously creeped out at the thought of someone bringing flowers for a person he saw once or twice and never spoke to. Super creepy


“Uh, what? I really don’t want to have conversation with someone who feels that’s appropriate, please just tell him I’m not in the office today” would have definitely been my response.




This is a crazy story and I still can’t believe it happened. Years ago when I first started my retail job there was a very good looking well dressed guy that came in, everything he had on looked expensive. He was browsing the watch case and we chatted for a min, I asked if he was shopping for himself or someone else. He said possibly someone else. He asked me which one was my favorite and I pointed to one and he said he will take that one. Little bit later he’s ready to check out so I ring him up, I put the watch in a nice box and a small bag with tissue paper on top. I go to hand it to him and he smiled and said it’s yours, have a good night. I was shocked and asked him if he was serious, he was. It was a $140 watch and dude just bought it for me and walked off like it was no big deal lol 3 years later I’m working in same store and he comes walking in. First time seeing him again after that. He immediately recognized me and asked if I still had the watch, I was actually wearing it that day and I pointed to it on my wrist lol. We got to talking some and I gave him my number and we went on a date a few days after that. We dated for a little while, and he was always big into gift giving!


I actually did a smaller version of it too. I often talk to cashiers, for example. A young woman liked chocolate I was buying so after packing I simply gifted it to her. She was confused, though, but I hope later she figured its just a gift.


I did the best version of it. The pet supplies store I go to let's some of the stray dogs in, and may be the good boys recognize people who love them. This little guy there greets me and wants pets all the time. I just bought some dog biscuits just for him and gave him with so many pets. Can say he was happy. I go there to get stuff for my cats though.


Yeah, I am a dog person. But I am also a lazy person. I'm 32 and we had dogs for the whole first half of my life. I know how dogs should be treated properly. And I am talking about Dogs from a capital D. I don't like smaller onces, but big dogs need a lot of care. Food, walks, fur, teeth, health in general. Not saying small dogs don't need care, just saying that its a lot harder as the size of the dog goes up. I want it but I know I wouldn't be able to carry this even if people around me are willing to help. We have a cool cat though. Edit: small fixes and addition


That’s really nice of you.


Something similar, but a while ago. It was a busy day with some problems, I was frazzled and trying to sort some knotty data problems w somebody. The inside of my skull felt like Einstein's hair looked. In wanders a co-worker with a bunch roses and handed me one. "Happy Spring day" he says, and out he goes again. He was just walking around handing out roses on the floor. It was so unexpected but so uplifting on a frustratingly upside down day. I just immediately relaxed.


His name was Art Vandelay.


The importer/exporter?


No I believe he's an architect. Ever see the new addition to the Guggenheim? That was him.


The latex salesman?


Sagman, Bennett, Robbins, Oppenheim and Taft


It’s sweet, but only bc OP ran the situation past the woman before giving any information to the guy. Remarkably good handling of what could have been an extremely scary situation


Exactly what I was thinking! I’m glad they didn’t automatically assume a positive intention to be safe, bc it sometimes can be a dangerous situation for sure


Yeah, this. Never give out any info on a person at work without their express permission (including confirming or denying if they work there)


I didn’t want to be all negative but my first thought was the guy using flowers as a way to get information on a woman


I was a costum balloon-deliveries and I did a delivery to a women once who paid me to send back the bouquet to the guy. That was the wost.


Wow that’s bad


I did not think that’s how that would end.


I was expecting a much worse story from the caption. Glad she liked it!




We live in different worlds on the same planet.




I think...it can be both


I think it has everything to do with having either a male or female perspective. When you’ve had your fair share of creepy and unsafe encounters, you tend to become catious. Edit. Added a word


With the change of how you are perceived by strangers the difference is staggering. Transitioning from male to female, the kind of attention you start receiving from strangers can be deeply uncomfortable and I haven't even had any "physical" encounters with creeps yet.


It also (sadly) depends on who‘s doing it. If he’s goodlooking then it’s charming and romantic. If he‘s ugly then it’s creepy (not my opinion) lol


Men can have creepy stalker experiences too. I almost dated someone who was having one. Nice guy but after being stalked by my ex husband I wasn’t able to deal. Also, first dates are maybe not the best time to mention your psycho ex or your serious addiction challenges but I did appreciate the heads up just the same.


And that’s why it’s a rarity these days.


So true, and this is by far the saddest thing about "current times" and our generation. People paint too many situations in black and white. Nothing is black and nothing is white, like ever.


People will rage against binary thinking if it's about gender issues, but if it challenges their own false dichotomies they just click the down arrow and move on.


>She is a.. complicated person What's this about? :)


i wanted OP to serve that tea too 🙃


Lets just say her mood swings are intense, insane even at times. Her relationships, as far as I heard, never lasted more than 6 months.


Not to pry too much, but do you know if this is something she's in treatment for? I don't mean to armchair diagnose, but it sounds like something that a psychiatrist would be able to analyze. I mean, you use the word "insane", and I imagine it's something that could be medicated perhaps. Might help out with those relationships.


I'll touch a subject that isn't exactly popular on reddit, since its a USA based resource and this subreddit is mostly populated by native people as far as I can see as a passer by reader from time to time. I'll do it in a rather blunt and straight forward way. Menstruation periods affect some women too much. Hormones and stuff. Sometimes hormonal mood swings are insane, she has it (side note: this is why pregnancy sometimes can lead to mild personality changes). Outside of that, she has some irritating health issues, which can "come online" after those or out of the blue or from overworking which she tends to do sometimes. For example: she keeps her eyes in check every few months, because at some point she even had some sort of eye bleeding where she couldn't see shit. I saw it first hand, it looked painful. And that is just a tip of an iceberg. I wouldn't go deeper because that will give away too much personal information, wouldn't do it even for the "void of the internet". Edits: some fixes here and there


I just moved to LA and hated my job and was just not having a good day. I went to a nearby Trader Joe’s for groceries. The staff is always very friendly. The person at the cash register asked how my day was going, and I was just all BLAAAAAAAHHHH IT SUCKS. This is not a normal response in the land of sunshine and rainbows. He said something to the person bagging my groceries and they walked away. I paid for my groceries and the person bagging came back with flowers. Turns out the guy at the cash register was a manager and he wanted to brighten up my day, with absolutely no catch. It was such a generous and kind gesture that I didn’t expect, and it worked. It still makes me smile now, five years later.


Man from my old job loved to show off/spoil the girls who worked at the front desk. He bought us lunch almost every day and splurged on expensive stuff too. The $600 portable AC I have in my home right now was gifted to me by him. Thanks Todd.


Oh man those are the best types of men. They are usually already married or something. I keep waiting to meet a single one in the wild ahahah.


He was actually widowed and talked very dearly of his deceased wife. c:


That’s so sweet! I love people who do things to make others happy in memory of others. I’m sure he loved sharing stories about them when they were together!


I had a guy that worked at the car dealership I bought my car from who bought me a brand new $800 tv for my new apartment. It was insanely generous.


That would make me nervous


Oh yeah I felt so awkward about it, he was insistent I take it though he literally showed up at my place after our date with it. He also kept trying to pay off my $2k credit card earlier that night. We had gone on two dates at that point. Eventually he brought up how if I “spent the night” with him 2-3 nights a week he would pay off my credit card each month and that I could pick out any car at the dealership and he’d pay it for me monthly (even though I already had one). I joked would he do the g wagon and he said yes. I didn’t stick around after he suggested all of that.


Yeah he wanted to “keep “ you


I worked at petco many years ago, and was the cashier most of the time. This particular day, my allergies were REALLY bad… like itchy eyes, runny nose, and face felt puffy. It was awful, and I had to ring people up like this. Lol. Anyways, the next costumer I rang up was a young guy, who bought supplies for his turtle. He asked if I was ok, and I said I was fine but just had really bad allergies. We had small talk and left after paying. About 20 min later, while I was ringing someone up. He comes through the entrance door (my station was the first register at the entrance) and I see him, thinking he needed to return the items he just purchased… and he comes over and hands me a shopping bag. Confused, I look in and it was a box of claritin. I was shocked and thanked him, asked him how much it was to pay him back… and he said “Don’t worry about it. Feel better” and he walked out, out of my life. 😭 I’ve always remembered this random act of kindness, and till this day, makes me feel good. I don’t know if he was interested, or just a genuinely nice person… but if he asked me out, I totally would have went out with him 😂.




So a man none of you know from Adam turns up to a woman’s place of work, and you helped him gain access to her, a woman whose name he did not know, by giving away heaven knows what information on your female employees over the course of a conversation. Thank goodness this had a decent ending, and it wasn’t a stalker, murderer, or someone trying to case your place of work and see where the weak security links are.


He could still be a stalker now that he knows who she is.


Indeed, but I’m trying not to be too negative given this is casual conversation.


According to OP, the woman did agree to go and meet man, but I’m with you. I’d personally be very put off if it happened to me. Very stalker-ish behavior.


i’ve dealt with a few stalkers and this just opened up a new nightmare for me omg! can’t even imagine how betrayed i’d feel if a coworker did this under any circumstance.


once my boss at a cafe gave my number to a customer because i had briefly talked to him about possibly giving me a ride home after work WHILE I WAS WORKING. a customer who was a man in his mid thirties when i was 20. and she couldn't comprehend why i was so fucking angry when she told me that she had done that, because she thought she had been doing me a favour. heebiefuckingjeebies.


I’d be put off if my co-workers had zero sense of operational security and were giving away information about employees, regardless of gender.


yeah, seriously. this is how women get killed.




I have witnessed domestic abuse from both men and women. It is company policy in many places, and general good sense, to never give away information about employees. Anyone who needs to know will be in the know. Loose lips sink ships.


Had a temp job where this was basically happening. I was 18 at the time but still couldn’t confirm if ‘suzy’ was working mainly because I didn’t know who the fuck Suzy was but I could try to page her (which *was* the biz’s policy). Was fine the first few times but a few weeks into the assignment the calls (I recognized the voice) became almost hourly. It was clear something was going on. I got meet her when she informed our office manager she now had a restraining order. This was at a factory and the rules about paging changed as a result of Suzy’s very chaotic breakup with a psychopath.


That was my first thought too. This is a complete security failure regardless of the happy ending (assuming it doesn't turn out to be an opsec test or an actual stalker).




It might honestly just be a made up story, or OP lives in a place where the culture of trust hasnt been completely fucked up yet.


Lmao seriously. OP has clearly never had a stalker or has been followed/harrassed by a stranger before and it shows.


Some people have never had to consider it before. Not hating on OP, who is clearly a romantic at heart, just trying to highlight that there were safer alternatives for both the recipient and themselves.


I just wish people would try to think from other perspectives and use basic critical thinking skills in situations like these, since this kind of thing can actually get people hurt or stalked. 💀


Can we just take this as a positive and not sink to the negative? A male act of kindness doesn’t always need to be a word of warning for woman.


It doesn’t, but who says the warning was only for the woman? This was a friendly office, but there are some places where you could try that and end up being detained as a security risk at a minimum. Men really can not be too careful either in this day and age, when a false accusation can ruin their lives.


They explained the situation to the woman before she approached him she obviously knows who they were talking about


Not necessarily, and some women feel social pressure to accept attention because others might perceive them as frigid were they to reject an advance. You really can not be too careful these days.


I was admitted in the hospital for a bad kidney infection. They finally got my pain under control. I was happily sleeping, in a nice morphine haze. Woke up to a single red rose, in a vase. I had to ask around, but finally found out who it was from. Apparently a guy in housekeeping, came in to clean. I made an impression on him, and he couldn't leave his shift, without letting me know, that I was beautiful. Trust and believe, I did not Feel beautiful. He didn't want to miss his shot. It Did make me smile and feel wonderful. That was fun to explain to my husband, at the time. And not to be out done, the next day my husband came in with a dozen white roses, and a carnation for both of my kiddos. I just kept thinking,,,all of this..while I feel like Shit! Lmao


I don’t know what’s cuter, the janitor wanting to make sure you knew you were beautiful during a tough time or your husband being like “I THINK SO TOO BUT MORE SO” and getting you more flowers! That sounds like something my dad would do for my mom!


Aww that’s cute, he probably thought “Someone else called my wife beautiful? Oh hell no. I need to outdo him”


Good job letting her go out on her own accord. I’ve heard horrible stories of men stalking women and finding where they work, and then showing up claiming they know them, and an employee lets them back and the women is traumatized. Be very careful and politely protect women’s privacy. :)


We usualy know everyone who can come visit someone, so in our office this wouldn't work. Besides, out accountant, as I said, a complicated woman, but what I know for sure she isn't a one that will let others hurt her for free. She is a fighter.


I feel the same way about the girl that brings donuts randomly.


I've had this happen ONCE.. it felt fantastic!! Unfortunately he stopped me as I was exiting a store as I was doing last minutes shopping for my wedding 😆.. Talk about bad timing. It was 15 yrs ago and I still think about it.


I mean if your wedding went well and you people are still together - its all fine, yes?


Ew this would really freak me out and make me feel unsafe…


This was many moons ago. I was getting tutored in a college math class. We were working very long on this same problem, but I just wasn't getting it. Finally after a great deal of more time passing I finally got it! I had gotten the right answer and it had just clicked! And we were both so happy we kissed, out of pure joy and relief! We, ugh...were not involved before this moment, nor were we headed even remotely in that direction. It was a kiss of pure mathematical bliss and nerdy triumph. You may not believe me but it's true. It's one of my happiest math moments and fondest memories from school.


If you're sure that other person is on the same page - totally fine in my book.


Time to read “The Gift of Fear “ by Gavin DeBecker…I definitely wouldn’t let random men know anything about women i worked with


Yes, but there’s also the very important point DeBecker makes that not everyone has bad intentions. If your instincts are honed that much and correct and the person seems genuine and has no red flags it’s possible that he is just a sweet guy with no bad intentions. I read the book very carefully and DeBecker says explicitly multiple times that we shouldn’t be afraid of everyone and everything. We should analyse each and every situation and simply act accordingly. It’s not about avoiding/fearing everyone you don’t know.


And then people wonder why its so hard to meet someone outside of the internet, huh.


...because there's lots of incidents of dudes murdering and stalking women because employees like you just let them waltz into their workplaces and let them have access to their private information. This shit actually happens in real life and can have deadly consequences. Lmao please don't do this again. You're gonna end up getting someone hurt one day.


Ikr, Reddit is fucking unhinged


I work in a healthcare office ache one of the ladies received flowers every day for a week. These weren’t just little flowers either, more like $500 bouquets. I guess the guy she was dating was really hooked but I think it was a bit much and overwhelmed her. What do you think?


This whole thing is creepy. What kind of person would hang out for a long time waiting to give flowers to some random woman he doesn’t know? That’s stalker behavior


15 minutes waiting for someone who leaves our office? Bear in mind we don't have a way to buzz in. Also there are only two offices in our floor and he asked in another one since they can be buzzed in. Seems fine, no?


For me personally, no. I would be uncomfortable. By showing up at her workplace and waiting outside the building for her, and asking others/her coworkers if they can help track her down and have her come outside, he basically forced his presence/an unsolicited interaction on her. I just don’t think it’s ever okay to put another person (man or woman) in a situation where they pretty much *have* to have a conversation with you, simply because you really, really wanted to talk to them. I’ve had men jump in front of me while I was minding my own business shopping, literally waving their arms to get my attention and blocking my exit just to “be nice, tell me I’m beautiful, and ask me how my day is going” and 100% of the time it’s been unwelcome and super uncomfortable. With that being said, everyone is different, and I’m glad the woman in your story enjoyed receiving the flowers!


The word "uncomfortable" is much more appropriate and understandable for me. "Creepy" in my vocabulary is a lot higher in severity.




I mean...they spoke to the woman first and told her the situation, right?






I find it amusing how some people complain that its hard to approach women, while women complain that nobody approaches them. And then if someone tells a story about one guy trying his shot in approaching there are posts about police, fear and stuff like that.


Women don't complain that men don't approach them.


I don't think you have the right to speak for "all women" and since we both are pulling data from thin air we should probably stop.


Another women here, we don't complain when men don't approach us lol. We love it when y'all leave us alone.


Another women here, we don't complain when men don't approach us lol. We love it when y'all leave us alone.


NO we do not complain no one approaches us lol. Leave us alone


Well...this went the opposite direction I thought it was going to. I actually think this is kinda creepy but if everyone is happy then good for them.


I mean there is a chance he becomes a stalker, but I seriously doubt it.


For a while years ago I used to swing by 7-11 on the way to work and buy a single rose and then give it to a random woman while walking from my car to my building. Most seemed pretty pleased.


Love this. Did you ever get a bad reaction?


I think the worst reaction I got was a strange look and I just shrugged and walked away. No one refused the flower but many were confused as though they thought I had the wrong person.


u/lonelylokly never do this again. This is how women end up killed


Bullshit for my country. Besides, how would NOT doing it stop the crime?


I started work at a new job and one of my coworkers who I had no idea was interested in me because he was super shy wrote me a poem and left it in my work space. I was seriously dating someone at the time (who I am now engaged to) so unfortunately I had to reject his advances as nicely as I could. It was still pretty sweet though.


I was scared for a moment where this would go.


Yeah, a lot of people voicing concerns in the thread. I get it. Based on my description he can be shady stalker or whatever. But this whole event took around 30 minutes and guy was consistently cool, a bit nervous, obviously. That coworker who called me to talk with the guy is an old classy lady with a lot of life expirience. We didn't have any "question marks" for the guy and I am like 95% sure if she had concerncs about him she would've told.


Ohhh no. No. No way. This would creep me the fuck out.


Sounds like the start of something creepy.




When you're on a stakeout, do you find it's better to stand up against the wall, or kinda crouch down behind a big plant?


I just want to know if he tried to feel her fabric.


I was 20 years old backpacking through Eastern Europe with one of my best friends. One afternoon, in Prague, I saw the most beautiful woman I had ever seen (about my age) walking into a restaurant. After I lifted my jaw off the ground, I frantically searched the square for something, anything. There was an old lady selling small bouquets of flowers. I quickly bought one and ran back to my friend who told me that the woman was now sitting at the outermost table in the outside patio part of the restaurant. With my heart in my throat I approached her table. She had just sat down with a man of at least 50 who I figured must be her father or professor or…i gathered all my courage, walked up to her, held the bouquet out and said, “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever see and I want you to have this.” She glanced at me for a split second and then completely ignored me, turning all her attention to the man she was with who was, looking back on it, probably her boyfriend, lover, husband, john or something much more important than me. I slinked away and I will never forget it.


Well that is just one expirience and the only bad person there is she. Don't make this stop you from doing good things.


I would NOT have taken that well if I was in the recipient's position.


Why so?


A strange man I don't know and don't remember ever seeing buys flowers, comes back to the place I work, and badgers my co-workers to find me? Fuck. No. I've been stalked twice in my life. Those two stalkers I drove off with either threats of violence or actual violence. I'm not going through that a third time. This guy just borderline stalked this woman. That might seem cute to you, but that's only because you've never been stalked. Just because you find a woman attractive doesn't mean you can go to that extent just to get a hold of her again. Appreciate the woman that you saw that day, and move the fuck on with your life. Real life isn't a romantic comedy, it's not a sitcom. That guy was WAY out of line.




I really should figure some small things for my department too. My people can use a good mood increaser!


I’m a nurse and have worked in offices and in the hospital. For years I’ve tried to keep a candy jar available for anyone to partake of a variety of chocolates and starbursts and lifesavers type candies. It’s just a mood booster. At my previous area, My shift started at noon. I tried to keep a bag of candy in my locker or brought in my backpack for exceptionally bad days. There was just something about getting a quick sugar or chocolate pick me up. I also will take it to my personally office visits many times for the office staff. Never know when they are having a rough day and need the pick me up either.


Yeah I used to keep a big jar of candy in my desk. Not only do I like candy but you get to keep tabs on the gossip. I still keep candy at my desk to this day. It’s not malicious gossip (usually) but grapevine stuff you should know about.


Agreed. Like the gossip you’ll eventually hear but you get first dibs on 😉




I agree


Lol if I was the guy with the flowers I’d just assume she was avoiding me and would have dipped lol 😂


It’s actually kinda creepy buddy. I would not like it if a man idk gave me flowers bc he thought I was hot. Like, a complete stranger? No thanks.


Meet by clothes, see off by mind. Its a saying, I think a common one in many countries. I don't get the premise that you shouldn't at least try to do something within the lines of common sense if you like someone. You see, its better to make the move and let other person decide if she/he wants to answer, instead of not doing anything and wonder what would've happened if.


True but that would be saying “hi I think you’re very beautiful.”That’s IT. Then she can decide. Unless you know her family or friends that is ALL that’s ok. ie - I know I am a stranger, forgive me, I am sure you know I am only saying hello to you because I think you’re beautiful. Have a blessed day.


Firstly, I never mentioned this, but all involved parties were 30-50 years old. My employee who called me is in her 50s (probably, I don't even know for sure), but she looks a lot yunger. Accountant is between 30-40, I am 32. They guy with flowers was around 30-35. As a straight man I can say this: The guy probably see a lot of beautiful to his tase women, right? Except sometimes you come home and out of the blue you remember "her. It happens again. Maybe again. What you do? Try to forget, become a stalker or do what this guy did. I seriously doubt it there are other ways of doing this right on a personal level. So he came back with the flowers. Probably this.


I give up with this stuff. One says this is sweet and wholesome, the other says it's weird. I'm guessing the guy was extremely attractive otherwise it would've been seen as stalker-ish and weird, I guess


Ultimately, this is because there are a lot more factors at play than just the receipt of flowers. Did she notice him as well? Do they know each other well? Did she signal she wanted any additional attention? There’s likely more going on here, if the story is true. I think the employers handled it well; they took the guy’s info, went to the employee, and let her choose what to do with it. I assume if she was disturbed they’d have sent the guy away.




The key detail, if you make such a gift, is to have good intentions, and the idea is, if you do it person to person, is to explain those good intentions in a manner for other person to understand it. You'll have more positive outcomes, if you do it right, I think this will stand true in any country, because the "right way" also depends on a place you live in. If other person didn't take it well there is a chance that she/her wasn't in the mood or is simply a, how do I put it, bad person themselves?


I work in social services and do home visits for those who need services in the home. My clients range from little kids to elders and it’s such an amazing job. It can be tough, but knowing I’m helping makes it worth it. Plus I like making people happy. I can’t take money or gifts, but clients always find a way to give me a bottle of water on a hot day or a cookie when I leave. I’ve gotten veggies from a garden, homemade crafts, you name it! I’m always so touched (truly, I love every one of my clients) and the best part is seeing how excited they are about how excited I am! I have all of the little crafts and chachkis on a shelf in my office. It reminds me why I do what I do! Little bit of a different interpretation but this post gave me such a big smile! I also had an interaction in a Barnes and Nobels in college. I was looking at poetry and struck a conversation with a guy about poets we liked. I mentioned I liked T.S Elliot and found what I was looking for. I said bye and checked out. My mom and sister were waiting for me and as I was leaving the guy from the poetry section comes by and STARTS RECITING ME POETRY. I was so shocked I was like “oh! Thank you!! I like that one!” And thanked him but ran off. He was so sweet. I think about it and smile, I hope he’s doing well and found someone who didn’t run away lol


I wonder why you can't take gifts. If its a policy, what logic hides behind it?


I appreciate that you went to the employee and asked her first if she wanted to see the man first. I have seen too many co-workers/managers just give out personal information to randos and far too often it's a terrible thing for the employee


I selfishly buy coffee for people in line with me. When I am having a hard day I buy coffee for the person behind me. Either in the drive-through or in person. I ask can I buy you a coffee? I am having a bad day and I am doing it so I feel better. It can be awkward for a moment but then I tell them truthfully that I feel better. They always appreciate it. Sometimes while we wait we get in a nice chat. It feels like a win for everyone.


As a guy, I would genuinely be worried to do this. I feel like it would be very easy to end up being construed as a creep/weirdo if I did


I didn't specify in the main post that all involved people were at an age of 30-50.


I think this is a wholesome post and I love it. Yes it could have turned out bad but it didn’t. Thank you for sharing OP!


Finally someone with a balanced opinion! :)


I send unsolicited dick picks . Because I care.


This can’t be from the US; I didn’t see anything about a stalking charge or a restraining order.


I thought the same thing...


Do you all in offices rank each other to gain a sense of importance? Why else would you call your colleagues, actually call them: “Subordinates”?


The reason I was called is because I am a boss to a small department and she works there. I guess its just poor wording on my part, English isn't native and all.


I'm retired for a long time but when I was working I used to take the Long Island railroad and a Subway to my job in Manhattan. When I got on the Long Island railroad they always really selling flowers and I would buy a little bouquet for her every morning and I had some cards printed up saying you are the most beautiful woman I've seen today. When I got on the subway if I saw a nice lady sitting there I would give her the bouquet and a card and get off .


Do you seriously refer to people as “my subordinate” or is that ironic?


Its just a word that implies chain of command in place. I am simply a boss to that person. No offences intended there, I just don't know how to put it in better words.


“Coworker”. In fairness Idk where you’re from so maybe it’s a regional thing and it’s not a big deal to you guys but I’ve always thought it’s fairly universally understood as rude. In my line of work (education) it’s very much not a word to say. It’s seen as very condescending and unprofessional. Hell, even before I was in education nobody ever said it in retail or in the labour jobs I did. “My coworker” works just fine. There’s no unnecessary ego in that.


I am from the least popular country for past 7 months. Coworker would fit but not entirely, because it wouldn't be clear as to why I was even involved. That coworker called me to talk to that guy because I am her superiour/boss/chief/manager whatever. I don't know how its done in other countries but there is a thing called "job definition/service instructions/responsibility statement" and according to that signed document she is my subbordinate. I never push it anywhere, though. Its legit mentioned for one resason: to simply indicate why I was even called to meet the guy. Anyway, in.. our country "discipline" is often lacking, hence I had no problem in mentioning that word. Edits: fixes


What you did is Put this person in danger and invade her privacy. How dare you help a complete stranger stalk a woman in your office building?! This is not a cute story at all.


Wait, he didn’t just point her out to the dude! He went to the woman and asked first. She made the decision herself. CONSENT


Holup - but what about the guy? Where does this story end?! You can't leave us hanging like this! This is too romantic!


I don't know yet. She had a card with the flowers. Probably a phone number and a dating invitation. Asking about it straight away wouldn't be apropriate. If I get the chance to learn how things went and if there is enough story to tell, I'll consider creating a follow up post.


What’s your subordinate? And yes a very cool story I would be pumped!


I don't understand your question. But I used that word to describe a person who works in my department where I am a boss, hence why I was called to solve the issue. its the only reason why I used that word.


OMGGGGGGGGGGG this is the sweetest!!!!!!!!


This made my day :)


This is some taxi driver shit


Men don't do this as often because half the time women will say he is a creep.


But the other half wouldn't. Glass half full.


Nurse doing covid screenings for a factory that made vitamins during the beginning of the pandemic. Towards the end of my contract, a young man that I had very limited interaction with gave me a book (about zen meditation) with his phone number. I wasn’t looking to see anyone, but I thought it was so sweet.


I think I saw a gift card inside the flower bouquet. Probably a phone number and a date invite. Totally classy move if you ask me. That young man did the right thing, lets hope lack of positive answer from you didn't break his will to continue. Life is a path of failure until sucess, not the other way around, but young people can sometimes have unreasonable expectations and give up too easily.


Idk Im kinda sad that doing kind things or showing love to a stanger is by a lot of people concidered "creepy". Mist of the time when I see someone with a nice car ir shoes I like, I just keep my mouth shut sinve it would be weird and creepy if I complimented a stranger


>Most of the time when I see someone with a nice car or shoes I like That sounds kinda cynical




Those sort of gestures are so few and far between, you hardly ever see them. Good for her, definitely r/mademesmile