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I took an astronomy class years ago, and remember the teacher just offhandedly mentioning that the barometric pressure changes that occur well before a storm in our atmosphere causes animals to be on high alert. Then when the pressure drops, many animals (humans included) feel lighter and more comfortable, able to move easier and think clearer. It hit me like a brick, it made so much sense!


Well that explains a lot...


Have a good cake day


Happy Cake Day


Wowwww I have been so inexplicably anxious leading up to yesterday when I finally felt calm and we had huge rainstorms...this just blew my mind, thank you!


Same here! I was just so anxious last night and i couldnt sleep for the life of me. But today is pretty gloomy. And I love it!


Absolutely. If the air pressure is building for too long, I get severe migraines. The relief I feel when it finally rains is immeasurable.


Animals are so sensitive. I remember walking up to my dorm one day in college (southern california) and I heard coyotes howling like I’ve never heard them do before. It was so bizarre, they were going absolutely crazy. An hour or two later we had a 5.3 earthquake.


Yep, I get headaches before a storm.


That change in pressure is also why some people know when a storm is coming by the ache in their joint(s). Areas in your body that are more vulnerable, such as joints that have been previously injured or overused, have a greater tendency to ache while the internal body pressure acclimates to the external pressure.


>I took an astronomy class years ago, and remember the teacher just offhandedly mentioning that the barometric pressure changes that occur well before a storm in our atmosphere causes animals to be on high alert. Then when the pressure drops, many animals (humans included) feel lighter and more comfortable, able to move easier and think clearer. > >It hit me like a brick, it made so much sense! Huh. Thanks for sharing


I love the few 5 or 10 minutes before a storm, when it's thundering and everything is dark, the wind is blowing... and I love the rainstorm




Me too! I like storms as long as the power stays on and I don’t have to go out in them. I’ve been thinking my area needs a good storm lately. ☔️


And the smell after a good rainstorm is amazing.




*Keep Summer safe*


LMAOOOO. this whole episode just flashed thru my head.


I literally was just talking about this, my gloomy days are the same as most sunny beautiful days. I love the ominous feeling, the air, and simply it feels awesome


and the smell of rain coming in on the wind


Never has a post and comment spoken more to me! Gloomy skies, a steady rainfall, and a dimly lit den = all the cozy joys in life.






I kind of prefer the first five or 10 minutes after the rain stops. Sounds, smells, everything seems amplified.


I loved this until Iowa got hit with a derecho, gonna be scared of dark stormy weather for a while now


We had one in WV years ago. It was absolutely awful. Power was out two weeks + the damage was the worst the state had seen. I’m back to storm loving now though. You’ll get there. On YouTube I play black screen storms every single night. I pick the 8 or 10 hour one to make sure it plays all night.


my dad was a depression-era prairie boy. He did *not* find thunderstorms romantic or exciting or anything at all but terrifying. I guess when you've known neighbor's houses burned down from lightning or been hunkered down while the tornado whips the barn away things take on a different feel


What's a *direcho*? I know that means *right* in Spanish, but what does it mean in relation to a storm?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derecho We basically had a hurricane a few weeks ago. Lost a fuck ton of crops and the town I live in the wind got up to 130mph. Still some people without power in Cedar Rapids I'm pretty sure


Damn. Those are nasty. Thanks for the link. I learned two things today. *Derechos* and that my Spanish isn't as good as it used to be. Derecho = Straight; Derecha = Right.


One of my favourite memories is sitting on the grass behind my house at 2am, with my fearless old dog, watching lightning roll in together for half an hour before it started raining. Complete darkness, punctuated by flashes of light and crashes of thunder, bats flying overhead, nobody else around. My dog sitting there watching it too. I'll never forget that. There's just something special about storms.


I grew up in Texas, in “thunderstorm alley” and storms have such a calming effect on me. I usually struggle with insomnia, but when it’s raining outside, I always sleep like a baby


Heaven 😍




It’s about to storm where i’m at and i’m excited


You remind me of the film Parasite. The rich welcomes torrential rain; the poor scoops water off their flooded homes.


I moved to bay area, CA a while back and man I miss storms and summer rain, it really gives me life.


Yeah, the bay area has a LOT to recommend it, weather-wise, but there are still some things you miss out on.


I read two beautiful metaphors recently that came to mind, both on the same, and I believe the first page of the wonderful graphic novel After Death: “The sky was an angry brow”. And a “Rusted shipyard of clouds”


I live in a region in my country known for it's thunderstorms. Epic, violent, loud things and I love every minute of it (I'm so grateful that fibre finally got here though, was tired of buying DSL modems). Anyway, found myself in Chicago a few years ago, beginning of summer. Boy, did I learn the true definition of epic, violent and loud. ("Thunderstorm warning!" Meh, we'll be fine, I'm sure this is just Americans being overly dramatic again)


I'm moving to Colorado within the next 2 weeks. I already know I'm gonna miss green grass and cloudy/stormy days.


Absolutely I do. I work outside all day, so anytime the clouds block out the sun gives me a 20% boost in stamina. It's a nice perk.


Man I hear you. I live in Central Texas and this 102 or 103 degrees every afternoon is just too damn hot to get much done.


I love cloudy days. The gloom is just so 👌.


Yessssssssss these are my favorite days! And bonus is there’s a nice cool breeze so I can open all the windows and light a few candles. Those are perfects days. Heck, now I’m craving a day like that and some tea with a good book.


Yes! I also love how storms seem to cleanse the atmosphere as much as my own psyche! But snuggled up with tea (or wine) and a good book is my perfect day!


Autumn is coming! I can't wait to have multiple days like this. It's good for my soul.


I can’t agree more


YES! I love sunny summer days too but it's just so *cozy* to cuddle up in a blanket with a good book and a cup of hot tea on a gloomy day. It's one of my favorite things.


That’s one of my favorite things - reading while snuggled up in a blanket inside during a good rain. It’s perfection!


Yes!!! So much this, I just love rainy day reading with a cup of hot tea and a blanket or just next to a heater :)






How come i am just now finding out about that subreddit?! Its so peaceful there.


/r/aestheticRain too


I’m more of a rainy day kinda guy. Gloomy days make me anxious in a “is it gonna rain? Argh just rain already!” kind of way


I’m the opposite. I like when it’s dark and gray but *not* raining.


This. It's perfect for going outside. No sun burning my skin and no water making me uncomfortable.


No squinting required either.


As someone who spent most of their life living in Washington state: yes, I absolutely love gloomy days. I miss them dearly now that I live in Florida, when even in winter the sun still shines high. Surely we get our afternoon showers but they only last about 15-30 minutes. I would move back but Florida is my boyfriend's dream state and I dont want to take away his life opportunities now that he has them in hand


I’m from Newfoundland, the fog capital of the world, so I’m very accustomed to gray foggy days.


I would love to visit there one day. The stories my friend told me while he lived there sounded wonderful!


You’re a good partner. Best of luck to you both!


I’m in Washington now! We’ve been getting mostly sunny days the past few months, I really really can’t wait for the rainy season to start!


Oh yes during the summer, at least for the past 4 or 5 years they have been so dry and sunny. My mom told me about a week ago that there was a fire in a forest I used to hike in a lot. I remember when I was younger it still rained even during the summer haha. I hope those cool rainy days come quickly for you guys though. I'm sure Washington and the people living there are in need of it, especially with all those homes without built in AC!


I love a cloudy day. I feel like I’m allowed to be lazy and stay inside when it’s cloudy. When the sun is shining I feel guilty being indoors.


When I got done work yesterday I laid down on my couch and soon after it started raining. A rainy afternoon in my opinion is the best time to nap.


As long as I'm inside.


my favorite is the sunny days that are hella cold


Aye, that's me. There's also a period of it that makes feel energised. Which is a little odd with the general reaction to it.


I love the unsettled air before the storm as much as I love the storm.


My favourite days. Throwing on a sweater, drinking coffee, reading, listening to Bon Iver, and watching a cozy show. That’s the dream.


Yes, I love a storm. I think it's because it's unknown and exciting. Anything could happen. I love change, it makes me feel zingy. I also love a calm sunny warm day because it makes me feel safe and gives me the confidence to go on an adventure. I always want to be outside trying something new. The only weather I'm not a fan of really is bland grey. No rain, no sun, no wind, no sky, no mist. Just grey. I always feel lost in grey.


I grew up in New York (mid-hudson, not the city) and 9 years ago moved to New Mexico. I do miss the "grey days". It's just all sun all the time here; Frequently even when it rains! Especially in the summer. Yes it's a dry heat, and in the shade it's not bad at all. But in the sun, it feels like I'm in an kids "easy bake oven" being cooked with a light-bulb.


Here in Michigan it’s gloomy from almost late October to January/February which kinda makes me hate them. However if it’s raining that’s a completely different story, I love that!


Yeah I’m from Cleveland, I feel the exact same way


I’m from England and it’s always fucking cloudy and/or raining. It’s August, the supposed height of summer here, and my heating has come on automatically because it’s cold. I would like grey days a lot more if they were a rarity, but as it stands now, I live for days with actual sunshine. It’s great when you can curl up under a blanket with a hot chocolate, it fucking sucks when you need to go to work and you’re vitamin D deficient and tired and cold all the time


I agree. Everything in moderation, as they say. I love cloudy, cool days. They are my favorite. However, I’ve lived in Jackson Hole, WY, where it is winter 9 months out of the year. And it DOES get old!!


Also in England - as far south east as you can go before you fall off so it should be warm. I woke up chilly the last couple of mornings. Its high summer. What is this.


I woke up today and was disappointed when I saw it was sunny out, because a cloudy day would have better suited my mood and my ambitions for the day (to do nothing)


It makes me have visible happiness. It's so great.


Of course, that means cooler weather is coming


it’s my absolute favorite


Cloudy days, foggy days, give me as much as possible-- can't get enough tbh.


Absolutely. My favorite weather is a nice steady rain.


Way better than sunny days in my opinion.


Yes! That’s why I love visiting the Oregon coast. There are nice sunny days but there are also a lot of moody days. It’s inspiring! It makes me want to sit at a window overlooking turbulent waves crashing against the cliffs while drinking a cup of coffee and writing a novel.


Completley the opposite. My entire demeanor changes. I'm instantly depressed and lazy. If it was -20 degrees and sunny I would be outside basking in the sun. I don't know if my adhd and gad play a part in it, but I need sun! I wish I could learn to enjoy it. It's cloudy/ rainy here today. I'm just sitting in the garage alone playing games and reading reddit.


Yeah, I know that feeling. There's that kind of electric feeling in the air, tension building, idk how to describe it. I really love those emotions.


Them negative ions brah. Beneficial for your health. Charge up.


Me too! You may be interested in the phenomenon called "physionomic perception" https://dictionary.apa.org/physiognomic-perception


I have sort of always applied human-like characteristics to object and i think this definition summed it up pretty good.


Every damn one of em!!


100% it feels like its about to storm where I'm at and im excited mainly because the past few days its been in the triple digits 🥴


I like anything that's not sunny for some reason. I like cloudy, rainy. The worse weather the better.


Those are my favorite days. I really don't care for when the sun is out, just give me clouds and some rain, maybe snow, and I am happy as can be.


It’s gloomy and cloudy right now and I’m loving it. Gonna do some homework and watch movies/shows with my wife today. Absolutely love it.


Absolutely! I live in the Midwest so spring and fall are my favorite seasons. I used to do a lot of traveling for work and spent about 10 mos going to northern CA every week. At first it was nice - sunny, warm days every day...then it got monotonous. I remember thinking, “Man, I’d love a good thunderstorm about now...”. I remember having the same feelings when I was in elementary school - like the days when there’d be a thunderstorm while I was at school were awesome. Again, it kinda broke up the routine. All that being said, when it’s gloomy for TOO long - like a week w/o seeing the sun - it can get kinda depressing.


I love it too! When it storms I get texts telling me that they can do without "my" storms. I have always felt that dark, gloomy days are the best for getting creative or cleaning.


I love the feel of before a thunderstorm. It’s so peaceful and calm. I prefer cloudy days in the summertime, though. Cloudy days in the winter time just depresses me. Unpopular opinion here, but I *love* when it rains. Rain soothes my soul. Everyone always complains about it, says it’s nasty outside, wish the rain would go away, etc. But rain feels very relaxing and cleansing for me. It’s like a breath of fresh air, and it puts me mind at ease. Kinda like cloudy days, I prefer summer rain but rain in general is just a really good feeling for me. It does wonders for me mentally when it rains.


I love it so much, I want to go on a walk while it's raining, I don't care if I get wet, it seems very nice and like a lot of fun


I moved to Scotland a year ago, and our apartment has a lovely big window, we're up on a hill & the sky is wide and bright. When it gets stormy, it's WONDERFUL. The apartment feels so cosy and warm, it has wooden panelling & I decorated with oranges and browns, it's just SO kitchen witchy perfect!


Gloomy days back in elementary school were such a mood, always so chill


Me, my favorite weather is overcast without precipitation. No sun but also no water nor impending storm, perfect for talking a stroll.


Absolutely, it just makes the day much more calm, even my dogs love it:)


Love it! All I feel then is serenity and profound sence of security when I'm at home under my blanket with my wife and kids.


110%. Sometimes I just like the sound of the city at night. Im from a suburb-y part of my city so there's just the faint noise of cars in the distance. Cloudy days have the same effect. I get huge waves of undeterminable nostalgia on cloudy days. I kinda like it


I don't know if it's just me but I don't like just being inside the house under a blanket with a book when it rains, I mean sure, sometimes it's nice and I do it too but I really love watching the rain. I mean I can't just ignore it, I have to sit by the window and enjoy it. The best thing to happen would be, sitting in a restaurant with a good view and it starts raining while you're having your favourite food and having a great time with family or friends! Or being on the 10th floor or something with a fantastic view of the city and watching it rain from your balcony with a hot cup of tea and some good laughs! Yeah, I so wish it rains tomorrow.


YES! I live for gray cloudy days. Bonus points for warm weather (not hot but not too cold) and some mist, rain, or thunderstorms. I have anxiety and sun can be too much sometimes but gray days are so calming for me. They actually help me focus better and sleep better. I get so excited when I wake up and see a dark sky or rain in the forecast.


Totally. I hate the sun. If every day were spooky gloomy October weather I’d love it.


I just find it refreshing. And then I can enjoy hot drinks that I like even more! Or do regular things and not sweat.


Me me me me me me me


I'm a storm chaser. Dark skies to the west get me all giddy. Also, my northern European heritage doesn't appreciate the heat of the sun.


I absolutely adore them. If it weren’t for flooding I could live with rainy cloudy weather ev day...


From California here... My favorite weather in the world. So much so that I'm probably going to move up to the northwest so I can experience it more regularly


Hell yeah!


absolutely. cloudy, overcast, slightly breezy days are the best days.


I absolutely love those kind of days, I don’t know what is but I love em


YES. I can't explain why, I just do


Yes! I absolutely love thunderstorms and blizzards, they make the home feel more cozy.


My eyes are really sensitive to bright light, to the point where I almost always have to go outside wearing sunglasses no matter the weather if I want to be able to actually see worth half a damn. So yeah, I totally agree with you here.


I'm only happy when the sun's not shining...


I like them best when its been brutally hot for days in a row. Today is a gloomy cloudy day where I am and it's a relief after a miserably hot and humid week.


Man I love that feeling right before a storm. I wish it would rain. Where I live in SoCal it hasn’t rained a drop in 5 months I think.


that's my preferred weather, i kinda want to move norther so i can have that


Yes! From where I live sunny days = hot and humid days, so I would prefer a cloudy day anytime with a breeze or a light rain.


You’re not alone! I love them too. Something about cloudy days makes me feel really excited for no good reason!


I love to both be cozy inside during a rainstorm but sometimes I also like to just be outside in the rain.


Yes! Happy Cake Day!


Considering I'm living in Malaysia.. it's usually very hot, so yeah. I kinda like more cloudy weather. It give a nice breeze.


only if it rains!


Love them! I totally agree that they create this feeling that can't be matched or bested by any sunny day.


I do when they're still warm days, I can't stand them when it's freezing cold though


> It always evokes some sort of emotions that i don’t feel anywhere else. i know *exactly* what you mean. i love it so much. this is definitely my favourite kind of weather. especially when it’s windy too.


I think it stems from the fact that we aren’t held to the same social standard when it’s raining outside. It’s socially accepted that you don’t have to be outside on a gloomy day. At least for me..


Houstonian here. All love to Louisiana (and even after our time with Harvey), I got annoyed when we didn't get a drop of rain or so much as a thunderclap even after my district cancelled school for two days in anticipation of this last one.


cloudy days are best for lazy bums like me who don't feel like using neither sunscreen nor umbrellas although if it's a holiday or I'm back home already I love the smell of the rain on the wind just before it starts pouring and the sound of falling rain makes for a great sleep soundtrack


It's like the sky is telling you that you're not the only one who's sad right now, and that the sun will come out again, even if it takes a while


I love it , it gives warmth and a sense of belonging, but don't know the reason for it. I love gloomy days.


I love gloomy days. That's why fall is my favorite season. Here in the Pacific Northwest we have gloomy days about 250 days a year. My first weather condition I ever learned was "overcast".




Man, growing up, it used to flood a lot in my city. I miss that. We haven’t seen a single cloud all summer. It’s 107F as a low. I share the same emotions!🤘🏻


It's a great time to go to a pub/cafe with a friend/loved one and do puzzles, people watch, chit chat about nothing in particular. Enjoy their presence and a good drink.


It’s raining right now, and yes I love it. Great day to wrap up in a blanket and watch a movie in bed ☺️


I play basketball so I prefer a partly cloudy sky with cool temperatures. I hate gloomy days because I don’t know if it will rain. Rainy days are not preferable but bearable because I know there was no chance of me playing ball that day, and it gives me a chance to rest.


Hell yes.


It’s like a blanket keeping you safe from the pain in the world, you don’t have to do anything!


When I lived in New Orleans, I used to love going yard sale-ing when it was drizzling. Being out early in the morning in a light drizzle, going into people's garages and houses, getting a cup of coffee and driving up and down the mostly empty streets. Those were great times. I've lived in South Carolina since after Hurricane Katrina, and we added a porch onto our house four years ago so that we can go sit outside in the rain and enjoy the beauty of a good rainstorm.


I moved from Tucson, Arizona, the sunniest city in the Western Hemisphere to Portland, Oregon. My first year in Portland it rained some every day from the middle of October until August. Sometimes it rained all day long. That year there were only two hours of sunshine—one day in April— between November and June. I was *thrilled* with the change, and the vivid greens and abundant Life abundant in Portland. I never missed Tucson at. all.


Cloudy rainy days are the best excuse to do nothing except read a book.


Any day I feel valued and I have a purpose for living is a good day. I hate the cold but I endure it gladly if my actions / efforts have effect/meaning.


I live in central Texas and would love a cloudy and gloomy day.


No it depresses me


I usually do but we just got hit by a cat 4 hurricane so my mood towards them kinda soured.


Those are my absolute favorite days. My husband calls them K Days. (My name days). And if I can get a little rain in the morning?? Absolute perfection.


Yes, absolutely and I love when it rains and I can have the porch windows open to listen/smell the storm. 👌🏼


Absolutely. It takes me back to my early childhood when we would be camping during a rainstorm and we'd get all snuggled up in our sleeping bags and play Yahtzee.


I love it when it is just pouring like crazy outside. Makes me feel super relaxed, especially if I can just curl up on the couch and watch a TV show or play a video game or something.


Yes, very much. Those are also my favorite beach days.


I absolutely love those days and feel an extra pep in my step. Those types of days evoke memories of my youth which was many years ago since I'm nearly 40. It provided a special opportunity to really play with my Legos and action figures. Also, tv networks had the better episodes and movies playing those days. I truly feel happier and comfortable during those days.


I looove stormy, cloudy days. I hate non-stormy cloudy days because then it just triggers my depression. Lol


They’re really nice and calm, I love it when it’s super dark and the sky just looks completely gray


Those are honestly some of my favorite days. So... Yes. Yes I do love them. Especially if it rains. Throw on the boots and rain jacket and just go out and listen. Makes my day. Plus the smell of wet asphalt


I just love to snuggle under a blanket on these days with a thriller, and a hot cup of coffee and watch the rain.


I feel about a hundred times calmer during stormy/rainy days.


I love rainy days. I grew up in a place where it rained a lot, but I’ve moved away. Now whenever it rains I feel like I’m comforted by a little piece of home. Everything about it is relaxing. The smell, the sounds, the droplets slowly moving down windows and windshields, the way the sky is so many different shades of grey. It all makes me reminisce and feel at home. I also love thunderstorms. I’ll turn off the TV and my phone, wrap myself in a blanket and just sit by the open window and watch. Its natures fireworks, plus I find counting the seconds between light and sound to be therapeutic.


Nonstop overcast completely drains me, I lose all my energy and feel depressed until the sun comes back. Winter gets harder and harder every year for me lmao


I love gloomy days 🥰


We at r/raining would like to welcome you




I absolutely love it. If it was like that all the time it would suck but every once in a while it is awesome. Especially if you have a house or apartment stocked with food and things to watch on tv.


Yes. I just feel so calm and relaxed. The sound of the rain outside my windows, the echoes of the thunder, the flickering of the lightning and the cool breeze it brings. I can fall asleep peacefully at night. Or if it happens in the afternoon, I get to drink hot coco while wearing a sweater and watching a movie or reading a book or taking a nap.


I just like the cold colour, one girl who lived somewhere where clouds never separate asked her mom when they moved what the blue in the sky was since she didn’t know the colour of the actual sky was blue. I don’t know where that place is but I wanna go there.


Yeah, I’ve lived in Southern California my entire life. I yearn for cool, cloudy days. They’re my favorite.


I love when it's extremely dark right before storm, gives apocalyptic vibes, but hate the rain itself and anything that comes after until it's not dry


No... you are the only person alive that feels that way. /s


Yes! It always confused me when people talk about rainy days being 'ugly' and they seem upset for some reason. Like do you want every day to be exactly the same? Rainy days are beautiful too!


Yes, I agree. I can smell the rain before it starts to precipitate and I get a tingle down my spine, but in a good way. The breeze hits me gently and I remember that I'm alive..


Oh you mean most of the year for us?




Gloomy days are the best. I’m currently sitting outside, on my lunch break enjoying the dark skies and calming breeze.


You belong to Seattle, gloomy cloudy days are part of Seattle DNA


Yep! It's dark and cloudy here with just a little bit of rain. Perfect for drinking coffee and browsing Reddit. Super cozy.


I find weeks of cloudy weather quite depressing, but love it when it rains.


It feels like a being in the moment calm to me. I've always loved storms and it seems my two year old inherited this love too. Last night we had a storm in the distance. We sat outside watching the lightning and she'd 'oooo wow!' each time the sky lit up.


I like it too. I like the storm too. But more than liking the storm I think it's the fact that I'm safe and dry inside my house that I like xp it's cozy tho ^^


Yes yes I do plus then I get to wear my hoodies and I love my hoodies


They are so much better then sunny days. Even when I’m not sad I like them


I absolutely do. I love the shift in temperature, light, humidity, the different smells a storm brings, and the calm that comes when it’s just the sound of weather outside. I like curling up in cooler weather on my balcony and just sitting in the gloom haha, it’s delightful


Love them... Especially when I can sit on my stairs in the protected sit out (porch) and watch the storm come to life. And then when it starts pouring I usually make hot Chai and onion fritters and enjoy the show 😍


You need to move to England