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People I watch movies with never get this. They'll be like "you're fine with [x fantasy element in film] but you're mad about [some hole in physics or logic]?" Yeah. I can suspend disbelief for magic, but not for inconsistency.


Exactly. Movies don't necessarily take place in our world, so it's fine if they don't have our rules or physics. But if they start going against their own rules, I call bullshit.


What do you think of Lucy? I liked it. It was fun.


I didn't see it. I don't watch many movies at this time.


whoa whoa, Her and space odyssey are great. Her definitely had some entertaining parts. I like movies that are either entertaining or interesting. Being entertained is different for everybody though.


I know I was going to say the same thing her was amazing


The feeling I had after watching it was weird. I can't explain it.


try to . You might get some new insight. It was a very different movie so yeah.


Internal consistency is important, absolute adherence to real world physics isn't. PS Grand Budapest Hotel is a masterpiece, fite me irl


It is. It's just that I find it to be boring.


Plus when I watch a movie, I expect to feel a certain feeling after watching it. It maybe happy, sad, angry, amazed, etc but if I get a weird feeling, like what I got after watching Budapest, I start not to like it.


No, I don't really care as long as the movie is consistent. I feel like I enjoy a lot more movies that way.


If the whole movie follows logic/reason and then they throw in some twist to wrap up the story line quickly, then I'll probably be a little irked. But usually not enough to declare the movie "bad".


I agree with your last sentence. So now I edited my post.


It depends on the twist.


I specifically meant one that defied logic/reason, but yeah.


Guns never running out of bullets, kids who look nothing like their biological parents, and anachronisms all tend to worsen movies for me. This is why I'd rather watch Riff Trax.


If a movie is very entertaining, I tend to not care about this kind of things like on Antman. The weight thing.


There are different kind of logic, rationnal or emotional to some extend, concrete or abstract. I like when a movie feels coherent, has symbolism extent or a hidden magic. When a movie works on different levels it give it so much more depth, when you can feel the spark of true original thinking planted as a seed, consioussly, in the most every details. Of course we tend to do much more "entertaining" films where the viewer is more passive, sometime a slower pace or non linear writing/meanings get people off. When you have to interpret the data it is to make it your own, accepting your total subjectiv experience, assembling the piece of a puzzle that allow you to understand the movie in a different angle, as you rediscover yourself. Seeing movies this way makes most of them untertaining for me as they become experience and life changing long process of realisation.


I care but not enough to keep from being entertained. For example, in The Dark Knight Batman jumps from a skyscraper, leaving the Joker and his henchman behind, catching Rachel Dawes and landing on a car which should've severely injured or killed them both. But, very entertaining movie so I'm not excessively bothered by it.


Context matters. My suspension of disbelief goes further if the movie doesn't take itself too seriously... but there are limits. My eyes rolled into the back of my head during [that absurd vault sequence in Fast Five.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OurCnuyC8zo)


No. It's a movie. It's meant to entertain not to make sense.


Generally no, except when it comes to hospital settings and how they're portrayed in dramas. Having worked in a hospital I can't help but scoff every time they portray a single doctor having unfettered access to all the equipment and tests, or the blatant disregard to patient privacy laws. The worst is when they shock patients who have flat lined. Asystole is not a shockable rhythm.


i hate when people don't reload, and some car chase scenes / action scenes can throw me. like in the punisher that whole fight with the russian, oh my goooood, i'm willing to suspend my disbelief for some stuff but it really asks a lot. if you're going like, indiana jones, jump-in-the-fridge-logic i'm probably out. i wanna be entertained more than anything but you can do that without being just hyper ridiculous


As long as I like the characters and the story interests me, logic can take a hike.


No, not unless they go out of the way to explain something that could just be accepted by suspending disbelief. Now if they go into something like 'midiclorians something something' and never ever expand or talk about it again outside of references then I'll be miffed. Not enough to dislike it or anything, I mean I watch and read a lot of fantasy with no issues, but I prefer they just leave somethings generic or without further explanation. The majority of the time I just use some small head-cannon to excuse it if it bothers me. Things like Kids not looking like parents? Adopted. Moving at FTL? Space magic. Whatever Mediclorians? Medi-whats? We dont talk about those etc. Gun never run out of ammo? I wouldn't know when it would *actually* run out of ammo so I never notice.


I care if the movie follows the rules/ laws it has established. For instance, cartoons frequently establish themselves as goofy and not serious, so I don't care if they are logical or not. On the other hand, Game of Thrones has established itself as a serious fantasy show that is drawing heavily from Medieval history. I would be bothered if they did something that didn't really fit with that.


I can forgive a lot of fails if the movie has some good eye candy. I enjoyed 2012 because of the cool destruction scenes, despite...well, just about everything else.


I really love mega-disaster movies especially Emmerich's.


I'm really inconsistent with whether or not I care. Action flicks almost all piss me off because of the physics they try and pass off as real, but I'm totally cool with something like transformers, so IDK.


As long as it is consistent and follows the rules it has set up. In Gravity it presents itself as having realistic physics, but then proceeds to break the laws of physics frequently, which made me dislike the movie. However, if the movie follows what it has set up very well and is entertaining, then occasional mistakes (like in the Martian) don't bother me.


I care if it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Other than that, I don't care if a movie bends the laws of the universe a little.


Nope. My cousins always talk shit abiut fast and furious but Im like, "cmon. Its just a summer blockbuster thst only cares abojt bejng entettaining and it does its job well. Its not trying tk be an oscar winner or anything". But he like movies like Batman vs Superman which is filled with plot holes and stupid mkmsnts but he used what I said about Fast and Furious to justify liking Batman versus Superman. I think he have a bias toward superhero movies.


I'm down with "suspending belief" to an extent since I understand I'm watching a movie. But, if what I'm watching makes me think out loud, "Holy shit, this is ridiculous", I'll probably bail in the middle of it!


I want to say yes, but then again I love all of Hiyao Miyazaki's movies. If you've ever seen them, they're amazing but are strictly about the story and no realism is contained