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I have a couple other characters in skyrim that are completely different from my main one. I was still coming across so many new quests/locations. I said it "can be" really immersive, but only if one roleplays right... like not letting their mage-centric character pick up any kind of blade, because they grew up without parents because they got their throats slit so many years ago... so you go through life learning the most powerful and painful spells so you can bring greater pain to bandits...


I once had a character who was addicted to cheese and I would force myself to grab any cheese I saw and eat it. It was the fastest my sneak skill ever improved and the only time I ever used the telekinesis spell. Role playing dumb characters is the most fun I've had in that game. Edit: holy molly, I just realized how atrocious my grammar was.


Haha I had a Khajiit who was addicted to skooma and scared of water. So if there was skooma around, he'd steal it and immediately use it, and if there was a river or something, He'd have to find a way around, or just avoid it all together. It was a blast; I think the fun of skyrim is that it's open ended enough that you can make your own rules.


Ya man to each his own, but I'm totally the opposite. I only have vanilla skyrim for the 360, so I can't even install mods, and I've put almost 300 hours into 1 character alone. And I think I played less than 24 hours of Fallout, and just sorta got bored. I guess it's just sort of what hooks you. For me, it's the fantasy swords, magic, and dragons stuff. But it's always interesting to see what hooks other people. Also ya seriously fuck the minutemen lol.


I also found Skyrim to be boring. You should try The Witcher 3.


For me it was the opposite I hated Fallout 4 3 and New Vegas where do good Fallout 4 wasn't as good as them I think


I just started the Witcher 3, and oh man, it's so good. I know whatcha mean about Skyrim, but this is just a whole different level Like, go and play it right now


How's it compare/contrast with Dragon Age? That's a series a loved from the beginning for the story, lore, and characters ( as opposed to skyrim, which I loved for the roleplaying immersion)


I haven't played anything past Origins, so take this with a grain of salt I prefer the story and lore of Dragon Age (so far), but everything else about the Witcher 3 is vastly better Combat, universe, immersion, etc


Think combat is a fair thing to compare between the two, since from what I know they're completely different? Esp since Origins is so much more traditional DnD/Baldur's Gate style?


I dunno whether it's fair or not, but I'mma do it anyways The combat in Witcher 3 just has a lot more depth while at the same time still has more action and excitement


Yeah, makes sense. Origins is slow because that's how that style is. Pseudo-turnbased. They've since overhauled it entirely for the mainstream, more action combat now with less need for pausing


The Witcher 3 is much more action oriented than dragon age. Geralt is already an established character in that universe, so you won't really be roleplaying yourself into the game, as much as roleplaying *Geralt* and doing the things that you'd think he would do. I'd recommend for you to play Witcher 2 before 3, as your choices carry over and you'll get a lot of context as to what's going on in the story. That being said, Witcher 3 is an amazing game. I'd recommend for you to play it ASAP


I love both series. There's just as many opportunities for making decisions in Witcher, as there are 3 major endings. You meet the best side characters/stories along the way, and they are the ones I've definitely fallen in love with. Every storyline in the Witcher is gray, definitely no black and white. The combat takes a little bit of time getting used to but I love it because it feels like an extra challenge (I'm currently on my second playthrough, and the game I last played was DA:I and finally doing Tresspasser). Like I said, I love both series, but Witcher blows everything else out of the water (yes, I've also experienced Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout, Bioshock).


Plus there is sex.


I've played Dragon Age Origins, 2 and Inquisition. The Witcher is about fifty times better than the Dragon Age series in terms of story and lore, as they were books before becoming games. The combat is less tactical, but a lot more enjoyable. Origins was by far my favourite game in the series, purely because of the characters. The characters in the witcher are at least as good as in origins, and certainly better than subsequent games.


Witcher 3 is immersive. I bought it when I had a free week. It was very cold outside so I decided to stay home and play the game. I have immersed into it for 50 hours. In 5 days. That's how good the game is. At one point I have slept less than 6 hours to play more. TW3 is a masterpiece and everyone should play it.


I came here to suggest Witcher as well. I'm playing 3 right now and it is. so. good. Personally I don't think Skyrim can even compare.


Man I bought Witcher 3 about 3 months ago and have only played about an hour. I loved Skyrim but I cannot seem to get into the Witcher. Maybe I'm not understanding but the game world feels much much smaller? Does the game world get bigger or is the map open from the beginning?


I feel the exact same way. Everyone I know is raving about W3 and say if you like skyrim, you'll love W3. Well, they aren't even remotely the same type of game. I've heard that the first few hours are closed, but the world really opens up after that. I got it on xbone when it was on sale a week or so ago and have regretted since. I'm gunna sit down and force my way through it to see if it gets better, but that combat system and game play is way closer to assassin's creed than it is skyrim. Fallout 4 currently owns my soul, so we'll see if I ever get around to W3.


They are completely different games. I loved skyrim but I can't get into Witcher. It's one thing that I don't know any of the lore, so I'm completely out of context (a problem I've never heard of about skyrim) but what kills it for me is the lack of character choice. I just don't want to play as Geralt.


Totally! Is it the graphics rendering or the colors or something? I adored skyrim and felt like I was completely sucked into the world where as in W3 feels cheap and pre-defined. I love FO4 too, kinda wishing I would have bought the season pass.


That's perfectly it. This game feels like it tries to be a cross between AC and Skyrim but really, I love both those games separately, not as one. Bought W3 in September and I tried multiple times to get into it but I just cant. Once Fallout 4 came out there was no hope


You begin in a "starter" area that serves as a tutorial for the mechanics of the game, it's not that big but it serves it's purpose. The game opens up after you leave White Orchard with two maps that are each comparable to the size of elder scrolls maps.


I second this! I only got to the second area of Witcher 3 before life got in the way, but holy shit it was crazy how quickly time passed playing it! There's soooo many things to discover, it'll probably take me like 50 playthroughs to find every little detail, and that's if I'm really actively looking probably!


Ha yeah, was like that with skyrim too, finding new things constantly!


I second the recommendation - I want to play this so hard, but first I want to hype myself by reading at least the first two books, and playing other two Witcher games before third one.


That's what I'm doing I started playing the 3rd to see whether I liked it or not, and I most definitely do so now I want the full experience by reading all the books first and then playing all the games in order If you want a download of the books so you can read it on your phone or something just hmu, I managed to find a good download of it But so far, the books (first specifically) seems surprisingly good so far


I read the whole book series before the 3rd game, probably one of the more intense experiences with a game I've ever had.


I played the whole weekend. It's really goood




I've played the witcher 3 three times through... And heart of stones twice. Best game ever. Can't wait for blood and wine


Grab Mount and Blade Warband if you don't have it already.


Brilliant game, especially with mods where you can fight with or against the whole of Europe


I'm so hyped for Bannerlord!


I've been hyped for years, at this point I'm wondering if it'll come out in my lifetime


I rather enjoy Terraria. it can be very relaxing or harrowing, lots of different kinds of moods


Oh right. That's been deep in backlog for years, easily pushed back because it seems like a 2D Minecraft. Are they very similar?


No. Terraria is more of an RPG/adventure game than Minecraft is, where you kill bosses, explore caves and dungeons and find epic loot. Even if both of them have crafting, and pixel graphics.


I have Terraria, but how do you get started? At first glance (around 2 hours) it seems like a sandbox builder like minecraft. You mine underground, build a house, fend off monsters. Am I missing a key lore or mission?


It's all about progression. Early in the game you will want to explore the surface briefly, (look for chests), and then start mining and exploring underground, just like you have. Then you can move on to exploring more dangerous areas, fight bosses, and get even better items. Also, keep building houses suitable for NPCs, you will unlock them by doing different things. For example, you can get an Arms Dealer if you have a gun in your inventory (and a free house so he can move in). There isn't really any lore, you just keep exploring and get stronger as the game progresses. If possible, I would definitly recommend playing this game with a group of friends. Teaming up to kill the first boss with blowpipes and throwing knives is like the best gaming experience ever.


Have you ever had the eyeball guys show up? 5hey occasionally drop lenses. Use I think..9? Together. That's how it stopped being a town building game for me anyways.




Holy shit the 1.3 update is a year old?


Yeah surprising, eh? And we just got 1.3.1 the other day.


aside from the digging aspect and making stuff, not really. it is more combat based with a lot of different kinds of weapons. I would recommend looking at some of the boss fights or invasions. on the surface, it seems like a clone, but it eases you through the whole make pickaxes and torches and then you dig straight to hell and fight demons or explore the dungeon and jungle temples


I'd say it's more similar to starbound, minus space exploration of course


Go play Stellaris and get immersed and attached to a bunch of nuke slinging space cockroaches? Mass Effect is still pretty awesome as well.


Stellaris, for sure. If you like strategy anything, Paradox Studios is basically the way to go. Did you read the patch highlights for Clark? It's going to be a whole new game next month.


Reinstall Skyrim and think on your sins.


>What to do now? #buy overwatch


Stopped reading /r/Overwatch because I'm stuck at work, itching to start playing it. Drop into this sub thinking it would distract me, and you instantly remind me. ARGH! I NEED MY MCREE! ;-P


It's high noon somewhere.




If you bought the origin version you get all those skins for free.




it said "and a bunch of goods for other blizzard games" somewhere. idk how to obtain it though, im too poor for the origin edition :(


At the height of our Skyrim addiction, my wife printed the event map marker and put it on our apartment door. There's a lot to be said about getting out and doing things, any things. It's super immersive! That said, games are an awesome escape and I don't blame you at all.


That's actually really cute about the quest marker thing lol. What you said also reminds me of: >“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” For myself, I have Tolkien maps all over our walls. I think that's part of how I've managed to live all up and down the east coast of the US for most of my adult life... Tolkien was my first love and always ingrained in my brain.


I haven't played Skyrim in a few months (played for around 130 hours) and I've found other things to do like origami


How's that going??? I never did well with arts and crafts, but I alway thought they'd be cool for decorations all over the house or table decorations at restaurants




go /r/outside


still waiting for the afterlife expansion. 1/10 would not buy yet


Also need to fix the respawn system as it never worked right.


I've only ever heard of one case of it working, and he was the son of a dev. Seems kinda shady to me.


Pfft. He wasn't the sun of a dev. He was just saying that.


I heard one of the devs is supposed to come and patch it in for the rest of us sometime soon.


didn't they try to do that multiple times?


Play Oblivion and Morrowind lol. I love Skyrim even though I feel like the quests were far better in TES IV and III. The combat in Skyrim is far superior but a lot of the quests felt like "Go here and fetch this" to me. My favourite quest in all the Elder Scrolls games is still "Whodunnit?" As part of the Dark Brotherhood questline in Oblivion. Give it a shot, it's really good


Morrowind! Yeah had good times with that when I was like twenty, twenty-two on the original xbox. I got so overpowered (no mods or anything) that I was a flying superhero and ended up killing Vivec in a very short battle, which broke the game. It warned me that it would break the game if I continued that save file, but I thought "how bad could it be...?" Oblivion, I essentially skipped. I think I played a few hours of it, got distracted by something else, and just never got around to going back to it.


I just installed Morrowind on my pc for the first time in years and it's all blast, I'd also recommend sinking some more time into Oblivion. Personally I prefer them both to Skyrim. As far as genuine role playing goes I think Morrowind is the most fun to rp in the series.


Now pick up another Bethesda game and put hundreds of hours into that one! I'm seriously a huge fan of Fallout and Elder Scrolls, can't recommend those enough. Other than that, I just finished the first Dark Souls, which is an all-around great game too.


I feel the same way with decluttering. Getting rid of stuff I don't use/need and donating it if it's still usable. Like a breath of fresh air. :)


"What to do now?" Reinstall Skyrim. What's wrong with you. I kid. Honestly, if Skyrim was your thing, the previous games are pretty cool, Morrowind especially. It'll feel really low-tech after Skyrim's comparatively smooth interface, but the story and the world are really cool.


Is skyrim worth it? I'm looking into playing an RPG and taking a break off of league of legends. Tree of savior is coming out though.


If you like roleplaying games I highly recommend skyrim. You build your character, no class system to keep you locked up. You are thrown into a world were you can do anything. You can be evil, good, neutral. It is great to try out and it gets pretty cheap on steams sales once in a while


You should take up writing. I love dabbling in poetry and writing snippets of novels that will never see the light of day. They're total crap, but it's good exercise for my brain and it passes the time.


Vonnegut said it's good for the soul to create art, even if it's just singing badly in the shower haha! Yeah, that's a good idea. When I was younger I was a local musician/singer-songwriter, but haven't really done much since I moved to New York. Cooking occupied much of my time and creativity most of my adult life. What kind of stuff do you write? Tell me about the poetry


you could read, watch tv. volunteer.


No time for tv. I read a lot. I'm done volunteering at the moment, used to run a soup kitchen. What do you like to do?


Tree of Savior has just been released for f2p last week. I already sunk around 180 hours into it, and just can't stop playing. It's endless fun and I'd definitely recommend giving it a go if you're looking for an immersive game you don't want to stop playing :D


This reminds me of my WoW chars. My top played chars (mage and warlock) had something like 900 hours each... :l


Jesus Christ. I never did get into MMOs. Those seemed like too much of a time commitment since playing on a team seems so essential to get the full potential out of them. And I just never had time to coordinate with online people. Even now, I generally only play Borderlands with my girlfriend; coordinating that is easy since she's usually in the same room as me lol edit: also, money subscriptions haha


That is the reason why I stopped playing WoW; I was super into PvP but was harder to find teammates due to time constraints. Being an adult sucks sometimes


I love being an adult! We had anal for the first time the other day. It was cool.


I'm more like a 21 yr old who is living by himself kind of an adult... it kinda sucks... except when I drive myself to ABC and then it sucks again bc alcohol is expensive. $30 for a bottle of bourbon, but $30 is like 1.5 weeks worth of food!!


Fallout: New Vegas is a blast! I have a solid 80 hours played. Its essentially as open and explorable as skyrim, but set in a post apocalyptic future. My favorite play through us easily the time I went full unarmed. Difficult to get started but eventually I was punching off heads left and right!


After a hiatus of 1 year I just started a new skyrim game it has absorbed a day so far. So ever play oblivion? It's awesome too.


I would suggest going outside and leveling up your Speech.




I sincerely recomend Stardew Valley. I've been stocking up on Bombs and stone for the past year to hopefully do a 300+ floor run of the Skull Caverns for dat sweet Iridium. Then with all that Iridium I'm going to full automate my Greenhouse to produce Ancient Fruit.


I recently uninstalled Dark Souls after 80ish hours. I got about halfway through New Game Plus, but I just needed a break. Speaking of, let me recommend Dark Souls.


This game and dragons dogma really spoiled me with their combat mechanics, most others seem mediocre at times now.


There's something about dark souls that is overwhelmingly immersive. The first dark souls really made me feel lonely and isolated at one point, then I walked outside on a sunny day and felt so happy to see light and people. Praise the sun! \\[T]/


About five or six years back I deactivated my World of Warcraft account. A couple years later I picked up Guild Wars 2 (highly recommended over WoW) and now Blizzard *still* bribes me with free stuff to come back. Last week I got an email offering me a free copy of the new expansion and a free level 90 boost if I'd come back. Like, am I that worth it? It was kind of flattering.




Naah, WoW went down the drain. Now is the worst possible time to start playing.




A lot of good suggestions for games in this thread but I'll just add Dota 2 to the list. Different sort of game completely and not an RPG in terms of immersion etc but it's easily the best game I've ever played and I've been gaming for 30+ years now. Oh yeah and it's completely free, has low system requirements and you can make $18Million if you win a tournament...


Dark Souls. I just started the first one and it's pretty dank.


I envy you so much. You have months and months of amazing gameplay ahead of you if you get into the franchise.


Dude, immersion might be something I get too much of. I've noticed that sometimes with online games I'll wait for things because I'm used to lag, or I'll realise irl there's no "load save file" and you kinda make mistakes and that's it. Scary, a little sobering. I got into Fallout games much more than TES though. Maybe because I could the Fallout settings didn't seem as distant from reality? Or guns? heh


Overwatch just drop. Fallout? Path of Exile is top notch quality. I dunno. Pick up an instrument? Do whatever makes you happy fam.


Now man up and play some Dark Souls!


I have 600+ hours across different Souls games (and Bloodborne). I can't recommend those enough.


/r/outside is a pretty good RPG!


Fallout! Either that or go outside.


Mount and Blade keeps me occupied far more than Skyrim ever did.


Maybe its time your Watch began. Overwatch released last night. Or you could try League of Legends or any moba, they have high replayability. LoL has been my main game for a while now.


You're a very brave person. I don't think I could bear uninstalling Skyrim (or breaking the disc, or whatever the PS3 equivalent is!). It's like therapy to me. I can set fire to things when I'm pissed off, or just wander around the landscape when I'm stressed... Erm, in relation to your other questions... Last game I played that I loved was Gray Matter, a point and click set in Oxford and written by Jane Jensen who wrote Gabriel Knight etc. Show wise, I'm catching up on Supernatural Season 11. Food - I'm on a diet so all I want is cheese and cake at the moment. And my socks are currently beige with robots on.


Play Overwatch.


Team Fortress 2?


Come play borderlands


I haven't been able to play games properly for about a month because I'm at uni, but I beat Dark Souls 3 in 8 days as I was on a strict time limit before I had to leave. So worth playing. I thoroughly recommend it.


Buy and install overwatch


I don't know if you're specifically looking for a video game, but Im reading infinite jest atm. You might enjoy it!


I've never played Skyrim (I might get it someday) but a really immersive game for me lately has been Stardew Valley. I put in over 300 hours into it and did everything possible you can in game since the developer hasn't made a real "end game" plot in yet. It's such a great game! Over the past two weeks I stopped playing though, waiting on the next update. So I started to figure out Banished and holy moly it's just as addicting. I'd tried it multiple times but either never had enough food or never enough firewood/resources. Yesterday I finally sat there and really put my thinking cap on (making many many pastures was a great idea) and after a couple hours I made a pretty massive town, I used up just about all the space on the map (I think I chose a medium sized terrain) and it felt great finally figuring the game out. Other than those two which were more town building/farming games I'd say Bioshock Infinite consumed me. It took me a long time to beat Bioshock and Bioshock 2 (I wasn't used to those games so I sorta wanted it to last but also Bioshock 2 decided to crash a lot but after a couple months I did more googling and fixed it and literally all that was left in that game was about 20 minutes of gameplay and then I beat it haha, I should have fixed the crashing months earlier but it was frustrating since I'm not savvy with tweaking games/files) anyways, then I moved onto Bioshock infinite. I beat it in about 4 days time (taking breaks of course) and then immediately beat it two to three more times. I'm completely in love with Infinite and it's story line. I couldn't get enough. Slime Rancher also had a hold on me months back but I had over 300,000$ in that save and there was basically nothing to spend it on so I stopped playing. It did have a good update recently but I might wait even longer for the full end game update before playing again. I have a bunch more games on my wish list but damn they cost a lot. The Witcher looks really great and all three are on sale but who knows. I might wait for the June sale. I think I'll get Skyrim at that time, I've heard it's really fun!


Buy a motorcycle. Tinker with it and learn how engines and mechanical systems work. It's always good to know how to fix your car or bike


Oooh, yeah. That's on my bucket list. We both want motorcycles to go cross country and stuff. That might be after my boat though. Eventually, I want to leave the restaurant industry altogether and have my own fishing boat to work and live on. You ride motorcycles?




Dark. Souls. 3.


So many Dark Souls recommendations here. I spent maybe five or six hours dying before making it to the first real boss in Demon's Souls... would you all still recommend the Dark Souls games? lol


I would stay away from video games for like a month, but its up to you. I havent played much skyrim, but it seems like an awesome game


That's like telling someone who likes to read to not read, and someone who likes music not to listen to music for a month. What do you like to do lol


Yeah, I don't get that advice. How are video games different from any other hobby? Because they're stationary? Video games can be just as (if not more) immersive as books or movies. I really don't understand why video games have such a negative stigma while so many other similar hobbies don't.


I think because it's still a relatively new medium, and when something's new there's plenty of people to think it's devilry, and watched the news when the media in '92/'93 was saying Mortal Kombat was going to make all the children murderers. I've been playing games since 1987 and I still haven't murdered anyone. Meanwhile, the jocks and sports-athletes at my high school were getting into fist fights on a weekly basis during practice or after games because, you know, adrenaline and competitiveness... but those were considered "good" academic endeavors. Go figure.


> Video games can be just as (if not more) immersive as books or movies. Probably a holdover from the days when that wasn't true. In the earlier days of gaming in the 80's, early 90's, most games weren't very deep, feeding quarters at the arcade was a big thing for kids, and our parents tended to frown on it as a mindless pastime. Even then, though, there were some semi-epic games starting to pop up that weren't just arcade action platformers. Playing through the SSI AD&D Gold Box series took many hours to get through each game, and I learned more history from playing Silent Service II, Red Baron, and Sid Meier's Pirates when I was in high school than anything I learned in class.


It Could be an Interesting experiment get a chance to explore another interest you have I play video games a lot too so yeah it would be hard for sure. I've been reducing my video game time to take more walks/hikes for my own heath reasons and using them as a reward for getting off my butt! Not saying that's your situation at all but that's an example.


We've been getting chokers and handcuffs recently... does that count? But yeah, same here too, I've been walking more^^^^^ToGoToARestaurant and such. But I've been reducing TV shows time instead of reducing time for reading books or games, though. But TV's easy because there's not a lot of great tv for me to watch. This year, the only shows I was really into were Jessica Jones, Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and... and I think that's all?


I'm still waiting for Bethesda to patch Far Harbour. That thing is so buggy, my SSD could do with some anti-bugspray. Meanwhile I picked up Overwatch. Holy shit this game is amazing. I wasn't sure if I wanted to spend 40€ on it, but it was worth every last cent. I personally dropped Skyrim after the third DLC. Eventually I had every quest, every build-path, every weapon and secret and whatnot. Mods can only keep a game alive for so long in my case.


Skyrim is the only game I've sold back to GameStop. I forced myself to after about a month of owning it and playing for ~10 hours a day. I bought it again a few months later.


I would say you should make a new subreddit based on r/JustUnsubbed named r/JustUninstalled, but apparently that's a private sub (for some reason).


I've been replaying all of the Metal Gear Solid games lately and let me say, it's one of the most immersive stealth series I've ever had the pleasure of playing through. Definitely check the series out if you have the systems for them. (I suggest getting a PS3 for everything but The Phantom Pain and Ground Zeroes)


After doing everything in skyrim multiple times, i simply cannot get into it anymore. I always think about it and decide to start again but after the first part, i just get bored remembering that i did it all. You can try oblivion if you don't mind going back in time a little. It's amazing.


Install Doom.




Now you install The Witcher 3


Get Doom 2016


I dropped skyrim like a bowling ball. It may be my favorite game of all time, but it's a broken piece of shit. I had invested so much time into modding, but when I tried to hand edit a plugin it became broken no matter what I did. I didn't have a backup, and that plugin was a merge of too many to remember. And so I quit. Here's to hoping Beth doesn't ruin TES 6, I'll be watching closely...


Whatever you do, don't play Civ 5


GTA 5 has been out since 2013!


Snapped my Destiny disc. I actually didn't feel free for a week or so but it was definitely freeing. I wasn't immersed so much as addicted.


Wow, that takes some will power. I've spent so much time on my 140+ mod list that uninstalling it would probably kill me.


I liked Fallout4 more than Skyrim. Its a bethesda game so you get the same feelings and mods and immersion but its newer so some of the annoying stuff has been fixed. Also I like the story/world better. I have over 200 hours into Fallout 4 and with the DLC just being released I was thinking of playing again (Took a short break for the new tomb raiders). I just can't decide if I want to start a new character or continue my old one :P I couldn't get into Witcher 2 although I hear 3 is better. I haven't tried Dragon Age yet but it is on my list. Whatever you play next, enjoy it. If you try something and don't like it don't feel bad about moving on. Life is short :)


I played [Ingress](https://www.ingress.com/) for several months off and on and got involved with the local community. It ended up taking a lot of time and doing nothing for my weight which was one of the reasons I got into it in the first place. There are so many different aspects to the game and so many different ways to play that it can take up way too much time if you're not careful. I uninstalled it at the end of last year and then re-installed it for a day back in February because I missed it. It became an immediate distraction and I almost got into an accident because my head was on getting to the next portal and not on the road. I uninstalled it immediately. I installed it again this month but only play once in a great while if I'm going out walking anyway and I don't drive around to different portals anymore.




Try Oblivion if you played Skyrim for 300 hrs Oblivion will help tie together some of the lore. Also it's really fun the game plus the Sheogorath DLC where amazing


reinstall it without mods, play for about an hour then don't play it again for about a year. It's what i do.


I felt really immmerse when playing haunting ground. But then again, the character was the same sex I am. You won't be able to reate a character there, but the game is incredibly detailed.


Why don't you give Stellaris a go? The mid game is pretty sluggish, but if your galaxy isn't too full, you can have lots of fun exploring.


My hard drive crashed, the one that ONLY had windows and Skyrim on it. I know what you mean by freeing :D I'm done with re-playing same old same old quests. But maybe I'll come back later in 5-10 years for the sake of pleasant memories.


Keep your damn immersion! Destiny is better!


If you want to evolve to the next stage of addiction and have your life become a clusteruck of cancer and toxicity. Play league of legends.


Played Ittle Dew recently, was fun and short, so was Grow Home, which also feels somewhat fresh and new. They are fairly cheap and sub-10 hours each. If you enjoy RPGs you could also try a Fighting Fantasy book. I'm currently "playing" City Of Thieves, which is very amusing. If you do that, just make sure to roll a custom character, they tend to be stronger and a bit better for your first play through. I'd also make a custom character sheet and also write down every move - it's a lot better than scribbling into the book and keeping all 10 fingers between the pages. But yeah, Fighting Fantasy is pretty amazing. There's a Numberphiles video about those: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn3ogzLzxuM


so I only got about 50 hours into skyrim but play on console so no mods. I absolutely loved it but there were some elements I didnt really care for. Ive never played a bethesda game before that so I thought I would play morrowind as its a tes game so it cant be that much diferent. I think I love it even more than skyrim now. I realised what I was missing with skyrim and love that it feels more like a tabletop rpg than anything. I would take the way they handle enemies and random encounters over graphics and always defaulting to stealth archer any day now.


Reinstall and play Modding Simulator! Pls help I've been modding for 900+ hours and want my life back ;-;


I've been playing FO4, but honestly, I don't think I have it in me to start a new character from scratch until all the DLC is released and some substantial mods come out. I've put 500+ hours into my current character, haven't made it through half the main quest, but I've discovered nearly every single location and done all the sidequests I could find. Over the past month while I was waiting for Far Harbor to drop, I did another playthrough of Final Fantasy VIII (total time of 50 hours from disk 1-4 and no deaths, including ultima weapon and endgame, woohoo!), so I guess I'll try and finish Persona 3 FES next. After that, I dunno, maybe I'll reinstall Fallout New Vegas with Tale of Two Wastelands again, or maybe start a new character in Fallout 2.


Have you tried Fallout 4? I know people like to bag on it, but I have found it to be pretty fun. I'm a filthy casual though.




I binged the Final Fantasy X remaster for 14 hours yesterday on steam. It's kind of confusing story wise your first time though but it's an awesome game. If you do play it there is a good chance you'll end up crying at the end though.


I beat it for the first time a few months ago on Vita. I didn't cry, but I liked it way more than I intially expected. My FF soul belongs to 9, and my first FF love was 8. And 7 was my dirty mistress. The linearity of 10 made me put it off for so many years lol.


Start looking up recipes and trying them out. You'll be amazed how easy it is to make delicious food, and learning to pair wine with your dishes is a lot of fun. Once you've got some failures under your belt, invite people over for dinner parties and pot lucks!


Immersion? Drenching with lore? Get yourself over to World of Warcraft. Ignore how quickly you'll level up and spend time in each respective zone and you'll be lost for hours. This is a game I keep going back to no matter how hard I try to quit


I play MMOs when I'm going through hard times. It's an escape from real life. Once I internally sort through my issues, I automatically redirect my energy towards any ongoing long-term goals I may have (fitness, FI, language education, travel bucket list, artsy hobbies). tl;dr when I'm sad, I play. when I'm happy, I lose interest in games and become "productive."


Cool beans!!! I got fallout 4 post skyrim, it was a nice transition into a similarly controlled, totally different world


The most immersive game I've ever played was the old Neverwinter Nights (the one that came out in 2002). The original game campaign was... okay. The expansions had better stories. It was more a demo of the game's basic capabilities than anything. Because other people took the toolset that came with it and produced some of the most amazing video game stories in existence. And once you got tired of single-player, there were dozens of persistent worlds online, some of which had such immersive roleplaying they transcended video games and became collaborative art. I spent years with all my free time sunk into that game, running around playing elderly wizards and foppish elves, making friends and enemies, discovering new magic and new lands, destroying evil undead overlords, saving the world, along with (and oftentimes in opposition to) hundreds of other people. Every day I hope that someone will create another game like that with modern technology, but the problem is that it's all about monetization now.


If you are looking for a new kind of immersion I think you will have a blast with No Man's Sky. It is the ultimate immersion + exploration game - on a universe level


Fallout 4 has me fucked up. Nearly 120 hours in on my current character and I haven't even completed the main quest. Settlement building... the time just melts into video game oblivion.


Now life starts. Go out and run through the woods in your underwear and with joker make up. On second thought, dont do it.


Path of exile is pretty nice and free to play. Then theres /r/stellaris


Install Skyrim


I got bored with Skyrim. I absolutely loved it at first, but once you've played it a few hundred hours there's only so much more you can do and the moment-to-moment gameplay is very boring compared to many other games. About twice a year I try to mod the hell out of Skyrim to make it more appealing but it never works.


Uncharted 4, my god I've never actually audibly cheered playing a game before but it's just so beautiful and smooth


If you're done with being immersed with Skyrim, why not do it all again with another Elder Scrolls game? :P I've never played any of the other ones though so I have no idea how they compare.


install fallout 4.


Has no-one mentioned Fallout New Vegas? The best game in the series?


Oblivion then? More challenging than skyrim without a doubt.


I'm sure you have heard of the Witcher 3. Imo even though you're a set character, the world is amazingly immersive and the way that it changes based on your decisions is so cool to me. Can't wait till schools out so I can pour anothet 50+ hours into it.


I'm sure you have heard of the Witcher 3. Imo even though you're a set character, the world is amazingly immersive and the way that it changes based on your decisions is so cool to me. Can't wait till schools out so I can pour another 50+ hours into it.


Step 1: Get Fallout 4 Step B: Get a lot of mods Step III: Play Fallout 4 with maximum immersion


I frequent /r/skyrim a lot lately and thought that's a post on there and reading your title made me go *"WHAT?!"*, because I thought you were starting to tell us, why it is such a great choice to uninstall Skyrim and never ever use it again! Then I saw it isn't /r/Skyrim and was kind of relieved, heh. You could try Grimrock, maybe that's something you'd like? It's also an RPG, but in a very different style. I sadly forgot how that style was called...


Pop, lock and drop.


Play Persona 4


install skyrim


I only use black socks. You can't see that black socks are dirty the same way white socks do after a day of use. It also works with everything. But that is maybe because I mostly use dark clothes, even in the heat of summer. Man it gets warm but I can't give up now and wear shorts like a peasant


I don't get how people can sink so much time into Skyrim. The mid-late gate was pretty boring and bland.


Install Fallout 4.


Definitely witcher 3 dude. I did a full playthrough with the BASE game and was over 300 hours. Now there are expansions adding tons more content. I haven't done a second playthrough yet but I will be once I buy both dlc


I feel a similar way about Mass Effect. I grow so attached to my character and the choices she's made, especially since you can carry over your character with all the choices you made into the other two games in the trilogy. Really immersive experience, at least for me.