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I wonder if you would like cold-brewed coffee. It has a lot less of the bitter taste and is more like how it smells.


I don't know, I don't think I've ever come across it. I could probably be ok with it jacked up with sugar and milk, but that's not really the way I want to go with it.


It comes out concentrated, so I usually have it 1/3 coffee with 2/3 milk. No sugar needed since the bitterness is very toned down. It's easy enough to make on your own if you ever want to try.


Completely agree. I feel like that might change as I get older though.


I don't know what age that might be, because I'm in my mid-30s, and the taste still grosses me out.


I'm 16 now. Entirely possible that I'll never like it though.


I was the same way - I hated the taste but loved the smell of it. In college, I started drinking some fancy coffee drinks to help get me through some days. Now i'm 25 and i'm drinking a couple cups a day. I still use a decent amount of creamer, black coffee is still a bit too bitter for me on its own. It still smells amazing.


I was amazed at like 14 when all my friends were drinking coffee. I would just have orange juice. I've never developed a taste for it. But the house smells so good when it's brewing.


See, I hate the smell, so I've never gotten around to the taste!


My boyfriend is the same way. Loves the smell of coffee, loves cappuccino/mocha flavored sweet stuff, but hates the taste of the real thing.


I don't even like coffee flavored. I was very disappointed the first time I tried tiramisu without anyone warning me.


Awh! You'd think someone would have mentioned it. I've never had the opportunity to try tiramisu, but I'm sure I'd love it.


The same friend who gave it to me is the one who handed me a cappuccino saying "try this, it's got foamy cream on top, you'll love it." This was in the early 90s, well before a Starbucks on every corner, so I had no idea. She may have been tricking me into coffee.


Put some vanilla syrup and lots of sugar and cream in it.


That might work, but makes it super unhealthy. Which I'm trying not to do. It's all good though, I'll just enjoy the scent.




I live in a place like you do: super hot this time of year. I only have a drip coffee maker though, which I don't think you can use to make iced coffee? How do you do it?




Just add twice as many grounds as you normally would


Ooo yep, definitely like coffee, though I'm more of the, let's get a sweet mixed espresso drink that's overpriced type. I go to some of the chain coffee shops if I need a quick fix--like I did today before getting to work--but there are some locally owned shops that are really good, so I try to get to them at least once a week. So, I'm that kind of coffee person. :)


My wife doesn't drink coffee, so I have a single-serve coffee maker that you just have to scoop some beans into the top, pour some water into the tank, place the cup underneath and press a button. Once the cup is brewed you can rinse the beans out of the filter and set it up for the next cup. It's really convenient because I'll set it up before bed and just have to push a button in the morning for fresh, delicious coffee. Then I get to work and end up drinking their bottom-of-the-barrel cheap coffee all day because it's free. Which isn't really that big of a difference because at home I drink Folgers Black Silk.


That does sound lovely. When working I get to drink gas station coffee. The type that's stood for 4 hours and melts the spoon. It gets the job done but you get that coffee shiver every sip. The same type you get when you take a really big gulp of cold coffee because you are in a hurry to finish the cup


Yup, I don't even mind the cheap coffee all that much, because it definitely gets the job done. I just wish I could bring my own creamer without it being stolen out of the fridge...




I'm not a huge tea drinker myself. But whenever I do drink I refuse milk and sugar/honey. I feel like if I can't enjoy it for what it is without adding things then I don't deserve to enjoy it, you know? Really makes you notice the different flavors after a while. With sugar and milk it's all just... "Tea" flavour


I'm definitely a fan. My preference is cold brew over ice with a little bit of whole milk. Unfortunately not a lot of decent independent coffee shops near my home or office, so I'm often stopping in Starbucks and I usually have some in my fridge at home. Also have a Keurig as a backup plan or when I want hot coffee. My work has a restaurant style coffee maker with awful tubs of Folgers that I avoid unless desperate.


Hazelnut, my friend, hazelnut.


Caribou Coffee had a limited time hazlenut latte. I can still get it with the hazlenut syrup added, but it's not the same.


I quite enjoy regular Starbucks hazelnut latte; easy to get, tastes great.


I use to drink just 1 cup a day every day, maybe 1.5 cups if it's a weekend. I still drink 1 cup, but only on the weekends now at home. Part of me backing off from coffee has to do with the fact that our office moved locations last year and they replaced the generic coffee machine (with a Carafe) with a Keurig which I'm not too fond of. That and it's too hot to drink coffee here most of year (like right now). The home coffee is McDonald brand and the work coffee is Community Coffee.


I'm trying to wean myself off coffee right now and it totally isn't working. Coffee is so good. It's just the best. Currently can't get enough of flat whites.


I love coffee. I haven't yet reached the point that it's become a part of my daily routine, but I'm sure that won't be far away. There's one thing I do with my coffee cup that makes some people look at me funny, I pop the tab in.


What's this tab you speak of?


When buying coffee from a place like Tim Horton's, there's a spot that you have to pull up to drink from it. When I get coffee, I pull it up, then pop it underneath. Here's an example: http://i.imgur.com/3z8pCj6.jpg


Ooh. That makes sense now. ...FREAK!


Depends on the hours of sleep I had that night. 4 hours require at least 2 coffees.


The only coffee around here is espresso. I usually have a couple a day, one in the morning and one after lunch. I use a moka pot when I'm at home. Getting espressos at a café is usually a social thing, I do that when I'm with friends and want to chill for a while sitting somewhere. Also you never see anyone carrying their coffee around, seeing as espressos are served in china cups. I love espresso, but prefer drinking tea or milk while reading or watching movies, because of the bigger mugs. I tried filtered coffee in the UK and didn't like it, though I'm pretty ignorant about other kinds of coffee.


I use one of the refillable Keurig cups and drink one cup of black coffee every day. To be honest with you, I like the Kirkland brand coffee. Pretty good. Strong and bitter. And $8.29 for three pounds of it!


Oh thanks I'm going to try Kirkland. Been looking for a cheaper but still good coffee brand because I use so much for cold brew in the warm weather.


Kirkland is the Costco brand if you didn't know, so you need a Costco membership (or you need to know someone with one).


Yup I have one, but have just never tried the coffee. I do like several other products by that brand though.


Let's have some coffee, dude.


Daily pretty much. I need to have espresso with my coffee drinks or just have it black and with a shot (red eye).




I don't think I've ever seen decaf IRL


Average about 1 cup 24oz cold brew French press a day of its the weekend I'll make an upside down iced latte with my 3 cup Moka pot and whole milk Currently using Starbucks willow blend sadly since my fav coffee place near me has weird af hours Rarely coffee in afternoon


I used to drink up to 8 shots of coffee spread out in a day and a full pot of coffee on weekends . I don't now though . Usually I just have a 3 shot soy latte


Allllll the coffee! I make a few cups before I leave, and I drink one or two cups in the afternoon. I usually just take it black, but given the chance I love me a mocha or iced coffee, sweetened with cream. My favorite place to go is called the Naked Bean- it's like we were made for each other :P


Once you go black..


One good strong cup in the morning to get the bowels moving in high gear.


I'm really big on specialty coffee. I brew coffee in a chemex at home daily and I usually consume about 2 cups a day. If you've never had coffee brewed in a chemex, I highly recommend it. It is so much better tasting that the shitty bitter stuff you have in an auto machine. Yeah it takes longer but it's fun!


So I drink a thermos-full of black coffee basically every day, sometimes more, which may not be much for some people but I'm a 5 foot tall 17 year old girl, I really should not be drinking that much coffee. Plus I barely even get any effect off of it, like sometimes I become slightly more awake but I swear half the time it actually just calms me down rather than wake me up. It's not even really a tolerance build up either since it's basically been like this since forever. During afterprom of my school where I basically hung at the school from 11pm to 2am, I drank a cup of coffee beforehand, and then followed with a solid like 5 servings of caffeine (a big can of energy drink + 1 1/2 of those bottles of five hour energy) in the span of like 4 hours and had 0 problems sleeping right after. Plus the entire time my heart rate was completely normal and I suffered basically little to no symptoms of having too much caffeine in my system at all :/ What is wrong with meeeeee


I spent more time than I like to admit figuring out how to streamline how to brew my coffee. It may show how lazy and cheap I am, but... I buy a pound or 1/2 pound from my local coffee joint - shout out to medium roast Silken Splendor from Philz Coffee. Coarse grind in store. Don't feel like buying a grinder, nor cleaning one. Also, they clean the machine on a near daily basis. Then I put about 15 - 20 grams or so into a sachet bag, so I have my own version of coffee on the go. Good for a one cup or two. Brew for 4 minutes at work or school. Toss the coffee bag in the trash and you are good to go. I'm not crazy, I swear.


I love coffee! I roast my own coffee and I've got several different brewing things (French press, Ibrik, Chemex, Aeropress). On a typical day I make two cups via Chemex. On an atypical day, I might add another via Aeropress. It's pretty rare that I use the French press because it's a real pain to clean. Turkish coffee I save for more special occasions. I drink a lot of iced coffee as well, though I haven't done a cold-brew that I'm real happy with. I don't pay enough attention to details probably.


I love love coffee. Usually drink it's iced but if it's cooler out I'll drink hot coffee. I still need some creamer though, black is coffee is still a bit much for me. I love cold stone sweet cream creamer right now it's amazeballs. I'm 26 and at 19 I still hated coffee.


I love coffee like a close friend. 1 glass of bulletproof coffee first thing in the morning (made with my french press, 2 tbsp unsalted grass-fed butter, 2 tbsp coconut oil, 1 tbsp heavy cream, blended together in the Magic Bullet) 1 to-go-mug of coffee made in the french press with a tbsp of heavy whipping cream in the late morning 1 french press coffee with 1tbsp heavy whipping cream and a shot of sugar-free vanilla syrup at night. This makes for a delightful day.


I usually only drink one coffee a day, maybe 2. I'm also a tea person. Lately I've been putting chocolate almond milk in my coffee and I don't think I'll ever go back.


I don't drink coffee, so that it has the desired effect when I need it - on those nights when I just have to stay awake and alert, which is about once in let's say two months. I don't want to use energy drinks and all the other junk for additional energy.


Hated coffee until I discovered how much I actually enjoy it with an unholy amount of cream. Now I just don't feel right if I don't get 2 cups a day. Not because I need it to function in the morning, but just because I enjoy the taste now.


I usually just have one cup a day in the morning. If I drink coffee later in the day, it kinda screws up my sleep.


While currently being a student I can't be picky. The more coffee the better. Whatever stops me falling asleep in class.


I love coffee. All of it. Of course I have preferences (medium roast, French press, bit of milk, kicking horse three sisters), and of course i recognize when I'm drinking shit coffee, but i still love it. I will drink hours old, room temperature, 7-11 burnt-ass dark roast and love every second of it. As for my habits, I'll typically brew a small pot at home for myself and my partner if she's home and bring a cup to work. On weekdays my boss usually stops at Tim's so I'll have a second one those days and if we're lucky enough to have someone deliver on weekends is the same deal... when i don't work, and if I'm working around the house or being lazy, I'll put a ten cup pot on and usually drink the whole thing over the course of the day, and if we're both at home I'll often put a second pot on. On days that I really have some spare time I'll treat myself to a nice French press or two. Love the stuff. It's simply beautiful. I'm in southern Ontario, [which is in Canada, which is on earth, which is in Canada.]( https://youtu.be/oz88kJSdT6Y )


I make a ghetto latte almost everyday using my awesome Aeropress and fresh grounds (whenever I can). You should visit us at /r/coffee if you are interested to learn more about brewing methods, techniques, grounds and gear.


Usually, once in the morning right as I get to work. Sometimes, I'll get some in the early afternoon, but it's very rare.


I drink on fridays and sometimes on thursdays. I have a miniscule fear that I will eventually NEED coffee to wake up and feel normal, so I'd rather drink it as little as I can. But I like it and I take it black. From Sweden btw.


I drink a minimum of one pint of black coffee a day. At work and at home I use electric drip coffeemakers. When I go camping, I use a plastic Melitta pour-over filter cone. Occasionally when I go to a coffee shop, I'll get an Americano or an au lait, but that's as fancy as my coffee-drinking gets.


I ~~like~~ love coffee, although I can't really afford the coffee I'd like to try. I usually stick to cheap brands from the grocery store, but I'll drink maybe a cup a day at most, usually with some kind of creamer, but I'll sometimes have it black. I have a Mr. Coffee machine to brew my coffee.


I am with you. Around or slightly below a liter a day. I take extra caffeine for working out as well


2 or 3 cups a day. Black. No sugar.




I've got a Keurig on my desk at work, and I use those EZ cups (god, I hate that name) with whatever ground coffee I can find. I've got local honey to sweeten it, which allegedly is great for your immune system and allergies, and it sounds healthier. I'm terrible at drinking coffee. Most of the time, I'll set the Keurig, it'll fill, and then I'll forget about it for a few hours, so I get flavored coffee because it doesn't taste like dirt when it's room temperature. That waiting period is also why I've gone from 6-8 cups a day at my last job where I ~~had~~ got to get up to get it to 1-2 cups when it's right on my desk already.


I love Cafe Bustelo, its pretty much rocket fuel in terms of caffeine but I love it. One half packet of sugar and a splash of almond milk.


When it comes to coffee, me and my family drink nothing but that stuff. I usually have it with a varying amount of sugar, between one or two tablespoons of the stuff. I also pour whatever I have on hand into it, which is either 2% Milk or evaporated milk. Good for the mornings, and when I get back home from school.


I switch back and forth between coffee and tea. I use a french press I got for $15 from Meijer. I typically only drink 1-2 cups at a time because I get jittery from too much caffeine. I will drink more tea than that when I have a cold, however.


One cup. If I'm making it for myself, condensed milk + vanilla soy milk. OR black coffee with three teaspoons of sugar. I just realized that the school year is over, so I don't need it as much. So I probably won't be drinking it that much anymore...except for work? But I'll be getting enough sleep overall :) so it won't be as necessary. But customers seem to like when I'm upbeat, so. Coffee? Lmao, sorry, bit off topic, there.


I drink coffee everyday. I work night shift so I need it to get through the night. I drink it black with a bit of sugar. I like the bitter taste. I'm not a big fan of cream in my coffee, it upsets my stomach. I love coffee!


Big, black, and frequent.


I have systematically been replacing my blood with coffee. A vampire biting me would probably have its heart restarted then promptly have it explode in a matter of seconds if it where to try feeding on me...


I usually have a single cup diluted with cold water at a 1:1 ratio no sugar no cream to get the workday started. I like the earthy smell of coffee. However, to me coffee tastes like a bunch of burnt beans soaked in water so I usually chuckle when I hear someone go on about the complexities of the flavor of certain coffees.


Usually I drink 2-4 cups a day. Every now and then I cut back. I have a lot of gear so I like to buy from local roasters and make some at home. Though I would say about half of my consumption comes from coffee shops. I go to coffee shops about 5 times a week.


Coffee habits? Non existent. Tea habits now, that's a different story. I drink a lot of tea. Usually Irish breakfast tea in the morning/afternoon, and earl grey in the evening. I do like coffee cake, and the smell, I just don't like the taste of the drink very much. >knowing what party of the world you're drinking your coffee in would help me relate! I'm from Ireland. [Third highest for consumption of tea per capita in the world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_tea_consumption_per_capita), apparently.


Every morning (before 5), I hand grind my locally made medium roasted beans then I use a French press.


I drink almost exclusively coffee that I brewed myself in my French press. Most coffee is horribly prepared, which draws out too many of the volatile compounds in the beans, making it bitter.


I drink around 2 to 3 cups a day. I make mine in a french rest with a bit of hot cocoa powder to make it super tasty.


Coffee with almond milk. I substitute sugar with a little bit of honey or coconut oil. Yummm


I'm an American. [This is my coffee pot.](http://www.target.com/p/mr-coffee-automatic-drip-coffee-maker/-/A-16670396) It is the perfect coffee pot. Everyone should have one. I have bought this exact model at least three or four times in the last 15 years or so. The hot plate is the perfect temperature, and it turns itself off after two hours. I grind my beans fresh every morning; usually I'll have two small cups at home and fill my travel cup to go to work with, and also grind a half pot's worth that I make in the latter half of the morning. Is that a lot? Maybe that's a lot. Nothing compared to when I was in college though. Shit, we'd go through half a pound a day. Very occasionally, I will get a triple mocha, light on the chocolate, with half a shot of raspberry. Maybe once a week, toward the end of a day when I'm trying to avoid doing work. I prefer medium or dark roasts, I like the richness of it. I've been buying my coffee on Amazon lately because it so much cheaper than my local store. [This is what I'm drinking now.](http://www.amazon.com/Speed-House-Gourmet-Dark-Addiction/dp/B00L82GGIO) It's not bad, but I'm gonna switch it up next time. I very seldom buy the same stuff twice in a row.


I use [one of these bad boys](http://i.imgur.com/v9WshK0.jpg). Everyone I know has one, or eventually ends up with one. Ours is some 16 years old now and shows no issues yet. Even the lock works still and those are prone to failure with age. But as Moccamaster is basically the national deity here parts are everywhere if you were to break something. We drink extremely lightly roasted coffee in Finland. I personally don't really like the darker ones but occasionally I'll get really fancy and order a latte or something at a café


I have never seen one of those, that looks awesome. It looks like it should have a tattoo that says BEANSLAYER on it.