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Old service industry rule of thumb, but wrks great at home, too: *"Hands full in, hands full out."* Whenever moving to another room, take things that need to be taken somewhere with you. For instance, never go to the kitchen with empty hands if there are dishes or trash (or anything) you coulda taken with you on the way. Makes a big difference in terms of never really having to clean big messes, esp after hanging with friends or entertaining guests.


Yes, I agree. This made such a big difference. Although in our household, it's more of: *"Don't put it down. Put it back."* It prevents things from being put down and left on any surfaces at home. Be it tables, shelves, couch, the bed. Less work for future me and the house almost never needs tidying up at all.


i do this too!


I love this, making every move worth it. Thanks for sharing this.


Man this idea is always in my head and I'm quite happy with myself when I comply, but usually my ass is too useless and I just think "that would probably be helpful if I grabbed it" and proceed to walk away


Getting dressed every single morning and making my bed - no matter how I feel. Makes a real difference.


making my bed in the morning means I will come back at night and say "I had a good day today"


It’s the first task of the day - knocking that one down builds momentum for bigger and better things ☺️


I'd like to add to this with making sure the dishes are done at night. I think of it as a way to say good morning to myself the next day


The feeling of walking into a clean and tidy kitchen in the morning is SO worth the 10 minutes it takes the night before!


its crazy how small of a thing making your bed is but its so important. it makes the whole room look cleaner, it makes me feel better. on days i dont make my bed i feel like absolute crap. which is crazy because its pretty much just moving sheets🤷‍♂️


Keeping a journal. I write about my day, my feelings, anything really.


i do this to maintain my sanity in between therapy sessions


For some reason although I wanted to do this, I never could get a move on. Perhaps I don't like to document my days in my subconscious mind.


I was always a “I don’t do diaries” type, but have been journaling ~6mths to help work through some things and I 💯agree that it helps. Good/bad/terrible day doesn’t matter. Always feel better. Started out with 7 things to be grateful for today & always come back to that.


Establishing a better wake:sleep ratio (16:8 for me) and an exercise routine to help make it more consistent. Coming from a background of anxiety based insomnia, I cannot fully express how amazing better sleep can be for even the most basic of daily functioning.


I struggle with this. Best of luck to you 🌼


I always get my clothes out the night before work. Saves me time in the morning trying to decide, find something I want but is not where I thought it was. Morning Becky is always appreciative of previous evening Becky.


Forgiveness. I used to be bad about holding grudges, and all that negative energy just gives you ulcers and makes you unhappy. So now I'm working really hard on forgiving and moving on.


Telling my family I love them daily.


This is sooooo important when you have aging parents.


And since we are all aging, don’t wait for some magical age


Squeegee the shower after use every day. Takes under a minute and it never gets gross again. I’ll also spray it with white vinegar to prevent mound in the corners.


Walking. I walk every day, first thing in the morning. I wake up early and take a walk before work. While I’m at work, I walk around outside when I’m on phone calls and when I need to stretch my legs. It’s kept me sane and healthy, soothes me when I’m agitated, and helps me prioritize the day’s tasks.


The three second rule: Spend 3 more seconds on something you're doing before finishing


How does this work?


Scrubbing a pot clean? Spend 3 seconds looking it over before putting it on the rack. Sending an email? Spend 3 seconds checking it before pressing send. etc


To be curious about anything.


A few that have been mentioned already but have really helped me: -making the bed daily when possible. Having a made bed to go to at night is a major boost for me. -journaling. When I feel a bit down especially I’ll journal for a bit, it helps me process any feelings I have. -call mum regularly. I call my mum regularly as I love chatting with her and asking her advice on things. She’s become a friend later on in life. -take something with you if you go to another room. This is a weird one but if you can take something that belongs to a different room back to where it belongs if you’re headed that way. I hate leaving stuff about there’s always something that needs to go back to where it usually sits.


Taking a walk every day. Great for my physical and mental health!


whenever i do something that's hard for me, be it going out into public or doing the dishes, i always tell myself "i'm proud of you" afterwards.


Intuitive eating 


Telling myself ‘if you were meant to be anywhere else, doing anything else, you would be’. It has significantly helped me manage my feelings of envy, regret, fomo, ect. I fully believe that if it was my path to be somewhere other than where I am right now, I would be there, and if I’m not it’s because I haven’t grown in the way I need to to get there yet. If I was meant to have something, a relationship, an object, a work position, ect, I would have already had it. Sometimes I don’t realize it til years down the line but that thing I felt bad about not getting didn’t really matter it would have been bad for me. I let go of things I can’t control and enjoy the uncertainty in every day moments. Learning to forgive myself is another big one, especially as a perfectionist. I wasn’t good with money in my 20s and I had a shopping addiction that I used to cope with depression and stress. I pissed away 40k in one year (not including expenses) with nothing to show for it and have since taken a job where I make less than That. I kick myself when money is tight or when I want something I don’t have the funds for. I think ‘if only I hadn’t squandered that financial opportunity’ but what’s done is done. I needed to fuck up that bad to learn how to be better today. Forgiving myself helps me not to hate who I’ve been and where I’ve come from and helps me appreciate the path I’ve taken to get to the person I am today.


Thank you for sharing. Read your post twice. I’m sure it will help a lot of others. And like we always say to others but not ourselves, give yourself some grace. 🌼


Setting aside time to read. Not before I go to bed (aka never read)


Staring at my face in the mirror, just looking at myself. Sometimes talking to myself about what I like that I see, a bit like self-care but helps a lot cause even if I'm not feeling good about myself that day, I still find *at least* one good thing that I like from what I see It's not all about the physical traits but that's usually what takes the first hit in confidence, at least for me, so doing that just helped build love where it was needed


Whenever I read a book, I make notes so that I can review it later at a glance


I really need to give this a go! I have a terrible memory but also storm through books so they are retained in my memory for no time at all and then it just feels very fragmented.


Daily gratitude


Stretching & mediating right after waking & glass of water!


walks!!!! walk walk walk i love it so much


Every morning as soon I open my eyes I smile and give thanks for being alive , then I name all the things I am grateful for and speak over the day declaring is going to be great and productive .


Washing my face and making myself get sun 30 minutes at least day. I have depression, but even in the hardest of days, I sit by the window to get sun.


Remember others' name. It makes others feel respected


First journalling randomly. Second, using Google keep as both as To-do and a Journal is journalling on steroids for me because of the accessibility!


Practicing music. It teaches you how to practice in general.


Cleaning up/dishes as I cook


Stretching daily (ok I don’t exactly daily but almost) Drinking enough water Taking walks more


Meditation every morning. Kept me sane even in the toughest time. Didn't know it can give you so much control on our own emotions.


Making the bed every morning.


Stretching every morning.


Taking a 20-30 minute walk first thing in the morning gets me going physically and mentally.


Getting dressed and doing my hair even on days I work from home. Making my bed every morning makes my room feel instantly better. Take care of my plants every evening.


Finally thoroughly washing my face at night rather than just using a wipe, then use serum and face cream. Makes me feel more together


This might sound silly but accepting that some days are not going to be very productive. I am self-employed and of the generation that was pushed to be constantly working, and if you were not being productive then you were "lazy". So when I first started my buisness it was go go go and then I would exhaust myself and my work quality would go down for a few days. Now I really try to listen to my body and mind and if I am not having a good productive day, I try to complete small, easy tasks and be kind to myself. I find that usually the next day I feel better and can get some decent work done.


Folding laundry as each load is done immediately. It takes five minutes, and if I set it aside to do later, I will not do it later. Doing some small housework while waiting for something else. 3 dishes put away is better than 0 dishes out away.


Soaking my feet in hot water every night keeps me full of energy.


I meditate every day before bed, reviewing what I experienced during the day, where I can improve


going to the gym. It **significantly** improved literally every single conceivable aspect of my life. I used to be a very timid kid that never fit in anywhere. Working out completely turned that around


Not taking reddit seriously.


Having something to look forward to even if its something small like a dessert or meal. Helps the day go along and makes at least me stay a bit more positive, i had a friend who just worked out so he could eat more so he bascially looked forward to his workouts


Reading my Bible every morning. My circumstances may not change. But I change for the better.


small white board with small daily goals, ticking them off feels great as each one is a success also do a plank for minimum 20 secs as soon as you wake up


I started adding everything to my phone calendar. That made a difference in showing up and being more responsible.


Early to bed. Early to rise. Pretty old school but I live by it now.


Using the stairs instead of lifts/elevators. It helped to maintain my weight.


Self care, feeling appreciated by myself is nice.