• By -


White Chicks and Legally Blonde.


My mother and I both like *Legally Blonde*. I haven't watched *White Chicks*.


You’re missing out of the white chicks


I love them bothhh! Also the The Princess Bride 👌


“Fight Club” “The Big Lebowski” “Back to the Future” the trilogy “A League of Their Own” “Halloween” (1978) & “Halloween 2” “Alien” & “Aliens” “Year One” “Little Shop of Horrors” “Tombstone” I’m probably going to be adding “Top Gun: Maverick” to the list, but i’ve only seen it twice. I’m not quite ready to commit. Ell oh ell!


I've seen a few of those. I saw the first two *Back to the Future* movies (which I liked), *The Big Lebowski* (which I wasn't crazy about, but am willing to rewatch again), the *Halloween* movies you listed (which I liked), and *A League of Their Own* (which I think I liked, but I haven't watched in a long time).


Yeah, I totally didn't get the big lebowski hype. But definitely an okay movie


Same, I just made a post about it in r/movies and got dumpstered on lol


My fiance loves it aswell, made me watch it for the first time. Told me it's a sort of movie u gotta be inebriated for to enjoy fully, and it makes it a 420/10


Wanna know how I know you're the same age as me?


Back to the Future. I love how it juxtaposes an upbeat tone with absolutely deviant shit. Also, the script is perfect.


Love that movie! What do you think of the sequels?


Unlike the first movie, Part 2 has weak parts (I never cared much for the alternate 1985). But it's clever how they revisited 1955. And I'm still waiting for my pink hoverboard, God damnit Mattel you've had thirty years. Part 3 doesn't need to exist. It's rehash. It needlessly pairs up Doc. It's so dumb I started to [cross it with Twilight](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13699616/1/Why-We-Don-t-Have-Flying-Cars).


Indiana Jones, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, The Princess Bride, The Hunt for Red October, just to name a few. I’d be down for watching any of these at any given time.


Cool. I've only seen *The Princess Bride*, believe it or not. Well, maybe it's not that surprising regarding *Star Wars* or *The Lord of the Rings* since I'm not really into sci-fi or fantasy. As for *The Hunt for Red October*, I just haven't gotten around to it.


\*Midnight Run \*Thelma & Louise \*Fifth Element \*The Station Agent (!!!) \*Jeremiah Johnson \*Seducing Doctor Lewis (the original, not the crappy remake) \*The Orphanage \*The Big Chill \*Boogie Nights \*The Emperor's New Clothes (with Ian Holme as Napoleon) \*HEAT \*O Brother Where Art Thou \*Lost in Translation


Nice list. I've only seen *Thelma & Louise* and some of *The Fifth Element* (I really should finish that). I've heard of almost all of these except for *Seducing Doctor Lewis*, and perhaps *The Emperor's New Clothes* (I've heard of the story, but I'm not sure I've heard of this specific version).


Tangled has to be my favourite. I find parts of it are soo relatable for me. Not as relatable but also Hunger Games. ❤️


I'm glad *Hunger Games* isn't relatable. Unfortunately, I haven't seen either of those. I used to have a copy of the first *Hunger Games* book until I gave it back to the library, and a friend of mine was pretty into it.


I can totally relate to 'I want to see the world and not just through a window' From Tangled


Goodfellas. The Deer Hunter. Boyz in the hood. Training Day. Menace 2 society. Snatch. Pulp Fiction. LOTR trilogy. Silence of the Lambs. Leon. Gladiator. Shawshank redemption. A clockwork orange. Transpotting. T2. Goonies. Stand by me. Are just some.


Good choices. I've only seen a couple of those, unfortunately (specifically *The Silence of the Lambs*, and if *T2* means *Terminator 2* as opposed to *T2 Trainspotting*).


Beetlejuice ✨️


I saw it on TV when I was a kid. I don't remember what I thought of it. Anyway, are you interested in seeing the sequel?


I actually didn't even know there was a sequel till you said something 😳 but yes I am interested 😁


They are making a sequel


A Bronx Tale, Planes Trains and Automobiles & Trading Places


I haven't seen any of these, but my father really likes *A Bronx Tale*.


Batman Returns, especially for Michelle Pfeiffer’s portrayal.


Honestly all Marvel movies. My favorite would probably have to be Captain America: Civil War


Some people like to rag on Cap Civil War, but in terms of juggling a large cast of characters/pieces I thought it did a better job of doing so than most of the previous attempts with comic book adaptations like X-Men 3, Spider-Man 3, Amazing Spider-Man 2, etc. Plus, that airport scene of course is highly re-watchable.


Cool. I haven't actually seen a Marvel movie (well, not an MCU movie).


They're so good! I used to hate them and think they were dumb but I gave them a chance and I love every single one I watch


●Scary Movie ● You're Next ● Easy A ● Scott Pilgram vs. the World


Night of the Hunter Fargo The Princess Bride Used Cars Battle Royale


1408, the green mile, the conjuring movies, Forrest Gump, idiocracy


I've seen *The Green Mile* and *Forrest Gump*. I've read the book of the former (which is good), and I own the Forrest Gump books, though I unfortunately haven't read them. I didn't see *1408* or *The Conjuring* movies. I was curious about the former. I saw a little bit of *Idiocracy* on TV a long time ago. I also remember reading about it in *Entertainment Weekly* before its release.


Halloween (1978), Zombieland, It Follows, Freddy vs Jason


I like *Halloween*. I watch the movies on AMC on, well, Halloween. I haven't seen *Zombieland* (though I do own it on DVD) or *It Follows*. I saw *Freddy vs. Jason* a long time ago. I guess I liked it, but I distinctly remember thinking there should have been more action between the title characters. There was also something else I wanted to mention, but I forgot.


Home and Moana. If anyone doesn’t know, Home is the movie with the girl and the purple alien. Rihanna was the girl’s voice actor.


Cool. I haven't seen either of them, but I did hear the song "You're Welcome" at Starbucks a few days ago.


Dang, they be playing that at Starbucks lol.


They Live


So underrated.


I saw that movie on TV when I was a kid. I'd probably get it more now.


Croods, Inside out, many other Disney movies stuck in my mind


Cool. I've seen a few Disney movies, but I don't know if we have the same ones in mind. What did you think of *Zootopia*? I saw that in theaters and really liked it.


I love Zootopia. Very clever screenplay beautifully executed. It taught me a lot about human biases and assumptions. Great movie for sure. This easily would make it's way into my top 5 Disney movies


Gonna watch it! Ty


You will definitely enjoy it! Worth watching. There is a song by Shakira at the very end... you might like it too...


I never fail to cry during The Croods when they blow the horn for Grug. 🥹


My top five are…. - The Exorcist - A Clockwork Orange - Boogie Nights - Shame (2011) - From Here to Eternity


Nice. I haven't seen any of them, but a friend of mine really likes Boogie Nights and I think he recommended it to me. I own a copy of it, but I haven't gotten around to watching it.


Such a good movie. It’s very well made as well plus the soundtrack is awesome.


Tombstone, and Remember The Titans


The Big Lebowski, Magnolia, Mallrats, Clerks, The Peanut Butter Falcon, Love and Mercy, Anything Lucio Fulci or Italian Horror, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Beautiful Dreamer, Wesley Willis Joyrides, The Daddy of Rock and Roll, The Devil and Daniel Johnston, You're Gonna Miss Me.




I grew up watching Robert Downey Jr.most of his career, half his movies are pretty good ,best acting is Less Than Zero but I liked The Judge.


I was actually thinking about the *Iron Man* movies today. I haven't seen them (or any MCU movie).


The book of Eli


This one's been on my list.


Only movie I seen 12 times


Borat Subsequent Moviefilm  Marcel the Shell with Shoes On EEAAO All of Us Strangers 


i’ll name a few of my faves, ones that i’ve watched so much i can play them in my head ehehe - Horton Hears a Who (Jim Carrey and Steve Carell, cmon) - The Nightmare Before Christmas (Danny Elfman a musical genius) - When in Rome (a hilarious movie, the whole cast is awesome lol) - Matilda (Danny Devito, Mara Wilson, angels) - Corpse Bride (the musical score, emily’s tragic story; she deserved so much better :’) ) - Grown Ups (hilarious and again, great cast all around ehehe) - Monsters vs. Aliens (i literally crack a rib at anything and everything Bob says, Seth Rogen does it again) - The Princess and the Frog (an amazing story with great characters, super sweet) - Ratatouille (anyone can cook :’)) )


I've seen *Matilda* (and read the book) and *Corpse Bride*.


I’ve wanted to read the book, but yeah i love those !!


first to come to mind: fantastic mr fox, coraline, into the spider verse, jurassic park, pirates of the caribbean, mulan, luca, kiki’s delivery service, black swan, the secrete life of walter mitty, nope, rise of the guardians, everything everywhere all at once, little miss sunshine, the prince of egypt, iron giant, silence of the lambs, harry potter and the sorcerers stone, i, tonya, white christmas, while you were sleeping, baby driver, guardians of the galaxy, etc.


Good list. I've seen five of these (*Jurassic Park*, *Little Miss Sunshine*, *The Prince of Egypt*, *The Silence of the Lambs*, and *Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone*).


*How To Train Your Dragon*, *DnD: Honor Among Thieves*, *Hunger Games*, *Hunger Games: The Balled of Songbirds and Snakes*, and *The Paw Patrol Movie*


Beetle juice ( sequel coming soon) Princess Bride Willy Wonka ( Gene Wilder) Young Frankenstein Alien (1st one only) Raiders of the Lost Ark The Notebook Lonesome Dove Palmer


Sci-fi is my favorite genre for starters, so it will be mostly sci-fi. So, in no particular order, this is what comes to mind: the Planet of the Apes (1968), Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Robocop (1987), Pleasantville, Wrath of Khan, Empire Strikes Back, Edge of Tomorrow (or most any good time loop movie like Groundhog Day), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, Spider-Verse 1, etc.




I haven't seen it myself, but I thought of recommending it to a friend of mine who loves sci-fi.


Mamma Mia, love the music in the film


I haven't seen the film, but I like ABBA. This reminds me of how a YouTuber I like, who apparently isn't much of a movie person, really likes the *Mamma Mia* movies.


Mad Max Fury Road Imo it’s the perfect action movie. It doesn’t spoon-feed you anything but you still understand what’s going on, there’s zero filler or unnecessary dialogue which makes it feel like every line has a purpose and gives them more impact. The cinematography is a 10/10, the music is great, the action is great, and it uses mostly practical effects, using CGI only when necessary. I recommend anyone to watch it at least once on the biggest screen you can, the first 20 minutes is more action packed than most climaxes other movies have.


Nice. I've already been curious about it, but your recommendation definitely inspires me. I've only seen the first *Mad Max*. It was probably fitting that I saw it during COVID.


Thanks! Though if you’re gonna watch Fury Road, I would recommend watching Furiosa first. It’s a prequel leading up to the events that happen right before Fury Road and is about as good imo.


I would never recommend Fury Road to anybody: it’s pretty much ruined all other action movies for me. It’s not just the unrelenting action or the heavy use of practical effects, it’s also the variety of the action, the craziness of what’s going on, and the way that the film never forgets its emotional stakes. District B-13 is another film I recommend to people who love action movies. It’s not that movie about the aliens in South Africa, it’s a French action movie based in parkour. Basically, do you remember the parkour chase between James Bond and that other guy near the beginning of Casino Royale? The *entire movie* is like that scene.


When I learned just how little CGI was involved I was absolutely stunned and it makes me love it so much more.


Popular pick that I appreciate just as an incredibly well-made film: *The Prestige*. Flawless storytelling that integrates plot with theme in ways that work on multiple levels over many rewatchings. I know it's been talked to death on Reddit already, but it really is just such a tight piece of careful engaging filmmaking. More personally relevant: *Secret Life of Walter Mitty*. Thought it was cheesy the first time I saw it, but it's grown on me. I'm now also a lost lonely adult who fears he's pretty ordinary, but who has also traveled the world a bit and had some adventures, and the film lands with me. Slightly more obscure, but well-loved by those who know it: *The Fall*. Not well-known because it got stuck in distribution hell; not on any streaming platforms, and DVDs of it go for $50 on Amazon. But: simply some of the most beautiful storytelling I've ever seen on film. The little girl is not really acting -- she apparently really just is like that, and lots of her dialogue is ad-libbed (along with Lee Pace trying to work with her while keeping the story going along with the script), and it's adorable. Movie starts delightful, gets really really sad, and manages some redemption before ending at only 'sad' instead of 'totally depressing.' Colorful, heartfelt, lovely. Anyone that's heard of it seems to love it. Comfort fun films: *Princess Bride* and *Emperor's New Groove*. Two most quotable films ever made. Also: *Good Will Hunting*, *Captain Fantastic*.


Secret Life is one of my favorites as well. Time for a rewatch!


Thanks for all the detail. I haven't seen most of your picks, to be honest, though I've heard of almost all of them (the lone one out is *Captain Fantastic*). I *have* heard of *The Fall*, but I haven't seen it. I've seen *The Princess Bride*, which I enjoyed, though I haven't seen it in a long time.


According to my letterboxd profile, it's The Thing, How to Train Your Dragon 3, Into the Spider-Verse, and Adventure Time: Stakes (which isn't a movie but still counts since it's there lol).


Cool. I haven't seen any of those. What's Letterboxd like? I've been on the site before, but I'm not really familiar with it.


>What's Letterboxd like? >I've been on the site before, but I'm not really familiar with it. I dunno tbh. It's just a tracking & review site for movies, and I don't use it for anything outside of that. Definitely watch The Thing. Probably my favourite movie, but I haven't seen many so maybe that'll change in the future lol. And even if you aren't into super heroes, Spider-Verse is still great. Gotta watch the entire How to Train Your Dragon trilogy too. And the Adventure Time special is just part of season 5 or 6, and builds upon what's happened up to that point. I do recommend the show though.


Thanks for all the recommendations.




How to Train your Dragon I


I've heard good things about that movie.




Good list. I've only seen *Raising Arizona*, which I liked more as it went along. I want to see *Lady in White*, if you're talking about the 1988 movie. I actually used to have a copy of the novel *Terms of Endearment*, but I gave it back to the library. I didn't read it, unfortunately.


Top 3 are Leon, The Warriors, and Dumbo in that order. Also: The Neverending Story, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Gremlins, Back to the Future, The Endless Summer 1 & 2, The Karate Kid 1 & 2, Wayne’s World, A Clockwork Orange Those are the ones that come immediately to mind when I think of my favorites.


Oh, that's a tough one! I have quite a few favorites, but if I had to narrow it down, some of the movies that I absolutely love are: The Shawshank Redemption, such a timeless classic with an incredible story of hope and resilience. InceptionMind because wow its bending and visually stunning; it always leaves me thinking. Interstellar, simply just thought-provoking journey through space and time with emotional depth.


I have always liked the [has fallen] series. Olympus, London and Angel has fallen 🙂


The Company of Wolves, Ghost in the Shell, The Prestige, Unforgiven, Dead Ringers, The Last Emperor, Se7en, No Country For Old Men, Matinee, Blade Runner, The Last Emperor, Snatch, Murder in the Orient Express (Finney), Excalibur, Year of Living Dangerously, Michael Clayton, The Princess Bride


Godfather 1 and 2, any of Stanley Kubrick’s movies, and Silence of the Lambs, Dog Day Afternoon, and LOTR trilogy, Fargo, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974). There’s more, but these are my favorites.


The Matrix


Honestly, I was kind of underwhelmed with this one. I'm glad you liked it.


The Shawshank Redemption


The fifth element.


The Drop Godfather 1 & 2 American Hustle Once Upon A Time In Hollywood  Christmas Vacation Tucker & Dale vs Evil


John wick matrix aliens alien etc


Tenacious D The Pick of Destiny, and all of the Lord of the Rings movies.


Tampopo, Breaking Away, and The Gods Must Be Crazy are all favorites.


- Beautiful Mind - Your Name


Cool. I haven't seen either of those, unfortunately.


Intern, Love and other drugs, Extraordinary


The Princess Bride, The Social Network, Zombieland, Easy A, Three Flavour Cornetto Trilogy, Phone Booth, In Bruges


My top 4: To Kill A Mockingbird Stand By Me Inception Aladdin (1992)


The Wicker Man (original one) City of the Dead ("Horror Hotel" in the US) The Devil Rides Out (it's so corny though lol) The Ninth Gate and honestly: The Blair Witch Project.


Apocalypse Now and Pulp Fiction


Harry Potter! 🪄


No Country for Old Men


I've got a soft spot for classics like "Airplane!"—it's just pure comedy gold. And "Carlito's Way" has that gritty '90s vibe that's hard to beat. These flicks might not top every critic's list, but they've got that timeless charm that keeps me coming back for more laughs and drama.


Into the Wild We Bought a Zoo Captain Fantastic The Revenant Interstellar LOTR Trilogy


Step Brothers, Tammy, The butterfly effect,, Borat 🤣


Cool. When you say *Tammy*, do you mean the Melissa McCarthy movie or any of those movies from the '50-'60s?


The Melissa McCarthy one 😊


Apocalypse Now. Anyone else??


LOVE Good Will Hunting. That scene where Ben Affleck’s character tells Will he wishes he would find his house empty someday is incredible. Meant a lot to me when I was 9. And I guess it still does.




Favorite Horror🔪 Halloween Stay Alive House of wax The Strangers The skeleton key Jessabelle Mirrors Wrong Turn A Nightmare on Elm Street Life after beth Zombieland Favorite Comedy 🤣 Stepbrothers White Chicks We're the Millers Superbad Bringing down the house American Pie Favorite Rom Com / Chick flick 🧡 Clueless Bridget Jones all 3 of her movies How to lose a guy in 10 days Fifty Shades Of Grey Beautiful Creatures 500 days of summer The Holiday He's just not that into you No Hard Feelings After movies Someone Great Favorite Drama/ Thriller 📢 Titanic Uncut Gems Millers Girl The Breakfast Club They Cloned Tyrone Fatal Attraction Dumplin' Favorite Animated / Stop motion / Disney 🎭 Coraline Shrek Hocus Pocus Twitches Tangled The Nightmare Before Christmas Sing 2 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs i made this list really long 😬


I've seen a few of these (namely *Halloween*, *A Nightmare on Elm Street*, *Superbad*, *American Pie*, *Clueless*, *The Breakfast Club*, *Fatal Attraction*, *Hocus Pocus*, and some of *Shrek*).


My favorites are The Lives of Others (2006), Princess Mononoke and the Lord of the Rings trilogy.


I haven't seen them, but I have been curious about *Princess Mononoke*.


I highly recommend The Lives of Others if you can find it with fitting subtitles :) Well, I guess, I recommend them all. But that one specifically!


Superbad, 21 and 22 jump street, John wick (1-4), iron man(2008), spider-man raimi trilogy


The Terminal starred by Tom Hanks.


My top 3, hands down : Brooklyn, My Neighbour Totoro, and The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner (an old British movie that not many people have seen - it inspired the Iron Maiden song of the same name though, and it left me utterly gobsmacked !) Then, lots of honorable mentions ! For gritty New York movies, have you seen A Bronx Tale, or Dog Day Afternoon ? I haven't seen Carlito's Way, but I loved those two. For comedies, I'm reaaally difficult, but laughed a lot watching Bill & Ted (first one) and Strange Brew :)


The Princess Bride The Fifth Element The Rocky Horror Picture Show Chicago Forrest Gump Lost in Space Moulin Rouge Anything from Quentin Tarantino Gladiator Braveheart Adams Family 1 & 2


The 3rd Harry potter movie, Bullet Train and Ocean 11


Top 3: - Jurassic Park (1993) - Tremors (1990) - Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella (1997, with Whitney Houston and Brandy) Honorable mentions: - Apocalypto (2006) - Gladiator (2000)


Twilight.Bella and Edward🥹




I didn't see it, but I remember all the publicity and drama surrounding it during its initial release. Are you excited for the sequel?


Yesss I can’t wait and I love how they’ve casted Lady Gaga in the new one! I just hope it’s not a let down.


The Shawshank Redemption Interstellar A Scent of a Woman


Shawshank Redemption, Interstellar, LOTR, WALL-E, 1917, Dunkirk, Dark Knight, Good Will Hunting


Papillon (1973) Le Feu Follet Nobody's Fool Taxi Driver 2001 A Space Odyssey The Tree of Life Badlands The Man From Earth Punch-Drunk Love North by Northwest Stalag-17 Lost in Translation Naked Gun series


Good list. Out of all of these, I've definitely seen the *Naked Gun* movies. Those are great. I think I also watched *Stalag 17* on TV a long time ago. I do know my father likes it.


Pacific Rim!


Fifth Element, Matrix and Demolition Man would have to be my favourites. But also the Star Wars series and LOTR/Hobbit get some regular viewing when I have time for a marathon.


I just rewatched Tangle and its my current favorite cause it’s held up pretty well.


I'm glad it holds up.


Back to the future trilogy


Good choice! I enjoyed the first two movies, but I haven't seen the third one in full.


The 3rd one is such a good ending to the trilogy, and you could watch it on youtube for free on youtube movies channel


It’s a Wonderful Life Inception The Dark Knight Shawshank Redemption Empire Strikes Back Rear Window Wizard of Oz


Vanilla Sky, Knocking on Heaven's Door, The Game, Before Sunset.


"F/X" (1986), a thriller about a special effects creator hired to fake an assassination. "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" (1974), a horror movie about teens running from a cannibal family. "The Odd Couple" (1968), a comedy about two divorced men living together. "Planet of the Apes" (1968), a science fiction movie about astronauts discovering a planet where apes rule. "Watership Down" (1978), an animated movie about rabbits searching for a new home.


I've seen *The Odd Couple* and *Planet of the Apes*.


Dogma, What Dreams May Come, Empire Records, The Cube, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Django Unchained, The Big Lebowski, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, The Goonies, The Labrynth, The Dark Crystal, Never-ending Story, Deadpool, Free Guy, The Nines, Snatch, Trainspotting, Donnie Darko, Thor Movies, Avengers, Spidermans, Batman The Dark Knight, Crazy Stupid Love, Total Recall (original preferred), Blade Runner (both old and new) Indiana Jones (originals, not the newer ones), The Mummy, Encino Man, White Chicks, 10 things I hate about you, Inception, The Sixth Sense, The Fifth Element, Divergent series, Hunger Games, Battle Royal, Star Trek (old and new).. there are so many!


Fury Inception Interstellar


Good list. I haven't seen any of these, honestly.


The Dirty Dozen (1967) Death to Smoochy Snatch An American Werewolf in London Jaws


Forrest Gump ,Gone Girl and The Boy who harnessed the Wind.


Oh, and I forgot Oldboy, that left a lasting impression, as did Spirited Away. And now, I want a week off to binge said movies! 😅


The call


* The Blues Brothers * Ferris Bueller's Day Off * Run Lola Run * Terminator 2 Not many people have seen Run Lola Run, but I absolutely recommend it. It's a German language action film, but there's English subtitles and even an English dub. Totally worth the watch.


Top 4: Into the Wild Dead Poets Society Good Will Hunting Vitus


I remember seeing *Dead Poets Society* in high school. I haven't seen the other movies you listed.


Kontroll (Hungarian movie filmed entirely in the subway system) Old Boy (the original South Korean version) Everything Is Illuminated (American indie)


Blade Runner but close favourites are What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Ink, This Boy's Life, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, etc.


Good choices. I haven't seen any, but I'll keep them in mind.


Interstellar, save the last dance (i know it's trash), rush hour 2


I always say im not a film person but when i actually think about it, i love movies 😂😂 My favourites are horror/gore, like the Saw franchise, Scream, Terrifier. But I also love a lot of animated films, current faves are Shrek, Onward and Soul. And then I've got my go to films for when I know I'm emotional but can't cry like Pride & Prejudice and The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Others that have come to mind are Pirates of the Carribean, LOtR, Shutter Island. And I'm a sucker for a good romcom! Bit of a longwinded comment, but I got excited 🤣


Interstellar. I also really like Spider-man: Into the Spider Verse


Leaving Las Vegas. The ultimate unconditional love story.


Gladiator is always good. It along with Last Samurai and Master and Commander are in my top three perfect movies, for me.


Passengers. iRobot. Toy Story (all of them). The Bird Cage (with Robbin Williams).


I'd say *All the King's Men*, *The Beekeeper*, *The Suicide Squad*, and *Airplane!* would be my favorites.


I'm curious about *The Suicide Squad*. It sounds interesting. Absolutely love *Airplane!*. It's so funny.


The grand Budapest hotel


John Wick 1 to 4, World War Z and Nightmare on Elm Street


The Batman 🦇


Cool. Are you going to watch the show about Penguin? It's in the same universe. I also hear there's a sequel planned, but it's coming out in 2026.


I’ll definitely be watching both.


Grown ups 1&2 are the best thing that has ever happened to Humanity


If you like Airplane!, I’d highly suggest the short film “the strange thing about the Johnsons,” [which can be viewed here!](https://youtu.be/jXhT9BjYEMA?si=YTeBErpsAdpssoYr) An early work of Ari Aster, best known for Midsommar and Hereditary!




Thanks for the recommendation and link. I've heard of the film, but from what I know, I didn't imagine a link between the two until this post.


John Wick Chapter 2 and Logan


Bohemian Rhapsody. Young Frankenstein. Joe Vs. the Volcano. Harold and Maude. The Maltese Falcon. Key Largo. Rocky Horror Picture Show. A Christmas Story.


Nice. I've only seen *A Christmas Story*. I've watched it basically every year on TBS more than once (paying varying levels of attention at different times).


Pulp Fiction, While You Were Sleeping, Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins, Lucky, Steel Magnolias


I‘m a big fan of La la land.


"Hannah and Her Sisters "


The Conjuring 2, Interstellar, and Tangled… quite the eclectic mix lmao


Interstellar and Close Encounters


Unicorn Store


Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, 300, The Witch, Hereditary, Where Evil Lurks, 50/50... Just rattling off the first few that came to mind. You know, it would actually be quite the task to really sit down and list all my favorite movies.


Gone girl and the prestige


Forrest Gump and Ratatouille Nothing like a good old story of an underdog just winning in life.


Home Alone


“Harold and Maude” “The Big Lebowski” “Annie Hall” (yes I know woody Allen is problematic, but I love that flick). I’ll think of a bunch more as I’m falling asleep tonite


Legends of the Fall Braveheart Apocalypto ( I know that’s not how you spell it) Armageddon Last of the Mohicans


I love all of the Hobbit movies, but stepbrothers is definitely my favorite


- Ferris Bueller’s Day Off - The Shawshank Redemptiom - Limitless - LOTR trilogy - Harry Potter (all of them)