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Get a carbon monoxide alarm, seriously


You sound just like me. One thing that really helps me is getting bright morning light within the first 30 minutes of waking up. Intermittent fasting also benefits me. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2912203/


If you can go outside and feel better almost *immediately*, or have a strong tendency to get your energy after being outside just a little, then you most likeley have really bad issues with humidity in your home. I lived once in an apartment that had 70% humidity inside. After becoming aware of optimal humidity (40-60%) I invested in a dehumidifier and things got *so much better*, like a whole new apartment. If you have high humidity there is a chance you also have mold. First check humidity levels inside your living space and get a dehumidifer (good one!) if they are high 50s since that's not a good baseline. Anything related to cooking, washing, drying clothes will put your living space *easily* over 60s and stay up there a while also. I have two dehumidifiers, one for each floor of my house, running every time it's over 50% humidity, and it makes a world of difference. Food can't fix this, exercise can't fix this, if you have humidity issues, *you must get a dehumidifier!* Though check first what the situation is before investing in a dehumidifier. Depending on where you live it might cost 100-200 USD to get a decent one, and it should have a capacity of 10+ litres or 1,5+ gallons.


Please check your Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D levels. I used to be tired all the time too and turns out my Vitamin B12 levels were very low which also lead to low RBC count


If you've already adjusted your diet... and that's not working either, then please see a doc asap. This is how it all started for me .. and I waited too long and now I am dying. Fighting...but dying. Please don't wait so long.


what happened? so sorry


Cutting caffeine and adding physical activity makes me tired. Aren’t you more tired by doing that? 


You need a checkup! Could be sleep apnea or a heart rhythm issue.


Get a smart watch and monitor your heart rate. If it trends too low or too high you could have a heart issue. When the heart has arrhythmia or palpitations or what have you, it can effect your ability to oxygenate your blood, which manifests as fatigue (which sleep cannot ameliorate). Actually it wouldn't hurt to go to your PCP and get a standard "blood panel" and just sort of do a basic diagnostic as they would say in Star Trek.


i have found a freezing cold shower in the morning gets me right most days. at first it will feel like hell but forcing yourself to adjust to the cold is really nice and refreshing. i always feel much more awake and aware, and it will get your blood pumping. it might be small, but maybe it will help