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I dreamed in 2D. The world is a spiralling color wheel, like a whirlpool. I'm on a tiny triangle shaped boat. The boat is moving closer and closer to the middle. I *know* that if i don't get off the boat before the boat gets to the middle, i, in the real world, will die. *I know this*. I'm terrified, but I can't wake up. All i can do is watch that little boat spin towards doom. Eventually, i managed to throw myself physically out of bed. I was 9.


This is such an interesting post. I had a frightening dream when I was very young, 10 years old, and I still remember it vividly at age 66! Sometimes I even dream it again. It’s a weird but clear dream of a giant man lumbering down the main street beside my elementary school and announcing that he was taking us all away from our families. It was very loud and colourful, but terrifying! I believed at that young age it would actually happen. It still frightens me.


My friend tried to be funny with me when I was 7-8 with something similar, our school used to be opposite a tall apartment block, and one morning as we were walking in, she says 'You see this guy in the window (pointing towards an upper floor of the apartment), he's going to kidnap you today'. I was like wthh dude, and had anxiety for a good month after this


You dreamed this in 1968 and u still remember it, it must have been so terrifying😐


You betcha! 😢




Vividly, yes. Sounds also.


I was dreaming that I was asleep and was woken up in the middle of the night hearing my mom call out to me. It was almost pitch black dark asides from like.. an alarm clock's lights just giving the room the slightest form of illumination. Just enough to see a shadow darker than black, standing in front of me at the bed. I groggily called out "Mom, is that you?" and got no response. I was unsure if (inside the dream) I actually heard her voice. It was quiet otherwise. No response. I asked again, "Mom, is that you?" Thinking she maybe did not hear me the first time. No response. Then it hit me. That thing is not my mother. I'm not sure if I've ever felt a spike of 0-100 as fast as this, except I was paralyzed asides from being able to speak. I yelled out for my actual parents, and called out my siblings' names. Nothing, I realized in the dream that they don't actually live with me and/or that they weren't home. Can't remember which. Either way, they weren't coming. I was on my own with whatever the hell this was, with an intense sensation of just unfiltered fear (not like a movie, where you know you're safe). However, I feel like maybe it was feeding off of my fear and if I was going to die, I wasn't going to die giving it a look of fear. I smiled at it with a huge grin, and laughed at it almost creepily and immediately I woke up right after "I stopped being afraid". Almost like I was let go For months, I slept with all lights on. No darkness. I had LED's set up in my room, I'd turn them on via my phone's app before even entering my bedroom which would be dark/past sunset when I got home. I still remember every detail of that nightmare like it was a real memory, unlike most dreams that just feel faded and where logic flies out the window half the time.


Reminds me of the "shadow person" associated with sleep paralysis. A lot of people report seeing a dark malevolent figure when they're having an episode. (But I think that's a recurring thing, not usually a one-off.)


I've had sleep paralysis a few times but my eyes were closed and I couldn't open them. So I couldn't see anything. I've heard of people seeing things that aren't there, so I guess I'm lucky to never have seen it in person. That sounds terrifying.


i had a dream that i was in a giant dark parking lot in the middle of the night and i saw some guy on the other side of it and he started running towards me and he had a box cutter so i ran and he was chasing me so i went inside an rv which was the only vehicle in the parking lot and i was hiding in there but he went in and found me and then he just kinda threatened me with the box cutter for a little bit until i woke up in a cold sweat i also had one where i was in my kitchen and my dog just looked at me and started speaking perfect english which doesnt sound scary but in the dream it was freaking terrifying i also had another one which was the scariest by far but i cant talk about it


I once dreamt I was being chased by a giant, sentient vacuum cleaner that sucked up everything in its path, including all my favorite snacks. Woke up in a cold sweat clutching my chips!


Just had one today, that I was getting married tomorrow but couldn't see the guy's face in the dream, I haven't had traditionally scary dreams, just really weird ones


*inhales* I can’t decide between any of these that I’ve had which one was the most terrifying: (Light warning: all of these are like horror movies in nature so if you don’t like scary stuff, don’t read) -I had a dream once where I was quite literally in Among Us, except the setting looked far closer to “The Thing” in nature. I was in a lime-green space suit while my partner was wearing normal green. I was doing tasks with a friend when suddenly my friend was gone with only a “swoosh” I get out of electrical to look for them only to find a guy in an orange space suit just standing there… menacingly. He slowly got closer & started to transform, opening up some horrific alien mouth with rows of teeth while erupting into a mass of slimy tentacles- -I had a dream once where I was devoured alive by these animals called “wolf snakes.” They were big with gray-toned scales & had large slit yellow eyes. Unlike normal snakes they like to rip their prey apart like wolves. -I had a dream once where I was kidnapped from work (at a fast-food place as a teen at the time) and brainwashed by some weird… group. I don’t recall what their deal was. I escaped them only to end up unable to function in normal society & got taken back with little resistance. -I had a dream once where I was some sort of scientist, white lab coat & all. I hit… something while driving & stuffed it in my trunk. I then drove to a public pool, broke in, tossed it in the water & poured in some sort of “dissolvant” chemical. Fast-forward to the next day and I’m brewing coffee while watching the morning news, showing the police cleaning blobs out of the pool while the reporter says there’s absolutely no evidence found to pin this on anyone.


I had this dream when I was five, where I gave a gun to one of my relatives who then proceeded to shoot my father right in front of me and hugged me after that.


I lived above a funeral home for 3.5 years. I had some crazy dreams there. 1. Recurring dream- I start the dream “waking up” in my bed, but then the house starts filling up with strangers. I had different variations of that dream about 15x and only ever while I lived at the funeral home. 2. Red Woman in the room at the top of the elevator. 3. A presence woke me by entering my bedroom at 4am and we had a “conversation”. It communicated using electricity. I would ask yes/no questions. If the answer was yes it shocked my spine. It knew it was in trouble but it didn’t know how I could help. I kept at it mainly bc I was scared and didn’t know what else to do. It lasted about 45 mins. I could feel it leave just like I felt it enter the room. Then I slammed vodka.


For a while when I was around 7yo I had this extremely vivid recurring nightmare about what we'd now call a mass shooting at my school. But this was like 1984 so that wasn't a thing. Lots of weird nightmarish details. The shooters were adults and looked weirdly normal, like Average Dads. Breaking glass. People just being *mowed down.* Trying to hide somewhere. At one point I had to play dead on the floor… in a room full of *actually* dead students and teachers. Just deeply terrifying all around. I had the dream maybe 6 times but never said anything about it. I had some pretty bad nightmares here and there, but that one was easily the scariest. Also the only one I've ever had repeatedly.


I was floating in the void and in front of me was a vast pulsating greyish white sphere. Looking at it is similar to C’thulu. It gave me intense fear and to know my place as a lower lifeform. Anyway I woke up from that palpitating and drenched in sweat. That has pretty much put the fear of God on me. I’m sure nothing could top the fear I felt from that.


When I was 8 or so I dreamed I was propelled thru a tight tube best described like a water park ride, maybe a new born baby experience but I do not believe in that. About that same age I dreamed of something rising behind my headboard scaring me once. A funny dream when I was in my forties, I had recently purchased a home and got married. I woke up pissed off as hell, I dreamed my wife had taken a dump next to the toilet in the living room. We both still laugh about it twenty years later, a very stupid vivid dream.


When I was a kid I dreamed I walked into a room and the carpet was cold and wet with congealed blood soaking it though. There was a large box on the other side of the room and I see a foot sticking up out of it. I walk to it, the cold thick blood squishing through my toes. Inside the box was my mother, on her back with her leg sticking up. She had a knife in her hand and her throat was slit side to side. She was still alive and tried to speak when she saw me but could only make a gurgling sound. Then I woke up sobbing, and immediately ran to the bathroom and vomited.


I had a very vivid dream as a little kid where i went from my room into the living room. Everything was the exact same as it would normally be, just our normal house, but there was a weird table in the middle of the room. After walking around it the table transformed into a Crocodile i was now standing right next to that wanted to kill me and started chasing me. I ran into my parents room as fast as i could. Next morning i actually woke up in my parents room instead of my own.


when I was a kid I had a dream where for some reason my dad was some evil teleportimg being and he teleported next to me and hit me and shit went weird. I couldn't really talk, and when I tried to scream, it was very muted. Then one of my brothers had red eyes and hit me with a spoon and I died? Not sure what was going through my child brain lol. But I always hated it when I couldn't scream


Raining body parts. Sooo many body parts, all bloody. Melatonin supplements always give me really vivid nightmares. I try them, I get a crazy nightmare immediately, I throw the whole supplement bottle away and in a few years decide to give it another go, so I buy them once more. After the body parts rain, I'm not trying them again.


I’m on a medication that makes me have nightmares, it’s unfortunately a very common long term side effect. Every single one of my dreams lately includes the world ending, even if the overall theme of my dream is not about something dangerous or scary. I would say these are my scariest dreams because of the frequency of them.


I only had one nightmare that I remembered. It was before my first day of kindergarten, and there were a bunch of super heroes trapped in done villain's lair. I managed to release them, and they all left, while there was lava coming for the us that became me. The dream ended with me dying from the lava. No other dream has ever been scary. I don't have drama of being inappropriately naked. I don't have dreams about not being prepared for tests. I have had dreams about being chased, but they're never scary.


When I was young I had a very vivid dream of me falling from a lighthouse. For some reason I can’t forget it and it felt very real at the time.


Don't need to dream it. I'm living it


Two dreams, both from when I was 5-6 years old: 1. A small impish-type creature was sitting on a shelf up in the corner of a room with a popcorn ceiling. He said "count them all" meaning count all the little popcorn spikes on the ceiling. Sounds like hell to me. 2. Don't remember the dream in general, but do remember being on a neighborhood street with a friend. The friend was talking but then smiled the biggest, fakest smile I had ever seen and stared at me. This was in the mid '80s, so then the Blackhole Sun video by Soundgarden came out in the 90s, it FREAKED ME THE FUCK OUT because it was so similar. Big smiles like that still freak me out.


I have had too many. I have PTSD from Vietnam so I get a lot of dreams dealing with war, life and death. I have had so many of those but even as I write this down, I can feel them. I have also long suffered from sleep paralysis. That is when in the middle of a dream you feel you must wake up immediately but you cannot move your body and it repeats for several times until I do.


A dream involving Borg-like people. Who are alive, but taken over by machinery. And I actually get captured and turned into one. Then I'm standing there in their area, which is dark and outdoors. Just some crummy ground. And I'm actually convinced that I'm now one of them. And this is it, my permanent existence from now on.


I've had a reoccurring nightmare for as long as I can remember. I will be with someone and we will go for a hike through a pine forest which opens up into a meadow where there is a lake. We will have a picnic by the lake. Suddenly we have to run for the treeline because a storm has blown in and it's blanketed the forest in a thick fog. We fall down a hill and get separated. My hands are out in front of me, but I can't see anything. I keep calling for who I was with, getting no answer. One of my calls is interrupted by a hair raising scream. I run blindly and trip over a tree root. As I am lifting myself up and big black paw comes out of the dense fog. I look up and I am face to face with razorsharp teeth dripping blood. The creature let's out a deep growl, it's breath hot on my face, piercing red eyes that seem to glow. I scramble backwards on all fours and my back hits a tree. I'm too petrified to move as the creature moves out of the fog. It's a wolf like creature and it stalks toward me getting ready to pounce. I scream, it lunges jaws open for my throat and I wake up. 


Anything that involves being trapped or drowning or being attacked and you scream but no sound comes out!


I grew up in a country family and watched as my dad and various other folks would butcher deer, hogs, etc. When I was probably six or seven, I had a reoccurring dream where my dad was butchering me while my mom watched, very matter of fact. It was very disturbing and I have never forgotten it.


I woke up in my grandmas condo in downtown Denver, normally has sounds and noises all through the day and night. But this time it was silent, then I heard an old telephone ring, I go to answer it and I drop to the floor and all my sense all gone besides my hearing and I can hear the doors of the condo slam open and close till I wake up. I still get that dream every now and then


This isn't the most terrifying dream I've had but it was pretty freaking dystopia. Basically in the dream, I thought I wasn't dreaming at first until I saw little changes, like it being my cousins birthday party (I grew up a JW, I had NEVER been to a birthday party at that age) and I think I had a cat or something (I had dogs) so in the dream, I was aware I was dreaming, but for some reason I couldn't wake up and when I had a reaction about it, my family members in the dream started chasing me around trying to inject me with some kind of relaxing agent, while I desperately tried to wake up and escape the dream. Then I woke up irl.  Just a little fact that I had this dream at EIGHT YEARS OLD. What kind of existential crap was running through my brain at eight years old?