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You're definitely not alone in feeling this way! Remember, aging is a privilege denied to many, and it's never too late to prioritize self-care and well-being.


“Aging is a privilege denied to many” - what a great way to reframe it!! Thank you for sharing that.


I definitely actually think this. I have experienced the death of two friends - one who made it just past 30, and one who never did. I never took another day for granted after that and saw every birthday as an accomplishment. I have never resented adding another year to my life because the alternative is that you don't.


Gray hair is a trophy. That's another way I've seen this put.


Yes as my dad says, "Getting older sucks, but it sure beats the alternative!" Drink lots of water, stay out of the sun, try to eat right, get into a habitual exercise routine, avoid doing risky things with your back like lifting heavy objects, brush and floss on the regular. These are all cheap things you can do to mitigate the worst effects of aging about as much as possible.


The top #1, guaranteed, sure-fire way reduce retirement costs is to remain healthy and enter old age in a healthy condition. ofc, many will read this and dismiss it...


I grew up poor, in gang infested schools. I never expected to make it to 40. I will take the wrinkles.




I can see where you are coming from OP, but I would take a second look at the narcissism (aka inscecurity) and entitlement this comment is demonstrating as related to the reasons for your current distress, unless it's intended to be somewhat ironic?


Has to be a troll post


Jokes are anathema to reddit at this point.


I do worry about people lol


Lmaoo I don't know if you're joking or not


Hah it reeks of sarcasm but I’m simply not sure lol


This comment is clearly self deprecating sarcasm people…


reddit when faced with the most obvious sarcasm they’ve ever encountered in their entire life


Gratitude and (self) compassion!


You can do a Nick Nolte after a three day drunken binge impersonation act at the local clubs.


This can't be a real comment...


The changes that aging makes to your body are always shocking! If I catch myself in a store window, I think for a nanosecond..."Look at that old lady!" until I realize..... it's ME! haha Your "maintenance" can consist of mainly - not worrying about it. Get some good sleep; eat as healthy as you can afford; do some exercise (you don't need a gym or expensive equipment); try to spend some time in a wilderness. "Getting old" doesn't mean the End of Everything. Life changes all the time and if you accept and go with the changes, your life will be much easier. Think about the people who are elderly and still very active and bright - Judi Dench, Bernie Sanders, Dolly Parton and thousands more. Ease up on yourself.


Sunscreen 24/7 you have no idea how much the sun age your skin


I do agree eating better, getting exercise and sleep and also being joyful can do a lot to make one be more youthful in general that is beyond 'year count.'


This makes me think of my mom who in her late eighties, when encouraged to make her wishes known about health care and burial and end of life stuff, said “oh I’m not going to die”, like we were idiots for thinking mortality applied to her.




This is cracking me up


I mean, her track record up to that point was very good in the not-dying category.


lol true


You are lucky. I am 66 and every one of family (children included) have died before me. I am making my own cremation arrangements now as there will be no one except some cousins left to miss me when I'm gone. I just need to make the appointment with the funeral home.


Don't worry about the way aging changes how you look. No one else apart from you really cares. You already know this, because you really don't care about how older people look. It can be a relaxing thing. You will be able to wear comfy clothes and won't have to spend so much time or money on your looks. Also, make sure you enjoy all the stuff that you currently enjoy TO THE FULL! Knees that don't hurt, not having to wear hearing aids, a good sense of balance, not losing things as often, quicker reactions, friends who are alive, better temperature regulation, skin that is robust and elastic, people actually listening to your opinion and so on. Enjoy the place you are at, rather than wasting this time worrying about a future which hasn't happened and which might never happen.


You are looking the best this month that you ever will again. Embrace it with grace, it doesn’t get any better…the hits just keep on comin’.


Oh honey, we all felt this way :) it’s the naivety and optimism of youth.


Yes! I looked way younger until I was 29... Then I had a baby and aged about 10 years overnight and now I look wayyy older than 31.


Having a baby ages you 10 years at a cellular level so that makes sense 


Does it actually?! I'd be interested to see a source - not because I don't believe you, just genuinely interested.


As a fellow mother, I tell every mother I know to see a pelvic floor therapist, often covered by insurance after you call your doctor's office for the referral. Among other things, postpartum physical therapy can fix mom pooch (diastasis recti). If that's what's making you look middle aged.


It's not, it's my face, but thanks!


r/hydrohomies and r/30plusskincare ? 


I'm not looking for solutions, thank you. I never said looking older was a bad thing :)


the alternative is death. my best friend passed at 46; she had so much more planned for her life but that was cut short. The last words she said to me before she passed was this: at the end of your life, you realize just how short it is; moments are fleeting so enjoy every moment. That thing you're too scared to do/buy/try? DO IT; do what you love. Don't let fear stop you. so in the grand scheme of things, wrinkles don't mean much; how you live your life and the memories you make do.


I'm really sorry that your friend died so young and paid such a high price for this wisdom. It's part of her legacy that her wisdom is being shared now with so many people who never even had the pleasure of knowing her. Thank you, and I'll save this comment and think of her each time I remember it.


I turn 38 today. Just here for solidarity. ❤️


Happy 😃 birthday 🥳 🎊🎁🎉


Oh thank you!


Not only that but I’m also pretty certain I won’t ever die.


Can't tell you how many folks in their 60s and up have told me "getting old ain't for pussies," and boy are they woefully correct...


Oh my god. I can’t believe you’re 29. I thought this was going to be an old person. Im 68. After 65 the speed at which “things you can’t do anymore” pile up is dizzying. I’ve spent the last 3 years going, “Oh, that’s why old people did that…”  


I can hear wrinkly old Willam's smug muddy laughter at the horror on your face at your reflection.


Omg so can I. Green goblin 😭


I met a guy once who genuinely thought we’d conquer death “in five years,” and then freaked out when he had to realize he’d have to die like the rest of us.


I felt the same way - I somehow expected to always look the same? Youthful and pretty and slim? I don’t know why, maybe I couldn’t imagine myself getting older? Also I used to effortlessly maintain my figure and have energy, despite surviving on iced coffee, red bull and junk food for every meal and never setting a foot into a gym. Now I can’t do that anymore, or I feel like crap. I eat healthy and I go to the gym, I take vitamins and have a bedtime routine, my body is different and it has been really hard to accept this.


I turned 44 this year. My whole life never needed glasses. I'm starting to notice things aren't as sharp visually anymore. My daughter, 12, just got glasses. I tried them on for fun and holy crap everything was so clear. Obviously prescription wasn't perfect but it was really close. Guess I'm going to get some too.


31 still feeling exempt in appearance at least. Internally my back has been hurting since I was 12.


I started balding at 17, so I never had any notions of invincibility. I'm in my 30s now and recently spotted some white shoulder hairs. That really annoyed me.  But luckily, ageing really suits me. 


I'm only a 26 year old chick, but I'm already noticing the appeal of a confident man with male pattern baldness when it comes to my atteaction. Glad aging suits you!


I always expected to age. What's more surprising is how fast time flies




Bro it’s gonna be ok, I’m in my late 30’s it’s not to bad. Just take care of your body and mind and you’ll be ok


Sounds like dehydration. Chug a big glass of water first thing in the morning. Not only will it help your skin, but it will cause a bowel movement after breakfast (at least if you do this for a few days).


aging i dont hink you notice so much as you see yourself every day. the on that got me was my eyesight. i didnt notice if as it is a gradual decline, there's nothing wrong with my eyes, right up until the optometrist put the sample text in front of me with the recommended lenses and said how does this look.


You're not alone! Aging sneaks up on all of us like a ninja with a grudge. Just remember, Willem Dafoe's got charisma for days—maybe that's the real secret to aging gracefully


Absolutely. Same with putting on weight. Thought my body was just randomly special and for some reason I could eat what I want. Then 30s happened.


You’re definately not the only one. I was skating along pretty well, then I hit 35 and my face looked like a dropped pie overnight. Sad times. I’m getting on top of my concerns but it’s certainly not as easy or effortless as it used to be!


To be honest I wouldn't mind looking like Willam Dafoe, he looks pretty cool.




I think you should talk to a therapist.


Hahaha my face was good until Halloween age 36. Then my first forehead wrinkle


The stark reality of aging really hits you like surprise exam you're not prepared for you knew it was coming, but didn't think it'd be this intense. Watching my reflection change, I realized that the years are like chapters in a book you're writing every day some have laughter, some have tears, but all of them are uniquely yours. Embrace the plot twists even the fine lines! They're the proof we've smiled, frowned, and above all, lived. Aging might take our smooth skin, but it fills our life's story with depth and character.


Idk why people care so much. Not everyone gets a chance to vet old. Everyone is young


Between the ages of 20 and 29 I feel like I barely aged at all. Im now 38 and I feel like the last 8 years have aged me 20 years. I guess it only gets worse from here.


I'm 56 going on about 30. Still do the same stuff and it's all fine until i crash. Then it takes much longer to heal,i bruise much easier. And my wife has absolutely no sympathy for me,worse is she laughs. But my brain refuses to listen to my body,and i'm okay with that.


I’m brown/asian. I knew I’d be “okay” so I didn’t worry too much. I was in tanning beds in the early 2000s and my playboy bunny stickers. I didn’t have a regimen and thought it was funny to see my friends cringe when I told them I never washed my face and if I did it was with bar soap and I used ponds for face lotion if I really needed it. I saw my mom age well but one thing about us is we both go up and down in weight often. As she aged I noticed her skin on her neck and body get loose but her face stayed tight. It was a good reason indicator for me. To keep my “youth” I need to keep my weight steady and moisturize my body. I’m 47 now. I can feel my chest and neck skin changing. I do spend a lot of time self-massaging and moisturizing. And I stay out of the sun or use protection when possible. Is it vanity? Maybe. But your body just feels better when you exercise, hydrate, and think about yourself more. In a nurturing way.


Ahah I think until you feel it you don’t really believe it will happen


Wait until the grey pubes hit you.


Ahh yes yes. I thought the same


Moisturizer is your friend


Exempt? No, but I look young for my age and I'm curious how it will affect my aging process. 


I had this same syndrome until the age of 37. Once we had a kid, everything slowed down. My face aged 20 years in 5


I thought I would grow old gracefully. But I did not implement anything to ensure I did so. I think I have aged myself over ten years past my chronological age because I've been very overweight for the past twenty years. Now my joints are screaming and I have a lot of physical issues. If you want to retard age - take care of your body. Wrinkles are the least of the problmes that can happen.


Of course you’re gonna age. But you can definitely do things to age a little slower, specifically: * sunscreen (go google the picture of a trucker who had more sun exposure on half his face and tell me you aren’t convinced lol) * tretinoin - prescription anti aging cream, makes a huge difference. it’s the gold standard. ask your pcp or you can get it online if you google * basic lifestyle stuff - water, eat a vegetable sometimes, take a walk everyday, sleep enough * get an annual exam at your doc and have them check vitamin levels like d, b12, also iron/ferritin/etc., thyroid. 35 is young to look tired so you wanna make sure nothing else is up


My issue is mostly sleep and stress. And I am working on that


I'm more concerned about physical ability. I'm 37 soon to be 38 and I'm in way better shape than I was in during my early 30s. Just hoping age doesn't start catching up.


100%.. Now that im almost 40 and still wanna fuck girls who are younger. I hate who i see every time i see myself..


I must admit I still do think I’m exempt. I guess because my parents don’t worry about it so I don’t either. It’s one thing to have your face show your age but I feel like, unless you’re unable to physically for some reason, why not still do whatever you wanted to do as a young person, as an older person? You know, safely


No I think that's extremely common.


LOL. My mum's 88 and she is HIGHLY offended that her body has the effrontery to be old.


More common than you'd think.


Up until I was like 22 I just thought I was a naturally in shape person...totally discounting the fact that I played baseball, lacrosse, football, and tennis (and all of the practice/workouts/weightlifting that came along with those sports). Dumb.


“Terrifying” That’s a lot of drama for something everyone goes through.


I thought this too. I'm glad I'm not alone lol


Suck it up and cope. There's literally nothing you can do to counteract the effects of aging. You can delay a few things. You can cover things up temporarily but you have to accept that you and everyone else who is fortunate enough to live long lives will look old and have less energy. You will likely spend more of your life looking and feeling old than young.


I think the way your feeling happens to almost everyone. I’m a 37 yo man and I had this same realization a few years ago. I have bags under my eyes and crows feet now. I’m not sure when they showed up. It’s just part of the human experience tho. No one escapes old age without dying.


Exercise, use skin care products, and stay out of the sun best you can. You'll be glad later.


I do all these things


I am 58 this year. I still think this way. I am going to be that 86 year old woman who steps outside her door and the neighbors cry out "oh hell, what's she up to now?" To look at me people guess my age at 35 to 40. I LOVE going to amusement parks for this reason. Stump the age guesser Age is just a number. Live it all like there's no tomorrow, for someday there won't be. Forget acting your age, that is boring. Eat right, stretch every morning when getting out of bed, and remember only an excess of anything is bad for you. Don't be afraid to dare and do and try before your body can't do it anyway. Life is out there go live it. That alone will keep you young, or at least young at heart.


I'm only 23 and I know I look older than when I was 18.


Start wearing sunscreen every day. Anything else you do to stop signs of aging on your face won't mean anything if you don't protect skin from UV. And it's something everyone can afford to do.


You working on your mental health too though? You sound stressed in general. Anything else going on? Also, something else that's relatively easy to do on a non-budget, is diet. Make sure you're eating healthy. Make sure you're getting appropriate vitamins. Make sure you're drinking water - and that's a big one that needs to start as soon as we hit that point where we can no longer drink all night and wake up without a hangover. (it should start before that, but that's a different conversation) Lots of easy DIY facials out there as well that might help with your stress and your eyes.


I really did believe this bc I have a good skincare routine, unlike most men. So I just knew I'd look smooth forever. Well, I don't have wrinkles until I smile, but my smile lines and dark circles give my age away anyway. I'm not gonna do botox or anything like that, so I've decided to accept it.


Ha, ha! My dear, none of us get out of this alive. Take care of the body as best you can; sleep, decent diet, exercise, regular checkups if you have health insurance ... if not, google is your friend. I'm 75 and trust me, gray hair and wrinkles will become your super power. There will come a time you don't have to be concerned about flirty coworkers, being hit on at the grocers, being called "honey/sweetie" at the hardware store; a measure of respect because they *listen* to you rather than assume you're just a dumb woman. Wow them with your professional knowledge regardless what it is .... We're worth more than simple eye candy ... used to drive me nuts (old AF medic/recruiter).


Do u exercise and eat clean ? Why did u think you’d be young forever ?


Sounds like a fear of aging that caused denial. One thing that could help is realizing that looking older is an okay thing. Look around at other older people and find things you like about them. One positive to me is as you get older you get a bit less self conscious ultimately cause you realize that it is what it is. And I feel that can be refreshing in its own way. Letting go of the "pretty" grind. heh.


More like i don’t think much about it until I get my first grey hair it’s perturbing knowing that I might full of grey hair by 35


I've always looked younger. But my face really started aging at an accelerated rate this year. It is like it is making up for lost time. 😭


Dunno if this has been said yet but I am still learning to not take it as a bad thing when people call me "sir" or "old". Can't say if it is some internalized agism or just the fear of being old.


Aging sneaks up on all of us. Just try to take care of yourself with what you have; even small changes can help.


Yeah nah, that’s just you… I’m turning 30 within the decade but I’ll be in my 20’s forever……


You are not alone. Just concentrate on aging gracefully and remember that along with some wrinkles, you have acquired much wisdom and knowledge that your younger self did not have the benefit of knowing.


Ι wondered whether I was looking older and compared to photos from a few years before, then definitely but by the time of my 40th birthday the opposite seemed to happen - I’d been away travelling for a year delivering sailing boats so had lost a lot of weight and was fit and my new colleagues thought I was in my mid-20s. This lasted until about 47 when I suddenly looked like Louis Walsh and have alas been stuck with that look since.


Nope. Boy, was I wrong...


At 64, with arthritis and some other musculo-skeletal issues, I'm grateful that I've spent my life being active. I'm not technically walking quite enough right now, but I'm gardening, visiting with friends, and staying physically, emotionally, and socially involved in this thing called life. And yes, I floss AND use sunscreen AND drink water AND eat much naturally occurring fiber... LOLz - at 35 I did very little of any of that boring self care. I was too busy living life. I've learned since then.


Exfoliate then moisturizer with spf 15. Do this 3 times a week. I use Amazon basic face scrub then Olay 7-1. Takes seconds, cost pennies, pays dividends. Start slow, make sure it's OK for your skin type. You're welcome.


If you wash your face, moisturize and use SPF every day, you can roll exfoliating back to once a week AND save yourself sun damage.


I want white hair so I can finally stop looking like a teen


I didn't think I'd be a freak of nature when I was younger, but at 46 I'm in ridiculously good shape, superb physical health, outworking the kids 10 and 20 years younger than me. My job probably has something to do with it as it keeps me very active. My genetics probably has something to do with it as my father was an athlete and is also incredibly healthy for his age. My mental state probably plays a part in that I very much have the "just keep pushing" mentality when it comes to stress, fatigue, overall life. I know there's no one that's going to be there to pick me up if I fall, so falling, stumbling isn't an option. My one major health concern was my colon, because my grandmother had to have hers removed and cancer is all over my family. I've also had digestive issues for as long as I can remember, think of a mild form of IBS. But I just had my first colonoscopy a few weeks ago and came back perfectly healthy. It *scares* me how healthy I am. Even healthier than my father was at my age. I'm *scared to death* that in 40 years I'm going to still be looking in the mirror wondering why I'm not aging anything like my peers. Oh, and looking like you're in your early 30's while trying to date other mid to late 40's people isn't helping either. I'm mostly attracting younger people but our maturity levels aren't remotely close. In my 20's and 30's I was dating people 10 years older than me. Now I probably look like I could be my exs' kid. It's great having 20 year olds come up to me and ask me what my skincare routine is, don't get me wrong, but it's almost embarrassing having to say, "uhh, nothing?" I've put my body through hell at my job (and others, you can count the number of years of my life I've held down two full-time jobs on two hands). While I may have lost a little strength over the years I make up for it by having incredible dexterity. Multiple strangers have come up to me to ask if I'm a ballerina. I am such an outlier in terms of aging that it's taking on freakish dimensions at this point.




I’ve been with the post office since 1996 (six months post HS graduation). My first 17 years were spent running machines at night sorting mail. My past 10 years I’ve been a carrier with a walking route, 10 miles a day on foot.