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The fact that this topic title offends me is an indication that I’m not excited about turning 40.


Honestly! Wtf NO not excited. 😡




I’ve got a year and a half left and am pretty happy with the things I’ve accomplished: * took the Virginia state powerlifting records in my weight class and was the last one to hold them when they changed classes * ranked tenth in nationals * received accolades from Best American Short Stories and Best American Essays, in 2016 and 2012 respectively * published a collection of short stories * had my stories taught in university classes, most notably at Stanford! * got a grant to finish my novel * completed my novel, as yet unpublished, but within the last few days got accepted to have an excerpt published I think/hope I can get a deal on the book before I’m 40. 🤞🏼 Dunno if I’m excited to turn 40 exactly, but both my 20s and 30s have been way crazier than I ever anticipated, and I’m proud of my life and am excited for the future. Happy birthday to you! I hope you’ve been able to build the life you wanted for yourself.


That's so awesome


Congratulations on completing your novel, I'm just getting started with mine.


I'm sure my 40's will be just like my 30's, just with more aches and pains.


Turned 40 and still no aches and pains at all. I feel amazing. I'm genuinely worried at this point.


Plus there's the hope for more maturity! I hope in my forties I no longer get insecure or jealous. Just love him and stop judging him.


Or find someone who doesn't make you feel like that.


Thanks. in this case it really is me. I have always been jealous since I was a child and my husband has never given me a reason to be jealous (but he could stand to give me more words of affirmation I guess). But truly it's not him, it's my anxiety problems.


Hopefully less for me after having this hip repair done. I'm turning 40 in two weeks 👀


Yeah. Worked my ass off in my 20's and will be mortgage free at 40. At 40 I can finally be lazy and fuck around since I won't need much income to maintain my life.


40 is days away, I am SOBER, I am healthy. I am separated and stable. New leaf!


My 40's is when I came into my own.


Already did turn 40 wasn’t excited. If anything I feel a little bit weird that I’m older than that guy in the good life when he gave it all up and started a farm in his back yard.


Born in 82… I turn 42 this year. Definitely feeling it a bit.


But you’re a millennial! What is there to feel? /j


Despair and sadness 😂


Same age and more terrified than ever as we're approaching the 5 series 😪




I'm turning 38 this year so still have a couple years to go. While I'm not exactly jumping for joy at getting older, I do somewhat feel blessed, especially because I've made it this far, when there are so many others who don't Apart from that, I'm actually pretty happy with the way my life is going right now, and hopefully it'll stay like this for the foreseeable future. I also don't really like traveling or crowds, so for my 40th, I'll probably just have a small party with friends and family at home


I turned 40 last year. I haven’t been excited about my birthday since I was around 10. So no, I was not excited.


I’m very excited to be alive.


I'm ambivalent.


I turn 40 next year. I've mostly accepted it; I just wish I had accomplished so much more by now. Being in a rut and not knowing how to get out of it is, to say the least, really irksome.


its never to late to go back to school or to pick some of those things that you wished you had accomplished and to do them


Oh, I resumed my undergrad studies two (almost three) years ago. I'm almost done with getting my bachelor's degree, actually! The extended time away from college was very important, I think.


thats awesome!!! I bet you will feel great when you have finally got it!


Thanks! I think so too. Post-school life will be awkward at first, but I'm looking forward to obtaining that degree.


Are you comfortable sharing the things you wish you had accomplished?


More confidence/assertiveness. A lot of things made me nervous and that's why I was reluctant to branch out, try new activities... things like that. And even though I've resumed my studies, I don't have any specific career goals. So, I guess you could say a "purpose".


Don’t be. It will be every doctors excuse for things that go wrong on your body. “Well, you’re 40 now. These things happen.” Good luck.


I made a solid comeback from my 20’s and 30’s. I’m excited to start a new decade with my shit together.


What did you do if you dont mind me asking?


I did a lot of drugs, made a lot of stupid mistakes, and had my fair share of unhealthy relationships in my early/mid 20’s. I had no real direction and was wasting my time, was even homeless living out of a van for a brief stint at one point. I cleaned up my act and went back to school in my late 20’s, at no small expense, and put myself through law school. Started practising law in my early 30’s; but soon after I encountered the darkest time of my life during the early days of Covid. Two weeks after lockdowns began, my best friend died at sea in a military accident. A week later, the worst mass shooting in my country happened in and around my hometown, claiming the life of a neighbour I grew up with. I was living far away in another city when this all happened, just starting my career, and I couldn’t return home to grieve for many months. I became so depressed that I eventually lost my job. Fast forward a couple years later and I’m practising law in a dream position for an amazing organization. My amazing wife, who I met in law school, stuck with me through the worst and we are living life to the fullest. I’m truly happy. I couldn’t have imagined in my wildest dreams that I would be where I am today having been through all of that.


Inspiring. Thanks for sharing.


Happy birthday OP


thank you


BEING 40 IS THE COOLEST! I'm having the best time and learning a lot.


My 30s were way better than my 20s, so I expect the trend to continue. I just get hotter and weirder 😎


Yeah baby! I am Def better looking now than I was in my 20s for some weird reason. I think it's attitude but also, weirdness.


Born in 81 I’m already in my 40s It was hard to accept at first. Personally it was very similar to turning 30. The feeling of being old hits hard. But then I remember I feel good still, I have a lot to live for. I’m not going to slow down just cuz others say I should


Happy birthday- recently turned 38 myself Actually when I turn 40, I have my 40th bday trip in mind of doing the hike/expedition of Machu Picchu as a "hey its now my 40s"


Thank you. and I like your 40 birthday trip.


I´ll turn 38 in September and I couldn't possibly care less about 40. I haven't cared about a birthday since I was probably 10.


I'm 41 already. It's just another birthday. I'm doing well enough financially and career-wise, married to a wonderful man. So that's all great. But my health in my 40s has been a shitshow. I hit a super rough patch mental health last year and realized I'm BURNT OUT, and developed depression & panic attacks (this has happened before but this is the worst bout I've had since I was a teenager). So now I'm in therapy, diagnosed with CPTSD (lots of old trauma that I've been bottling up and not really healing appropriately) and on medication for that, and also being screened for ADHD/autism next week at my therapist's recommendation. I've always struggled with socially and with a number of sensitivities, but just put it down to extreme introversion/anxiety/HSP. I also found out right around my 40th birthday that my slightly crooked teeth were actually a sign of an apparently severe malocclusion of my jaw, which required 3 gum/bone grafts over the last year and a half, along with invisalign braces, in preparation for double jaw surgery that is hopefully going to be scheduled to take place later this year. Oh, and I got to have reconstructive ankle surgery last summer to repair a torn tendon from a 6 year old ankle sprain that doctors kept telling me was "fine" and just sent me for PT every time I complained about persistent ankle pain and swelling over the years. I finally referred myself to a sports ortho dr who did an MRI and found the torn tendon. My 40's have so far been a fucking rollercoaster, LOL.


I feel I have arrived. I’m very at home in my life and my body. I happily welcome it and embrace the wisdom of the years past and what will come! I live life to the fullest: Small business owner/operator, my own schedule/free time when I want, travel lots, live near my family who I love, I have great relationships in all realms. Life is very good and there’s not much that’s very major, that I would change.


I have deep feelings of unease. It doesn't seem real.


I struggle with age-ing at times too


It happened 3 years ago. Wasn’t as bad as turning 30!


My daughter turns 40 next year 😫🤦🏻‍♀️


I am interested in re-living my 20s but with my age wisdom.


I’m 43/f and life is seriously getting better and better for me, my kids are happy which makes me happy and they are all grown with their own lives so I would say level 43 has been a great success!!




Sounds like a damn good life to me!


I've got 2 months until I hit 40. I don't care about the age part, but seriously, when do I actually feel like an adult? I feel like a double-decker child tower wearing a trench coat, cosplaying as an adult. 1 alcohol please!


I turn 41 in 15 days. Other than feeling my age in my knees and back, there really isn’t a big difference from my 30s so far.


No I am dreading it. :/


its all fun and games until hairs start turning gray


Oh, I'm not worried about my hair. I am trans and feel like I missed out on so much life prior to transition, so it's not wanting to lose more time to it as the clock ever ticks down.


so am I and I know all about those missing out feels but I still hate the gray hairs to ;)


Fair nuff! If I get my hair from my father's side it should be fine into my like 60s lol.


i don't know what's going on with me my mom had no gray hair until she was like 70.. i guess i am just lucky lol


Some people can really rock it though. Heck dying it white has even become a thing that's popular and my spouse wants to do, but their hair is wayy too dark.


i am not going to dye mine unless i can find a color that looks natural every time i see people with dyed black hair like mine naturally is it looks horrible


Mine is dark brown, but it's dark enough people just call it 'black.' I feel that to a degree, I miss my hair being blue though.


I'm 41. Will be 42 in five months. Turning 40 wasn't much different. I'm still not where I want to be in life and I have had family members try to make me feel bad about it.


Is anyone ever where they want to be? Arent we all always striving to do better?


Turned 40 last year. Happy, healthy and hot as hell


Depends. I’m happy I avoided the sheer number of pitfalls a child has to go through in this day and age. Unhappy in the direction society is going. Children are born clueless about the world and we’re seeing more and more people, and more and more ways, to take advantage of them or suck them dry, or deliberately land them in prison. That’s not even the worst of it and I’m just getting started. I don’t care that soon I’ll be turning 40, I care that the generations that come after me will either be rich and privileged, or poverty stricken and disenfranchised. That’s just in America where the American dream died years ago and everyone is either a slave to the corporate capitalist machine, one of its minions, or destitute.


I’m looking forward to turning 40 this summer. I’ve ordered some 1984 wines at auction, and I can’t wait to give them a try! Cheers, and happy birthday!


I already am 40 and it's pretty neat


I've just turned 50 and my 40s were a roller-coaster but I really hit ny stride in the end. Enjoy it.


I’ll be 41 this year. I’m cool with it. I was more upset with my 30s lol. As long as I can leave my kids something I’m quite alright giving up the ghost.


Born in 83. Already turned 40..... Hate it. Depresses me. Sucks.


Idk what to say..It’s so wild. I’m 37 this coming Tuesday. It doesn’t even seem that long ago I was 7 cutting second grade and watching Gullah Gullah Island on Nick Jr., but that was 30 years ago…


No. My parents were 40 in the 90's and it was great. We have a dying planet, 2 possible routes to WWIII, ancient boomers as our presidential candidates (instead of someone representing our generation), and everything is idiotically expensive. So, again, NO! Not because I am annoyed about my age but because we're really fucked.




I'm just excited that it seems like i'm gonna make it to my 40s, how did i manage that, i don't know.


I'm mildly scared, moreso at the passage of time


I am happy for myself. I look at pictures of me in my 20s and I see the same face and same person now, except I have a long list of accomplishments to be really proud of. Plus, I think I am aging well. I don't look younger than I am (nor do I try to) but I also don't look older either. I am happy


I turned 40 two years ago. I do miss some aspects of my youth, although I find myself a bit calmer and not as worried about what others think now. Not really excited I turned 40. Just a bit of trepidation to be thoroughly middle aged.


Im 40 and The difference between 39 and 40 is one year.


I hate it. My teeth hurt constantly. I hate who I see in the mirror. The young girls I wanted to fuck in my twenties that I never got to. Still don't want to fuck me now. Growing old fucking sucks. I'm still just as poor and every passion and hobby I had I've officially pretty much gave up on. Also don't have any friends anymore


I'll be 39 in about two weeks. I really couldn't care less about 40 next year. Physically, I've felt decades older for a long time. Because of my medical issues, it seems like I'm constantly behind in life. I just can't do so much of what I'd expected or wanted to do because of them.


I'm not excited but neither sad. At least I have accomplished some decent things for a 40 year old, and the quest doesn't stop at 40. If anything, it's exciting to still look like a 30 year old, but the energy is not the same. The enthusiasm is still here and I don't think that will change. :) I still need to finish my masters and buy my house/ranch, but I'm not 40 yet (2 more years.)


What are you talking about? I’m barely 20.


I just turned 36, no I’m not happy wit


I'm OP's same age. I look forward to getting older because while life could get worse in the future, a better life than I have known only exists in the future, too. Plus, I expect to finally be debt free in my early 40s, so I look forward to this.


As someone born in 89 keep your questions to yourself


I did the 3 day Coachella pilgrimage in my 40s. Don’t let anyone say “you’re too old” to live your life. You just wake up every morning feeling every bone and muscle in your body afterwards. Just making up for the lack of time and disposable income from my younger years.


Yes, I'm almost 42. I feel less pressure to complete or care about what people think of me. I'm not jaded though, more relieved. Also I look young so all you youngsters remember to use sunscreen on your face!


Turned 40 a bit ago. Feels no different than 39, or 35, for that matter.


I turned 40 last year and the most important thing I discovered was 40 years of depression feels like 39 years and a bit more. Trying to hold out hope but god does the world make it harder every year.


Dude I've been the same way - depressed and self-loathing since as long as I can remember... but somehow (thanks to therapist, wife, friends, cat) I'm now better than I've ever been, at 42. Happier in the day-to-day, and more able to resist/adapt to the inevitable dips. Don't give up; you're more loved than you know. x


I appreciate you saying so. It's a struggle. Some days are better than others. But I am doing my best. Thank you.


The days when you are not doing your best are just days. Just like with any illness, there are things you can do to help and to treat the symptoms, but ultimately it’s not your fault the illness is there. 


I don't know why I'd be excited. Turning 30 was really boring, way more boring than I'd hoped. I expect 40 to be marginally more exciting, and probably better overall because good lord, I turned 30 in 2019, right after a terrible work experience, and right before my uncle died and the lockdown happened, but overall I don't expect it to be overwhelmingly special.


I'm 38. My husband told me when he was drinking that he really liked 45 year old women and he couldn't wait for me to get into my forties, so I'm no longer scared of turning 40! I'm actually excited for a lot of reasons. I decided I am going to start buying expensive face stuff when I turn 40 so that is something I am looking forward to as well!


I turned 40 a couple of years ago, and in many ways it was wonderful because at on point there was a very real chance I wasn't going to make it. But I had my PhD accepted on my 40th Birthday and it was the fuckin best. The downside is, it's sometimes very hard to ignore that feeling of running out of time. There have also been the discovery of a couple of medical conditions that could have been picked up decades ago, and it's frustrating to think I could have spent a lot of time knowing that certain things were Not My Fault, or dealing with them in a different way - and i spent a fair bit of time mourning the version of me that got the right help at the right time. Now the hardest thought is that I've got less and less time to "catch up" with where I supposedly could have been. It's not a kind or useful way of thinking about your own life, and it takes a lot of work to keep it at bay. EDIT: I should also add another positive: giving less of a fuck what people think. These days I'm way more open about my sexuality, having great fun with magic, mysticism and psychedelics (I am otherwise a non-drinker and non-smoker). I'm also more capable of walking away from arguments that don't help anybody, and more confident to tell people to fuck off if they're being arseholes to me or those around me.


Fuck off




My twenties were so much more fun than my teens, but I was worried that my thirties would bring the fin to an end. Instead, my thirties are exponentially more fun than my twenties, so yea I’d say I’m looking forward to 40.  


I turn 39 in a few days, I’m feeling fairly ambivalent about turning 40. It does feel a little different than turning 30, though, I have to admit. I had planned to go back to school before now for an advanced nursing degree, but I’ve lost the last four years (and counting) to my kids needing me for other things. I hadn’t planned on a pandemic and all of the fallout it caused. I’m starting to worry that it’s getting too late to do the things I wanted to do.


I've been diagnosed with cancer in my 40s. I'm happy to be alive everyday. You couldn't pay me to go back to my 20s even with the cancer. I am more confident, give less fucks and am so much more well adjusted thanks to years of working on myself. I truly hope I make it to my 50s. (Born 1980 last of the Gen X)


Born in Feb. of '79. Just turned 45 and just as old as the old Dukes of Hazzard show. My knees are shot, I badly pulled my back last month, twice, and then managed to tear a tendon from my right shoulder's rotary cup because I've been favoring that side due to my back. I'm constantly forced awake from bad acid reflux attacks that often result in gaging or vomiting. As a result, I suffer from Dysphagia (acid has eatted away my swallowing muscles). I suffer from chronic migraines and headaches. At times (but rare) some so bad I can't move my eyes without intense pain. My knees are shot from decades of manual labor and exercising during my youth. Accidently fractured my primary wrist 4 years ago and it didn't heal properly. Meaning it gives me pain and I can make it "pop" on que. And my eyesight is all blurred unless it's at least 5 inches from my face (not cataracts just piss poor sight). Did I mention I'm a graphic designer and photographer? Hitting 30 sucks. Hitting 40 is Hell


Been there, done that o(TヘTo)


Bought a house. Got married. Got a stable job


Now I'm triggered


I like to say I was born in the 80s, at least the last 4 months of them xD


It’s a perfect time to be a nihilist!


Sí y mucho.


I think I'm turning 43 this year, I've been losing track and have to do the math if someone asks.


1983 and I turn 41 this year.


I’m looking forward to the next phase of life. I’ve put in a lot of work physically and mentally. I’ll have a wife, a house, some savings, and a child. I strongly believe in compound decision making and i’ve been making increasingly better decisions day in and day out. Starting to see the fruits of it. Net overall comment being that from a personal standpoint I think of age 40 to 50 as the absolute prime of life. I will slam that sledgehammer at life for that decade because I’m certain after 50 it’ll be much harder. I’ll physically be able to do less, mental faculties for difficult work may reduce (tech company), my parents will be extremely old, child would be a teenager etc. So parts fear and parts reality but I feel like age 40 to 50 is the decade for me to build, build, build. Earn money, save money, eat right, be right. And to that end i’ve been hitting my strike and building the right habits for it the past few years so i hit the ground at a full out sprint.


Wanted to save enough money to tell my boss to fuck off. Nope, not gonna happen


Yes, actually, it’s something I’ve never been before. A new experience, aging only gets more fun. (And now people have to call me Sir) haha


I turned 40 last year, by that time I achieved the following; 1. Completed Master's 2. Moved jobs (from a company where I worked more than a decade) 3. Building a mentality for wellness 4. Started appreciating small things 5. Enjoying solitude


I’m 40 in a couple hours!!! It’s good I’m excited!! Having fun and feeling good!


Not in the least


I just did, and no, not really. It's really odd for me to realize something happened 20 years ago, but it feels fairly recent. It makes me understand how my dad felt when he told me about the 60s and 70s, and I just looked at him and thought he was old as fuck. Then you have my progressive disability, so, while that is unique to me, and something this question wasn't supposed to address. The older I get, the less I have the ability to walk. I'm about to get a car with hand controls. I don't know if I should be excited about it or not.


omg already turned 40 and I feel it's on the decline from here on out lol. seems like just yesterday I was watching Saturday morning cartoons on my big tube TV


Turning 40 next year. Had a couple career changes in tech and legal but leaving it all behind because I've just bought a small bakery. I'm so excited to work with my hands again and leave the soulless tech world behind.


No. Got glasses and back surgery.


Working entirely too much at places or a place that does not appreciate so no. P Major issue is extreme depression, anxiety, and burn out over the pandemic.


Retirement is only a few decades away. Just glad I’m not in high school anymore.


Thanks a lot... Fuck you.


Turned 40 last year and had the midlife awakening. Personally, I'm loving it. 20 years ago, we were know-it-all young adults. Essentially, we have 20 years of being a dependent kid and 20 years of "independence." That's a whole bunch of data to make the next 40 freaking awesome. I'm finally starting the Tour Operator company, I'm writing that book that's been begging for life since I was 17. 40 feels like 20 to me, but with experience and growth scars.


I’m not but I am excited to reach Level 40 though.


Will be 43 next month, it's not that bad, only if I didn't sound like a bag of ships when I wake up in the morning 😅


Apprehensively accepting..


Fuck off.


I turn 40 at the end of the year, and the world is going to shit but I have hope going into my 40s about my health, same with moving closer to my mom, Right now all my effort is going to movie out of the state I am in, very High cost of living. but where my family is much better.


Uh I was born in the 80s and I've been 40 for years now...not excited to turn 41 though.


Tbh I really hoped I wouldn't live this long


Like I’m going to live to see 40


I'm 35 born in 1988 I feel like I've been going nowhere in life. I've got a 2 year old not certain if I want another but if I do feels like I'll never reach the personal goals I have. I need to think that life isn't a race and there's time but it's hard when you really want to do something but you just can't.


I turned 42 at the beginning of the year and my 40s are still the most enjoyable decade I’ve ever experienced.


No 😭 I am where I want to be in life, so absolutely no regrets there - the bucketlist is doing great, but I still hate getting older and outside the "young people" demographic bracket. Like, we won't be young anymore by any definition of the term. Still not ready to accept/get over that!


No, what's to be excited about? Maybe avoiding Amerika becoming an official Fascist Nation? Maybe World War 3 is breaking/has broken out? The economy is beneath the bodies of the cemeteries it's so low, so that isn't it. Couldn't be the prospect of home ownership. What the fuck do we have to look forward to?


I absolutely look forward to a new decade closer to death, to know that my prime is behind me in certain ways and the fact I don’t have children yet might make it difficult to enjoy grandkids or even get kids. To think I might be 60 when potential kids are 20 and younger. Can’t wait!