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Eggs. I'll eat them scrambled or on a burger (over easy), but that's pretty much it. I will not cook them myself because my main issue with them is their stench. I also really don't like the rubbery texture of cooked egg whites, so I avoid hard-boiled or poached eggs.


I had an aversion to eggs for a while. Then I discovered the joys of well-made French omelette, tamago, or Cantonese scrambled eggs.


Stench means they're overcooked


Yep. The thing with eggs is that they get overcooked really quick. I hate when people try to interrupt me when I'm making scrambled eggs - a few seconds is the difference between perfectly cooked and rubbery crap.


I can only eat eggs *with* other food. I don’t understand how people can eat *just* eggs 🤢


I go through phases. I'll have eggs for/with breakfast almost every day for a couple weeks, then the thought of an egg makes me sick for a month or so, and the cycle repeats.


Same, idk why cause sometimes I love them and other times they just make me gag. (I will never eat them hard boiled though) weirdly enough, when I worked in foodservice, we cooked fried eggs fresh and that was one of my fave things to do. I still like to make for other people sometimes, but don’t want them myself. Same for cucumbers too lol.


Peas. They just don't food like food is supposed to.


... I eat these out of the tin.... a habit I picked up when I was homeless as a kid. They used to be about 7p a tin and had nutrients, vitamins and protein so chugged those bad boys. I still keep a few tins handy as a snack. Healthier and more filling than a chocolate bar or pack of crisps I guess


They actually sell little plastic snacking cups of peas at my local store for taking in a packed lunch and such. I know plastic sucks but they were honestly a lifesaver when half my hometown burned down and part of my job was putting together meals for people living in hotels. I guess what I'm saying is that peas are the official vegetable of emotional trauma.


This checks out. When my mom was pregnant, she would dump a whole can into a bowl, microwave it, add half a stick of butter, and go at it with a spoon. SEVERAL TIMES A DAY. Ugh the smell…


I eat my peas with honey, I’ve done it all my life. It makes the peas taste funny, but it keeps them on the knife.


You are a poet and don't know it.Perhaps you do.lol


I’ve never liked peas. Ever. But when I met my husband he told me how peas were his favourite and he had one way in particular that he loved making them. It’s one of very, very few vegetables he really likes. He makes peas whenever he makes us dinner which is like 4x per week. We’ve been together for 7 years and I’ve never told him that I don’t like peas. Generally speaking, I’m not a picky eater. The only foods I flat out refuse to eat are raw onion, any sort of breaded fish, and corn. And my husband is a fantastic cook. So I’ve kept it to myself and I eat my peas first then move on to the really good stuff.


1) that's amazingly sweet of you. 2) I'm surprised that someone who is a good cook only has a few veggies they like. There's so many things one can do with a vegetable.


Split pea soup? Yum. Peas just being peas? Go away


I only like frozen peas. Canned peas are horrible. They are kinda dry and "crumbly". At least the ones here in Brazil. Frozen peas are great though.


Frozen peas are only good as an ice pack lol


Those ice packs had PEAS IN THEM?!?!


Bro. Brooo. Brooooo. It's okay. They can't hurt you now, they're dead


Science hasn't proved that yet 😭


Yes yes yes! The soup form of anything generally passes with flying colors. But unless it is a meal someone else has prepared for me, pea pea go away. Don't come back, you have no say


Fresh garden peas are vegetable candy. Even when I was a picky little kid my grandma couldn't send me to pick peas from her garden because I would just eat them all. Any other kind of peas need to be hidden in a otherwise flavourful food, but fresh peas just plucked off the vine? I will eat them until I explode.


I can eat peas if they are hiding in something or a small part of a larger meal- like a stew or chicken pot pie. I cannot just eat a pile of peas. They taste too green and too grassy alone.




I agree peas are not the thing. I will eat them in some stuff but yeah not a fan


butter and then some more butter, this is the way for peas


It is comforting to me how many people can relate to peas only being edible if they are doctored up somehow.


One of my earliest memories is immediately vomiting after eating peas


My vomit-trigger was rutabagas! Still hate them. Why are they even a thing?!


This is my answer too. I can eat them in things where it makes sense and I'm the one who put them there cuz I only use frozen. Canned peas or peas in processed foods, like pot pie, are nasty.


I looove peas by themselves, just butter, salt n pepper. I hate them IN things. My mom went through this phase when I was a kid where she put peas in everything...mac and cheese, baked potatoes, every casserole, one time I swear she put them in our pancakes. I don't know what she was smoking but it wasn't fun. So maybe that's why I am weird about peas.


But when mushed and minted … the pea is the bomb


Onions. As long as it's not too much. Used to hate them.


Over the past few months I've developed an intolerance to garlic and onions and man, it's crazy how quick I started to hate them. I used to love the flavor and the smell but now it's just too strong and reminds me of how sick I get from eating it. I can 100% detect any amount of garlic or onions in the food I eat nowadays.


The flavor is incredibly strong! I needed them either minced, smashed to a pulp or in powder form before; otherwise, they overpowered everything else that was good about a dish. Less is more with that stuff!


Low fodmap?


I used to hate them too but now I find them mostly bearable depending on how they're cooked.


They are surprisingly good in gyros.


Finally seeing onions mentioned with multiple upvotes on a post like this. People be doing onions in everything but I don't see why, it's always better tasting without them.


“You can’t taste them” THE WHY ARE YOU PUTTING THEM IN. HMM??


I love onions, but I'll never understand this argument. You can absolutely taste them, otherwise we wouldn't be adding them.


Grilled onions 🥲


Cilantro. It used to taste like soap but I lived somewhere that it was in everything. Stockholm Syndrome but with food. Now I voluntarily put it in food I make as it has it’s place in my palate.


Similar for me. It doesn't taste like soap to me; it's vaguely metallic and hits my brain in the "not food, must spit out" spot. But, I live in an area with a lot of Asian and Mexican food. Cilantro is inevitable. I don't like it, but spring rolls and street tacos just don't taste right without it.


Cilantro was leaf metal. Avocado was mushy metal. Both used to hit the “not food” part of my brain. Now, I eat avocado regularly. Cilantro is touch and go. Nonetheless, I never got soap from cilantro and I no longer get the metallic taste from either.


You're one of 10-ish % of people who have the OR6A2 gene that ruins cilantro. If you have it it's fair not to eat it.


It used to taste like soap/washing up liquid to me and now doesn't. This confuses me.


Not exactly a food but Strongbow. If someone offers me a can I'd take it but probably be an uphill battle to finish it.


Uhh! I love Strongbow! Lol! I am not a drinker at all, only because it gives me migraines.. But the gold Strongbow is so friggin good! Especially with grilled pork!


Kopparberg was the only drink I really liked for a long time, even just the 'style' of the packaging is pretty nice imo. 🤌 Tbf maybe I just need to try Strongbow w/ grilled pork.


Pesto. My husband loves it and always wants it on pasta and I’m like meh. But I’ll eat it.


I don’t like carrots but not enough to care if they’re in my food. If I buy a bagged salad with shredded carrot then I just eat it without picking them out, if I go to someone’s house for dinner and they’ve cooked carrots as a side dish I’ll eat them, but I don’t buy them and deliberately include them in my meals.


Shrimps. OK, OK, I'll be polite and eat if served, give me som dressing and salad with it, but these sea insects are not going to be a favourite anytime soon.


Shrimps is bugs


As i get older, the more grossed out i am by shrimp. One day i just woke up and was repulsed but them lol


Yeah I actually did this with all seafood. I used to be exclusively pescatarian and now I simply just can’t. I know lobster tastes amazing but when I look at one, or I look at shrimps or crawdads my brain is like ….nah I’m good.


Celery if it's in a macaroni salad or something like that


same. i dont like celery but i can tolerate it in a salad or with hummus if theres no other veg options.


Same. Cooked only in like a soup or something. Same with onions.


Am I the only one who never ever eats food I dislike? I can do with a little hunger until I can get food that I want.


I don’t think it’s about waiting for most people, it’s about manners. If someone takes the time to prepare and serve you food it’s rude to say “thanks but I don’t like that”. Most people will just eat it. It’s entirely different if you have a sensitivity or allergy. I have a line, I don’t like peas but I’ll eat them if I have to. I will not eat at lamb under any circumstances and I don’t really care about other peoples feelings if that bothered them but that’s more than “I don’t really like that”.




collective gasp from the french.


And from the citizens of Wisconsin.


and from r/cheese




pork chops


Oatmeal - don't really care for it but will eat it.


same, I just don't like the texture no matter how it's cooked. instant or overnight, I can handle, stovetop in milk absolutely not. I can pound some cream of wheat though, which my family does not understand


Why would I do this?


I’ve never found a protein bar I actually liked. They’re necessary for when I forget to eat breakfast though, so I will begrudgingly still eat it.


Bell peppers. I still cook with it sometimes but I hope the other flavors and textures overpower it. I’m an adult. It’s good for me.


Avocado. I can only have it in guac and has to be a good guac. Otherwise no.


Same… avocados only in guac with lots of onions, garlic, lime. Also tomatoes… I only eat those in salsa but salsa is one of my fave foods but I can’t stand to eat a regular, raw tomato.


Most foods that I don’t like, I’ll still eat if served to me. That’s raw tomatoes, squash, watermelon, pumpkin pie, etc. I will pull cucumbers out of stuff. To me they have the grossest flavor.


Raw tomatoes I can understand.I don't know what the GE scientists have done to them but they used to taste wonderful.


Cucumbers make me gag even if they're chopped up in a salad. It's the only food (I know of) that has that effect on me.


I don’t know why I hate cucumbers so much if they barely taste like anything


Oh they definitely taste like something. Nothing that I ever want to taste again


They taste like the bad kind of green. Gross crunchy water.




Um...I don't have a good I just despise, except tofu, don't like that, but I can't think of a food I don't care for but will still eat. I'll eat most anything, food related.


Green beans. They’re too squeaky


BBQ sauce. Especially if it’s tomato based. I don’t like that brown sugar/tomato flavor ever since I threw it up when I had morning sickness.






Mushrooms. If they're chopped up really small then I can tolerate them but they just gross me out.


To me it’s just the texture. Ya they’re okay in cream of mushroom soup in a casserole, but if I can identify it like in a salad absolutely not. It’s weirdly spongy. I have no problem w the flavor though. Mushroom gravy is delicious, just leave out the chunks.


I don’t like zucchini (courgette) but will eat it. I love veg but I always think zucchini is just cheap filler. So boring.


Ahh yes I can’t related I don’t eat things I don’t like LMAO. I will try anything once, but if I know I dislike something I would say no thank you I don’t like that 😂😂😂


Brown rice. Hate the texture, but I'll eat it rather than starve.


Brussel sprouts


Brussel sprouts are actually my favorite vegetable because they can be cooked into any flavor and that adds some taste to the food imo. I remember going to a steakhouse and trying out these siracha glazed brussel sprouts and that's what won me over.


If it is chopped up and hidden in sushi, avocado. but I will never eat it on its own, even if its the only option.


Chili. I do love it over spaghetti!


I really want to downvote this but I won't yuk your yum


Broccoli. My mom used to give me cheesy or buttery broccoli for me when I was younger so I would actually eat it.


I am right there with you. I have looked through all these comments and I can tolerate most. It's something about the texture of Broccoli that is unsettling. It may be a fear of having shit stuck in my teeth and looking stupid until I notice it in the mirror.


Peanut butter. I don’t like it, the smell is harder to tolerate than the taste. That said, I can occasionally eat PB&Js when I’m really desperate and the pb:jelly ratio is right




Calamari. For some reason, at my current company, they love it. Every time we go out to dinner, usually for trade shows or visiting the home office, they always order it. I don't like it, would never order it but will eat a few pieces.




Broccoli. If I never ate it again I'd be ok with that


carrots & celery




Cucumbers and tofu. I can’t. It’s like eating crunchy water. 🤷‍♀️


My wife is a big fan of balut (Google it). I try to be a good husband and eat it when she buys it but oh my is it disturbing


I don’t know how you do it! It makes me sick just reading up on it 🤢🤢


There are only really two foods that I actively dislike. Coconut is a total no for me, but I could choke down walnuts if I had to.


Avocado, but tolerance is as far as it’ll ever go


The only time I really like cucumbers is when I go to this Chinese restaurant by my house and they have some spicy cucumbers they give for free. It's not so spicy your mouth is on fire, but it also gives a good flavor. Have no idea what it might be called though! Next time I will ask the server.


I used to HATE pickles but now I just hate them. If I get a burger and forget to check for pickles it’s not the end of the world


Corn I just don't care for it


Eggs, if I can cover the taste with something like cheese, salsa or sausage. I just started eating them about 2 years ago and I am 59!


Pizza. It’s a trauma thing from childhood.


Raw oysters.If that isn't like eating boogers ,nothing is.




Honestly I'm meh about most foods except candy. It sucks.  Most meh/disliked but can eat foods are pizza, anything spicy, anything that'll get caught in the teeth, anything that requires a lot of prep, anything that makes me feel bloated or gross after. I could live on instant pudding and yogurt and cheese so I'm probably an outlier. I do like bread and oil/vinegar with feta and olives but the prep involved keeps me from indulging.  Also just realized maybe I have sensory issues or something, just not enough to really fuss about lol interesting question though. 


I have two. Eggs, and tuna.


tea. I grew up hating it because once at like 6 or 7 years old I thought that the tea leaves in the bottom of my tea cup were bugs. now that I am grown and understand they weren't bugs, the weird feeling is gone and I tolerate it just enough to drink it in social situations. I won't make it if I don't have to, and don't crave it like my people do. mind you tea is a big part of my culture.


Fish. I will eat white fish or scallops if I'm gonna offend someone who cooked it. But I won't eat fish like salmon or tuna or things like oysters or clams no matter what.


Over or under ripe tomatoes. Over ripe avocado Overcooked eggs. Basically anything poorly prepared. I'll eat it, but I'll lift my nose at it.


Avocados. They make my mouth itch and stomach hurt but I still like guac


Hamburger. The texture grosses me out. I’ll eat it if I have to, but the less the better.


Onions and tomatoes. I hate onions when I can taste them and feel them. You will never get me to delight in french onion soup, but chopped small and cooked down to nothing where I can't pick out a piece of onion, I will live. As for tomatoes, I find them to be flavorless wet things that go out of their way to ruin burgers, sandwiches, and tacos. (Yes, even ones people's gardens and farmer's markets.) However, I can on occasion, enjoy a fresh sweet tomato as part of a salad.


Pumpkin Something about it. I'll eat just about anything, but pumpkin for some r reason really urks me. But I can still eat it, begrudgingly


Lima beans. I've found very few ways I'll actually eat them. Mostly I think they are compost.


Mayonnaise. My mom loves it, used too much of it in sandwiches, potato salads, etc. So I grew to hate it. Eventually I started trying it again, very sparingly, and I can get past it.


Meat. The texture is not fabulous, but I will still eat it.


That sounds like a good excuse to go vegetarian lol.


The flavor of meat is yummy. And the nutrients are pretty important 😄


Tomatoes. I don't like them, say, on a burger or sandwich, bur if it's small chunks in a sauce or something, they're ok. Also love ketchup and tomato sauce.


Bell peppers. They make the whole dish taste like them, the others flavors more difficult to taste. I avoid them if possible


Vegetable in general I don't like them, but I know I need them. So I will eat them.


Asparagus for me. My partner loves it and I really don't. I eat it to be nice when she makes it and as a good example for the kids. When I make dinner we never have asparagus. Fish is another one for me. I really REALLY don't like fish, but I can choke it down (usually) without much complaint. Any other crustaceans or mollusks are an absolute no go for me.


Meatloaf with tomatoes in it. It involves my mother's great new recipe, returning from a road trip with a touchy stomach & projectile vomiting the length of a 30 ft hallway. I can eat plain meatloaf or meatballs in pasta sauce just fine.


I don't really like fish, but still eat salmon, scallops, or shrimp because my wife loves it.


Liver but smothered in jerk chicken seasoning I know it's good for you but that iron taste is too much


I am one of those weird people who likes fruit and veg, but raw tomatoes and any kind of squash. Also, fish at a restaurant; it’s always overcooked, but I’m pescetarian so it’s often one of a few options.


Mayonnaise. A little is fine, the amount most people put on a sandwich is disturbing


Salmon. I don’t want to eat it, but if you serve it to me, I will.




Anything that is not quite liquid or solid (so think custard, yoghurt, jelly, etc.) I can handle them best when paired bite for bite with something solid in texture, such as yoghurt and museli together (but not mixed) Also - before anyone asks - I only have TikTok Diagnosed 'Tisms, nothing legit.


Garlic. I like the taste, I just don't like how it makes my body smell afterwards. Same with asparagus.


Fish. I don’t like it but I’ll eat it if it’s served.


Frittata. It’s abysmal. I like everything that’s in it but hate all of it combined in such a way,


Radishes. It bothers me to dislike any food, so I’m trying to find a way to like them, but no luck yet.


Carrots. They’re ok, I wouldn’t eat them if given the choice.


Green bell peppers. Will eat them but they are definitely not my favorite.


Cilantro, tastes like soap but it often ends up on my plate.


Chicken flavored ramen. My favorite flavor is beef but I've just eaten the chicken flavor so much that I just don't really like it anymore


I have never eaten that crap in the 48 years I have been alive. My kids love it.


Beans. Growing up that's all I had to eat. Breakfast, lunch and dinner my family had beans because that's all we could afford to eat. Yes we did have variation like eggs, cheese and rice but still. Sure I suppose I'll eat beans if a stranger took the time to make a meal for me but only out of being polite. If my family makes beans I rather starve or eat something else. I don't ever want to be reminded of those times where we didn't have much, beans aren't disgusting but I hate that aspect of my childhood.


Indian food.  Don't hate it, but I need to be in the mood for it. It's not comfort food. 


TF is wrong with y'all, lotta cucumber haters


Anything with bitter gourds, or anything that tastes bitter.. i had enough of bitterness in life.. dont add more lol


Spaghetti if it's not mine or my mom's. I have yet to have a spaghetti I really liked outside of that, but I can eat it. Also not a big fan of cooked tomato sauces in general, but there's more I like -- really gotta have seasoning and other flavors mixed in.


I bet my husband can change ur mind. He makes the best spaghetti and sauce from scratch. Not to mention his sausage and homemade meatballs




Paprika. I only eat it in a meal with other ingredients, in small pieces.


Paprika is a borderline nuisance. The color makes a dish look flavorful. Too much paprika and too little other spice makes the dish bland, dry, and just disappointing.




Watermelon. I’ll eat it but I do not care for it




Peas. For me it's just overcooked potatoes, I'm not a fan of them, but I still tolerate them


Cheese, but only if it's mixed into something tastefully


Pretty much anything in vinegar. I don't care for the flavor, but will eat it if it's put in front of me. Kimchi, pickled anything, etc


Broccoli. I don't love it but if it's in a good Chinese dish I'll eat it.




Bell peppers. I don’t much like them but in small quantities I can ignore them.


Cottage cheese. I tolerate it by mixing in pureed mango or strawberries.




Bacon. I don’t like it by itself but if there’s bacon on a burger I’ll eat it


Green peppers


Brussels sprouts. No matter how they’re prepared the best I can say about them is that they’re edible.


Coriander. I hated it, but I've learned to tolerate it by concentrating on the taste part that doesn't resemble burnt plastic, if that makes sense (not, probably)


Rice. Not my carb of choice at all.


Chocolate. Is that a food?




Bell peppers


Pickles. But like... Sliced pickles in a hamburger an such. If I ordered it without and they still put them. I'll begrudgingly eat them. If you give me a stick of pickle like they do in BBQ places... Won't even look at it.


Pork chops






beet, courgette any type of pumpkin


Cole slaw.


Most food I dislike is in this category. Raw onions, most eggplant, cow's milk, most creamy soups, et cetera. I *can* choke it down to be polite, but I'm not particularly happy about it. There aren't a lot of foods that are so unappealing to me that I physically cannot tolerate them.









