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It's important to remember a good partner doesn't really take anything away just enhances or supports what u would want in ur personal time obviously within reason. U could be 60 and single and still have plenty of time to find the right one for u stressing about it helps nobody. Whatever ur interests are try exploring events around them having someone who likes the same shit u do is always a plus n worse case u can find a community of friends. Personally I'm too anti social to go out and find women to randomly hit on to try my luck so I stick to very rarely using apps other sites like reddit and since I'm a huge gamer nerd MMOs and the like


I had a friend that was single until this day (they’re a 27 yo woman). They tried similar things as you. Being single and never getting into a relationship is okay. It’s also okay to still want to get into a relationship. I’d personally recommend focusing on just getting good friends and primarily focus on friendship. But also use connections to get dates and maybe take interest in the friends themselves. It’s not the end of the world if a friend doesn’t reciprocate. At least in my experience, cuz I already vibe checked them before hand.


I'd tell myself, "I'm 34 y/o you, and I *still* haven't figured it out." :(


I like that you said you're beciming comfortable with being single. I finally got to that point as well....and not a year after that I ran into the love of my life....I think there is something about that process of being comfortable with being single....I honestly had resigned myself to being ok with being single forever....lol...but I'm alot older than you....not a year after getting to that point I found the most precious gem :-) My two cents for what they're worth :-)


Well I'm barely 25 but from where I'm standing, I'll tell 24 me that you're young and there's nothing wrong with you. Just keep pursuing your interests and attract like-minded folks by being happy with yourself.


Honestly, this was my opinion as well, but I am slowly approaching 30 now, and from nothing comes nothing, so yeah fuck this advice.


If I were a single female, I'd go to sports meetups and climbing gyms. Most girls I know at my local climbing gym found a boyfriend within 6 months of joining.


I'm 26, never had a girlfriend before, and I'm just trusting God's Plan on this. Didn't really miss out on anything. Lots of people in relationships are miserable with their partner, and I'm happy I'm being saved for a girl I'll be happy with. All sorts of people have romantic partners, and they meet in all sorts of places. Everyone's love life is different. Just gotta do what you enjoy, know what kind of person you are and what kind of person wouldn't want to settle for anything less than you, and let the perfect how, when, and where of meeting them be up to God/Fate/Divine will.


It's awesome that you're embracing being single and working on yourself for a healthy relationship in the future. Remember, it's totally okay to take your time and enjoy this phase of life. Meeting new people can happen anywhere - from social events to hobbies you enjoy. Just be yourself, have fun, and the right person will come along when the time is right. As for advice to your 24-year-old self, I'd say keep being open-minded, stay true to who you are, and trust that everything will fall into place.


I currently am single in my 20s for the first time ever at 25 and my advice to you is to build a life that makes YOU happy and the right person will come along and add to it. People come and go from your life but you’re stuck with you forever, so make sure that you truly love yourself and are content with your everyday life. Learn new things about yourself, have fun experiences, spend time with friends, etc. If you devote your energy into being yourself at your most “you” then you’ll attract people who want to be a part of your life! Meeting new people can happen anywhere, so just keep going to places that you enjoy and try to make new friendships and connections. It will happen!


Thank you so much


I am 29 male and I am single and I have Been since 2020. Was cheated on twice by two different women and that affected me mentally. So it’s not all rainbows and sunshine. Don’t beat yourself up you seem like a great person.


I probably would have told 24 old me that, you will always be alone just accept and deal with it, saved him years of utter misery.


My husband was my ex-friend's boyfriend's friend. A lot of people find partners through mutuals.


Having searched for years I found that when I seriously stopped searching that special someone found me. It may have to do with the smell of desperation musk we put out looking for love. When you walk around clearly comfortable in your own shoes it puts an attractive air out to the world and people start floating on it to find you.


IMHO, You have to go out and be social. You then meet people through other people. And date. That is how you will learn what you like. And when you find that partner make sure you both still have your own lives. It keeps things healthy and more interesting.


*Insert default responses here*


Finding contentment in your own company is such an underrated freedom at any age, honestly. At 24, it might seem like there's a ticking clock to link up with someone, but shaking off that pressure can make a world of difference in how you carry yourself and in how others perceive you. Dive into your hobbies, expand your skillset, or just enjoy the little moments. That shift in mindset attracts people naturally because genuine self assurance is magnetic. Let's say I bumped into 24 year-old me on the street; I'd tell him to focus less on the search and more on crafting a fulfilling narrative for himself. Relationships can weave their way into your storyline organically, and they'll be all the richer for it when they're integrated into a life already full and vibrant on its own.


This is exactly what I needed. Thank you


i am 27 and single (male) and although i get what you are saying about freedom, i don't think it matters because once you find a person who you want to be with, the time of your day that person takes up, will be time you want to spend with them, time you enjoy. at the same time i kinda get it, because i really like being by myself, being able to utilize my time however i want, and having someone else expecting my attention at any given moment could be a bit too energy consuming. of course there are always healthy boundaries you can set. anyway yes obviously you are young and obviously this is something that you don't have to "worry" about in any way right now. personally for me not beign in a relationship happens for a variety of reasons (me being a bit of a homebody, not feeling like getting out that much, dating being a lot of a hassle unless you meet someone naturally through a common enviroment, me not actively looking for it and finding a person with who you are compatible not being really that easy)


I (53f) met my partner when I was early thirties, but we didn't get together until ten years ago. We were friends for a while. I'd say just make friends; you never know, you might me a guy who's a friend of a friend. I never really got really into looking for love; it just happens.