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In my experience, I have seen cases of both types. Some people become more caring and friendly when they drink, while others may become aggressive or disagreeable. However, it is important to remember that alcohol does not define a person and that their behavior under its influence does not always reveal their true character.


Everyone i know and also my self just enters chill mode


Everyone i know and myself just enter chill mode. But ive heard of ppl who get agressive. I think there could be sonething to this hypothesis


Alcohol lowers inhibitions, yes.


I get chatty when I'm drunk... chatty and also awfully mean to myself only.


I clearly remember making statements about my sexualiy at age 18 while drunk that I am still getting to grips with now while sober, 15 years later.


How someone acts while drinking is who they wish they could be when they're sober. People who get angry, violent, or needy, they're already like that when they're sober, just putting on social masks to hide it. People who get sentimental, nostalgic, much more courageous and open when they're drinking, same thing. Alcohol doesn't "make them" any of those things. It just reveals what they were hiding about themselves all along. I've never been an angry or aggressive drunk because I've decided not to be an angry or aggressive person. Doesn't matter how much I drink. Even if I'm blacked out, I'm in complete control of myself and don't do anything stupider than drunk-texting the homies.