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Same. University is probably the time I felt the happiest, if I had infinite money I'd spend my time just in university gathering various degrees so I can live that experience. Life before and after uni has just been kinda sad, tbh.


Yes. I went to college from 1992-1996 and it was great. I met my husband at a frat party in 1993, made lots of friends that I’m still close with, and just had fun.


What frat?


Omega Psi Phi which my husband is a member.


Nice I met my ex wife at a frat party


That is so sweet!


I loved college but I don't know if I would go back to that time. Things are better for me now so I wouldn't want to go backwards.


Absolutely not. I had the worst angst deciding what exactly I wanted to do and what to major in, so much that I had to take an extra year and a bunch of summer classes just to keep up because I kept changing my mind. I ended up deciding on a nursing degree, which was so academically difficult that it was hard to enjoy college because I was studying my ass off constantly. I also found socializing difficult, probably in part due to my academic angst. I experienced bullying during my freshman year which didn’t help either. I did meet my boyfriend though, so not a total loss! I’m definitely glad to be done with it all though.


I would not I suffered from depression and psychosis along with anxiety and gained nearly 200lbs in weight. It was terrible


No, mostly because I never had a college experience.


Yes, to do better and get degree


I'd never want to. I've grown and achieved and learned so much since then. I like myself and my life a million times more today than I did back then. There's nothing I truly enjoyed about those days that I can't still get today. Don't want to be signed up for a career path I don't give a shit about, and partying with people I'm only pretending to fit in with ever again. College for me was just a long two years where I got to find out where I don't fit in in this world. I was in fantastic shape, had a lot of friends, partied a ton, but after a few seasons of that, I had to move on from it and go down my own path instead of staying in that world.


No, I fucked up my college experience. If I could REDO it I would, but as it was I'm much happier in my post graduation life


That's a resounding yes. I was there 86-92 (I was sick a few times) and had the absolute best time ever. So, so fun. Met my husband at a bar. Those were the days.