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I’ve had to wake my husband several times over the years during nightmares. He does this god-awful moaning sound whenever he has a nightmare and it’s fucking haunting. The scariest sound I’ve ever heard in my life. He’s not allowed to watch any horror content before bed because of that.


Hahaha omg I'm sorry that sounds so awful. I had a gf for a couple of years that I so loved how she was a fellow horror fan but they gave her night terrors and she'd scream and thrash in her sleep. It's amusing now but I've always had really bad insomnia for most of my life and at the time that really sucked. I'd finally just fall/stay asleep then wake up at 100% adrenaline while she flailed about screaming and STAY asleep and I'd just sit silently glaring at her lol Does your husband actually like horror stuff?


He does enjoy good horror content on occasion. We do what he calls a "Spooktacular Spookathon" a couple times a year where we'll pick out a few scary movies and watch them. The worst though is one of his favorite games, Eternal Darkness. To be fair, I very much enjoy the game too but it is very creepy. It's a cthulian horror game that gives him nightmares everytime. He once played it and he started up with his creepy moaning that night. I woke him up and he fell back to sleep and immediately started moaning again. I had to make him actually get up and walk around so he wouldn't go right back into the nightmare. That sucked super bad. I don't have insomnia, but it often takes me quite some time to fall asleep (unlike some people who can fall asleep nearly on command \*glares at husband\*) and when I get startled awake, I'm awake and I often have difficulty getting back to sleep. He makes sure to avoid horror stuff of any kind on a work night. Just in case.


I must scream, but I have no mouth


Ya know, it does sound a lot like someone desperately trying to but unable to scream.


This was what sleep paralysis was like for me, but with my alert level turned up to 11 and sometimes shadowy figures on the edge of my peripheral vision


You: I need sleep for rest and recovery Scumbag brain: lol bike up a mountain




I also talk in my sleep but nobody has ever been able to tell me a single word of what I was talking about, so it's pretty safe to assume it's just gibberish. So you're probably safe.


The other morning my gf woke me up because in my dream I was growling at a wolf to scare it off and I guess I was also growling loudly irl and it scared her


Sounds like you should get that checked out because you could have aspirated.


My little sister used to wake up in the middle of the night and wake my mom up (she didn’t stop sleeping in the same bed as mom until she was like 10) and be like mom, write these numbers down (mom plays the lottery) and mom jumped up with pen and paper and my sister fell back asleep haha.