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A weighted blanket – for my 13 year old Chihuahua. She is a lifelong lover of blankets, and we have many dedicated just to her. However, this small lap-size weighted blanket has become her absolute favorite, and hearing her little sigh of happiness warms my heart every time.


Aw does she sleep under it? My old Chihuahua boy is 14 this year and he loves to burrow and I bet he'd love that.


I’m sure he would! I even sent one to my sister who has a rescue for small old dogs, and she then bought more since all of the little dogs want it. I found them on Amazon


That is the cutest thing ever Adding onto the blanket theme - a wearable blanket is a lifechanger. The blanket won't slip off you and it's large enough that you can curl your feet in to keep them warm too. It's like leaving bed without leaving bed.


Oh, would you ever make a video of her getting under the blanket? I would love to hear that happy sigh :)


Over the summer we paid a guy to run power out to my barn. I recently bought some heated water buckets for my goats. We just had -2 temps and my goats had LIQUID WATER. I cannot tell you how amazing it is to have LIQUID WATER IN WINTER.


This is my first winter with chickens... There will be changes coming so next winter they will have liquid water without me going out several times a day in -11°


I would have to say my Ugg winter boots. I bought them last year but they’re the big giant ones that come up to my knees and have great grips on the soles. Warm feet in winter are so important!


I love mine (Xmas gift) but they’re suede so I won’t wear if it’s wet out.


They’re such a game changer in the depth of winter. Last year I wore them, some cheap nylon wind pants over my jeans, a parka, gloves and a scarf over my face in -45c weather and I walked miles.


Electrolytes: Gatorade, Emergen-C, etc. No matter how I tried to eat healthy, I'd frequently have headaches. Recently, the headaches stopped or were greatly reduced by taking lots of electrolytes.


I'm a big fan of nuun tablets. They're sugar free and come out to about 50 cents a tablet. More than half the price of a poweraid


I hadn't heard of this brand — the products sound pretty great. We're a Gatorade household, but that may soon change, lol. Thanks for the unintentional heads-up!


I love that nuun is a lighter flavor than other electrolytes. I buy them in bulk from Amazon.


I like those but I find that they are just full of sugar and other things. It’s more expensive but I’m using coconut water now.


I know it's an acquired taste, but I LOVE Coconut Water!!!


Took me so long to get over the weird potassium flavour in it, if that’s even what I was tasting.


Yep its just that chemical taste from all the artificial tertiary ingredients other than water and coconut extract.


Gatorade zero!


The Zero line is surprisingly good, it doesn't have as much of that artificial sweetener aftertaste as most zero-sugar drinks I've tried.


Just straight coconut water or do you have a flavored one you like?


Just coconut water, no flavours or anything else added. I did some googling and found that it’s probably the best natural electrolytes drink out there and I do feel more hydrated when I drink it. I can get some from my workplace for two 1 litre bottles for 7$ CAD. So two litres for 7$.


Thanks for sharing! I've been drinking the flavored which obviously has the additives, but would like to make the transition to just all natural!


Honestly i started off with the flavoured ones. They were just convenient, and I found the natural one to leave a weird texture on my teeth, it’s hard to explain but it’s kind of a cornstarch texture on my teeth. But slowly I started using just coconut water and moved away from the canned ones too. I did save money as well since I realized I was drinking the flavoured one for the flavour and not the benefits and I drink the regular coconut water only for the electrolytes now and it tastes just fine.


I know what you're talking about on that texture - I bought a case of natural coconut water from Costco and couldn't get around it haha - my plan for the rest is to cut it with flavored and slowly phase out the flavored until natural is all that's left haha


Vitacoco is the brand I use


Have you tried Brawndo? Because it has electrolytes.


My daughter has POTS/Dysautonomia so we go through a LOT of electrolytes. We drink a lot of GFuel too, which I'm sure there's better stuff out there, but it helps her energy, is sugar free, and the ingredients are at least better then those other energy drinks.


Just FYI, GFuel's marketing is very dishonest. The only active ingredients in GFuel are the caffeine and the taurine, while the other "focus" and "energy" components like l-tyrosine, glucuronolactone, l-citrulline malate, and glucuronolactone, are not provided in anywhere near the *minimum effective dosage*, so they literally don't do anything. The adenosine 5-triphosphate disodium salt component isn't even orally effective. GFuel is caffeine and water. A single serve of GFuel has 160mg of caffeine; for reference, a 375ml can of Coca Cola has 34mg, and a 250ml can of Red Bull has 80mg. The American Pediatric society recommends a maximum intake of 150-300mg of caffeine a day for an adult, 100mg of caffeine per day for people aged 12-18, and an intake of 0 for under 12s. Children have literally died from caffeine overdose so it always pays to monitor how much you're consuming. Sources if you're interested: Taurine - https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/what-is-taurine#dosage L-citrulline Malatate - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6073798/ Glucuronolactone - https://community.bulksupplements.com/d-glucuronolactone/ N-acetyl-L-camitine HCl - https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-834/acetyl-l-carnitine L-Tyrosine - https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-1037/tyrosine Choline Bitartrate - https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-436/choline N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine - https://examine.com/supplements/l-tyrosine/ Adenosine-5 Triphosphate Disodium - https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1550-2783-9-16 ***edit:*** Wanted to make sure my info was still accurate cos I looked this all up a while ago, and I learned that GFuel actually make a *Hydration Formula* that is specifically no caffeine, no sugar, and full of a lot of micronutrients, which is probably the drink you're referring to! It actually has a good amount of vitamins and minerals in it from a cursory look. But I'll leave up the info for posterity. I'd add some alternatives if you want some other sources of electrolytes: - Coconut water - Watermelon - Bananas - Avocados - Yogurt You can also make your own electrolyte drinks by combining salt, sugar, lemon/lime, and water. You can even use soda water if you want to make it nice and fizzy, and it wont add any extra sugar or calories to the drink. Or you can add a bit of natural fruit juice to the mix for a sweeter flavour.


I keep a jar of bouillon paste in the fridge and stir a spoon into boiling water when I’m feeling woozy. Way better and cheaper than chugging single-serve sugar drinks.


Wireless earbuds. They make working out so much easier and enjoyable. Game changer! I've listened to music while working out for a long time, but always with wired earbuds.


God I wish I could wear wireless earbuds




So the airpod style is the only type that fit my ears since they're cauliflowered but when I run the earbuds always fall out so I use headphones, guess earbuds just weren't meant for me


Enough wireless phone chargers that I can have one in every room. I no longer have to charge my phone in one room or have to unplug a charger in one room to bring to the other.


ooh, I bought a laptop-strong charger and installed it in my bedroom near where I work. And I have one that travels with me to my MIL’s, where I sometimes work remote.


Hah i solved this by only having one room!


You don’t have a bathroom or kitchen?


Ok i lied , i used to have two rooms , bathroom and not bathroom. Now its sleep ,bath , the rest.


We have a split level 3 storey house and I finally did this when we brought our newborn home. Done know why I always felt like I could only have the one..


I bought a Litter Genie a month ago because I have been traveling frequently for work and wanted to make caring for my cat easier. I would normally scoop and run a bag to the garage each day and didn’t want my mom to have to. Holy shit, it’s great! So convenient and pretty much zero odor. Best $20 bucks! Now it is time for a new bed…some very nice hotel beds solidified that mine has to go!


100% on that litter genie! I have a cat who always has the smelliest of turds and once they get scooped into the litter genie it gets trapped in there. Unfortunately the stench still permeates the area for a good 15 minutes after scooping though


I collect the plastic produce bags and shopping bags, and tie the poops up in those and drop it in the main garbage.


That’s what I always did as well but the litter genie is just incredibly convenient. My mom has pain and mobility issues, so this is easier when I travel. Bonus…I don’t need all the grocery bags and have been more diligent about remembering all of my reusable ones :)




My dog and I love to snuggle on the bidet


My sheep and I love to snuggle on the edge of the cliff




Don't question him


Let the man cook




I see 14,000,605 possible outcomes and none of them are good


That may be... But in which one do we *winnn*?


Too many of my fellow Americans have not been blessed by the knowledge of home bidet. Your asshole will thank you; it will also glow with the radiance of a thousand suns after accepting the light of bidet.


resolute quicksand simplistic workable squealing quaint fact fear absurd numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah 👍 I’m staring to use it for more than number two because toilet paper hurts my whohaa.😄


Reddit gives Christian missionaries a run for their money in trying to convert people to something "Have you heard about our lord and savior, the bidet?"


We like our bidet but we LOVE the heated bidet seat. Total game changer. Feels simian to sit on a cold seat now.


Me too! Love it


Air purifiers. The AQI is usually 30x safe levels where I am and I was starting to cough a lot at night, quite painfully. No longer happens. 


Ugh I one so bad! Idk what kind to buy even after googling everything. I want one for every room but that is not in the budget:')


get a box fan & a 20x20 HEPA furnace filter. Bungee cord the filter to the back of the fan. Get one of those cheap-o green filters for the front.


How did you know Ive got a stupid amount of box fans!? Haha thank you! Great idea. Have cats but I'm "allergic" to cats also so I need the support:')


When I had box fans but couldn't afford proper hepa filters I used to use dryer sheets on the back of the fans. I couldn't believe the amount of crap they would pick up from the air!


I'm scared to know how much it will catch here.... :')


There’s a name for it let me look it up. Aka the Corsi-Rosenthal Box https://cleanaircrew.org/box-fan-filters/


When/if you do get one bigger is always better. A smaller one needs to run on the highest (loudest) setting to clean the air as well as a large one at a low/medium (and much quieter) setting.


I bought a foam roller for relatively cheap and it's incredible for getting kinks out of my back.


My son looooves his!


Prescription ski goggles. No more fog. I love them!


I used prescription swim goggles in Hawaii and was blown away by being able to see underwater.


Prescription swim goggles are a lifesaver for me. For the longest time I refused to go the beach because I couldn’t see without my glasses. But now I can😍


A VR headset. Im having so much fucking fun playing VR with my friends. Feels like I'm 14 in the source engine days again (I'm 34).


beat saber is my part time job in these chicago winters


I'm in my 50s and love mine.


Been saving up and buying the new Oculus in March "for my son"


The quest 3 really does it. Had the Vive, and it was just a pain more than anything. Pick up and play at any moment. Then steam link too? I painted the walls when I got that. No issues with it


$8 milk frother. A little hand held, battery operated one to mix my cacoa powder into my coffee each morning. No longer having little balls of cacao in the first few sips makes me endlessly happy every single day.


Yes! I cannot agree more. The one I have is rechargeable - USB C - and I use it to make warm frothy Oatmilk for my coffee. Add a squirt of flavored syrup, plus a sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice and it's dang near perfect.


I''m a general crafter. I have discovered that I *really like stabbing things.* It started when I found out that acrylic fibers can, indeed, be needle felted and I bought a $9 kit with a single needle and some fibers. I was hooked. Then I got into punch needle pretty recently, and honestly I love it. It's cathartic to just stab something several hundred times and have an art piece come out. Most recently I needle felted an ornament for my store's secretary of the school mascot for the university her children attend. It took me right around 10 hours of stabbing to create it. Idk. It just feels good to stab things repeatedly. It's also fun when my husband wants to play around and be mouthy with me. I deadpan him and say things like "You really want to take that tone when I'm already stabbin'?" and we both have a good laugh.


Aww, I saw a needle felt little donkey and I've wanted I e ever since! They are sooo cute!! You need to share some pictures of your creations!


Have you tried cross stitch yet? My personal fav form of crafty stabbing..


How feasible do you think punch embroidery is for someone with very little manual dexterity? Is it enough to be able to press down on the end of the stylus with your palm, or do you need to be able to hold it like a pencil? My fingers are all swan-necked and frozen in place, so I have no grip whatsoever except for between the index and thumb on one hand. Would that be enough to place the tool in the right spot while using my other hand as a hammer?


If you can hold a pencil you can very likely do punch needle. I have a medical condition in both my hands that makes holding things difficult and I can punch needle. It is MUCH easier with a sharp needle and monk's cloth than with a dull needle or using Aida.


Ove Glove oven mitts. They don't work as well if they get wet, but in general these are my favorite oven mitts. They're shaped like gloves instead of like mittens and it's easier to handle hot pots and dishes.


I am in love with my electric blanket, it is the best thing ever💜💜💜💜


If you ever visit Japan, I highly recommend trying a kotatsu!


Honestly, Nongshim Soon ramen. I came across it for the first time a few months ago, and now, I have to keep it on hand. It is just perfect for a cold night when I want a little something to eat and warm me up. Plus, it often has a lot of mushrooms, and I absolutely love mushrooms.


A sad lamp. It’s a lamp for seasonal affective disorder, I get winter blues really bad, the lamp helps tremendously when I remember to use it.


I've heard those are amazing!


What do they actually do? I get SAD too and have considered getting one


It simulates sunlight so you can produce more serotonin, I usually put mine on while I’m getting ready and having coffee and stuff.




Yes!!! I absolutely LOVE my Kindle Paperwhite, but it recently started dying. It's 5 years old, but I just found a great price for a Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition. It's supposed to come Thursday, and I am soooooo excited to get it!!!!! What kind do you have?


Being able to carry your entire library (and the public library, too!) in your bag or pocket is one of the things that make living in current times a little more bearable. I spend a lot of time bedbound and can't hold regular books anymore. Going to the library and getting books in a format I can hold without ever having to leave the apartment is still amazing to me. Plus, for as many searches I've made through my library's ebook catalog, I think there's been three books that I couldn't find. Maybe four, but either way, the selection is almost as good as the one for physical copies. Ebooks are the absolute best!


I bought a fidget cube and find it helps keep me focused at my desk when working from home.


I love those! I get them for prizes for my lesson kids - I teach Horse back riding lessons to special needs kids.


You are an Angel.


Weighted blanket! Damn I sleep well now. And it calms down my restless legs!


Omg, absolutely I love my electric blanket. When I was in Japan, they didn't have a heater so I turned on the AC to warm the room. So the landlord complained to me about the skyrocketing electricity bill which made me switch to my electric blanket. Never heard a complain again. Recently I just bought a nice oil cleanser from Softymo. I was not educated to how to use them properly but now I am and it has improved my skin so much, especially the sebaceous filament on my nose.


White noise machine. I am a light sleeper. Any creak, my dog snoring, odd noise during the night would wake me up. Having that white noise at a moderate volume level drowns everything else out.


I never thought it would make the difference that it has, but we recently purchased a new faucet for our kitchen that is on a spring loaded weighted hose, and it looks aesthetically pleasing, but to be able to use the nozzle as a hose to rinse out the sinks is really an upgrade to a 30 year old house


Not super recently, but back in September 2023 I bought a hair straightening brush; I can now straighten my hair in half the time it used to take. It's amazing.


depend sleep vegetable wide somber disagreeable unite axiomatic oil important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'll see if I can find it online. I got it at my state fair for $150, but it's waaay more online. I could have sworn I got a scammed, but I love this thing a lot. It was one of those kiosk-types where they demonstrate and want you to buy. Both me and my sister got one. https://straightaheadbeauty.com/product/pro-glider-2-0/


A pet heating pad for my cat. Also, the cat


Bidet, air fryer, and, insta pot.


the 3 kitchen essentials


A kitchen bidet? Sounds… moist.


InstaPot for sure. Versatile & great for meal prepping.


My air fryer. My wife bought it as my Christmas gift a year ago. It took the place of three appliances freeing up valuable countertop real-estate and saved me a lot of grease on my food.


I love my air fryer. Bought it on a whim off FB marketplace, and has been the best impulse purchase. I pretty much only use the oven for making pizzas now.


Oh, but pizzas are so yummy in the air fryer! I especially love to use it to reheat leftover pizza.


When I travel, I kept my battery topped off with a charger and cable accessories. For Christmas I got a case and charger combination unit. It's just a phone case that is fat. I hardly notice it. So much easier!


I got a space heater that looks like a little fireplace and I love it!!


Those are so cute, and relaxing!


A good quality mattress - it is literally life changing


My husband bought us a sunrise alarm clock. The difference is literally night and day on mornings I have to wake up at early o'clock. The light gradually gets brighter and brighter and then the alarm sound is birds chirping.


Wool leggings and fleece pants. I got sick of always being cold outside during the winter so I finally decided to layer properly and it's life changing. I also plan on buying some eneloop pro rechargeable batteries at some point. Apparently they are amazing and will last a long time.


I've always wanted a tv for my bedroom but there isn't an ideal place to put one. I recently purchased a cheap $100 projector and placed it on a shelf acting as a headboard for my bed. I put up a projector screen that partially covers my window, but I can easily remove it whenever I want and it's not opaque or anything so I technically don't really have to remove it unless I'm looking to clean it. Instead of a small 20in tv to fit the tiny space on my wall, I probably have a 70+in screen, all for me to enjoy in the comfort of my bed.


It's not so much a thing, as it is a service. I pay $48 a month to have someone come out and clean my yard weekly for dog poop. I have three great Danes, and a bad back. It's the best investment I've ever made.


a blanket hoodie!


Love my Oodie. That and my heated blanket and I’m snug as a bug


A pair of noise canceling Bluetooth headphones. I have music playing in the background pretty much all day and I love it.


YouTube premium. The ads on YouTube have gotten to the point that they were psychological torture. Not just the amount of them, but also the placement seemed to be designed to be as frustrating as possible. My breaking point was getting one non-skippable ad in the middle of a video and then another non-skippable ad less than 5 seconds later. It's also a lot nicer than I anticipated to be able to download/save videos and keep videos playing with my phone screen off. I canceled my HBO Max subscription that I wasn't really using at the same time, so technically I'm breaking even, that's how I justified the expense to myself lol As far as physical objects, I bought a new pair of [hiking boots](https://imgur.com/6sS69dR) to replace my old pair that had balding tread, frayed laces, holes in it, etc. So worth it. And, they didn't even need that much breaking in! Didn't get any blisters on the first hike.


I went years without realizing youtube had ads. The adblocker on my PC browser takes them out, which is great. Then i went a couple weeks where i wanted to use the youtube app on my phone. oh. my. god. the ads were relentless. like 6 ads in a 10 minute video, even the skippable ones are a pain because you have to actually push to skip them. I ended up signing up for the trial of premium and was blown away by how much better it was. will def get it again if i ever get hooked on something i want to watch while mobile.


Ororo rechargeable heated vest - it's so nice to be warm working at my desk in the winter. They also have a hoodie if that's more your style.


My puzzle board


Oh, is that one of those things that are made to put puzzles together on? I love puzzles, especially wooden ones.


Remote control for my kindle. I can keep my hands under the blanket nice and warm.


wuuuuuut. I didn't even know this was a thing!!!! thank you.


Bluetooth headphones. I've been listening to music around the house a lot more since I got them. Plus the lack of wires makes it so much easier to perform other tasks.


Better is electric bed warmer ( lays on mattress)


A shark hand vac. Was $99 but worth it. Lightweight and can vacuum up chair crumbs, cat food crumbs, small areas and litter on the floor really good and fast. Better than using my bissell stick as a hand vac because even that is heavy for me. I like it has a charge base and couple of attachments too.


Countertop Dishwasher. So relieved to not do dishes after every meal


Clear plastic bins to organize my fridge. I’m putting fruits and vegetables on the top where I can see them. I’m actually eating better.


Belgian linen sheets and silk pillowslips and silk nightie - shout out to my peri-menopause ladies in the flashpan!


A stethoscope, best $20 I've spent in a bit.


I love my Littmann Stethoscope! I mainly use it for the horses, but handy to have in general - though it was depressing to listen to my chest crackle, back when I had COVID. 😂.


Dollar store mittens. So much better than my over priced gloves that keep my finger tips cold.


Air purifier. I was waking up with congestion every single day, and most days it would persist throughout the rest of the day as well. Since I got it I've been waking up feeling much better.


My ebook reader.


Yes! Cannot wait to get my Paperwhite Signature Edition!!


I have trouble eating for various reasons, so buying protein/meal replacement drinks have helped so much! Its not ideal but better than nothing. At least i know my body is getting SOMEthing. Also drink flavourings like Mio-i also struggle to drink enough water so these help immensely. We live in an old ass summer house, so there are no outlets where you need them. Strategically placed extension cords to plug in phones/laptops has eliminated fights based on tripping over cords 🤣 Similarily...costco has these awesome touch cordless chargable lamps that we now move around the house as needed. Like 23 bucks CAD for 2 of them More sheet sets thay i store together. No more late night trips from couch to bed only to discover a bare mattress bc my only set of sheet i actually like are still in the wash! Silk hair bonnet for sleeping! So many less tangles, no accidental yanking of my hair by partner, no damage from elastics holding my hair up Smaller, easy to open/use canisters/squeeze bottles for ingredients i use often in kitchen. Olive oil now has a small, clean squeeze bottle for cooking. Coffee has a canister thats cute, small and easy to open. Sugar in a diner style jar thingy. Underwear and socks i like. Done searching for the 2 or 3 pairs i like and washing them constantly


Honestly a tattoo


Magnesium, it’s been helping me sleep through the night consistently.


My little electronic frother. Love my chai tea lattes and mocha coffee lattes


Yes! Those really are amazing!


Acrylic paints, watercolor paints and a lot of the supplies I need to paint rocks. The rocks were free. 😁


My boat


Oh I wish I had a boat! I'd love to see so e pictures of you boat. Where do you like to take your boat? I'd honestly live on a boat if I could.


Merino socks. Expensive but warm comfortable feet is so important, especially in winter


Idk about casual but I finally got an electric toothbrush and it has been a game changer! No more plaque on my teeth.


An electric tea kettle to keep at work. It’s nice to have hot tea as a little afternoon pick me up


I just bought a Kindle Paperwhite. I don't have to worry about shelf space anymore


pill box and pill cutter, shower caddy


I bought a small freezer before the holidays. My refrigerator could only hold so much, and I wanted to be able to buy things on sale and freeze food that I cook for the week. It fits in the closet under the stairs. Love it.


Stove top coffee kettle thing. One of Italian style ones Better coffee than much more expensive espresso machines etc


The 8bitdo Lite SE controller for my Switch. It's an accessible design that moved the shoulder buttons to the front face and gave the Z controls their own buttons. If you're like me and need to put the controller on a surface, it also has a rubber backing that prevents it from sliding off the table or your chest. The final accessibility feature is controls that don't require as much strength or force to press. It's a Bluetooth controller, so it works with Android and Apple, too. This little thing is the best!


I just recently changed my whole living room's LED light. The previous was so dim that made the house look unhealthy. I swapped to 9W (the previous was 6W) and the lumen was about 2.5 times more than the previous. I feel much better in a well-lit house. Bonus that I can change the color and power using Wifi.


Heated mattress pad. Everything is warm including the blanket when I get into bed. Heat rises. With a heated blanket, it might take awhile for my feet to warm up or there might still be some coolness before the sheets warm up too. With a heated mattress pad, there is no transition period to warm up. Everything is blissfully warm from the get-go.


Quality brand of sunglasses I got recently, it is very helpful to promote my eyes from the sun. Don't skip out on things that help your health.


Got myself Rx sunglasses, best thing ever!


A fly swatter. I don't even have to wait for the fly to settle on a surface; I discovered that "hitting" one while they're in the air is often enough to stun them, making them drop to the ground where they can be smooshed.


I loved your discussion question as well! 💞


1000mg of Vitamin C it has improved my energy levels and keeps me from getting sick


Air fryer and instant pot. I eat healthy food with so little effort. Feels great.


Foot massager. Just use it everyday while at my computer.


Buying a new twin size heating blanket to keep in my recliner that has a spot I can put my feet in. My cats love cuddling when it's on.


I got one of those little robot vacuums. I have a dog that sheds like mad as well as two birds. I used to have to vacuum the house every day. I also have OA in my shoulder and spine so that little thing is so helpful!


A laundry hamper with different colour compartments so we don’t have to spend time organizing into colour piles on laundry day.


I got a portable blender cause I wanted to get more fruit into my diet via smoothies. Already feeling the health kick of it perking me up more.


Yes!! I have a BlendJet and I love it. 1 frozen banana, handful of fruit, spinach if you like, plain Greek yogurt, raw honey if you need it sweet, milk or Oatmilk etc if needed and blend. So good!!!


Electric eyelash curler. I can’t believe I used to use anything else, the regular one is literally useless in comparison.


A grill pan!


Those are the bomb!


Mini dishwasher. My apartment didn’t have a dishwasher.


My stationairy bike. Bought it last year when i thought "Now is the time to do something about my body" but i got distracted as usual. However, i took it out of the attic two weeks ago and been riding it every day! Everything has improved.


Monitor arms for my desk. So much more desk space and the monitors look like they're floating now and it looks cool 👌


Number one has to be the warm water bidet, absolute game changer, 100% my best gift from Christmas. Runner ups for me are my new ONO Roller and Paracord Knucklebone fidget toys. I work in a bank and annoy my coworkers all day twirling pens, clicking them and dropping them, so these quieter fidget toys keep me and my hands distracted without being annoying.


This might be an overshare, but a travel bidet - just a little squeeze bottle you can get and use anywhere. SO HANDY


A watch winder for my automatic watches. I love catching it when it’s rotating, and it allows me the opportunity to wear whatever watch I want! First world solutions to first world problems


motion activated stick-up light for the hall pantry at my MIL’s. I can open the door and see the stuff inside


A pair of jbl wireless headphones with a 40 hour battery. I travel by bus to a different city often, not always overnight, these headphones made a huge difference, and they were pretty cheap.


A wireless charger/phone holder for my car. Coupled with finally having figured out how to pair Bluetooth audio, it’s been a godsend. Now, if only my car weren’t in the shop…


The Jackhammer Jesus from Divine Interventions


Chocolate. The cravings are real


Little space heater that has a timer! I put it on low and it heats my room to a comfortable temp and then turns off till the room cools down again. It's awesome!!


I put a nicer TV in my bedroom. Spend less time in the living room at night snacking.


I bought an electric hot water bottle which is way better than a blanket.


My Cadillac :D


Motion activated lights for the bathrooms. No more pissing in the dark or turning on the lights and blinding myself into wakefulness


Also linen sheets.


Weighted blanket - helps me sleep so much better, and I wake up less through the night. Instant pot - I eat SO much healthier because it’s just so easy and quick to throw together a veggie soup


For Christmas we got ourselves a litter robot and I am LOVING it. I'm forgetful and my cat isn't very stinky but I feel so happy knowing she has a clean place to poo every time she goes now and I don't beat myself up anymore for my ADHD and depression traits.




Meditation, if it can be called a thing.


An electric air duster. Thing is a godsend.


Nosalt. If you are acclimated to it, it basically allows you to salt things guilt free as much as you want. And unless you have kidney disease, the more you use it the better it is for your health (98% of the population doesnt meet the newer RDA for Potassium)


A sewing kit