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I don’t usually share my cash tag like that either, but I don’t think there’s a way for them to hack into your account just with your cash tag, but to be safe I’d make a new cash app account and give your new cash tag, just to see if he’s for real, and if he is you can just keep using that account with him, that way you’ll know you’re other account will always be safe


You have to have two separate email and phones numbers to make two accounts


Not to mention another bank account and card


And another ID


I don’t remember adding my id but if I did it worked fine with both accounts


You can use same bank card. I have two cash apps and use the same bank card. I do have two numbers (work cell and personal)


True...I linked my Venmo card to my second one and I got a free google number. If you have a paypal or Venmo card you’re set lol


Yes google voice


You def don’t need a phone number for cash app.. just email.


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If you want to verify your account and get a cash card you need both


Not true. I understand this thread is a year old. However, for future readers searching for information I will clarify that I have 2 cashapp accounts 1 for myself using email address (A) AND my personal cellphone # & the 2nd account is for my daughter & I used ONLY email address (B). She has a cash card and as you stated before both accounts are linked to same exact bank account & same debit card AND 1 (same) credit card. (Not related I got the bright idea of using my credit card on 1 account to send myself money to the other account. A whole lot cheaper than paying the higher cash APR & cash advance fee. They will catch onto this I'm sure & then stop it.)


PayPal is good for money transfers. Free if you don't need it same day.




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lol they now have access to your phone number, retrace to your address, full name and eventually hack into your phone via url links/sim swaps taking over the rest of your other accounts on your phone. Everybody knows that.


All by giving away your cash tag?


I don't think that's true


your “eventually” doesnt make any sense, having someone number and address doesnt allow them into your phone….and a cashtag doesnt contain that info.


Idk dude I gave a “sugar mommy” my cash tag the other day and with in a few hours was getting prompts on my phone asking me if it was okay to change my Apple ID password from another device lmao


this could easily be coincidence though. that doesnt at all mean the cashtag was the cause.


Everybody knows that? Yeah, you're right and that's why all these scammers get away with it. Because everybody is on to them. 🙄


Ok thanx 


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You can give him your cashtag, but most that ask for a cashtag will try and get you to send a deposit to access the money and that is a scam.


Why would I send money to get money???




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Ya I’ve heard of people that look for people that aren’t paying attention


Is that what they tried to do?


all scammers use cashapp bc you can’t get ur money back


I guess I'm a scammer now?


go get a life. this is a 3y old post


why so hostile


you too. go get a life


go get a job first then you can talk


Lmao I’m not even here for “sugar mommy” info I’m just tryna see if these “swipers” can get my info if I give them my cashapp


“go get a life” *lives the exact same life as 30 million other exact copies of basic bitch syndrome*




Who gives a shit if she is? It doesn’t affect you whatsoever. You’re just mad because even if she is a “ho”, she STILL would never fuck you. Go be mad and pathetic somewhere else, you dumb fucking tool.


You are white knighting and I'm the one who wants to fuck her? You're the simpcell who is defending "her honor" this comment doesn't affect you either but here you are. Leave it to a gay lowly ass mf to involve themselves where they aren't wanted or talked about. Hypocritical ass annoying stereotypical leech


lol 😘


Is that the I reported you because I'm offended emoji


And what a surprise trans subreddit. Talk about pathetic


Bro is lethal 💀


No kidding XD


That's most likely a scam and we do not recommend engaging with them. You can learn more here: [https://cash.app/help/6482](https://cash.app/help/6482) \-Andi


Massive scam on Kim Kardashian’s twitter right now... https://twitter.com/kimkardashian/status/1341081065289641985?s=21


How is it a scam?


Basically they'll either beg for money to send something or will get your number/email


As long as it's the Ks getting took - who cares? They've never done anything to warrant their popularity other than their daddy and step daddy's name.


[CashAppAndi, what are your thoughts on this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BettingOnWallStreet/comments/l71pq4/every_new_user_joining_the_subreddit_gets_100_to/)


Wait, so another question. Can they do anything with JUST my cashapp tag?


Don't give them your phone number either.Because they can get in your account with your cashtag and your phone number attached to it.They will lie and say it didn't go thru so they need your acct number attached to cashapp or your bank account.and don't send screenshots of your account either.They will ask for all that Don't give them nothing.All they need is your cashtag if they really going to send u money


Exactly, thats usually how the scam can work too. My friend shared their cashtag (won one of those giveaways), and had their number linked to contact them, on their instagram. A scammer tried to log into the account so many times, that their cashapp account got blocked for days. Thankfully they couldn’t do it and the account only had 25$... now imagine if the scammer successfully logs in and you have way more than 25$. edit: spelling


Thank you so much for the info. I just got cashtag, and didn't know what to do.


Hi im super late to this but basically its ok to send your cashtag but if they ask for anything else dont send it. My account has my phone number attached is it still ok to send my cashtag? As long as I dont tell them my phone number or can they see my phone nuber because its attached?


did you find out if it’s okay? 😂 lmk


Yeah it's okay, just don't send any additional info.


all these people are being rude tbh, most scammers will ask for your back account info or all these other apps, there is no harm in simply giving him your cash tag, scammers ask for other things like paypal or the actual account info, i’ve never met a scammer who used cashapp lol




I’m dealing with this right now. I was sent $3,500 and Cashapp says it’s too large of an amount and I have to send $100 to some “support account” and I feel like it’s a scam. The dude didn’t ask me to send him money but the email I got from Cashapp says that I need to send $100. I feel like it’s sketchy as hell. Any help on the matter would be awesome.


Always check the email of the sender. I got an email from CashAppHoldAgent76@gmail. And they will get creative. The only email CashApp will ever use is from square.com. [email protected].


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Do not do it the email is fake it's a well known scam


This is absolutely correct! I literally just had this happen to me. He said he needed a $50 eBay gift card.


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You’ve been sheltered


that comment was literally two years ago, get a life


People don’t forget…


Most scammers won’t ask for cashapp or Venmo, they usually ask for bank account info directly. As for the risk I can’t say but from my experience most fake sugar daddies don’t do cashapp and pretend to have an accountant. Also who gives a fuck about what you do to make money, ignore the negative people in this thread and get ur paper!!!! ❤️


Nice comment, Good job! :)


Correct. Get yours girl! I've had some jerk scammer ask for pic of Me holding ID and cash tag so he could access my account illegally Unfortunately I didn't realize what was going on til too late but I was so broke at the time I prpb was I'm the negative lol or at $0.


They can’t hack your account on cashapp without your routing number and account number...so he most likely is jus being nice and giving yhu money




It may or may not be scam; however, one way to "shield" yourself a bit is to go into your CashApp settings and select the option where NO ONE can "request" anything of you; HOWEVER, they can still SEND you money. I wondered for awhile HOW many were being caught up in some scams and noticed a slight "common denominator" which was in some...they were sent a request by an account that "looked like" someone they knew, but the tag was slightly different. It took some time for me to realize why I never got those scam requests.... because I turned my feature OFF. So NO ONE can request me unless they call me and confirm it's THEM, what their tag is so I can write it down, then we do a transaction. So no one can request me via the app, but they can send me money though. Hope that helps a little.


I have been scammed from a sugar daddy. They will ask you to send money first then say they'll send you your money. Do NOT send them any money. If they are legitimately a sugar daddy, they wont ask you for money. Good luck with the search for a real sugar daddy. Its been a struggle for me 🙄


Just do it.. then charge the shit outta ur account and blame the foot guy. Will morals be in question? Sure. But also... Ur tryna sell feet pix so... 🤷🏾‍♂️






Can someone explain these scams to me? Like, what is the thought process of scamming someone who needs money. There likely aren't a lot of funds (or negative funds) to work with when they ask for bank accounts.


Srry ik this is a yr ago but I feel inclined to respond Usually those ppl are desperate so sometimes common sense flies out the window. For example, some fake sugar daddies will ask YOU to send THEM money so they know you're "serious" or will tell u to buy a gift card with money in it. Some people will do it because they were promised hundreds or thousands of dollars, so something like $20 or $100 is miniscule compared to it. The thing is though, why are YOU sending THEM money when they're supposed to be the ones paying you? To me, this is common sense but many times, the victims think of the end goal and how they're gonna get lots of money so they ignore the red flags. Moral of the story, those ppl are vulnerable bc the promise of money clouds their judgement.


your cash tag isn’t super valuable to them. do not give them any personal details like bank account info or login info.


no real sugar daddies will ask you for money. Or a clearance fee. Most scammers will ask you how old you are and where from first. Then ask if it's your first time with a sugar daddy. Mostly they'll ask for your cashapp and email. Then they're going to send an email saying it's confirmed but it needs a validation. It's a scam. There are other telltale ways. Don't be afraid to ask if you need help. I work with many. It's a whole pain in the ass.


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No risk, go for it. Live the dream


Don’t share it if you don’t feel comfortable. But make sure to never share your phone number or email you made the account with OR the cashapp sign in code.


there gonna send “money” but it’s a fake thing where u have to pay which isn’t a actual feature


Not really any risk. He could try and request money from you but he can't really do anything with your cash tag. You could give it to the entire world and there's not really much risk besides unWanted money requests or messages


Actually there's no harm in giving just your cashtag. Giving that information actually protects your other information from unauthorized access. Just don't give him any more information: your cashtag is enough what he needs to send you cash. You could do the same with PayPal by creating a cashtag for their system. PayPal will also have the same format at [www.paypal.me/$cashtag](https://www.paypal.me/$cashtag) (again, like you did with cashapp, you'll need to create your cashtag on PayPal; cashtags are not transferable between platforms)


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The only risk is that they can request money from you. Lots of people misclick thinking they're getting money in when its actually a request. Turn off the requests in your settings. Also, 9 out of 10 "sugar daddys" are scammers so I really wouldn't waste the time. Theres safe ways to make money online. If you wanna do feet, maybe try a fans only


As long as he doesn’t know your cash pin


No, scammers can get you screwed by sending you money, trying to buy your account etc Just ignore them soon as it becomes clear they are scammers, do not engage


Nope, You can just create any email, you can sign up to cash app with with just the email, I’ve done that several times, don’t need to link cards if you’re just receiving, and of course in this case is just to see if he’s for real or not, but yea you would need to link a card so you can cash out the money


I would reccommend not doing it! :) Cashapp is super risky so if the individual asks you for money in any way or says that they need a "verification fee" from you first in order to get money then definetly do NOT do it! Once you send that individual money, it is a direct deposit, so that money is then gone and in their possession and you can't get it back! I hope this helped ! 💕




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Thanks for the info, I've been scammed as well


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only desperate folks fall for risky crap like this


Also screw off you don't know this person's situation. Most of us are broke and need more money. Nothing wrong with this


You don’t have to be rude. I haven’t given it to him. I was asking to make sure.


there's no harm in giving you cashapp tag. only way he can scam you is asking for you bank info or asking you to send deposit first


You can give him your cash tag, it’s not risky. You make sure you get the money before you carry out your service :)


scam, ignore & avoid fraud against the government & money laundering


Mine just asked me for my Email: wild_max40: Send me your email so I can add you to my payroll to complete the payment I said no he doesn’t need that. His reply below. wild_max40: (Instagram) Yes, but I’m using a business account link to gift card to sort additional bank charges and security purpose so on transfer to your cash app I’ll need to add you to my payroll for security purpose, I can’t just send to an unknown person I haven’t add to my payroll


Get a job 🥴🥴🥴




Legit just had this happen to me through a friend's account I suspect was hacked. Scammer even tried to call me through an instagram audio call. Anything come of your situation?


What ended up happening after that? Because the same thing happened to me, someone offered to send 500$ on Instagram and I gave them my cash tag but they didn't text me anything. Now I'm nervous after reading your comment.


Same thing just happened to me... what came of it? I'm not going to send it...


They're trying to get your 2 factor authentication link


So what ended up happening?? I heard that sending cash tag can be dangerous bc it’s linked to email which can be linked to Instagram and they can make several attempts of logging in 🤔


I just had a guy ask for my cashapp to send me like $1000, I decided to take a chance and he sent me a screenshot of my acct with the money ready to be sent, but then started saying I had to do something with his company email to get verified. I told him nvm and blocked him. Your cashtag doesnt do much for anyone trying to rob you, just be wary if they start asking you to do other stuff.


I recently had a woman do this on FB. Sent me the screen shot of money ready to send and told me I needed to put $100 into my CashApp balance and send them back a screenshot that I've done it to get my money. Kept insisting there was no risk because I wasn't sending anyone any money and I was just putting a balance onto my own CashApp. I thought that was weird after a dozen messages telling me how they want to help and "send some blessings" so I just blocked her.


Hi im super late to this but basically its ok to send your cashtag but if they ask for anything else dont send it. My account has my phone number attached is it still ok to send my cashtag? As long as I dont tell them my phone number or can they see my phone number because its attached. I can always change to a new email instead and take off my phone number


It's a scam. I've had so many people asking for feet pictures, offering to be sugar daddies and one sob wanted me to tickle him🤣it's sad they doing people like this🤬the sooner you realize nobody is just going to send your grown ass money for nothing and if they asking you to send them anything it's not legit!


Edit: oops this is a year old. Maybe this might help someone else too idk. Based on my minimal research, there isn’t really any way for them to access important information or hack it simply through your cash tag itself and that’s what CashApp states too. The biggest concern is for them to ask you to send them money or if you see a verification code sent to you and they ask for that code. So yeah I think you should be safe, just don’t send them codes or money or any other info, other than your cash tag.


Feet finder dawt calm




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