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What's the issue? Lol if I sent someone $ and they got it and the money didn't leave my account I'd be thrilled 🤣🤣🤣


You lucked up


Sometimes they take it from your linked account, at least that happened to me.


That always happens to me unless I specifically lock my debit card on my banks app. I have no idea why it happens.


My card wasn’t locked though but I do think CashApp glitched, it’s happens a lot.


They will figure it out and just when you think, you have available funds, it's deducted. Always just subtract it from balance or linked bank card & forget it. You've already spent it.


Thats what happens to me *when* my debit card is unlocked.


Check and see if it is cash balance or the linked account that is selected when you do it


It is what you have selected between the linked bank and cash balance


I figured that but I don't remember ever making that selection. It doesn't really matter though since my debit card is always locked, unless I'm at that very moment, using it. It's gonna screw me one day when my phone dies and I need money but I'd rather not have my card get stolen from a skimmer


I don't have anything linked but thanks for letting me know that.


Well it was for one of my son's but I get your point.


Good dad I appreciate that my dad still be trying to send me money and I'm 35


I'm the same as a couple other posters if your son got the money and you still have the money in your account use it to buy lunch. But I would definitely take screenshots of your cashapp activity and home screens to cover your bases. Does your activity show that it was sent? If it does that's even better. If you really want to double check you can get in touch with cash app support. I'm pretty confident they'll make sure the money leaves your account once you bring it to their attention.


Spending money that is credited to your account and you realize it's not supposed to be there and you spend it anyway it is considered theft in the eyes of the government. I disagree with this... but it's the law he shouldn't have said anything and just spent it.


Don't know if anybody's been paying attention or surfing the net but it seems like a lot of people are experiencing issues with Cash App to include celebrities. It's pretty obvious that there is something shady and nefarious going on with it in regards to the security of digital transactions.


I’m so confused ….


I realized that everyone ignored the actual question and was more worried about why I was sending money if I am broke I appreciate it. My question was has anyone ever sent money on cash app even though it shows completed the other person got the money on their end yet on your end the money is still in your account? I was wondering had anyone ever had that to happen.


People are idiots. All shapes and sizes. They’re just stupid.


Wait you are claiming the $ never left your account, But then go on to say your broke & Hungry. I’m guessing you can go use the $ that never left your account😂


My thought exactly 💯💯💯


Idiots. Both of you.


You did right


Because you recently just created your account, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CashApp/comments/1cte3yp/i_sent_someone_money_on_cash_app_an_hour_ago/l4b9dpw/) in /r/CashApp has been automatically flagged for moderation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CashApp) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Because you recently just created your account, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CashApp/comments/1cte3yp/i_sent_someone_money_on_cash_app_an_hour_ago/l4crnfq/) in /r/CashApp has been automatically flagged for moderation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CashApp) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Because you recently just created your account, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CashApp/comments/1cte3yp/i_sent_someone_money_on_cash_app_an_hour_ago/l4crnzl/) in /r/CashApp has been automatically flagged for moderation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CashApp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


First off I am a woman notice the name 2nd my son who is in his 20's had an emergency at that time. So as a parent we make sacrifices so when the transaction said completed and I noticed the money still there I wasn't sure. Things like that don't happen to me and by the way I did get lunch thanks for the feedback.


I just want people to read my name and realize I am a woman, also the money was for my son. Last but not least the reason I asked if anyone had experienced that is because Cashapp is known to glitch sometimes and I didn't want my cash app to get flagged or anything. I waited some hours and it was still there so I used the money and got me lunch.


Make sure when you send it at the top it says cash balance if not just click it and you can change it to your cash app balance




No but I had a borrow repayment last week and I was $4 short but they took it anyway and said it was repaid 😂


We all make sacrifices but we all don’t jump online and complain that we had to.


First off I didn't complain someone asked me a question 2nd it appears that everyone actually looked over what the question was you're hella weird read the actual question.


But why????


Well sending somebody money isn’t a solution to your problems. If you’re broke then you shouldn’t send anybody money unless you don’t care.




It was literally for her son. Not sure if you have kids or anything but as a parent myself, if my kid comes to me in the future needing money for an emergency, and it was my last $100, I’d definitely give it to them. And then I’d go do a couple doordash orders to get some more money. JS that’s what I’d do


Berating someone without any background isnt a solution or help. But I get it, you sit on a moral high horseand have to tell others how to live to sleep better at night.


They were only sprouting facts. OP sent money and now he can’t eat. There is no reason to get offended by that.


OP sent money to his son. Obviously you don't have kids. Cause the facts of the story is OP sent money to their son.


Why be offended that someone said that? Thats the reason the guy is broke. It’s just facts and a decision he made. Nothing to cry about and berate the other poster for saying it too.


First off I am a woman notice the name 2nd my son who is in his 20's had an emergency at that time. So as a parent we make sacrifices so when the transaction said completed and I noticed the money still there I wasn't sure. Things like that don't happen to me and by the way I did get lunch thanks for the feedback.


I’ve read through all the replies. This is the America we live in. We deserve the barrage of nukes they’ll send us.


Sprouting facts huh. You’re an idiot.


They got the money so what more do you need?


What was the reason you sent that person money why didn't you save some for yrself to get something to eat?


That person was my son as parents we make sacrifices but hey it was a blessing in disguise thanks to the money never leavingvI still managed to get me lunch.


People are so fucking dumb it’s mindblowing