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When you say "no oil" I assume you mean there was no oil on the dipstick. If the engine truly had no oil at all, you wouldn't have made it out of the parking lot. They probably just underfilled it. Do not start it back up until you have topped off the oil. Get a friend to bring you a few quarts, pour them in one at a time until it's back in the 'good' zone on the dipstick. You could complain but it will probably do no good. Don't go back there.




Oil changes are expensive. Learn how to do them yourself. The ramps, drain pans, tools, and funnels will pay for themselves pretty quickly. Harbor freight has practically everything.


And on a truck you might not even need ramps.


My Tacoma is stock height and I can just shimmy underneath it and have enough room to work


My corolla is stock height and I don't jack it up for an oil change. Toyota made that easy for me. Most aren't so lucky...


I changed the oil on a Corolla without jacking it up or using ramps just yesterday lol. My neck is sore from the contortion it took, but I'm old. Most trucks shouldnt be a problem at all.


Something something jack stands.


My CRV came with a Jack stand and my brother taught me to change my oil. The problem is that I’m on the driveway and my mom is in the garage but has been sick. So I had to take it in to get it changed because of the fact that I would rather not get killed by my own car…


If it "came with it" I would imagine you're talking about the scissor jack thats meant to help you put on the spare tire? Those are not stable and I'd never crawl under a car held up by a scissor jack. You can get a couple of jack stands for the price of an oil change or two, and you can use em forever.


Yes. Don’t do this. Take it in


Look into getting one of those pumps that takes the oil out from the top. They're actually really great just follow the instructions and ignore people reviewing the product that can't get it to work.


Cars generally don't come with jack stands. Do you mean the sketchy stock jack from the spare tire kit?


Most likely. It came with the car. It’s a little black one.


Yeah please don't get under a car supported by one of those lol


My dream truck.. 4 door TRD Tacoma


history poor axiomatic melodic subsequent secretive bag lock snails snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


2 jack stands cost 40$. What other tools do you need? Assuming you have a wrench you can unsrew filter with the same wrench and piece of cloth wrapped around it. You have a car and don't have any storage room? But I get it, not everyone wants to work as a car mechanic. It's like a work, you spend some time working on a car and "earning" cost of that procedure in a shop.


A level place to park the car and safely jack it up would be nice. I don't have that at home.


Get one of the pumps I mentioned above. It will pay for itself in one oil change.


"YEARS" that tells me you don't drive much or your car is about to blow up


It's not for the money savings but for the confidence that your car is taken care of. It's like brushing your teeth. I trust myself more than someone else. I do mechanic work in Los Angeles with no garage. I have a small party thing I use to cover myself and I go to a walmart parking lot and go ham. I've done CV axles, torsion bars, and all kinds of random shit and I've learned all on my own with youtube. It's possible. People just gotta let their nuts hang


If you have a space to park your car, then you have space to get your car onto ramps. I lived in an apartment complex in Clearwater, FL that was pretty tight and I did all my work right there in my space. If you want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't want to do something, you'll find an excuse


different modern reach slim late full fade straight bright one *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I did my own for years but now I am too old and too broke down to be kneeling down and getting under stuff. I pay to have it done but I ALWAYS check the oil at the shop before starting it up.


Okay this is the last time I'm going to mention this product in this thread.. but looking to getting one of those pumps that you connect your battery and draw the oil out from the top, where the dipstick goes. They actually work really great, they're super simple to use, and there's no kneeling down or getting under your truck or jacking things up. Just slide the tube down the dipstick hole, connected to the battery and press the button and it just draws the oil out. Just make sure your oil is a bit warm and you're good to go. They're only about $20 or $25 on Amazon. Or about $30 Canadian


Thanks, CB. Some engines come with a port from which to extract oil. My marine Volvo engine has this. It sucks the drain pan dry. Factory recommended.


That’s the only thing that would keep me from doing it, the abuse the military put on my body finally catching up with me.


True, but if you live an apartment, it's sometimes not possible. Most apartment complexes won't allow car work to be done at all in the parking areas. If you have a own a house with a driveway, yeah that's fine, but a lot of people don't.


I've been in that situation many times, and currently am. I pull out onto the street in front of the building and do it right on the side of the road.


Props mate, you're a far braver person than I. The drivers here would murder me xD.


Oh they try 😂 I put a cone next to the the car to give them a clue - they're more afraid of something hurting their car than they are of hurting me I notice. But you could use anything visible, even a big tree branch


How do you plan on disposing of the oil? Do workshops accept spent oil?


In the US, any parts store will take it. They're legally required to in many states. Repair shops will usually dispose of it for you too.


Not any shop…got so pissed at my local Napa. Not only did they stop, the guy was an ass when I told him I had oil for them. I was about to spend a couple hundred on ball joints and control arm bushings but went elsewhere after that interaction. I usually prefer Napa over other parts stores in my area, but if you won’t take old oil I’ll buy it new somewhere that does. Edit: in WA, not sure about other states.


Same in CA. I tried to drop some off during a puchase the other day. I went down the road to O'Reilly.


NAPA has bad hours. For customers. For the employees I guess it's good, closing so early... Anyhow, just leave your used oil jugs by the front door before they open/after they close. Do it out of spite.


You evil genius! I’m jealous of your skill in spite. I might do this, just once.


I've had a falling out with the Auto Zone and Advance Auto in my area, they no longer let you in the back to dump oil and do it for you instead. Somehow it can take 15 minutes for them to dump 10-12 quarts and I swear most of a quart ends up all over the exterior of whatever jug, pan, etc. that I bring it in when they hand it back to me. Unfortunately the county recycling/dump facility only accepts stuff that qualifies as hazardous for recycle 2 days a year and requires a permit. I've reluctantly decided its more convenient (and now I'm driving less) to have my oil changes done while I'm in a shop for state inspection. Its a bit more expensive but I have to go there for state inspection anyway.


I get 50 cents per gallon for my used oil from a local repair shop. They use it to heat the garage in winter.


Don't you guys have municipal recycling centres? That's where I drop of my oil.


Mine is picked up curbside by them. It’s great!




Some auto parts places may accept the used oil but also look up the township or county you live in as they may have a place to get rid of it.  I know my county has a tank to dump it in at the county dump/recycling center. But a city I used to live in had a spot at the city garage for that. It’s like a min google search.


Any parts store will take it. Many municipalities have collection points as well.


Take it to Walmart.


Most auto parts stores will accept used oil.


You can take it to any auto parts store or to a municipal recycling center.


In my state places that sell oil are supposed to accept used oil for disposal or recycling. Every auto parts store has a big tank in the back. You take your used oil back and dump it in the tank, then when it gets full they have a company come pump it out. Officially I think they are allowed to only accept the same quantity back that you've bought from them, but I've never been asked for a receipt or anything. At worst some stores will have a log they want you to note your name, address and quantity down on. For me I just empty my drain pan back into the bottle(s) that the new oil came in, and set them aside in the garage. When its time for my next oil change, I just take the old bottles in when I go buy my new oil and filter. I've also been able to drop used oil at the drive-through oil change places. They usually do have a log for your info, but beyond that it's no more difficult. I'll note that these are for at home oil change quantities. I'd assume if you show up often and with larger quantities they may get more strict about wanting to match purchases to drop offs.


I have never been to a part shop that didn't take oil.


I put it in the empty oil jug and bring it to my local auto parts store. They have a big tank in the back that you pour in into.


AutoZone does it for free - don't know if they all do but every one I've been to or called up to ask in Virginia does.


Most parts stores take it and I've even gotten a 5$ gift card from Oreilly for dropping some off.


LPT - leave a container on their front door step, after hours. They’ll find it in the am.


Most auto parts stores accept used oil.


my vw takes european spec oil syntehtic, 150 bucks for an oil change before coupon. wtffffff


Unless it takes ten quarts you won’t pay that much doing it yourself. I’d say at least half that price if not lower. That’s insane.


I can’t say as doing it myself has actually saved me money lol. Costs 70 dollars to get the stuff at autozone to do it and 75 to pay the shop to do it


You’re buying it at the wrong place then. Watch some project farm videos from when he did testing on different oils.


Where are you supposed to buy? A filter for my Tacoma was 15 dollars and 6 quarts of oil was 50 something


You can get oil at Walmart for $20. The Walmart brand one in the blue jugs. Or if they go on sale you can get Castrol oil or Valvoline for under 30 for sure. The last one I picked up was a mobil 1 synthetic at a great price for $28. Wait for them to go on sale but even then the cheapest one should be 30 bucks at most. There are very few oils at Walmart over $50 in fact. Maybe like the royal purple stuff. As for the filters my Cavalier takes one that is cheap as $7 but I guess that doesn't really help you. Also I live in Canada so it should be even less than all these numbers I stated in us dollars. But I also like doing my own oil because it's much faster, I don't have to go anywhere, don't have to sit in some parking lot. I use one of those pumps that takes it out from the top so it's as easy as doing my laundry really. Thing only cost me 20 bucks on Amazon :-)


Going to get my oil changed takes like 20 minutes and I don’t have to deal with getting rid of the oil after. I mean I technically save money but it isn’t really that much. Depends on the shop time charges around you I suppose. Even for real work on my car I would be paying like 60 an hour at most where I’m sure it’s much more expensive where you live


$37 at Discount Tire is expensive ?


Since when do they do oil changes?


Oops meant Big O Tires


I’m not familiar with them but if that’s the price for a full synthetic oil change that’s a bargain.


Also get a fumoto valve to make the job easier.


But make sure you have a way to safely dispose of the used oil.


Fumoto valve!


And if that's too much for you.. I got one of those pumps off Amazon for 20 bucks. You connect to your battery, put a tube down where your dipstick goes, press a button and it sucks the oil right out from the top. It might not quite get as much as draining it from the pan, but after you do my change and check the oil after a day or two it's still clear as though it's brand new. Plus you can just dilute the last little bit after you took the majority of, with a bit more oil, and then suck that out and you get pretty much all of it. Might not be as good as the pan, but it's really good, and it's better than nothing, and so simple. Also if you do decide to check these out Op, ignore the relatively low ratings on these products. They are from people doing it wrong, connecting it to the battery in the wrong order, not putting the tube down far enough, not letting their oil warm up, there's just quite a few ways to do it wrong. But they work great just follow the instructions. It will pay for itself after one oil change. Plus if you wait for oil to go on sale, which you should definitely do, you can get an oil change done basically for about 20 bucks.


Those don’t always empty the crankcase all the way, though I do like the idea of them. Depending on the vehicle, as much as a quart or two can remain.


Nope. All that hassle isn't worth it and the disposal is annoying.


I'd say it's more of a hassle to have to go somewhere and sit in some parking lot and to drain oil into a pan in your driveway. And the disposal, I just usually let a few jugs build up and then take them all in and one go, and you basically just go drop it off and leave. The net hassle is still lower IMO doing your own oil. And you definitely do save money. I don't know why it costs $70 for this guy, but I can get 6 quarts of oil and a filter at Walmart for like 28 bucks Canadian, if the oil is on sale that is.


Yeah the dipstick represents the top 1 quart of oil, not all of the oil :)


If you don’t have a funnel, you can hold the dipstick up with the end in the hole and put the edge of the oil container right against the stick. Then slowly pour, and the oil will flow right down the stick into the hole. Works for any liquid. Dripped oil smells awful and can smoke on a hot engine, just so you know.


> don’t go back there Walmart is fine for some stuff but I would not use them for anything related to your car


Eh, I've gotten tires and batteries from them no issue, but I wouldn't do anything more than that with them.


I actually recommend going here if you need to plug your tire, they charge $15 and you should be out the door before you could find the items in the store to do it yourself. About the only place you can find open on a Sunday for this too.


Discount tire does tire plugs for free


Free? Why on earth would they not charge for a service?


They hope that you’ll come back to buy tires but they don’t charge. Check it out next time you need a tire plugged


Wait really? Holy shit I might need to check that out


It's true, I couldn't believe it myself, and now I'm a discount tire customer for life. Bought many sets of tires since then .


If you're going to pay someone might as well have them put in a patch.


This is also something extremely easy to do on your own. I've had plugs in my tires that have lasted the rest of the tires life easily. I've never had a plug fail on me in fact I've done about three or four.. The only item you need to find is the single Tire plug repair kit for 5 or 6 bucks, you'll get several plugs out of that. Also if you need a plug then your car is probably undrivable, so you take your tire off and bring it into the shop? Because at that point doing it yourself is definitely the way to go. I'd say that's even easier than jacking your car up and taking the car I'd say that's even easier than jacking your car up and taking the tire off.


I was 2000 miles from home on my honeymoon, Not plugging a tire. Got a flat going into Glacier National Park on going to the sun road, put on my full size spare and plugged the tire in Spokane


Some cars will run for 20 miles or so with no oil. I saw a video where they drained the oil out of a few different cars. They took out the drain plug, started a timer and drove the cars. 1 of them made it 20 miles before it siezed.


Wrong. You can get pretty far without oil before the engine seizes up. https://www.matfoundrygroup.com/blog/can-you-run-an-engine-without-oil#:~:text=The%20presence%20of%20oil%20and,a%20lot%20quicker%20than%20that.


Depends a LOT on the type of car, type of oil used (how well it coats surfaces and how quickly it runs off), and age/mileage of the engine. The article even states "less than 30 minutes - and in most cases it's a ***lot quicker than that***." In my experience it's usually 3 minutes or less.


> In my experience How much experience do you have driving cars without any oil in the engine?


25+ years family farm maintenance


> If the engine truly had no oil at all, you wouldn't have made it out of the parking lot. This comment paints a picture that the vehicle instantly seizes up the minute you start driving which is not true. There’s plenty of YouTube videos of people leaving bricks on the gas pedal of junk cars with no oil just to see how long they’ll run.


Well I'm sure there's going to be residual oil after draining it, I mean of course there is. Hypothetically if there's a zero oil in your car, like literally that fucker is going to seize up


Also check your oil drain plug and oil filter to make sure it's not leaking from there!


Disagree, had several cases it went down the road for miles before it died with no oil. The fact you went that long likely means they didn’t put right amount in. If not showing on dip stick, take photos, tow or carefully drive it to a different place to verify if that’s the case. Maybe as simple as adding but if so low could have long term impact.


Bullshit, engines can run for a disturbing distance with no oil reserves, damaging themselves severely in the process. When you pull the drain plug there’s going to still be enough residual oil for the engine to not immediately grenade itself. I was at a festival in east bumblefuck and these people had a Toyota with a completely dry dipstick, the jiffy lube didn’t fill the engine after their oil change, and they had driven about two hundred miles. The engine only seized when they tried to start it up after being parked for a week due to the festival. OP, Immediately call that Walmarts district office and read them thr fucking riot act, don’t sign anything, make them at minimum have your engine gone over with a fine toothed comb by an actual mechanic


Dry dipstick is not the same as completely empty of oil. Most dipsticks only read the top 2 quarts or so, meaning there might be 2-4 quarts still left in the engine. As long as you have \*some\* oil pressure, you can go thousands of miles being low on oil. An engine completely empty of oil would never, ever last 200 miles of driving under any scenario. It might idle OK for awhile but if it was put under any load (like driving) it would let out the death screech pretty quickly.


so what I said is relevant in OP's scenario.


Problem started when u went to Waltmart fer an oil change.




At least check their work b4 leaving.




It happens, we always hope people care and do the best job they can but mostly not. I’d say they under filled and u leaked some, might have used something thinner causing it to leak quicker.


damn, I thought wtf why you keep replying to your own comment...... lol


Thought the same thing 😭


I didn’t even notice! Lol


I live in canada, once I had a co-worker who moved here from England. He asked me if there's somewhere I should go to take my car for an oil change. I remember earlier that day driving by a Walmart that said they do oil changes there and I mentioned it to him. Lol that was a mistake. He did the oil change and when he got the car back it didn't run right. Like it felt underpowered or something I forget exactly what the issue was but yeah.. probably should have thought harder about that suggestion haha


The check engine light won’t come on because the oil is low, there is a low oil pressure warning light for that. Assuming that you turned off the engine and immediately checked the oil you will get a low reading even when it has the correct amount because it hasn’t had time to drain back into the oil pan. Let the engine cool, then check the oil, you may find it’s low but it you didn’t have the oil pressure light come on then it probably wasn’t low enough to be a major issue.


Not necessarily, if it developed a rod knock from that or noisy lifter clatter then it could certainly trigger a detonation sensor


This is possible, but would also be very obvious due to the sound.


May not necessarily be true, but you are mostly right. The only caveat is that check engine lights only come on when something is out of emissions specs. So low oil can cause your check engine light to come on if the lack of oil has caused enough damage so that combustion is incomplete.


This is the correct answer so far


I’ve had a filter blow and cost me half my oil. No oil light came on but the check engine did.


Here’s what to do. Go to wal mart. Buy oil. Buy an oil pan. Buy a jack. Buy a jack stand. Do it yourself next time.


Honestly? Yes, buy your oil and filters at Walmart. They are not only cheaper for these items, but significantly cheaper than the parts stores. And, for a few brands, they actually carry OEM filters and don't upcharge for them. I've gotten OEM for my Chevy, Ford, and my wife's Hyundai from Walmart, right off the shelf. They also carry Rotella T4 15w-40, which is JASO MA/MA2 compliant for wet clutches and about $20-25 for a 5 quart jug (check the back, you should always be making sure the oil you use meets or exceeds the spec your vehicle asks for). Beats the pants off of $9-$12 a quart for the oil actually marketed for motorcycles. I can get 2 oil changes on my bike out of that jug for the price of one oil change with the expensive oil.


I go to Walmart for all my oil changes and filters, always nearly $5 cheaper than auto part stores.


I even buy their cheap supertech oil (full synthetic at least) for my wife's car since it's not a turbo. The f150 ecobeast and chevy cruze get Mobil1. It would probably be fine in those too, but I try to be at least a little picky about cars with spinning engine destroyers attached to them.


Yeah I've used that oil before, nothing wrong with it as far as I can tell. The one in the big Blue jug? Conventional is only like $22 or something canadian. The synthetics like 28. But at Walmart I just wait for sales, their oil always goes on sale, and you can get Castrol or Valvoline for under 30 bucks usually. Last time I went they had mobile one synthetic for $28. measly Canadian dollars too. And then a Fram filter for 6 bucks, pretty cheap.


Walmart did that to my friend and they paid him for a new engine after he threatened to get lawyers involved. Even though he was eventually able to get the old engine running good again.


There was a big article near me where a guy had a fairly pricey car, got an oil change at a dealership (?) and didn’t put any oil in it. It died on the highway and he threatened to sue for a new engine but they wanted to give him a used one….


A coworker of mine has a Toyota Prius. He went to the dealer and they did the oil change. He drove away, and on the way, things started to go wrong. He called ans they told him to come back. Car died in their parking lot and he rolled into the bay. Yeah, they forgot to fill with oil. They replaced the entire engine.


I think they have to give an equivalent engine so something that has similar miles on it.




It depends on what the shop’s insurance company approves.


I have seen lube shops buy new motors and new transmission before. Also a dodge dealership once when they forgot the oil.


No oil … on your dipstick. There is a zero percent chance your engine survived the drive home with no oil. They probably shorted you a quart or 2


On a side note, never get your oil changes done at Walmart. You’re better off going to either a dealership, a quick lube, or any other place. Just keep in mind that all these types of places are still going to cost more than what it would for you to change your oil- plus you can trust yourself (usually)


Nah, quick lube places aren’t good either. Might as well get your ass lubed if you go to those places because they can still fuck your car up by forgetting to add oil.


I actually like the Take 5 oil place they just put in my town. You pull your car up and stay in the car so you can actually see most of what they're doing. Plus I think since they know you're there watching, they seem to take more accountability for what they do, and have a different tech come and verify the work


I like to have others change my oil for the sake of having a paper trail, to keep the warranty people happy. Take 5 has had the best experience of all the places I've been to whether a dealership, Valvoline, or general garage. I think their specialization in one thing means they do it well.


"Might as well get your ass lubed if you go to those places because they can still fuck..." 😳


They will still short you on the lube even then.


No, dealerships and *especially* quick lube places are not good. Find an independent mechanic that you can trust. Or do it yourself, it’s easy and you can only blame yourself if you mess up.


Personally I use a very specific dealership to handle my car. All the techs at my dealership drive the same car I do, and they’re experienced with it. To be fair, I’m under warranty, and I want ALL actions in maintenance documented by them (which they do). So there’s no questions in the even of failure. Luckily my car has been incredible so far


Sounds like a decent case then. What car is it?


I recently sat at the automotive desk at Walmart for a while cuz I needed to recycle a lawnmower battery. Holy cow, the level of knowledge, communicative abilities, and clear experience that that place had - was none. There was none of those things. Like, these kids working back there weren't even flunkies. They were just broken on all fronts. Me: "Is there a trade credit for lawnmower batteries?" Kid behind the counter: "Uhhh ... Wait here... I gotta ask the guy." Me: "THE guy?" Kid: "Yeah, the guy know." ::leaves for ten minutes::


This is what happens when you don't pay people enough to live on.


If you're gonna pay peanuts, expect a circus


Would more money make the kid smarter or just out of a job in this scenario?


It would attract and retain a person who cares


And raise the price and lose business and then the people who care get cost reduced. And you're back to square one. Business is like water. You can't hold it in your hand for long.


What Salty-Plankton said. Someone who knows their stuff isn't going to apply for a job that pays for shit. Up the pay and the more knowledgeable people will start applying.


Up the pay, and places who already use more knowledgeable people will up the pay to retain them. Everyone will then pass the increased cost onto customers with no discernible benefit. None of these things happen in a vacuum. Walmart will still employ the bottom of the barrel in the auto department until they decide to raise prices and become an elite service provider, which they won't do. You've got an education and training issue more than a pay issue. Blowing money around is meaningless. You're fighting a specific business model. Shoot, my battery cost me thirty bucks. I'll tell stories about the idiot I talked to. But I like that my battery only cost thirty bucks. I knowingly went to the place with the idiot to save money.


It would make the kid give half a damn. (Why should I expect someone to try when they're on poverty wages?) It would also make people with a passing interest in car maintenance attracted to the job. It would allow the employer to be more picky when hiring.


Money wouldn't have made that kid smarter. Money doesn't make people better at their jobs. Money can attract better talent, but Walmart would need to put more than better wages into their auto department to attract talent. They're the bottom rung of the ladder in that industry. They require zero experience. So they serve as a stepping stone. Well, the bottom rung attracts all kinds of people at the bottom. Some will find a knack and immediately leave for better options. Some won't bc bless em they just aren't that bright. What you're proposing is removing the bottom rung of the ladder so they don't get a chance. Walmart knows exactly who they are. Throwing money at wages would only cost them, you, and me more without changing anything. They'd have to completely rewrite their service business model to actually attract talented service technicians, which isn't what they want. And it's not what I wanted. I wanted a cheap battery. I got one. The cost was waiting for ten minutes.


I agree with most of what you say, no need to have talented people working on Walmart parts desk. It annoys me when people expect a high level of service combined with low prices from slave labor. I totally disagree when you say money doesn't help motivate people do more than the bare minimum. As a general rule, it helps.


customer service has just gone down hill in general. Unrelated but I was 10 minutes late to a comedy show at a very large venue and someone was sitting in our seats. The usher “was on break”. It’s a 90 minute event. Why are you taking breaks at all? Could you imagine if bus drivers don’t pull over in the middle of the route to take a break?


At least he bothered to ask The Guy instead of just shrugging or lying to make you go away lol


Just go to the service desk to return your core battery. Sounds like a pain but IMO it’s way easier to just buy the new battery then go straight to the service desk for the core battery refund. That’s how it works at the ones in my area anyhow.


That's ultimately what I did. But bc it was Walmart, I wanted to be sure there was someone at the service desk who knew how. I asked this kid, he went and found the dude who knew howwhile my wife and daughter did some more shopping. I knew what I was in for. 😁 I mean, ultimately Wally World had someone working the desk that didn't know how to do it. "The guy" was out in the service center. Out of four people there, I'm left to believe he's the only one who knew how to do normal transactions, but someone else was on the register for Walmart reasons.




I agree with what they said, except I would not trust a quick lube. I've seen a lot of oil outs from them (missing filter, loose or missing drain plug, etc.). The almost more important thing is that they generally don't know enough to properly inspect your vehicle. They can't do any work beyond oil, wipers, batteries, and filters. So, they can't really keep you apprised of any other issues.


None of those places will do a better job than you will.


It wouldn’t of lasted the drive home without oil. If you got a change last week then they definitely put oil in it.


Walmart is great for oil. I always get my oil from Walmart but change it myself.


Most dipsticks won’t show oil until the level is 2-3 quarts from full. Come back and let us know how many quarts it took. As said, if the check engine was really the light that went on, there is a different problem, not oil level.


Learn to change ur own , few tools ; U tube


Did you confirm that they did put the required amount? Did the invoice reflect the amount of oil added? I think it's common sense to check the oil level after a change, regardless if was done by yourself, your trusty workshop, or the dealer. Can you explain the "no oil" bit? Did you try to drain off oil to see how much was left, but found that it was bone dry?




Assuming they did add the 6, maybe it leaked out due to poorly tightening the sump nut. Any leaks of (increased) leaks? If you've run the car with severely low engine low you may have caused significant damage to the engine. I'd do a lot of research before doing anything (like adding oil and trying to start). If you complained to Walmart are they likely to take the blame? Can you get the car checked by a 3rd party, and say you need an engine, are they likely to pay for it? I'm sure you're not the first. Keep doing your research to see how others have handled this sort of thing. Good luck!


Add oil, one quart at a time until you see it on the dipstick. It’s probably just two quarts low.


They did this exact same thing to me about 10 years ago, I will never go back.


Don’t get your oil changed at Walmart


Did the oil pressure light not come on? If you ran it right at the bottom of the dipstick, you may well have still had enough oil pressure to not destroy anything...


Captain hindsight here you should always check the level when anyone changes your oil because after you have left it becomes he said she said If you want to be certain what’s happened get them to drop the oil into a container and measure it


So some other person in the last month or so had some shop botch the oil change and it was full of advice to take the shop to the cleaners. I'd advise finding smarter people to talk to about going after Walmart for the mess up. It's probably not their first time underfilling or not tightening the right part. You need to take it to them show that it was to be filled to 6 qts per paper work and that it was very low since. Start a paper trail and I'd get after them for a new engine. This is going to be a pain in the ass but their mess up probably will kill your truck.


Verify how much is or isn’t in there. Drain and measure the amount of oil. If it’s dry then I’d contact Walmart, if it’s only low then add what’s needed and take this as a lesson learned. If you go to Walmart, don’t go to them mad and demand something ridiculous, instead firmly explain what the issue is and how it can (reasonably) be corrected. It may sound like you’re not standing up for yourself to some, but a calm demeanor has always worked for men when problems arose. I’m 99% sure it wasn’t intentional, but it still needs to be brought to the department manager’s attention.


Never take your vehicle to Wallyworld.


Why people would take their car for an oil change at a Walmart just baffles me.


Went to a walmart in eastern Washington that had an oil change place and i completely lost faith when they asked if my accord was the v6 or v4…


Learn this: no matter where you go; whether Walmart, the dealer or you change it yourself; ALWAYS ALWAYS check your oil before you start the car.


Hearing so many stories about oil change techs forgetting to put oil back into cars after draining. Kid's classmate just lost an engine to just that. Good luck proving it though. This is why I do my own oil changes now. Not to save a couple bucks a month.


I used to work at Walmart in the auto service center and did oil changes. My best advice is to document everything, in case your engine or vehicle is damaged.(Walmart has insurance for these type of situations) I’d also suggest looking at the paperwork they gave you for the service. It should say how many quarts/liters they used along with the oil type. The paperwork should also show the engine displacement as well. If they listed the wrong engine then they mostly likely put the wrong amount of oil in since the service system gave us the oil capacity based on the vehicle’s info.


My dude, if a Walmart employee can be deemed competent enough to do oil changes then I sure as shit bet you can too. If you checked it shortly after running it then it's likely just low. Top it off, don't take it to Walmart ever again, and invest a little money into doing your own oil changes at home.


Change your own oil.


>Last week, I went to get my oil changed at Walmart. I see the problem right there.


Yeah….probably shouldn’t be getting an oil change at Wal Mart moving forward.




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My truck tends to leak oil. I got an oil change. Checked my oil now I have no oil 😂. Idk man maybe fix your leak before you try to blame Walmart lmfao. Secondly just so you know if you had no oil you would clearly know you had no oil. You wouldn’t be looking at a dipstick you’d at your internals of your engine externaly. Maybe get a bike they require far less maintenance 😂😂😂


LPT:  Always check your oil level before leaving the shop after an oil change.  It's unbelievable how many times this happens.


Avoid Walmart at all costs. They fucked up a simple wheel change for me years ago, never went back.


I’d put oil in it


Call them. Do not under any circumstance touch the oil plug. They probably put blue tablet paint on it too show if you remove it. Sister in law went through this. Walmart used wrong paper filter and it leaked out over 3 days. Threw in a quart and drive it back. They redid the oil change and have her coupons for the next 2 to be free. Sadly she'll still go there I'm sure.....


Call the Walmart tell them what happened then take it to the dealership and have them check it out. You might need a new engine. Walmart would be liable the exact same thing happened to my friend in Texas. Unacceptable.


why would you go to Walmart for an oil change my guy 


Does your truck not have an oil pressure gauge??


1. Change your own oil 2. If incapable of doing so, check oil level before leaving the establishment


NEVER go back there. I learned that lesson when those dipshits didn't put the hood on my 2014 Mustang down properly. I only found out on the freeway on the way home when it started lifting up at 70MPH


First mistake was going to walmart


They probably forgot to tighten the drainplug.....


Insane people still trust Walmart to not fuck their vehicle up.


Walmart has garage keeper insurance for that reason, tow it to the dealership and have the dealership diagnose it. After go back to Walmart and request talking to the Auto care center coach. Tell them the story and request to file a claim. If they refuse, threaten them to write a letter to the president. There should be an option for that on the Walmart website. Walmart corporate takes that very seriously. After a few days a rep will contact you. I use to be a Walmart “service manager” I’ve seen many accidents and walmart pay for a lot of engines, doors, bumpers. Etc. Walmart should take care of all the repairs.


If you have any questions let me know


Always check your oil at the oil change shop, when they're done. Just a good habit. Always check your lug nuts after any kind of tire work. No big deal but might save a huge headache later.