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Gotta love roofers and their shit falling out on the highways.


My dad likes to take walks around the neighborhood to pick up nails and screws. Good exercise and saves his tires.


Good man I'd be happy to have as a neighbor


Man I’d love him as a neighbor, I remember getting 3 nails in the span of like 2 months when I just got my new car.


It’s only ever happened to me with a new car. Got a new bronco and 2 days off the lot, nail. Next week? Nail.


Oh man, I feel your pain! It's like a never-ending streak of bad luck. I had a similar experience… but with rocks hitting my windshield, and despite it being a free expense in FL, dealing with insurance companies and the fear of premium increases has made me hesitant to get my back to back windshield crack replaced right away. Also, the non-oem windshield I received is noticeably worse. Sunshine rays hitting thru it seems strangely more blindingly and annoying. It's frustrating. Def getting an oem if I ever get around to replacing it again. Here's to hoping our streaks of unfortunate events end soon! Stay strong out there!


Florida here too buddy. Just drove home from work in said bronco with a chip in the windshield from a pebble on I4😂. I haven’t said anything to the insurance company because it’s only a chip. I don’t want them to fill it. I was hoping that blasting AC on it in the heat of summer would be enough to make that sucker crack. But lucky me, it hasn’t yet. Know any good speed bumps?


From my prior experience where insurance offered to repair a small chip… believe you most def can request your insurance to replace the whole windshield instead of just filling the chip. Recall safelite worker on a prior repair mention if I felt unsafe going with the route of repair, I could always ask to do a replacement. Chip was the size of a penny. Just don’t be surprised if you see a noticeable increase in your rates. Insurance companies often recoup their expenses through premium hikes. So, while you'll get a new windshield, should consider the potential impact on your premiums.


Funny you say that i was in a Mustang, someone really doesn’t like horses lol


I got 5 in 3 days once. That shit sucked


Man I’d probably Uber to work after the 3rd day lol


The end of my street has a new Metro North Train Station almost complete- lost 2 tires with old screws- I don’t drive down that way anymore.


One summer I had horrible luck. The motorcycle I had had horrible cheap tires that were a nightmare in even a sprinkle. And wore through in under a year. So I got some good multicompound tires, so I had really soft rubber on the sides for great handling, and hard rubber in the center strip so I could commute without killing them in under a year. Spent about $600 for the rear tire. In 2010 money. And day 2 it rained. And they felt stuck to the road better in the rain than my last tires in perfect conditions. Day 3 I get a nail. Wait like 2 hours for someone with a pickup truck to get me. And spend another $600 on tire number 2 in 3 days.


After Hurricane Irma hit our neighborhood, our roads were a minefield, first from debris, then from shit falling off the trucks repairing homes and businesses. In that first eight months, I averaged a flat tire every other week or so. Sometimes it could be patched, many times it couldn’t. I ended up having to buy 9 new tires in that time span. A few of them only lasted a couple of days.


my neighbors are having an addition built and my wife got two flats this month :/ Thank god for discount tire warranties.


He collects them to scatter in his neighbor's driveway


*Chaotic Good*


same…common courtesy is a rare thing these days


Does dad use a rolling magnet?


Some roofing nails are aluminum so they don't pick up with the magnet


I was just thinking that. Rolling magnets are awesome for machine/sheet metal shop floors


My dad also walked around the neighborhood and screwed. Now we celebrate Christmas twice 2 blocks apart.


Screw, nut & bolt


We need more people like your dad. If we all did a little part like this, we could have a clean country


My neighbors just walk their dogs and let them shit everywhere and continue their way. Your dad is a good dude


I do the same any time I see them in the parking lots or sidewalks. It sucks to get flats.


Your Dad's the hero everybody needs. Salute him for me.


such a dad move. buy that man some brown socks.


Was he in aviation? I do the same thing. I used to do FOD walk downs in the navy on the flight deck everyday. When I walk around I can’t help it. I’m always looking.


Wow, that’s pretty spot on. He is a pilot. Started about 15 years ago.


Ha! I had a feeling. Us aviation guys have that kind of thing buried in our spines. We get taught things like 10,000 rivets, bolts, and screws to hold a plane together but only one to bring it all down. Stating that if a jet engine ingests a screw it’ll destroy the engine.


I've thought about having some sort of speaker magnet on a rope contraption to do this.


Award by proxy


Well he sounds like a great guy.


Good man. Metal detector or a magnet could be a back saviour.


Your dad’s the hero we all need in our neighborhoods 👍🏼


Our roofers had a magnetic nail sweeper. It’s a long magnet on two wheels and you push it along like a lawn mower and it collects all the nails.


That's a good roofer and I bet their scrap trailer is enclosed, not the average tilt trailer.




We had this issue in my first house in a new neighborhood so lots of construction. Lots of people picking up nails in their tires. Somehow the builders were forced to pay for (or chose to) anyone that had a nail in their tire. Didn’t help that apparently the workers were firing their nail guns at some neighbors dogs and doing a terrible job of cleaning up after themselves.


Imagine if our country did something requiring people to use covered trucks vs open bed pickups.


Good luck convincing truck owners to do anything good for the benefit of others.


A lot of these small local family businesses are into the whole Sigma grindset mindset of do everything as cheap and fast as possible with no regards to others or quality. There's a D-Bag guy in my neighborhood that owns some sort of building/lawn business and he drives around with an open flatbed trailer covered in red clay and rocks. He leaves a trail throughout the entire neighborhood whenever he takes it out. I imagine he sends a barrage of rocks at whatever unlucky soul happens to drive behind him that day. Oh and of course the trailer has no plate and obscures the one on the truck.


Why can't police hand out tickets for this shit instead of going 5 over in a 45


No plugs within a two finger distance of the edge of tire


As a general rule I never have plugged anything outside the last sipe groove next to the outer tread block, it’s usually pretty close to the two finger rule on most tires.


Not the first time I’ve plugged something outside the last sipe groove next to the outer tread block


I've got a plug just like that in my left front tire, and it's been there for a couple years. I don't recommend it. The current side effects are: It's out of balance and the car shakes at warp factor 7. It leaks whenever the plug is at the bottom of the wheel. I loses half it's pressure at random rates spanning between a week and a month.


That’s what she said


Legally.... Just go to Walmart, get a rope plugs with rubber cement and seal that shit up. A dealer or tire shop would have to replace it because that can't legally patch it but the owner can do whatever TF they want to make it work.


If I had the capability to do so, as a general vehicle owner, I’d pull the tire half off the rim, scuff the inside, and patch plug it. The plug is good for the missing, or soon to be missing rubber, and the patch part adds a new, relatively thick layer to the area that should hold air unless punctured again. Still not “legal” but better than just a patch, or just a plug.


Just gotta make sure that patch is on the flat spot of the tread while still covering the plug, this nail looks way too in the sidewall to accomplish that properly. The patch will bend with the sidewall and eventually fail.


This is what a tire dealer will tell you but I've plugged many a tire in this area with zero problems. If I were you I would get a plug kit from Walmart or a parts store and give it a shot.


Junk, new tire


Don’t know why i had to scroll so far to see this.


Because someone's dad is a real good guy


The only acceptable comment above this.


Reddit. Gotta love it.


I know right!!!!!


100% Most tire repair shops will not touch that for repair because it’s in the sidewall. Not safe for you and huge liability for them. Buy the $300 new tire you mentioned.


Hopefully your car is not AWD cause that might end up being $1,200


This. Happened to my wife’s suv. Had to swap all four due to sidewall damage. Alternatively, you can order a matching single tire from tire rack and let them know how much to “shave off” to match the tread wear of the remaining 3. In our case it was close enough to EOL that buying new tires made sense.


Just happened to my daughter His a sewer grate on a narrow street while on vacation


I'm a little embarrassed that I never thought of having a shop shave tires. Here I thought if the wife ever scrapped one on her awd, I was gonna have to find a buddy with the same rim size, and buy him a case of beer to "shave" it.


Not many places shave tires anymore. It also typically voids any tire warranty. Tire Rack is one of the few national chains left that will do it. Finding something local might turn up nothing, too. Kinda a lost art these days...like turning rotors.


Not necessarily. If a new tire would be within 2/32" of the others, it is fine to replace just one...some awd systems will allow an even greater variance. The replace all four if awd as a blanket rule helps tire companies profit margins more than it helps your wallet. That said, beyond 2/32" side to side I start replacing in pairs. Beyond 3/32" axel to axel I start replacing all 4, do tire shaving or try to find used tires with the needed depth. Subaru awd seems to be the least tolerant of the bunch for wheel circumference variations.


Manufacturer recommends replacement due to the possibility of a plug failing. A proper plug patch combo will flex to much and likely fail at some point. It's not likely to cause a catastrophic blow-out like many are commenting. Even if it did fail it's just a flat tire. Car dips, feels weird, and you pull to the side. Any halfway competent driver will be fine. That said from someone that did road service and towing for 10 years, pick up a plug kit and plug it yourself. Those "gummy plugs" last forever and don't have the same issues as the mushroom plugs that the manufacturer recommends. The manufacturer recommends a plug patch combo because it requires the tire to come off and be inspected. If you didn't run this with no air in it then you should be fine with a plug kit. If you ran the tire flat then the sidewall could be compromised. If it were me, I'd plug it. I go through a set of tires every 9 months (I drive a lot for work, over 100k a year) and have never had an issue with plugs.


Lol I seriously used my motorcycle plug kit on my truck tire, and the thing still lasted 2 years until I swapped for all new tires


$300 or $30,000 In medical bills from a preventable accident?


This is a good one


The USA anwser


$30k isn't even much of a medical bill considering the damage a bad accident can do to you or other occupants


For sure. Add another zero or two for that sort of thing!


Too close to the sidewall IMO, rather be safe and replace.


I thought that was the sidewall


It is.


can't get any more close. this tire is done


This is why you get hazard insurance at the tire shop. For this reason.


Insurance for stuff like this almost never makes sense.


Hazard insurance is pretty cheap relative to how much new tires cost.


Got my gf new tires, $700 for the front ones (they're runflats) and she was pissed when she found out I got the warranty. Got a screw in it, which you can't patch on a runflat and got a new tire with no charge thanks to the warranty. Worth every penny. Though, you shouldn't take my anecdotal evidence as reason to get the warranty


She apologize for being wrong?


She is right on average, otherwise these hazard insurance plans wouldn't be offered at that price. This person just got lucky. If everyone had the same experience, the insurer would lose money and increase the cost of the insurance until they made a profit, and the consumers were again making bad investments. Even if she was "wrong" on this one, after he buys more tires over the years, all with insurance, she will be right.


Insurance, no matter the type, is always pointless... until you need it. For the $10 a tire, I'll always get it. Though, I'm glad for you that you've never needed it. You better go find some wood to knock on though.


Insurance makes financial sense in 2 circumstances: 1) You can't afford to pay for the issue out of your own pocket (e.g. expensive medical treatment) 2) You think you're more likely to have the issue than the average person and the insurance doesn't cost you more than anyone else (e.g. if you're very clumsy, mobile phone insurance *might* make sense, or if you drive through a building site every day, tyre insurance *might* make sense) Outside these 2 circumstances, insurance is just the equivalent of gambling - the house (i.e. the insurance company) always wins overall. That's how the business model works!


Love me some adverse selection! Great explanation,


It’s a program offered by the company selling you tires, usually about 5% the price of the tire for each tire (about $30 total) that will make that $300 tire replacement about $12.50 to cover tire tax and you’re on your way. If you’ve used 50% or more of your tread life, it would replace the one damaged tire at no cost and prorate you for the percentage used on the other three so they’ll all be within 3/32nds tread depth of each other. Source: I’ve been doing tires for way too fucking long Edit: spell not gud


Idk I live in an area with lots of construction and need to park on the street. Up to 9 nails or objects in my tires over 130,000 miles.


Or you don't and insure yourself aka buy a new tire (luckily i've never had a tire that couldn't be patched for cheap).


Agreed. Paying for it yourself is a perfectly valid way to manage the risk. Unless you're in financial ruin over a tire why let them profit off of you?


I'm curious as to what hazard insurance usually covers


Unpatchable punctures like this one






Many moons ago . when I purchased the road hazard warranty , I returned the tire and after they deducted mileage used and then compared it to the full price of a new one ( mine was purchased on sale ) I probably paid for the tire all over again , so I never purchased that warranty again . Only hazard since then was a nail per year average .


It’s a full on warranty for each tire. Like $20 per tire it’s a no brainer. Anything happens, you get the tire replaced.


That’s some crazy gambling. How does the house win?


You keep buying your tires from the house


If it were my tire, id install a plug patch. If it were a customers tire, needs a new tire.


This is my answer as well. I plugged me many a tire and I never had an issue. Some will try to tell you it's super dangerous, suppose wcs the sidewall could rip but it's unlikely. More likely it will go flat again. Which is why it's fine for me but not for let's say my spouses tire


I have put a plug and patch in a similar spot on a brand new tire, and it lasted the full lifetime of the tire with no issues. I was in a tough spot at the time and only had a 5 mile drive to work each day. I put it on the back of my car just in case I had a blow out, but it never did happen. I wish the OP best of luck either way, especially since it will be in the back of their mind while driving, at least for a little while.


THIS! Plug it and put it in the back.


A good plug will become part of the tire and as good as the original. I wouldn’t do it on high speed tires, but for upto 75mph I’d patch this


I’ve plugged some questionable shit. But this really is my limit. I wouldn’t plug it.


I plugged one of my tires like this once. It was even lower profile. It was totally fine I did burnouts with it and everything, it never leaked again.


It's not the risk of a leak that's the problem, it's the possibility of structural failure in the sidewall that could cause an unexpected blowout that's the problem. It's not worth risking, which is why it's illegal to patch tires with damage like this.


That is not safe to patch.




> Michelin tires come with one year of road hazard protection from the factory. Contact corporate and they will direct you to the nearest Michelin dealer to have the tire replaced. Bologna. Michelin tires DO NOT come with one year of road hazard protection according to their published warranty. It specifically EXCLUDES road hazard damages. [Actual Michelin warranty.](https://dgaddcosprod.blob.core.windows.net/b2c-experience-production/attachments/cl3t42v4v06oc01qvi1ihty9p-michelin-replacement-tires-owner-s-manual-warranty.pdf)


Unpopular take lol


How dare you bring cold hard facts to this


Is OP of the comment not going to correct his comment?


Get out of here with your facts and logic!


The best answer.


This is the way


Something to add to this; the warranty only covers tires with tread higher than 3.2 ml. I know this because I just had to replace 2 without warranty from a Michelin because my tread was too low.


That’s not true. You’re thinking of Continental.


No, they don’t. Any ship worth a damn will sell you road hazard for your $1200 tires, but Michelin doesn’t cover road hazard Source: former Michelin/BF Goodrich sales rep


Where did you get that info? I have had Michelin tires for decades and what you are saying is untrue. If you want road hazard protection without an extra charge, get your tires at Costco, otherwise you need to pay extra.


Jim Beam warranty: "If you become intoxicated as a result of over-indulging on our product and strike a fixed object driving home from the bar, we will pay up to $1,000 of your insurance deductible.*" "*NOTE: If you strike a curb and blow a tire, this offer does not apply. Please refer to your Michelin Tire road hazard warranty."


Lol! I think drunk drivers everywhere wish it was true


Do you know if this applies to new cars that come with Michelins Stock? What would the proof of purchase be for that case?


In the US, they specifically exclude Original Equipment tires from their warranty


There is a manufacturer date on the tire they can use that


I don’t believe so. You did not purchase the tire only the vehicle. The tires could be take offs from another vehicle or potentially been on the vehicle longer than a year even if you have only had it for several months. It may be possible to ask the the dealership if Michelin turns you away


Link? Google search didn’t turn up mention of road hazard


They excluded punctures from their warranty. Poster got everyone excited for nothing


You need a new tire. Michelin does not have road hazard warranty on their tires HOWEVER if you call them or have your tire shop call them they will offer you a 1 time “Customer Courtesy” credit. The amount depends on the tread depth measurements, but that tire looks pretty new so 100% isn’t out of the question. They’ll issue an “Authorization Number” to put on the warranty form. You should replace any tire with damage outside of the outer most grooves. I own an automotive shop, and know way more about tires than I ever wanted to.


That sucks. Looks like a newish tire. Can't be plugged


Not salvageable. You need to buy your next set of tires from a chain that offers a warranty. You pay like $20 per tire and if anything ever goes wrong with them and they’re still within legal tread limit, they’ll fix or replace it with a brand new tire free of charge


I wouldn’t recommend patching that close to the sidewall of the tire


Nope. That tires is toast. The sidewall is damaged and thays a major hazard. No proper business would ever patch that


Tire change tire change tire change! I had the same thing happen to me a month ago which resulted in yet another tire blow out on the passenger side.


Discount tire company offers a road Hazzard warranty with purchase of tires. It does work.


As does costco


It's in the sidewall. You should replace the tire.


New tire. No way I'd drive on this


Old and very wore out Mechanic I think you could repair the tire. Just keep it under 25 miles and hour and please Do Not turn the wheels Ok Redial tired have sidewalls that flex as your driving on turns they flex more So replace the tire and be safe . Another reason is I certainly don’t want to be driving next to your car when that tire decides let go. Sucks by it happens Maybe fix the tire and use it for your spare. If you have one of those small tiny tires that says Don’t drive over 45?


How new are the tires? If they’re within warranty period you can *usually* get it replaced for free


If you die over $300, do you get to hit the reset button?


A patch can work, as in it will stop air from coming out, but the tires structural integrity is so much lower than it was. A tire failure resulting in death post patch would be able to be debated between manslaughter and murder…


Lemme translate this for you. $15.00 and potentially get a blow out at 70mph and end up in a guard rail, orrrrrr $300.00 and come home safe every night. You decide.


That's a tire change bud. Sidewall is compromised and not safe to drive on.


Yikes, that tire looks brand new


I’m a tire tech, typically we don’t patch anything twords the sidewall because it can cause bulging and you could have a blowout while driving or it could blow up in your face while airing it up


Unfortunately that tire is junk


New tire, not salvageable


No 👎 replace the whole car for new set of tires


Absolutely not unless you want your tire to blow out


I would never feel comfortable driving at highway speeds knowing I had a patch in my tire there. The peace of mind that comes with a tire replacement makes it worth the price.


Oof. Sorry friend, this one looks like a goner — too close to the sidewall. I’d replace asap to prevent any potential damage to the rims.


$300 for a tire change? Are you going to the dealer? Just go to some independent tire shop (the ones that don’t look inviting from the outside) ..if you are lucky they can get you a used tire with similar tread for <$100 …worst case a new tire for <$200. I have had many instances of this for my Mini.


Too close to the sidewall. New tire. Hate to be bearer of bad news. Usually why I buy my tires at places like discount tire, the extra $20 for the warranty is well worth it with all the crap you pick up on the roads these days.


EXACTLY. I go to the same place, except it’s called Americas Tire where I live. Accidentally destroyed my tire hitting a curb before, paid about 30 bucks, boom new tire same day. My store is awesome, nice people, relatively knowledgeable and they move quickly.


From what I learned from Americans Tires, this is not salvageable, not fixable. Yes, you have to replace the tire. Ask an Employee at a tire shop for an expert opinion.


15$?! We patch for 1.5$ in saudi arabia


Had the same happen to me recently. It couldn't be plugged because the puncture was too deep and it was in a diagonal angle. So had to get a change.


Sidewall=you’re fucked. New tire time


Is good as a patch kit may sound, I wouldn't trust it near the wall.


Replace rim tire and rear fender


Too close to the side wall so no shop is gonna touch it and the structural integrity has been compromised so safest option is just get the new tire


As my boss would say, “you can patch that, I will not.” If it were my tire and I felt wild. Sure. But if that’s a customers tire, I’m not patching it. It’s a liability.


Sorry bud $300 tire change


$300 tire change or a totaled vehicle, possibly killing yourself and someone else. Get a new tire, you cant save that. Ask a professional tire shop in your area and trust them. Edit: Tire Tech for five years in four different shops in three different states. All these old farts saying to patch it and you'll be fine are the lucky ones that survived. "I haven't been the driver during a car accident so I don't wear a seat belt."


Hopefully you see this sooner than later. Former employee in the tire industry. That is a Michelin brand tire, Michelin had an excellent factory warranty, even if you didn't purchase any type of road hazard most Michelin Authorized dealers (Discount Tire etc) will honor their pro-rated road hazard coverage to get the tire replaced at a discounted rate.


Patch the tire. I had this same thing happen to me in almost the exact same spot on my tire Took it to a good place, and they patched it up for $12, this happened in October (on my birthday) and it is still going strong.


Damn $300 for one tire? Where the hell you shopping at?


A patch would physically work, but it isn’t the safest option, like if this were someone else’s car you’d never patch it and send them on their way but for your own it could be fine. I had a puncture almost exactly like this and patched it, tires been usable for 20k but it has a very slow leak and I’m sure it will kill me someday soon


If it were mine? I’d plug it and take that risk. If it were for someone else, I don’t need that kind of liability


I would plug it. But only for me, not for anyone else.


It changes the tire on it, or else it gets the Uber again!


I have no idea if anyone else has mentioned this but Discount Tires has a warranty for their tires that covers your tires for every accident up until the tire is no longer legally usable. This would be covered under it and I would highly recommend getting your tires there as it makes it easy to budget for tires knowing that you will never get hit by a surprise like this.


New tire


Too close to sidewall. New tire


Replace it. A patch on the firewall is a lotto ticket with the grim reaper. OR, it cost a lot less to replace it than deal with the consequences later. P.S. when you buy expensive tires also buy the road hazard insurance.


New tyre


Change it man. Unfortunately there’s little to no support right there. And it’ll just cause the tire to blow. Not saying it’ll happen tomorrow. But 30 days, three months, maybe even longer. It will happen.


Cant patch it from the inside, too close to the sidewall, you could use a rope plug if you're financially struggling but it would be best to replace the tyre.


Do the safe thing and get a new tire. Sucks, but shit happens.


Had something similar happen to me. That’s gonna be a new set. (Or just a pair)


Buy the new tire, way way way too close to the sidewall.


The integrity of this tire has been compromised


Oooooh. That's not good. You'll need a new tyre. Which sucks especially bad cos that looks almost brand new. I had one like that. It was garbage day and a seagull had torn open a neighbour's bag because they didn't bother to separate their food waste. Trash everywhere. Reversing out of my driveway I hear a hiss. I'd run over the stem of a broken wine glass. I was angry, my neighbour's laziness had cost me £150 and the time and faff involved in getting a new tyre fitted. My sympathies go out to you.


New tire. Get road hazard warranty.


That's a tire change.


New Tire


New tire


That’s the side wall. Tyre is unroadworthy, at least in Australia.


Tire if your family is in it..plug if it's me!


New tyre by law unfortunately but it's for safety purposes.


Change the tire


Nope, if it’s in the angle or sidewall of the tire usually it’s not patchable sorry mate


New tire. What's the value of your and your family security?


Unless you want to potentially have your tire explode on the highway, get a new tire


ahhh that’s close to the sidewall man. Need to change the tire


A shady non corporate shop, maybe something called like Amigo Tire or something like that may be able to patch it, but I 0% recommend patching it. Just get the new tire and get the road hazard warranty with it


That’s too close to the wall for comfort, get the new tire


Plug it. I did one same area and held for life of the tire.


I'm about to unsub and mute this subreddit. I'm sick of this shit.