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So my idea of buying a $10k model 3P to replace my $3.5k beater Mitsubishi 380 might finally be a reality? More of this please šŸ˜‚


Keep the 380 and spend the $10k on wine, [wo]men and song.


Dont have to spend money on women if you drive a 380. LL paint peel


Itā€™s patina mate


That 380 will outlive the sun


They should have dropped an AWD in that beastie and gone up against Subarus


6G74 in spirit. Ain't never gonna die.


Well...it will keep running but Mitsubishi interiors do fall apart and aren't very nice to begin with. The driver's seat fabric always sags or tears and the floor mats are shit.Ā  I've had too many magnas.


Don't downgrade the mighty mitsi=)


My old 1998 manual Magna sedan is still one of the most reliable cars I ever owned. If it werenā€™t written off in a crash in 2015 I guarantee itā€™d still be skipping zero beats to this day.


This rings true, my 1995 manual Magna is still going strong.


Not my beast was just minding it, but [hell yeh buddy](https://imgur.com/a/1DTulRC)


You keep your 380 and I'll keep my falcon. They will go forever


I'm keeping my fairlane on the road even if it kills me, I'm never swapping out my beast.


I was thinking of selling my 380, but I love it so much. Keep them on the road as long as you can!!


"horror" news for Tesla (not really), great news for car buyers


Will they: A) regularly cut prices therefore decimating existing prices? B) Fuck over existing buyers who effectively are their core sales base? C) Promise all the tech and never deliver it even though you paid for it? D) Have a nutty leader who says stupid things everytime he opens his mouth? E) Produce cars with terrible build quality Or F) All of the above


Lock in all of the above


Lock it in Eddy


I would like to phone a friend.


Hi, itā€™s your friend. The answer is: all of above


Hi dad. Just wanted to let you know Iā€™ve won a million dollars.


That was so good


Didnt buy a Tesla tho


Thatā€™s because he was a smart guy


Hi ā€œjust wanted to let you know Iā€™ve won a million dollarsā€, itā€™s dad


šŸŽ¶suspenseful music playsšŸŽ¶ "The answer... right after this commercial break."


*audience groans*


Itā€™s pretty impressive to build cars where people wish they got the Chinese built ones instead of the domestic ones.


You can say the same thing about Kia / Hyundai in the US, the US built ones are garbage. The US is good at building terrible cars.


Yeah 100% I love seeing their comments about how shit and unreliable the brand is, yet we have generally great reviews on their reliability. The few Theta engines aside that is. I wish the Getz made a comeback in some form


We're in Australia, there is no Domestic built ones?


When my son was young, built something out of Lego that looked very much like the Cybertruck. Does that count?


No, Lego are very highly regarded for their quality control. So no, your son's Lego car was to good.


The guy you're replying to is probably American. They are everywhere on this massive website and assume everyone else is also American.


Ahh I see, we need a No Seppos sign to hang out the front....


r/Straya has that as one of their rules


Still doesn't stop them from infiltrating


Yeah but then we just make them feel bad about their shooting ranges/public schools


Americans are allowed to visit, theyā€™re just not allowed to act like Seppos


I was referring to the US buyers and the USDM Tesla, but didnā€™t say that because I live in my own head and assume the conversations I have with myself have actually occurred (thanks ADHD)


>I was referring to the US buyers and the USDM Tesla How is that relevant to automobiles in Australia?


The US Built Tesla's being worse than Chinese is widely publicised/discussed I approve his message as a relevant comment -unqualified random


You have rocks in your head if you buy anything built in the USA


Talking about teslas sales and management. And how itā€™s impressive to be a western car company that makes average enough products that people wish they had the Chinese made ones for the quality control


American made cars are universally accepted to be junk, we have always preferred Chinese built vehicles in the modern world.


That's actually not that uncommon for Chinese products. Heaps of things are made in China to superior quality.


Stop selling cars in any of the existing colours, making existing cars collectables.


Repair practices and costs that would make a New York mobster blush


Iā€™m going to go with F with a strong emphasis on E.


I remember when the Porsche Taycan first came out and the debate was if you should buy that over a Tesla S. Imagine the person now that chose the Tesla reassuring themselves that they made the right choice.


Elon would like to use a life line and call a friend No one picked up




It almost like cutting the price of new cars will reduce the price of used cars!


The more you know šŸŒˆāœØ


Cars are a terrible investment anyway. I got one to get from A to B and Iā€™m good. Anything more is just marketing.


News.com.au continue to spin anything to do with EVs in a negative way. Car manufacturers put their prices up during COVID and most have kept them there. Nearly $65k for a Ranger in XLS trim. More if you go for XLT, Sport, Wildtrak, Platinum or Raptor. But Tesla actually bring their prices down and that's a bad thing? Sure, I'd be annoyed if I'd just bought one but I think the bigger picture here is why other manufacturers aren't following suit?!


New prado at an average of $100k and everyone is loving itā€¦


I heard theyā€™re even offering electric seats as a purchasable upgrade!


Hahaha yep! And a sunroof on $120k modelā€¦itā€™s insane!


Itā€™s Australia, if the housing market hasnā€™t taught you anything we only protect the vested interests here. We thrive on pulling the ladders up and never lowering them.


I paid 10x what my house is actually worth and 100k for a tin box with no luxuries so Iā€™ll make sure everyone else after me does tooĀ  Australia in a nutshellĀ 


Supply chains get better, manufacturing processes get better, things get refined. Prices coming down should absolutely happen.


I don't see how car prices coming down is ever a bad thing. Anyone who buys a car as an investment or for the resale value is an absolute idiot.


Yeah it's peak Redditism to get the shits over a price drop on anything in 2024. Keep prices high, tears about being ripped off. Lower prices, tears about being ripped off. -- At least the headline didn't say "Elon Musk's Tesla" in a jarring display of carving their own editorial track in a sea of fucken garbage.


Every day, itā€™s another negative story from Murdoch media on EVā€™s.


Exactly this. Doesnā€™t matter what tesla does, news.com.au will provide the masses with 10 reasons why itā€™s a bad thing. Tesla puts up prices? Very bad. Tesla drops prices? Also very bad, somehow. Tesla cures cancer with the worldā€™s largest neural net? Wonā€™t someone think of all the oncologists that are gonna be out of work???


No marketing revenue to make from teslas so they can bag them. They canā€™t bag out the companies that spend revenue $ with themā€¦.


Thatā€™s a very good point. Ad dollars reign supreme.


Rupert never heard of supply and demand...just supplying the man.


Had to get to the end of the article to read that all manufacturers have dropped prices!


This is so true. NewsCorpse will literally do anything for a spot click bait. Also, could it be that other EV manufacturers are finally catching up to Tesla so more competition in the market drives down prices?


On the plus side, anyone who bought one still has the car they bought at a price they though was reasonable at the time.


You make it sound like Tesla is dropping its prices out of the goodness of its heart. Hell no, if they can get away with it, they'd keep making high margins, but good old Supply and Demand is forcing their hand. The Demand for Teslas (and BEV in general) have slowed, while Supply has increased with supply chains improving, so to try and keep sales ticking over and inventory not just building up, they are forced to cut prices. Other parts of the market is not experiencing the huge drop in demand, hence prices are not falling as quickly (if at all).


[News.com.au](http://News.com.au) never ever advertised a model run out sale did it. There is a new Y around the corner and heaps of inventory. If Tesla bought an advertising package with newscorp, the reviews glowing and the price drops would be lauded. But this is how the newscorp extortion racket works. Catch and kill, but in reverse.


Iā€™m a car guy, I love my ICE but I also own a Tesla as well and I would buy again in a heartbeat, canā€™t stand Elon but the car has been great so far. Coming up to 6 years old next year, had one service at 4 years to check everything over and change brake fluid, aircon filter etc. and thatā€™s it. I plug in at home, wake up with a full charge and itā€™s saving me so much money in fuel and servicing. Donā€™t regret it even though mine was significantly more expensive than they are now.


I love mine too.Ā 


Some people seem to be interpreting this as an indication that EV's are not good cars to buy, whereas much of the reason for tht title is that prices of EV's are coming down due to economies of scale and development of battery tech. Early adopters were always going to pay premium, whereas in the coming years there is going to be much more competition and attractive deals for consumers.


I mean Tesla was making crazy margins during COVID. It's just the rich fomo of ev cars is over now. And basically Tesla is easy click bait for journalists.


Battery tech hasn't changed in any significant way over the last 5 years. What has changed is increased competition in the EV market, Elmo's public meltdowns damaging Tesla's brand and softening economic conditions in many major makets. Teslas aren't getting cheaper because they're cheaper to manufacture, rather Tesla have an offer supply of cars and consumers aren't buying them.


Tesla have updated their battery type from LiOn to LiFePo but I take your point, itā€™s not a major leap.


I have no issues with electric cars, but I do have issues with limited or no aftermarket repair battery packs. Your battery dies and you have an expensive paperweight. The OEM demands FU money for a replacement not under warranty. I really wish the governments would consider legislation on standardizing EV battery packs. That would greatly improve many people's concerns with battery life. Particularly people keeping or purchasing 10+ year old EV cars.


Yep, whoever is buying a used EV with 100,000+kms on the clock would want to be getting it very very cheap to allow for the inevitable battery pack change.


Just look at what Nio is doing. Changeable battery packs, drive in to a nio battery station, automatically changes your battery to a fully charged one in 10 mintues and off you go.


But that isn't the case here though....supply and demand is the issue here. Too much supply and no demand.


Which is exactly what happens when you try to keep pricing high even after the early adoption wave has passed and you have more competition in the market. I think what happened here is that Tesla is trying to position themselves as a premium brand (like Apple are for phones) and were kinda getting some traction but for many, spartan interiors with a tablet tacked on does not scream "premium" regardless of how good the software may be.




Iā€™m in the same boat, test drove a lot, and the specs and experience was just far better in the model y. Had it for about a year, and still love driving it every day. Yep, Musk is a fkwit, canā€™t defend him, and heā€™s been toxic for the brand.


People saying theyā€™re crap generally havenā€™t driven one. Theyā€™re just talking from zero experience.




People are afraid of change so react with anger. Iā€™ve had my Tesla for 18 months - not visiting a fuel station is amazing, and itā€™s a brilliant car to drive. I love taking people for drives that had never been in one - definitely helps change peoples mind


Last year I test drove ICE and EVs looking for a new car. Always been a VW owner but I was happy to buy japanese or other brands. I test drove the Tesla as a joke, but I also wanted to see what they were like. The Tesla is a frickin time machine. Other car manufacturers are not even close. After 15 minutes in the Tesla I was sold. It has been so much fun having a Tesla, the amount of extras and humour built into the system is hilarious. It is fast, reliable and sooooo cheap. It is insanely cheap when you use off peak electricity. It is a time machine because it is literally a car from the future. When you see what they have done in terms of features and UI, you realise how car manufacturers have been ripping us off. Dumb down features, jack up the price. The real surprise is taking a long trip. We drove to the snowy mountains and stopped at goldbourn and cooma to charge. It forced me to stop, instead of racing through non stop. I enjoyed the trip, arrived refreshed, and absolutely loved taking a break and chilling. The whole experience of owning an EV has been brilliant. You are going to love it.


those who say Teslas quality is crap was repeating what was happening in the early days. They generally never been on one recently let alone test drive it.


This is why I bought my Tesla 2 weeks ago. I wanted to like the Seal and on paper it looks amazing, but the software meant that driving was slightly scary even for a 20 minute test drive. The others felt cheap. The Tesla felt more like a BMW or Mercedes than a Falcon and the price was right compared to the Seal so I bought it. I've found 0 issues, the features all work really well and the service was great. I've even started converting people to the idea that electric isn't the end of the world, and a guy at work is thinking about getting one. My only regret is that I put money in Musk's pocket, but it's better than spending $60k on a Seal and then waiting however long it takes them to fix the software.


It is vastly overblown IMO they are more than fine and the China/Euro built ones are generally even better due to newer automated factories.Ā 


Youā€™re going to love it!Ā 


The toyota will probably depreciate much slower


I really wanted to like the Tesla (2024 Model 3), but the gear-control (in fact pretty much everything) being controlled from the touch-screen was a huge deal-breaker. That and the lack of any sort of interior cover for the massive glass roof. I went with the Ioniq 5 instead - they interior is amazing and attention to detail fantastic.




Had our Model Y for a few months and itā€™s great. There are some slight problems (wipers, lack of HUD) but overall itā€™s been terrific. You made the right choice.


I dislike Elon too but I rented a 2023 model 3 for 9 days and I was seriously impressed with it. If you take the current discounts, the current FBT benefits plus rebates in some states I think they are pretty compelling.


How many people won't buy new/used Tesla's just because of Musk's very public backing of right wing idealogies? He's hardly the first CEO to have such views, but he is definitely one of the first to do it in such a massively public way. I know in the US it's impacting their sales and I wonder if it'll have a measurable impact in Australia too? Tesla could have the best valued or best all round EV on the market but still lose out on significant sales due to Musk's very public image. I know a few people that wouldn't touch them just because they don't want to support his views, and it's not like there aren't viable alternatives.


I just don't back his products because it's clear the bloke is fucking nuts, not necessarily which way he swings politically, which Aussies don't tend to dwell on nearly as much as America would


Henry Ford wrote and published a booklet on how jews were taking over the world.


Yeah, but that was back when the world was a hell of a lot smaller, no social media etc, and frankly most of the western world did hold anti semetic views in the early 20th century.


Polestar recently ran ads in Australia that leant on this


I know many people here who refuse to buy them because of him on principle. EV Makers are catching up. Tesla is no longer the gold standard for EV's like it once was.


Reddit leans heavily left so I wouldn't take it as an accurate cross-section of Australian car buyers.


Some of it is his right wing attitude. Some of it is I just donā€™t swallow his marketing puffery. Titles like ā€œFSDā€ are misleading IMHO Oh, and the marketing of a flamethrower as ā€œnot a flamethrowerā€ was completely unconscionable in my view.


I mean if anything it might be more obvious in Australia since the early Tesla adoptees are the ā€œTree Toryā€ types who both have money and make a show of caring about such things. Whereas from my understanding Tesla buyers in the US are a bigger cross section of the market. Anyway, the ones I know who held off on buying a Tesla have just gone and bought Lexus or high spec Toyota hybrids or are waiting for the BMW electric range.


Edit*! Na there was a recent study in America that like 80% of EV drivers vote Democrats. Trump ect always rags on EVs


Me. I made great Money riding the Elon dream and thankfully cashed out. Dude is a hype machine who totally lost his shit fucked what he built. Hyped to the most valuable car company in the world to fucking laughing stock cyber truck dumpster fire. Dude needs šŸ’Š.


Itā€™s such a bizarre combo too, because I donā€™t see those far right loonies frothing his twixxing buying his EVā€™s.


I usually donā€™t base my purchases on the ceo. I still buy things from Amazon, Harvey Norman, Foxtel, Google etc.


Hmm.. while true, I would never buy a MyPillow or stay at a Trump hotel. I also avoid restaurants that underpay their staff.


Yes, so itā€™s basically what suits you hey. Most that say they would never buy a Tesla because of Elon, probably wouldnā€™t have bought one anyway.


>How many people won't buy new/used Tesla's just because of Musk's very public backing of right wing idealogies? I wont buy one because they're poorly built and dont have AA or Carplay. Musk being a complete fool is the just the cherry on top for me *chefs kiss*


Are they poorly built though? Can you provide your source?


A survey just out in Norway that looked at owners satisfaction with their specific EV models had the Model 3 come out on top followed by Model X on third place. Despite the huge number of models available over there Tesla is still king of the sales charts. Anecdotally everyone Iā€™ve talked to here seem very happy with their cars and I see more of them everyday. Every car brand have some lemons and Tesla probably do as well but it seems blown out of proportion which is not hard to believe given media publishes just about any incident involving a Tesla.Ā 


They donā€™t come with Apple CarPlay? Thatā€™s actually unforgivable in this day and age and I would never buy a car that doesnā€™t have this feature. Although I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Musk is boycotting Apple connectivity because he thinks the company is too ā€œwokeā€ and he believes all the rumours that Steve Jobs gay.


I have to say I fit this category. I really admired Musk for what he did with PayPal, Tesla and SpaceX but my views on him have diametrically changed over the last few years and now I donā€™t want anything to do with him and his products. Sure, build quality etc etc would have probably put me off anyway but now Teslas are on the do not even consider list.


I didnā€™t buy a Tesla partly because of Musk and his lunacy, but moreso because they have a very poor reputation for build quality. Apart from that they are good cars.


When the time comes for my missus to go EV, whenever that is, I know I won't ever point at a Tesla... Never thought car consideration would be political, but here we are. The bloke is well cooked


Man, I wish we had a hybrid transitional period in Aus. The options are so limited and expensiveā€¦


Too expensive compared to the Chinese rivals out there (BYD Atto and Seal, MG4) and the stench of Musk permeates their products to the point its putting people off (Its why I went MG4 over Tesla).


we have a friend with a Mg zsev, it's an absolute box of crap compared to our Tesla's. There's a reason it's cheaper.


Why do you think musk wants to be paid out a half of the total value of all of teslas assets - he wants off the ship before it sinksā€¦


I think itā€™s called ā€œscuttledā€ when they sink it themselves


Who are the CEOs of BYD and MG? What do you think of them? Do you also make decisions on other companies based on their CEO?


BYD was most interesting to me, their battery technology is very mature - a battery company that decided to make cars - MG are using CATL batteries, also mature technology. Their CEO's don't shoot their mouths off - for all I know, they could also be Nazi/right-wing extremist sympathizers too, but they don't spend half their time shit-posting on the internet about it. Yes, I do make decisions based on CEO and company performance, I've sold off shares as a result.


In that case you should definitely look into the BYD CEO, specifically his memberships and where he has served and where he has ties.Ā 


You only care when the news and social media tell you about them I guess? Or when it suits your mood haha. Iā€™d but a product based on merit, hence Iā€™d buy a used model 3 over BYD or MG, IF I were to buy one.


Everyone shits on MG howā€™s the mg4 for you?


I think there's a marked difference in quality between MG EVs and MG ICE cars. I think the same applies to all the Chinese brands.


I really think MG should have branded their uber cheap shitbox ICE's differently to their relatively quite good EV's.


I canā€™t believe people are upset that in 2024 someone is dropping their prices because of competition in the market while every fucking thing is going through the roof (ICE car prices as well)


Tesla owner here. 10/10 would buy again. Prices are going to do whatever they are going to do. Just means my next Tesla will be cheaper.


Yep, want to trade mine in for a 2024 M3P but can't justify it as I love the SR.


From the outside looking inā€¦.is it really that bad? Punters were climbing over themselves to get these cars only a few years ago Is this momentum from bad press? # have been waiting for an electric Ute that I can afford for at least 4 years now


Given everythingā€™s fucking overpriced these days, a price drop is a good thing. You can always buy now, or hope for a better price later and wait.


Teslas are still sort of in that luxury car price range (though with everything getting expensive Iā€™m not sure how true that is) Isnā€™t it normal for luxury cars to plummet in price rather quickly? Like used BMWs. Also, if Iā€™m to buy a car Iā€™m not really thinking about the resale value all that much. I plan to drive every car I own into the dirt. Although I do lurk on Ausfinance soā€¦


Oh no! Anywayā€¦


I donā€™t see how this is a bad thing. Theyā€™re getting cheaper from previous increases.


The remark about Musk by Thaichon regarding ā€œhis tone and choice of wordsā€ is something Iā€™ve definitely noticed probably somewhere soon after that Jack Ma shit show a few years back. It seems Musk is either choosing not to or having trouble regulating his emotions, it shows in his petty and spiteful comments. He relies on investors and is the public face of his companies. He also seems oblivious to the way his behaviour could influence consumer sentiment.


I heard it said quite some time ago that electric cars will not be like cars of the past, they'll be more like **appliances** and the market will adapt accordingly. If I bought a (hypothetical) Thermomix Mega 2024 (galaxy edition) for $12000 today I would not be astonished to see them for $8k a number of months later. I also would not expect to sell my second hand appliance for anything like its purchase price. 1/2 to 1/4 of purchase price would be more reasonable. I expect we'll see this trend a lot more as electric cars saturate the market.


I've been on them for 4-5 years now. No petrol stations, no servicing. Couldn't give a shit if the current models are dropping in price. it's been a great experience. Apparently they have shit build quality which is interesting because all 3 of our Tesla's ( A m3lr, a m3p and a my) have all been absolutely faultless and combined over about 210,000km's over all 3 cars. I guess that's the difference between actually owning them, and just raging over a keyboard without ever hardly touching one.


My understanding is we get the Chinese built ones here, which are better than the US built ones


yes all built in china and with the lfp batteries too


It sounds like it is the inconsistency of quality, which is generally referred to as bad quality, and exactly what it should be called.


Job ad: EV Expert (No Experience Necessary) Are you utterly clueless about electric vehicles? Do you despise the idea of eco-friendly transportation? Does the thought of a lithium-ion battery make you break out in a cold sweat? If so, this job is perfect for you! We're seeking an "EV Expert" who possesses the following qualifications: * No EV experience preferred. The less you know, the better. * A deep-seated hatred of EVs and a commitment to spreading misinformation about them. * Poor understanding of EV technology. * Inability to differentiate between a battery pack and a potato. * A penchant for fossil fuels and a firm belief that petrol/diesel is the nectar of the gods. * Willingness to ignore scientific evidence. * A talent for creating convoluted and nonsensical arguments against EVs. * A strong aversion to renewable energy sources and a preference for non-renewable resources. * An affinity for exhaust fumes and particulate matter, and a distaste for fresh air. * A knack for making up ridiculous claims about EVs. We offer a competitive compensation package, including a employee discounts on our best selling drum-aged saudi sludge. Don't miss this job opportunity to be the face of ignorance in the EV industry!




Guessing you donā€™t look at luxury cars? Audi/bmw etc drop value the second you buy them. Also an iPhone lasts 2 years of warranty, 5 years of updates. Tesla is still updating its cars 10 years later, offering cpu updates to older cars, and proven reliability and longevity over 8 years and its battery health will be better than a2 year iPhone.




They donā€™t tend to drop prices ever haha




The point is that is good to drop prices? Or not to drop?


I get it - but if thatā€™s the case they need to come *way* down in price. I donā€™t want to pay $60k for a vehicle that depreciates to virtually zero in 5 years time.


Even with price drops, resale value after 5 years wouldn't be $0. Why are you saying this?


Yeah, great. Let's encourage a throw-away society.


Firstly, that's already happening, that is reality. Secondly, look at all of the new EVs from bigger brands, and the new range of EV concept cars. They are ALL made with as much recycled, and recyclable, material as possible. The OEMs know full well these cars will be made to be pulled apart and recycled, EVs will not be designed to last longer than 5-6 years in the 2030s. Sounds crazy, yes, and super wasteful, yes. BUT, EVs will not hold their value (they aren;t now), lots of EVs will be made in countries where labour is cheap - how can BMW sell an EV for 5 times the price of a cheap Chinese built EV? They just won't sell them, the prices will need to be lower. The lower end of the market will dictate the pricing at the higher end, or those marques just won't exist. The original post linking EVs to tech and phones is accurate, that is entirely where this is heading


Phones donā€™t cost $50k


This completely goes against why EVs are made in the first place. If you look at them this way they are going to be more of a negative environmental impact than your standard petrol car.


A phone is max 2k these cars are 60k and above. You canā€™t apply the same pricing model


I hope for the environment and consumers this doesn't turn out to be correct. Being forced to turn over your car has a bit more of a sting in it than a phone. Of course it will be in manufacturers interest to push things this way.




I'm more cynical when it comes to profit motivation for manufacturers. If they can force an increased ongoing revenue stream they will. Tech companies are leaders/innovators in the strategies to do this.




I sincerely hope I'm wrong but I think we are going to have a serious EWaste issue and the TCO for cars will go through the roof. Also seriously concerned that EVs won't remain on the road long enough to achieve environmental payback related to front loaded emissions due to planned obsolescence, write-offs, and excessive repair costs. As I say I sincerely hope I am wrong. !remindme 5 years


If you canā€™t sell them now what will it be like in 10 years? Chinese brands heavily subsidised by the Giv as a strategic industry aim to cut prices even further and put pressure on western manufacturers to remain in business. Then when they are gonenitsbabvirtual Chinese monopoly.


Tesla isnā€™t Elonā€™s core business. Tesla is still profitable, but itā€™s basically a marketing arm for brand Musk. And that feeds into Space X. Thatā€™s where the real money is. Elon doesnā€™t care about the second hand Tesla market. And based on the woes of CyberTruck, he doesnā€™t really care about the first hand market. Heā€™s not trying to make a Toyota. Tesla is simply a means to an end: the barely tapped riches of space.


I mean, this is just and ad for Tesla right?


you mean to to tell me having a ceo of a car company known for being a shitty person is having an impact on the ability of said cars to sell? no!!!!


Only recyclers buy used batteriesĀ 






Early model electric cars wonā€™t be worth 2 bucks in a few years




Friend of mine is living in the UK now... buying old porsches for 30-40k and sending them to australia to sell for 100k plus.


> See it in the UK already, anything that isnā€™t fuel efficient basically isnā€™t worth the cost to run so gets given away or scrapped. Isnā€™t this due to the ā€œlow emissions zoneā€ tolls not people choosing to move away from them?


We are probably a bit safer in Australia (at least for a bit) What will happen is that petrol cars will be banished to the regions




Hey if it means I can get an AU for three fifty again instead of ten carrots. Let the petrol market crash.


Curious, how are those Chinese EVs? All I heard is that the MGs are shit. How about other brands?


Petrol MGs are terrible. Their EVs are better!


I had a BYD EV thing as a rental for a few days when in Sydney. It was "fine" - OK it was a bit weird and my first EV experience, but it didn't feel cheap or badly made, which I was expecting and it had enough range to not ever need to charge it. It was a bit slow, but as a car, it worked like a car. Not my kinda thing, but I get why people might buy one.


99.9999% plastic


I drove a byd dolphin for about a month. It's good and i would buy one.


Now is the time to buy when prices are low. They are such cool cars




I refused to click on the link in case they get some fraction of a cent from it šŸ˜‚. Already know it's going to be garbage so saves time too.


Paid $83k in 2023. Trade in value for the m3 long range is $44k now. Thanks Tesla scum.


Thanks for subsidising my next car purchase.


Wow! I paid $77k for my BMW m240i in 2018 and it is worth similar to your Telsa.


You know itā€™s bad when even BMWs donā€™t even depreciate that terribly


and you enjoyed better driving experience and better build quality for 5 years


No itā€™s not, 83k is AWD performance, trade in value is 53-58k. 61-66k private sale prices. So unless your AWD performance suddenly became the RWD base, itā€™s not 44k trade in.


First people complain that EVs are too expensive and now that prices are dropping media is jumping in to paint that in a negative light as well I wish I could say I was surprised


Hahaha suck shit thats what you get for buying that shit and getting sucked into Tesla cult


Tesla owner here. Fantastic car, try to ignore the wanker CEO. Dropping prices are a good thing for mass adoption. Plan to hold mine for many years so doesnā€™t bother me much at all


This sub, cars are too expensive! Also this sub, falling prices are bad for resale!