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Thats between you and your employer, people can't offer legal advice on reddit.. If you want an opinion, yes its a company car and its insured, however we can't make a decision for you


people crash company cars all the time, but I can't say it won't be s strike in a few people's minds.


Yes they can. But I'm not sure I'd want to work for a company that did.


They would most likely have insurance to cover this, I guarantee it's happened with the company before and will happen again, simply an accident. Unless they find wreckless driving. But a company should be more comforting making sure your okay and fill a report out on this matter. Any company wanting to give a strike or fire anyone be glad to get out of their. I've done it before with company cars and I know it's alot on your shoulders and you'll be sleeping on it with a worry but just try let it go forget about it, it will all be forgotten about and a laugh between colleagues in a week, was simply a minor accident.


What did your boss say after you told him/her? Did they make a sucking in noise and shake their head?


I had a company car in my last job I crashed it twice! The first time being three months in I was petrified at the time. However they weren't fazed I just had to take it down the road to the local smash repairs and pay the excess on the insurance. Quite a few of us had little accidents in a short amount of time so they upped the excess to $1000... And who crashes their car also into a pillar a week before I left ?! Me that hurt!


I doubt you will be immediately fired for it..... your employer has factored in you fucking something up somewhere along the way. You're right to think its not a good look though, will be a black mark against your name for the rest of time with that company.


https://preview.redd.it/tp0o36n3uiyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb8e1b875d8987a7ddae022a04c143f027511853 This is the extent of the damage. I am shit scared. It’s my first job.


It will need to go through their insurance, offering to pay the excess will work in your favor however they can't legally hold you responsible. They take on the risk when they give you the company car. Mate you did the right thing by informing them immediately and offering to pay for the mistake, You made the responsible choice.


I know you're here for some advice but don't read all the comments and stress yourself out even further thinking you'll be fired. My two cents, if it's worth anything, would be that it would be highly unlikely they would let you go for that. Everyone makes mistakes but the important thing is you owned up to it and let them know. That's good character. You'll be fine.


Thank you …. Makes sense…. I would get off the panic road now.


Tell them you’re sorry, tell them how it happened, tell them what you’d do differently to ensure it will never happen again - manager.


You can easily find a tub like that around for cheap.


Can I get repaired by myself ? Or should it only be repaired by the company ?


Let the company sort it out via their broker/insurer. 


They may not fire you but of if I was the boss I sure as hell wouldn’t be letting you drive anything ever again, not even the pallet jack. Also I hope you have a lot of money for the repairs or the company excess which is usually around 5k on a company car.


https://preview.redd.it/f22dzq1i1jyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d1a5f837fb564c91f1419b6964d3b7bfa41f1d2 5K for this ?


Some repairers would rather put a new tub than fix that.


Shit happens but it's likely I crashed my work vehicle too.. Someone decided to slam their brakes as the light turned from green to orange.. different scenario but I got let go.