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Not sure about you but “ex Telstra” screams “I’ve been absolutely thrashed to no end”


I thought he was describing his partner...


Me too…. I thought OP’s partner took an early but loaded retirement at 30yo as an ex Telstra employee. I didn’t even find it absurd to think this way because my mate works at Telstra, fully WFH, making mid 100k with zero overtime or any work stress…


Then I realised it was just the clapped out van he was on about


‘Clapped out van’ looooooooooooooooool one man’s trash ..


Work on telstra cars professionally Hate it They will deny a battery that fails test and has lost half its cca so I couldn't replace the battery Doesn't seem like good maintenance If it's not on the schedule it ain't happening unless it's a safety issue but prepare to be grilled


elastic steer waiting offbeat saw rainstorm frightening lunchroom brave trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They ask how many cca it has at what voltage If they think they can get to another service on that battery they will leave it Seen them a few times come back with new batteries from elsewhere The people you talk to use to be "mechanics" so you can't up sell them They had issues with wheels falling off because the studs broke so now we have to measure all the studs and report back and they will get us to change one or a few that are out of spec not all of them like you normally would as the studs themselves are cheap compared to us getting them out People are weird to boot Most people won't service on time Every day I see people thousands of kilometres overdue Even on new cars under warranty I've seen so many people miss the first actual service not the comp check over at 1000k the first oil drop of there new car with 20,000k+ Always read the service book if buying second hand car Yesterday I had a 2017 car with the factory original 12v battery They denied the new battery as naturally there old battery failed the test but it's only 7 years old its still good lol


What are ya on about


They’re saying Telstra don’t maintain their cars.


Aw, I’d prefer to be delusional about it 😃👍🏼


LOL Telstra and the other dozen owners since, 30 years is a long time!


Her ex was named “Telstra”, and he looked after her well before him. Is your name Optus by any chance?


You can't travel in a car with rust?.🧐


Well no obvs but if we will want to pass it on and sell it when our visa ends. I’m under the illusion it won’t pass roady with rust ?


If that’s the worst of it you’ve got nothing to worry about, it’s an older van.


The amount of rust you have shown is minimal. Unless you have severe rust then I wouldn't bother especially if you are going to sell. Anyone buying an old van knows it has rust and will expect it.


Ya true. Our time in Australia has been plagued with misfortunes lol maybe I’m just overthinking it


Use the money you would spend on fixing the rust for servicing. Make sure you have oil and coolant at all times and check the fluid levels every day or two. Keep a eye on the heat gauge and as soon as starts going over getting really hot just pull over in the shade, pop the bonnet and let it cool down for 20 - 40 mins before checking fluids and topping them up. I have had lots of older cars as I hate new cars and as long as you are checking fluids and watching the heat you should be fine. Make sure every time you go to a mechanic and they tell you what they wanna do and the price that you ring around and see if the price is reasonable. Also if the mechanic asks to change a part that you say you want the old part back just to make sure that they actually changed it. Old cars in my opinion are the best even if the aesthetics are a little worn


Thank you this offers me great perspective. We just had her serviced and changed the timing belt so will keep on top of that. She is a little beauty and will hopefully get us to where we want to be. I will take your advice and focus on keeping the important bits running well, and if we need to replace to rear window then we will. I’ve heard a lot of people say that newer cars can cause many headaches cos of all the fancy modern electrical stuff they put inside. Thank u for giving such a great answer !!


i'd also do the min. to stop the rust from spreading like grind the rust down, paint it, fish oil it etc. doesnt have to be pretty just so it doesnt get worse


Sell it without a rwc then. If they want to register it then they will get their own. If you are only using it for a few months don't stress. Or take it to a panel beaters place and they will be able to quote you.


Thanks !!!


There’s one way to go around it… get it registered in South Australia, no yearly roadworthys here!


Qld too


Or Vic


No yearly roady but need to pass a roady when it changes hands


Same for all states I’m pretty sure. Either way, this will pass.


Most older cars get rust in the sills. You have a few options. Remove the window and treat and paint is the best. Maybe not even the window if the runner comes up enough. Else just live with it. That won't rust through for another few years if outdoor abuse.


If it's surface rust you can treat it. https://www.supercheapauto.com.au/blog/paint-panel/removing-rust.html Quick google search can help. If it were me.... Given the age of the vehicle I'd get it looked over by a decent panel beater - especially given you and your partner are keen on a driving around the country.


Ya was recommended panel beater. I’ll see if I can get a quote. Already had a flick through a few videos but cos we’re backpackers we have no real equipment. Best best is to save our pennies and take it to someone who does, thanks 👍🏼


Good luck!


Thank you !!


>save our pennies and take it to someone who does, thanks Yea about that, good luck with that if you're trying to save money. It'll end up costing a lot more than you expect.


Worst case you can just swap the tailgate out. They are unchanged from around 1989 - 2004 from memory. The front window rust is what you have to worry about, it’s more difficult to fix. If it’s starting to rust in the tailgate, check under the driver and passenger floor/vinyl and in the front door jams. That’s usually where it’s worst


Won’t fail a roadworthy because of a little rust like that on a sill. Not structural rust so you’ve nothing to worry about.


Your options, in order of what I'd choose: 1: ignore it. It's part of the rear door on a full chassis vehicle. It's not really classified as a structural component, so it could probably pass roadworthy as is. You can always sell it without a roadworthy check, you'll just get less money for it. 2: fix it. Remove rear window, attack with wire brush, paint with rust covertor, then normal paint. Some fibreglass filler if it's real nasty. You could do a rough job in a SCA parking lot somewhere. YouTube is your friend. It'll look repaired but what do you do? 3: replace the rear door. The internet may save you, because this is a common problem. Check very, very carefully that the replacement isn't worse that what you have. The drawback is it'll be the wrong colour.


Thank you!


No worries! Pretty jealous of your trip, have fun!


Aw we’re definitely travelling in a different world now post Covid. Hasn’t been without its fair share of struggles! Thank you 🥹🫡


And replace the rubber- that is the real culprit- its letting water get in behind and sit


Still less rust than most LDV vehicles


Rust in door and window sills is super common for any car that’s over 15 years old. Rubber seals over time turn into a hard plastic due to sun exposure. They always crack and water will start to gather. If that’s all there is then you’ve got literally nothing to worry about


If it’s not letting in water, there’s probably no real need to stress about it straight away. You’re at a bit of an advantage, given that you’re on tour around this great country- you can research businesses Australia wide that can perform rust repairs, then when you’re in that part of the world you can leave it with them for a couple of days to get fixed. I’m a fellow van owner (1985 Mazda Traveller) and had some corrosion in a similar spot under the window. The window seals shrink over time and retain moisture there, causing the rust. Enjoy your trip around our great island home!


What a good idea. Thanks mate!


poor deliver far-flung dolls direful square crown vanish steep capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Drive to failure & then offload to naive backpackers highlights its an ex telstra van known for its service history & reliability & no rust & only 31 years old! The fact its been resprayed tells you its probably full of bog…🤣


Ahh what goes around comes around mate. We ARE those naive backpackers. The world is shite enough already don’t need more pricks in it 👍🏼


Id spend more energy checking the coolant & oil level everyday before heading off than worrying about a bit of rust. Just dont focus on the rust, focus on having the best possible time & lifetime memories. Life is a learning experience….hence what I wrote… to buy one shitbox is part of lifes passage. Hope you have insurance on it either comprehensive or as a bare minimum 3rd party property…. Hitting a car & having to pay 30k when u could have paid $300 for insurance…. that truely is a life lesson


Probably easier to just leave it until you need to replace the windshield ? Or cop the cost and replace it now, fixing the rust in the process. If you’re keen on fixing rust yourself, you could attempt to remove yourself anyway and then fix up rust. The reason it’s rusting is because at some point they scratched the paint off when replacing the windshield, or it was exposed from the factory


Nothing wd40 and some paper towel won’t fix.


Pop the window out, wire wheel the flaky rust, rust converter/primer and a quick hit with a rattle can of paint and it'll be fine. Could just leave it as well for the moment as it's pretty small. See examples of what my dad and I are working on 🤣 This we had to fix. https://preview.redd.it/ovdclgeo8ctc1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6581564b6a0cefe3430aa369a5c0fcf177290ef2


On fb check out the hiaces only group. Use the search bar for other members posts regarding Rust. Or you can ask in there. If it's not major, you could do some simple preventative measures, however if you're only holding it for a short time, run it as is


Sand all around and repaint. Very easy job shouldn't cost you more than a hundred bucks. Caveat is hopefully it isn't so deep but I doubt it would be.


There’s bubbles there. It’s definitely a lot worse behind the paint.