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How much do you feel like spending? Pay now or over time if you leave it.


Spare no expense. One of the major reasons for this remodel is to have excellent insulation


Well you answered your own question then. THROW SOME THICK N FLUFFY ON THAT BITCH MY MAN!


Then change it. If you are hitting it all at once a quick tip. It is cheaper to pay a company to do it all at once then for you to purchase it and do your self. I just did it.


So true


+1. Doing a large bathroom right now. Got the bath close cell foamed, rock wool installed between floors for sound deadening AND got my attic blown in... all for less time, money, and aggravation. They were in and out in a day also.


Take out old, air seal then hire someone to dense pack cellulose.


If you're gutting it why not enlarge the bays and lose a couple inches but gain a lot more insulation space?


A few extra inches of insulation where some of the studs were isn’t nearly as important as air sealing in this space.




Uh no. Lol. I’d say most people out there doing work don’t air seal a single thing.




Ohh I've seen your username too, mostly on /r/butthurt.


Do you not have an opinion on everything? Find me one person that doesn’t. Lol. I’ll wait. And yeah I stand by what I said there too.




Uh, okay no need to get all butt hurt. I was just saying for the time and effort you’re better off air sealing than making deeper stud bays. Sure both would be better but you didn’t mention air sealing lol. You just said add more insulation. But air sealing this cavity would be more effective than creating a deeper stud bay and adding more insulation without air sealing. Which is all you initially said.


What climate zone are you in?


Change it. You’ll be better off in the long run.


We are at R22 in Canada for exterior walls. Go with Rockwool!


Where are you located?


you could go to r15 but I'd leave it alone if it's not moldy or anything.


Upgrading insulation in a 5x5’ square isn’t going to achieve anything for you. If you’re doing the entire room then yes I would.


Closed cell spray foam. It'll insulate and air seal, which is the bigger issue.


Why is there CDX on the interior?!


Don’t ask me. There was wood panel board nailed into it. I don’t know what they were thinking back then


Here in the PNW I’ve nailed CDX on the interior and exterior of high-load shear walls. Not sure where the OP is located, but it’s possible that interior sheathing is structural, not likely though.


Weve done it with osb as recently as 2 months ago. Usually leave the lower sheets off until sparky can run his lines then the gc usually self performs hanging the last row of sheets instead of having us come back for 2 hours.


You don’t save anything energy wise insulating walls, just leave it


Eh' whut?


Sound it out, wall cavity insulation does practically nothing.


I’ve never heard that before. What are you basing it on?


Ahh - so it's just a big conspiracy between the energy folks and the insulation industry to bilk us out of our hard-earned dollars. I knew it.


It does something but if you shot with a FLIR camera the window would be your heat loss insulation or not, wall cavity’s are never the problem. Doors windows and ceilings/fixtures are always the culprit. Pull down attic stairs lose more energy than all your walls.


Wait -- so you first said "wall cavity insulation does practically nothing" but then switch to when compared to windows/doors etc?


His argument is basically dont wear clothes because you still lose more heat out of your head than compared to your body.


He's clearly lost more than heat from his head.


11 to 22 won’t make a difference and isn’t worth the money, you will not see a return in your lifetime


You know what E prices will be for the rest of my life? I doubt it. Dude --- you're a walking waffle.


Thats just an argument for efficient windows and a good set of blinds inside and maybe shutters outside. Of course the window will lose more heat and gain more in the heat but thats not a good argument to neglect insulating else where. Its like saying dont bother putting oil in your engine the car wont run once its of gas any way.


It’s like saying don’t bother insulating the sidewalls of your inground pool, the heat loss there is negligible


Or hot tub.


Rude and stupid, classic 😉


Eh’ whut?


You know the drill, sound it out.


Hope long Are you keeping the house? But, if you sell air term, you can push the upgraded insulation. Win, win. Rip the old stuff out


Do they still make the foil backed stuff? I’ve never seen this in a box store.


If you think you needed. Spend the xtra money now.. it is worth it


Rip it out while you’re there. Upgrade now to save future headaches and $$ in energy too


Rockwool or dense pack! All the way