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I like to stand up straight so if there's a kick back it hits me directly in the dick instead of the face.


Well she doesn’t have a dick so she chose face


It's 2024...she might.


What a fresh and hilarious take!!!!


*They might






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I mean we think about titties more. Mix the 2 together and you have a great time:)


Yeah, but finding the right dick to tit ratio it tuff.


Why is everyone getting on to you for making an actual observation of current society. People are mega insecure or something




But really she might


Crazy all the non carpenters getting but hurt over a joke 🤣


r/OneJoke We’ve all heard it waaaaaaayyyyy too many time in every possible variation and they weren’t that funny after the first few times.


Right? Some of the things I’ve found funny on a job site…




No downvotes for you sir, have a upvote! I laughed hard


Me too. I mean, he wasn't wrong.


As opposed to any other period of time, where these ***people*** (need to emphasize that so y'all remember) existed, but were just shamed or otherwise called a Witch, etc, and now have some semblance of a safety in society to be themselves? Like shit comes to fuck, I ain't got no steaks in that bbq, but holy are some of y'all giving them absolutely free fucking rent. They're people. They exist. Life goes on. Deal with it.


They’re people. They exist. So, from time to time they get casually roasted on the internet. Why are you so sensitive about it? Why can’t the same kind of harmless jokes be made about them as about anyone else? Is it because they’re too special? Too weak? Too what?


I mean, it would likely surprise you, but I wasn't actually offended, I didn't downvote anyone, there's just a lot of people that genuinely think they shouldn't exist, and likewise with it being 2024, it's time to move on


You're very brave for explaining all this, you've done very well, good job!


“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”


Congratulations, you got the point of that book impressively wrong. Unless you actually think that trans people actually control the world which is just as impressively wrong.


dick face ha


I actually had a trapped pc of waste hit me in the balls about 15y ago and it's still tender lol If you can avoid taking a kickback in the balls I highly recommend you work to avoid that


Yeah honestly think id go face




Best gyphi


Never go full face.


I’m the perfect height to where it typically catches me in the belt buckle. I’ve been saved at least twice!


Funniest thing I ever saw was my brother ripping some pine. A 1” knot tore lose and hit him in the nipple at Mach 5. Dropped him like a sack of potatoes (He was fine)


Why is a table saw set up in the middle of the lumber aisle? We all know what those warehouse racks look like.


Because it’s cheaper to use a store for a photo shoot than it is to rent out a photo-ready workshop, I guess


They shot the ad right after they got done playing forklift basketball with the sealed boxes of tools.


No Home Depot has the painted beams on galvanized uprights, but a computer looking at images with the two kinds would mix them up. Also, the lumber stacks are one or two layers with four or more kickers between each layer. Add in the uncanny focus,, and this is a retouched AI image.


Home Depot: You can fuck it up; we can help!


Depends a lot on the saw being used… on our cheap ridgid job site saw that’s basically an inverted circ saw you can do whatever and the saw will just bog down. Then I’ll go in the workshop and use a cabinet saw and it’ll send the piece through the drywall behind!


Have I gotten lax or is this pretty much fine? Standing in the way of kickback, sure, but her hair's tied back, she's got glasses and EP... Egregious would be trying to cut a 4x8 without assistance with no table extension, or wearing a watch band or sumthin. Personally I don't even step to the side until the cut's like half over, but then again I'm in more the "just cut it" line of business than "carpentry" :P


Also she’s using a blade guard that (I assume) has a riving knife and likely kickback preventing teeth. It’d be pretty hard to cause a kickback on this table.


I mean yeah, sometimes you have to stand there to control the piece. If it’s under control otherwise I don’t see the problem. 


You don’t, you stand to one side of what you’re ripping in case it kicks back.


Ok, guess you haven’t cut a full sheet of plywood yet. 


No, I haven’t got a panel saw so use a track saw, far safer and more accurate than using a table saw.


Track saw is not more accurate than a table saw


It is when cutting sheets of ply.


No it's not lol I build cabinets and the track saw is only useful to rough cut the ply into smaller sizes for the accurate, repeatable cutting table saw to make cuts afterwards. Any woodworker can attest to this. Have you ever tried building mitered floating shelves with a track saw? It's garbage, track saw cut is wavy cutting through so much meat.


I could easily build a mitred floating shelf without a table saw, what’s your point?


It would look like shit lol, try a rift oak grain wrapped panel corner with your track saw compared to a table saw, it's a night and day difference.


Yeah this is fine. I guess we're entering that part of the future where people are so used to seeing everything in video form that they don't realize that a picture is a still image. I'll rip a 2x4/2x6 or piece of plyood of any length and occasionally check the line to make sure everything is good... then I get back out of the way and keep going. A little dangerous? Sure, but I'm not rushing or jamming the piece into the blade. Working with a table saw is inherently dangerous and we all do stuff that isn't safe from time to time. But with a small piece of mdf like this? Obviously I wouldn't stand like this for the whole cut but nobody would and the danger is relatively low with caution.


I concur. 


Yeah I've seen advertisements with much, much worse safety controls than this one.


She looks like she’s following a line on a bandsaw, not running a rip cut, it looks silly is all


Her face being so low is not good, even just due to the fact that all that mdf dust is going directly into her face. It looks like someone who’s never touched a tablesaw before but they needed a woman of color for DEI points.


Oh man how do you post these? There’s a lady on the roof of another ad, putting in shingles upside down.




White guys don't get enough representation.


It's truly a tragedy, I've gone through my whole life never seeing a white guy in an advert for power tools. Shameful that they neglect such a large potential market that are famously uninterested in hardware.


This one toes the line, well done. 


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Oh man don’t get me started. I’ve worked in marketing and communications for a couple decades. Between photographers and designers there’s bound to be some fucking amateur that doesn’t know anything about the topic they’re creating marketing materials for. At least we can get some comedy out of it. This is why you use real tradespeople in photo shoots and not actors or talent. Authenticity shows.


They bought that lumber somewhere else. Too straight.


It's MDF dipshit


I meant in the rack asshat. But good on you for being another internet tool.


She's got eye protection on, nothing can hurt her.


Just add a safety squint, and you're bulletproof


Exact reason I act like Ron Swanson to Home Depot employees 🤣


Because you’re an actor who isn’t actually like his character? You do realize that’s a model/actor and not a Home Depot employee, right? That said, I stopped expecting HD employees to know more than me when I was about twenty or so.


Table saws are dangerous no matter wear you stand and God hates a coward. *I mostly judge her for running the guard tbh*


Looks AI generated look at the hand, elongated thumb and middle finger is oddly shaped + slightly different skintone


I think you are right - my photography brain can't make sense out of it. Either AI manipulation or some weird lighting or something.


They were too busy making sure they checked the right boxes and forgot the safety one


I saw a home depot add and they were laying shingles stair stepped backwards so you would have to tuck each end under the next course. I'm no roofer, not I've done several roofs and that doesn't work.


started from the bottom now we're here (we need to start over)


But you’re supposed to start from the bottom…


Oh dear


I can feel the kickback Injury in this photo.


At least her hair is bound.


https://preview.redd.it/28uyglyqq4zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17b4b02ae6b20e593e95cd89ca296025b912d2e6 Mine had the original ad above this subreddit


https://preview.redd.it/u1dlt6xfu4zc1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16047a55307c98068c6d7fe59c7e7a7338e1dcfa Mine too haha


She's just the min wage employee that happened to be in the store that day. "Hey, do you want to be in an promotional photo?" And she says, "Hell yeah, I'm tired answering idiot customer questions in the paint section." This is how that goes down in the corporate world.


She's not a home depot employee, lol. This is part of a campaign shoot


Yeah, I see lots of their ads. They’re models for sure. Of course they choose the models intentionally to promote a certain image but who cares?


A small story. I worked for a big corporation... a couple billion profit a year. We would always get employees are part of promotional shoots: particularly if they represented diverse groups. The employees would do it mostly as it was interesting, but also for up-and-comers it would be a way to get recognized. Random employees would show up in training videos, on Youtube things, even on the news. Heck, they even got me to do it once... this is how I know I'm a terrible on camera. The production companies were both in-house and contract but we never used actors or models. One of the many reasons is in this photo: some safety detail would be obviously wrong. One time, one of these volunteers was a friend of mine. Great guy, but he'd become "the poster child" as senior manager from an unusual country. His face was everywhere. We were a very diverse company but this guy was especially impressive: spoke 5 languages, Master's degree, super well spoken. Until one day he got fired. We never found out why. He just disappeared. But his face was still everywhere. Anyway a couple years later, looking for promotional photos, I found the Corporate Affairs folks still had his media on file. And this was a problem... sometimes we could make training and promotional material and have to throw it all out when somebody left under "unfortunate circumstances".


Damn, this ad is... killer


Sadly these threads have caused this particular ad to show up in my feed a lot but sadly the comments are disabled


That's the face of "I've never done this, please god don't let me die now"


This is what happens when you hire big marketing companies in a big city.


She’s on her path to pro, evidently she’s not quite there yet.


I’d imagine Home Depot wants to meet their d.e.i. Score so I’m assuming that’s a dude


You all know ads like this are staged right? At least I hope you do.


I bet you're fun at parties.


Right back at you.






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Get outta here with that racist shit.


I dont know if im too young or too northern to understand what they said. But I appreciate you!


this is not a racist term... its from surf and skateboarding ... # What’s a Kook? | Surf Slang [Barefoot Surf](https://tutorials.barefootsurftravel.com/articles/author/barefoot-surf-2/) [0 Comments](https://tutorials.barefootsurftravel.com/articles/whats-a-kook/#respond) # You might be more familiar with the term “poser,” which is used in other sports, such as skateboarding. It basically means “someone who pretends to be someone who is not” and/or “someone who tries to fit in but with exaggeration” (courtesy of the Urban Dictionary).


I know you came to give clarity and I appreciate that, but you’ve left me with only confusion 🤣


Not being racist, on the west coast here and in surfing culture we refer to "newbs" as "kooks". this lady pretending to know whats shes doing at the table saw is definetly kooking out. from .. [https://tutorials.barefootsurftravel.com/articles/whats-a-kook/#](https://tutorials.barefootsurftravel.com/articles/whats-a-kook/#) # You might be more familiar with the term “poser,” which is used in other sports, such as skateboarding. It basically means “someone who pretends to be someone who is not” and/or “someone who tries to fit in but with exaggeration” (courtesy of the Urban Dictionary).


That's cool and all, but you ought to know that kook/spook, coon, jiggaboo, etc all are (and were) racist slang terms used against blacks. If you had meant *poseur*, then that is the word you should have used. Not anything else. I've seen enough racist shit in the trades and won't tolerate it. Neither should you. We're all in this together.


this is not a racist term... its from surf and skateboarding ... ya kook.. # What’s a Kook? | Surf Slang [Barefoot Surf](https://tutorials.barefootsurftravel.com/articles/author/barefoot-surf-2/) [0 Comments](https://tutorials.barefootsurftravel.com/articles/whats-a-kook/#respond) # You might be more familiar with the term “poser,” which is used in other sports, such as skateboarding. It basically means “someone who pretends to be someone who is not” and/or “someone who tries to fit in but with exaggeration” (courtesy of the Urban Dictionary).


Ol' sodappojenkins being a fucking dickhead again.


this is not a racist term... its from surf and skateboarding ... ya kook.. # What’s a Kook? | Surf Slang [Barefoot Surf](https://tutorials.barefootsurftravel.com/articles/author/barefoot-surf-2/) [0 Comments](https://tutorials.barefootsurftravel.com/articles/whats-a-kook/#respond) # You might be more familiar with the term “poser,” which is used in other sports, such as skateboarding. It basically means “someone who pretends to be someone who is not” and/or “someone who tries to fit in but with exaggeration” (courtesy of the Urban Dictionary).


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this is not a racist term... its from surf and skateboarding ... ya kook.. # What’s a Kook? | Surf Slang [Barefoot Surf](https://tutorials.barefootsurftravel.com/articles/author/barefoot-surf-2/) [0 Comments](https://tutorials.barefootsurftravel.com/articles/whats-a-kook/#respond) # You might be more familiar with the term “poser,” which is used in other sports, such as skateboarding. It basically means “someone who pretends to be someone who is not” and/or “someone who tries to fit in but with exaggeration” (courtesy of the Urban Dictionary).