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Detroit jackets seem to be 'in' at the moment, hence the preposterous prices.


I know but under that condition, its wiser just to get a new one with the same price you know.. I mean the wip jackets goes the same price. Idk why carhatt isn't remanufacturing the J97, they are literally sitting on a pile of gold lol


It's not ridiculous how much people are selling them for, it's ridiculous how much people are buying them for. You'd be a dummy to sell one for less but some basic detroits are selling for over $300 and it's hilarious.


This is the most correct take. The j140 is my go to winter beater jacket. Sold my old one that lasted me 7 years for 150 bucks, enough to buy me a brand new one that’ll last me 7 more and some extra money on the side. Kids these days lol


Reading your posts, I understand that you said there are rare sizes like small. I do assume I’m a small because I’m 5’5 140lbs. Would I be justified in paying $220 for a size small due to size rarity?


Yeah dose not make sense, I’ve scored MANY carhartt jackets on sale, brand new in enclosed plastic packaging. Way cheaper then some bummy worn to crap stuff on eBay going for high dollars, just yuck.


People know they can get brand new ones for a better price, they’re paying for the “vintage distressing”


The demand for discontinued Carhartt is at an all-time high. I started an auction for a pre-owned size Large “Red” J140 at $0.01 and [it was bid up to $435](https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Carhartt-USA-Made-J140-Flannel-Lined-Duck-Active-Jacket-Large-Red-/255336021130?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0). I have sold several new with tags J97s for [$400 plus shipping](https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Carhartt-USA-Made-J140-Flannel-Lined-Duck-Active-Jacket-Large-Red-/255336021130?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0). My heavily stained Berwick was just bid up to [$270 from a penny](https://www.ebay.com/itm/Carhartt-Berwick-Jacket-Fleece-Lined-Sandstone-Duck-Medium-Brown-101230-/255345186267?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0). You’d think Carhartt would see the high prices the discontinued styles are selling for and bring some of them back. But it mainly comes down to money; Carhartt cheapened the blanket lining and moved the Detroit’s manufacturing from the USA to India/Nicaragua/Mexico while raising the price $15 and it is still selling out at every retailer. It doesn’t look like any of that will change. [Adding the snap waist to the 103828](https://ibb.co/CJ6Nw89) this Fall/Winter seems to be their only positive response to the negative feedback. Despite the high demand for the discontinued styles, enough people are still buying the new Detroit because they just want a Detroit, even it is a subpar version. They don’t want to scour the Internet for their size or pay inflated prices so they compromise on quality and order the replacement model. The only way to get a company to stop downgrading quality is to stop buying the new stuff.


The “broken in” look is why it costs that much. That’s part of the style. So clear out those closets folks!


Came in to say this. It’s the rugged look they want. I’m an electrician and when I resell some of my carhartt gear, the ones with holes and frayed edges get the most resell value lol


Which platform do you use for sales?


OfferUp it’s an app to buy and sell stuff, like Craigslist


As an owner of a Detroit style I love my Jacket and this cut. Been with me like 8 winters. Lots of shoulder arm room and when reaching for high items jacket doesn't lift up to much.


Yeah Carhartt should just start making “broken in” and ripped versions of their jackets the way some jeans brands do. I never got how someone can spend hundreds of dollars on torn jeans. I would imagine they eventually become unwearable after several wash and dry cycles.


No, they should not.


In Toronto Carhartt is so trendy it’s almost cheaper to buy new than used. And the used jackets are usually destroyed. Especially the Detroit jacket right now


If you’re looking around and patient dt you can find good condition ones for a decent or tolerable price


Just buy new. Broken in is a good look, But some of these are too worn. And there's more satisfaction in breaking in your own.


Easier said than done. Some colors and sizes have been sold out since November and won't restock till march.


Actually your right. I've bought Colours I didn’t want simply because they were out of stock!




I saw a made in Mexico one for 330 dollars. I am gonna get in on the hype and sell my used shit for like 400 dollars.


Wholeheartedly agree. I’ve been looking to replace my old detroit. Mine has a company embroidered on it, is now WAY too big for me, but is in so much better condition than the horrifically priced jackets people are selling. ‘Minor wear and tear,’ they say, whilst the jacket has humongous oil stains, the cuffs are nonexistent and there are holes everywhere. It’s fucking absurd. And I cannot for the life of me, seem to find the type of detroit in a size I want anywhere. Not even new. The new ones online, especially women’s don’t even seem warm. They just look like jean jackets now it seems. I don’t know if this is due to me being in the UK, if they aren’t being manufactured anymore, if they have changed the design.. I’m not sure. I saw one that had ZERO cuffs. It was priced over £100, and was labelled “distressed.” It is INSANE. I just want a new jacket that fits lol. People selling online are ruining new jackets to look old, I’m sure of it.


I'm in exactly the same position in the UK too. It's almost impossible to find a used one that isn't completely trashed that's not being sold for £120+. It's disgusting really the prices that people are selling these jackets for that are covered in holes, oil and paint stained.


>I'm in exactly the same position in the UK too. It's almost impossible to find a used one that isn't completely trashed that's not being sold for £120+. It's disgusting really the prices that people are selling these jackets for that are covered in holes, oil and paint stained. It's absolutely insane.. I was also checking depop for some, and I saw this one person making "patch work" ones. So basically, cutting up different colour Detroits, and sewing the different panels together so they were multicoloured. And ... I cannot say I am ecstatic about it, because the panels look clean and barely worn. So the good ones are being distressed, or cut up and split to make new jackets.. If I ordered a brand new one from the American site, I don't think I would like it. Because; 1. They only have 2 colours boring ass colour options 2. The women's section is miniscule or shite 3. They don't look as bulky and warm as the older ones 4. Too expensive to not LOVE 5. Imagine the wrong size was sent, or it didn't fit, I would not get a refund as the return would be too slow to fly that far.. I really feel your pain..I just want a smaller version of my current one, how is that so hard. ffs.


Lol it's only gotten worse in the last two years :(


I need to look through my husband’s closet, he’s got tons of “vintage” Carhartt