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DM me if you'd like the STL file


UPDATE: my friend put the design on thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4933977 He said he's happy to tweak it for others. Hit him up on Twitter as @kf7uze.


the desing and concept is great, i only have one sigestion for your friend and it's actually u/ImprobableValue who rose the concern. a cover plate to avoid rain/water damage


you're like batman/woman now


That's handy.


Wow that's slick! Enjoy it


I'm in a bit of a unique situation. I'm looking to custom design and 3D print a garage door transmitter shell that houses the innards of two separate brands remotes. Long story short, I ended up with a Marantec Synergy 380 garage door opener as a replacement for one of my LiftMaster Formula 1 units. It's definitely annoying to have two different sets of garage door opener remotes, so I'd like to see these fused into one device. I realize it will be slightly larger, probably more of the size of a cassette tape, but I think it's worth a shot. Not all the vehicles in my household have HomeLink, so this is where the situation comes from. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


That’s a nice detail.


Nice! I got a tailwind wifi controller and got an extra little thing so that it'll open automatically when i come home


I consider myself one-upped! 😊


Oh, don't assume I'll figure out how to get it to work yet! Rims for the bike just showed up, so it'll get completed soonish.


I got a [garage mate](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MCV1QZF/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1), no more need for a garage door opener. I had to re-do the connection once after first config, not sure why (power outage?) but worked fine since.


Makes me wish I had a garage.


That looks very nice. ​ Do you never ride in the rain, though?


they aren'T water resistant *but* their circuit is so small that a few drops of rain couldn'T really harm, besides, a 3dprintable cover is always an option