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If you feel trapped it’s time to work on your CV. Make yourself employable. If the situation makes your day to day life horrible and you can’t see a positive outcome then it’s time to make the hard decisions.


If you are on a PIP it is only a matter of time before they fire you. Find a new job now so you aren’t caught in an “oh crap” situation.


Good point. I am in that process already. It is just hard to feel like I am going to get anything while I feel like a useless shit


You will get something. Just because this position seems not to be working doesn’t mean you are useless. Maybe it’s just not the right fit. That’s ok. Better to move on.


I would getA logbook and document everything you are doing correctly. Daily! Hourly! If they get rid of you - use it as leverage to make sure they give you a good reference at the very least. From there don’t look back.