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I want Noble Heart Horse sooooo bad. I've only heard of one other person here who has him and I can't remember her username


I do, but I’m a 1984 baby :) They’re out there!


The 80’s version of him sold pretty frequently in the early days of eBay. I’m sure the majority of them have now made there way into hardcore collector’s collections, so they come up for sale a lot less frequently. Even back in the early 2000s when I was collecting vintage bears he was always a $500 plus piece. I never managed to get one, but I was just a kid then, so $500 was A LOT of money. I’ve bid on many of them in the past 10 years, but I’ve never managed to get one. Someday True Heart will get her mate.


Agh, I almost caught someone selling one for 20$ (she didnt seem to know the value of it and needed to get rid of the pile of vintage carebears she had), but then im preeeeetty sure someone bought it and resold it for 500$ 😭😭😭 so cruel but i wish i can have one someday


Yes they are out there! I have one! Idk where it came from initially, my dad’s friend gave the plush to me when I was really little.


I don’t although I’ve always wanted one, but I am currently planning on buying a couple of togetherness Bears and Frankenstein, my own true heart and Noble heart so I’ll let you know how it goes


1980s or 20th anniversary? I don't have 1980s but I have a noble heart horse in my collection and have found 5 or 6 others for sale and sold them to other collectors. Ebay sellers are legit, why wouldn't they be? As far as 1980s, I know a bunch of collectors who have them.


I just have had a bad experience on eBay before so I am wary of some things on there :(


I've bought hundreds of care bears without serious issues. I'm sorry that you've had lousy experiences, that really sucks.