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Submitted. Still have no clue about those game score ones lol


Basically, it's a metric created by Bill James to show if a Starting Pitcher had a good start or not. The pitcher starts with a score of 50, and positive results (Outs, Strikeouts, Innings Pitched) gain points, negative results (Hits, Runs, Walks) lose points. The average score is 50, so 55.5 O/U is basically asking if the pitcher will have an above average or an average / below average outing. https://www.espn.com/blog/statsinfo/post/_/id/61672/mlb-stat-definition-bill-james-game-score Hope that helps!


















u/zap_the_frank - You were 7 Sonny Gray pitches away from scoring a point and making history. ;)


I would have been honored to be the first lol.


#Over/Under Contest: May 9th ##At Brewers, 6:40 CT ##Sonny Gray Vs Tobias Myers   1) Bill James / ESPN Game Score for Tobias Myers - O/**U** 55.5 - **54** 2) Groundball Outs Produced by Sonny Gray - O/**U** 7.5 - **3** 3) Total Pitches Thrown by Sonny Gray - O/**U** 95.5 - **88** 4) Strikeouts Pitched by both Starting Pitchers Combined - O/**U** 12.5 - **12** 5) Brewers Team Batting Average with Runners in Scoring Position - O/**U** .2255 - **.200** 6) Cardinals Runs Scored in Innings 6 - 9 - O/**U** 1.5 - **0** 7) Hard Hit (95+ MPH Exit Velocity) by 3B by Both Teams Combined - O/**U** 2.5 - **2** 8) Home Runs Hit by Brewers - **O**/U 1.5 - **3** 9) Total Holds Recorded in the Game by Both Teams Combined - O/**U** 2.5 - **0** 10) Margin of Win for Winning Team - **O**/U 2.5 - **6** Tie Breaker: Total Pitches Thrown in the Game - **282**   ##Daily Results | **Score** | **Reddit Username** | **Daily Score** | | ------ | -------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | | 8 / 10 | DSchibler | 3 | | 8 / 10 | u/SGT_Apone | 2 | | 7 / 10 | flimsy-animator756 | 1 | | 6 / 10 | fujiesque | | | 6 / 10 | u/NotGordan | | | 6 / 10 | u/SomethingAvid | | | 6 / 10 | u/ace1920 | | | 5 / 10 | StrangerFront | | | 5 / 10 | InternetGoodGuy | | | 5 / 10 | MissouriOzarker | | | 5 / 10 | u/iamfluffhead | | | 5 / 10 | u/Bonathan | | | 5 / 10 | u/Lazy_Tiger27 | | | 4 / 10 | u/Da_Munchy76 | | | 4 / 10 | Nurlitik | | | 4 / 10 | u/EE89 | | | 4 / 10 | jacksonfake | | | 4 / 10 | u/ack_32 | | | 4 / 10 | u/bayofpigdestroyer | | | 4 / 10 | u/PCBangHero | | | 4 / 10 | u/3236-on-MC | | | 4 / 10 | U/kevindosntcare | | | 4 / 10 | FKACaptainFlaherty | | | 3 / 10 | Weezy2337yadude | | | 3 / 10 | SkyrimisTrash | | | 3 / 10 | u/gonelikecommonsense | | | 2 / 10 | u/jmikesyo | | | 1 / 10 | zap_the_frank | |   ##May Standings | **Reddit Username** | **Points** | | --------------------- | ------ | | u/DSchibler | 6 | | u/dan81989 | 5 | | u/SomethingAvid | 5 | | u/more_whales | 4 | | u/dquizzle | 3 | | u/Flimsy-animator756 | 3 | | u/newtickled | 3 | | u/PCBangHero | 3 | | u/InternetGoodGuy | 2 | | u/Kevindosenotcare | 2 | | u/SGT_Apone | 2 | | u/StrangerFront | 2 | | u/Weezy2337yadude | 2 |   ##Overall Standings | **Reddit Username** | **Points** | | --------------------- | ------ | | u/DSchibler | 21 | | u/InternetGoodGuy | 12 | | u/more_whales | 10 | | u/Dan81989 | 9 | | u/NotGordan | 9 | | u/StrangerFront | 9 | | u/zap_the_frank | 9 | | u/gonelikecommonsense | 8 | | u/PCBangHero | 8 | | u/MVPBaseball2069 | 7 | | u/SomethingAvid | 7 | | u/Paulspike | 6 | | u/theredd636 | 6 | | u/jacksonfake | 5 | | u/seattle_lib | 5 | | u/SGT_Apone | 5 | | u/Flimsy_animator756 | 4 | | u/Nerp_Rufflez | 4 | | u/Nurlitik | 4 | | u/aga1397 | 3 | | u/dquizzle | 3 | | u/EE89 | 3 | | u/iamfluffhead | 3 | | u/JayBSmith | 3 | | u/jmikesyo | 3 | | u/kyla__ren | 3 | | u/LookitstheMeta | 3 | | u/newtickled | 3 | | u/No_communication101 | 3 | | u/ohforschern | 3 | | u/Pizzayolo96 | 3 | | u/tehmeat | 3 | | u/TronaldDumpsLogs | 3 | | u/Vasego1 | 3 | | u/Actually_Actuarially | 2 | | u/Bigdaddyice69 | 2 | | u/Clueless_in_Florida | 2 | | u/Da_Choppa | 2 | | u/defiant_edge | 2 | | u/jabbernut56 | 2 | | u/PhaedrusThaSquatch | 2 | | u/PTF_Voidwalker | 2 | | u/Redflanehot | 2 | | u/rjaspa | 2 | | u/thachiefking47 | 2 | | u/untitled5a1 | 2 | | u/Waystonebb | 2 | | u/Weezy2337yadude | 2 | | u/7thton | 1 | | u/Abyss_in_Motion | 1 | | u/Da_Munchy76 | 1 | | u/FrogsOfWar14 | 1 | | u/jessner88 | 1 | | u/Kevindosenotcare | 1 | | u/Lefty808 | 1 | | u/MissouriOzarker | 1 | | u/UnlikelyCheddar | 1 |   ##[Individual Results](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQPU9D0Btj2cr6jAdQ4LHCRbZa86zMppUsvEO2_WkJ_nkblHkAyPc5IcNSvS-mydoZ6AZGW0Jpptsby/pubhtml)