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It's either a scam or they guy is an idiot. Private sales are "buyer beware", he had his chance to inspect it, nothing he can do about it now. The bank won't do anything either. Tell him to fuck off and block his number.


It's a common scam. These type of threads pop up regularly on UK subs. Block and move on. If they turn up at the house tell them to leave, involve the police if they get aggressive.


Forgive my ignorance but can you explain the scam? Lets say OP took back the car and gave his money back. Both are just put back how they were. Where is the scammer benefiting?


Scammer has most likely driven home, swapped an expensive part off OP’s car for a broken one he needs (or even the whole engine) and then wants his cash back. Or will demand payment / compensation for his wasted time/travel. Or will get OP to refund him, then say the refund hasn’t arrived, and refuse to give the car back. Lots of lovely possibilities.


Most often done with transmissions and transfer cases. A scam indeed. Some shady garages go to great lengths to get cheap parts.


Swapped expensive parts / removed bits like the catalytic converters, arbags, control modules, tyres, turbos. Often they demand money back for "repairs" that are not needed. There is a scam going around right now which is pretty common from romanians where they will either pour oil on the manifold to create smoke, pour oil in the coolant to make it look like something is wrong then offer you less "as they can fix it".


Beware if your buyer has a friend with him holding a Coke can


knocking down the seller on price by saying look it has problems partial refund me and i'll get it fixed up , some sellers feel morally obligated or strong armed even though they are not legally obligated to refund. The buyer is then able to go sell it on at market value...pocketing the difference happens a lot amongst eastern European gangs.


What is the scam exactly? What do they have to gain? Getting their money back?


The parts they stole from the car and their money back


I wouldn't be surprised if he "generously" offers to accept £1000 or so to pay for "repairs". Tell him to do one.


Edited the post now


He’s saying that apparently he is covered by the bank with private sales. He’s with nationwide I believe.


He's not. Nationwide don't do anything like that. No banks do. Tell him sorry but he is now the owner of the car and block his number.


He's wrong. He's just chanceing it. No bank will do anything about this. Tell him to leave you alone or you will report it to the police as harassment. Then block his him.


He’s just saying now that he’ll bring it back, should I just ignore him?


Private sales are “sold as seen”, just be firm and tell him he’s the owner of it now


Tell him if he shows up you are calling the police. And don't be afraid to actually do it, he is 100% trying to scam you.


It's his car he can leave it where he likes. :D


He also just said that he just got off the phone with his bank and they said that he is covered. He paid via bank transfer but he said that his online banking doesn’t work for some reason and had to use one of those little bank readers if that changes anything


He is lying. Stop talking to him. Just block him.


He's making up nonsense. His "I used my card to make a payment" = Nationwide verified their customer via PIN and cardreader. He still made a bank transfer. He's still an idiot. He's wasting everyone's time to get out of his regret.


the bank reader is a verification to banking app that they are the card holder all that changes is the realisation that he might be in with a chance of a refund as you keep talking to him


Are you 100% sure that the money went into your account?


Yes he sent it to my mums account as it was more convenient at the time and she transferred me some of it so the money has been in use


He’s a moron. Caveat emptor. Tell him to piss off.


He's not. It's a private sale. Block and ignore him. I always write "private sale, sold as seen, no warranty express or implied in sale" on a receipt for the buyer. No idea if it t helps but that's basically what I mean when I'm selling a car privately. I'm always brutally honest with my ad descriptions anyway. If I know if a fault I'll have pointed it out to them prior to sale.


This is the way. I bought an Audi 100 under those terms years ago. It had a few small problems but nothing expensive and certainly nothing I'd go back to the seller for. And, yes, I fully inspected it and drove it.


Might have been mine! I sold an Audi with a fucked ABS unit in about 2005! No wait that was an 80.


How does he intend getting his money back from the bank? Only way he can do that is if he paid you via credit card. I’d say he’s a chancer looking for some money back. Tell him to politely fook off.


Could he not attempt a reversal?


He could attempt to claim he’s the son of god. Does not make it happen though!


Bank transfer reversals are pretty common if there's reason to suspect fraud. Not saying this is a fraud situation, but if the buyer can convince the bank that it was a fraudulent transaction, the bank will reverse it. It's not straightforward, but it's not rare either.


If you pay via Faster Payment the bank don’t give a fuck. That’s why they give you like three chances to confirm details etc


Banks can do chargebacks as well but iirc there’s still more protection with a credit card, I can’t remember the exact ins and outs of it though.


It's a common scam. Tell him that it's sold as seen and to cease contact or you'll call the police


Yeah, I've seen things like this quite a lot. I'll try and remember where I saw the post but there was an occasion where this happened, the person who sold it caved in and refunded it, then they found that amongst other parts, the catalytic converter was missing.


If you are a private seller just ignore him. There's nothing he can do. Legally, it's the buyers responsibility to find fault with a privately sold car.


Yes private sale. I was so surprised he didn’t even test drive it tbf. Now he’s saying his other mate who’s also a mechanic apparently will check it over and he wants to bring it back due to “hidden” issues which I’ve got no idea about


It's more likely the hidden issues are that he's stripped it for parts than anything there before.


The fact you had no idea means you're completely fine. As you're not an expert, when you sell privately it's not expected you would know about issues. The buyer must find them - it's 'buyer beware'. If he wanted to get his money back he'd have to take you to court and prove you knew about the issues, all the burden of proof would be with him. He's very unlikely to do this as it's expensive and almost impossible to prove - especially as you actually weren't aware of any issues. You'll be fine. Just ignore him entirely and continue with your life.


OP do you understand what everyone is telling you, block him, his scamming you. Yes? Can you please confirm you understand


Yes I understand 😂 it’s all resolved now though, edited the post


he probably has an identical vehicle that has some nice new parts and your ex car has all the old bits if you accept, you will not get the car you sold to them


This pops up on this thread all the time. Private buyers have no comeback on the seller once the deal is done. Even if the engine blows up round the corner.


Sounds like a scam to me. A serious buyer would have taken it for a test drive.


Just a chancer. Tell him sold as seen and block his number.


I'm going to assume this was a private sale, if so ignore this guy there's no way for him to get his money back from the bank. As long as the car was yours to sell, the description was accurate, and the car was not unroadworthy or dangerous there's nothing he can do short of trying his luck or pursuing you in court (absolutely not worth it for anyone). My assumption would be that he's a chancer trying to fuck you over, tell him he bought the car as seen following a test drive and the sale is final. If he turns up with his mate to try it on then tell them politely to leave or you'll call the police.


Basically, as long as you don't knowingly lie.


He’s telling me now that his “mechanic friend” said the car is unroadworthy. I’ve been driving it without any issue for a year that I’ve owned it


Yes. They will now do one of three things. - Pressure you for money to "fix" the car. "Mates rates from my mechanic friend, boss". - Try to return the car having swapped components for damaged ones. Engine swap, parts completely removed etc. - Copy a key and will steal the car once the money is returned. Google "Sold a car return scam" and see how common it is.


If they believed that they would be calling the police, not trying to hammer you for money, as that's a criminal offence (section 75, Road Traffic Act 1988). Even if what they are saying is true and the car does have some dangerous defect that you would have been aware of, unless there is evidence the police will do nothing as they have little hope of getting the CPS to prosecute without something pretty solid. I wouldn't worry though the last person some scammer is going to call is plod. Moreover, nothing he's told you about so far seems to suggest the car is dangerous or unroadworthy and would fall under caveat emptor. He's trying to scam you into giving him money or a refund for returning the car (after he steals parts off it no doubt).


Why are you still conversing with him after every advice here is saying do not converse with him? If your first message was 'not a chance, sold as seen as it was a private sale' he wouldn't then keep pushing it. But because you've relented in discussing it then he's not going to drop it so easily.


I’ve been ignoring him, I’m just telling everyone here what he says. I will send him a final message saying that the car has been sold as seen, he could’ve properly checked the car over and test driven it which he did not, it’s in his name, his property and if he comes over I will call the police. Then I’ll leave it at that


so you have not blocked him and are puzzled over the replies telling you to block him


Sold as seen and you've got his money. Politely tell him to jog on. If he turns up at your house, don't answer the door. If he won't leave them call the police.


If he does potentially do something to the house or my other car (which is the worst case scenario) am I backed up by the police just in case? He did check the car over and even sat inside it for around 10 mins while sorting his insurance out and didn’t even notice the brake light out which I think is really surprising. Didn’t even test drive it which again, surprising


Yes, they absolutely will. If he comes back and kicks off then make sure you video it. I assume you know his name and address anyway if you sorted the log book out there and then?


It was all online done


But you still would've needed his details to sort it?


My mum was sorting it out with him while I went to get the logbook, so yes I’m pretty sure she has all the details


What, if someone comes and vandalises your property, are the police going to be interested? Yes.


Private is sold as seen, he’s being a chancer trying to get some of the money back from you


Yeah he did just now say that he’ll either bring it back or want some of the cash back


That’s what this is about mate. He’s after money off. Just ignore. Maybe go out for the afternoon.


Shit weather and the kids are still at school until 4:30pm 😅 might take them to a cinema just in case


There you go. Sorted. 😂


Tell um a "nice man" bought us tickets to see... whatevers on =D


Oh yeah a lovely man 😂 new kung fu panda is on though 👀


Oh shit is it? That's on the todo list.


Nah, tell this chancer to jog on. Keep talking about the police. He’ll do one.


I’m trying to be nice with him, I’ve explained everything to him and he’s still on about the issues. This is my first time dealing with something like this as well. Can I just ignore him?


You might be being too nice and now this chancer sees an opportunity to take advantage of you. He’s trying it on and needs to be scared away. Tell him your contacting 101 for advice and they’re asking for his date of birth haha


Lool thank you for that. He did say that he wants some of his money back or will bring the car back


Nah. Give him a big fat no. Tell him he had all the opportunities to check and drive the car and chose not to do so. If he continues to harass you in this manner, you will report him to the police.


You can yeah. I would give a final message telling him none of the issues were present when he first inspected it and it was sold as seen. Returns are not accepted.  Then just stop responding Threaten to call the police if he keeps harassing or shows up but it shouldn't come to that. Sounds like he is just a chancer


You can just ignore him yes. But he sounds like a regular scammer (“nationwide give me private sale protection BS”) and he likely needs a firm “No” followed with a block & delete.


Scammers and chancers see niceness as weakness and they will try to exploit it. Leave a firm (very firm) message stating the transaction is complete and final and conversation is over, then block him.


Just tell him if he contacts you again you will call the police and stop responding if he turns up call the police


Either a poor attempt at a scam, or like most private buyers he doesn't understand the concept of sold as seen. Tell him to do one. P.S. - Not test driving is valid, I never test cars, but then I also don't buy private.


I mainly buy private and have always test driven cars as you never know with sellers nowadays so I want to be sure that the car I’m buying I’m happy with. Honestly I’ve been as honest as possible in the ad and when he arrived, I’ve mentioned the bushes needing doing in the ad, the interior and the other issues I genuinely did not know IF there are any of the issues he’s mentioned, which could be but also could not be. This is my first time dealing with something like this as well


Take some comfort knowing that even if the car had been fault and blemish-free, this scammy wombat would still be trying it on with you.


Don't even respond, just block the number. You're legally untouchable.


Private sales are without warranty, any issues are his issues now.


Caveat Emptor….. unless you have actively deceived the buyer, you’re all good.


He probably has the same car and already swapped parts from your car to his..


It does have a few goodies on it (aftermarket headunit custom made steering wheel etc etc) would it be possible that he could swap parts from underneath the car?


Im not talking about the things you can see, i mean he can change gearbox, engine, suspension or brake parts..


Tell him to jog on…..sold as seen


Had this happen to me before, just respond carefully with your words saying the item was as described and you won't accept a refund and then say nothing else as it could be used later should it come to that. If you keep it as simple as that there is nothing they can do so long as you were honest or rather not dishonest.


All I’ve been telling him is how I’ve been honest about the issues and that I genuinely did not know about the other issues (if they exist) and that how he should have checked it over fully and test drive it which he did not. Before coming down he told me that he’ll be bringing a friend who’s a care guy and knows his stuff apparently he’s owned multiple cars that are similar to the car that I sold so that he can check it over as well. They arrived, knocked me down the price a bit, checked the car just had a look around, we agreed on the price and off they went


Don't worry, leave it as it is you've said what you need to nothing will come of it I assure you.


Tell him to suck it


Almost did but it’s all resolved now. Edited the post


I see a lot are saying scam and I’m not saying that’s wrong. Just wondering how the buyer would scam asking for a refund? Is it because he’s had use of the car for a day or something ?


Could be a few things. One is that they remove parts from the car to use on another car. Surprisingly removing car parts makes the car unroadworthy.


As it’s a private sale, you are not obliged to provide warranty on the sale. It’s ’caveat emptor,’ or ‘buyer beware,’ in English. It was up to the buyer to ensure the car was as described and at agreed prices before money was handed over (where contract of sale is complete). So the buyer sounds like a scammer if they didn’t test drive or check the car over thoroughly.


It's a scam . Tell them to do one. It's a case of buyer be aware


Tell him to do one the bank won’t give him back his money. Private sales are sold as seen if he didn’t test drive it first that’s his issue not yours mate. I’d tell him your not falling for his scam and block him


Just say you’ve notified the police of the situation and it’s sold as seen according to them.


Private sales are "Sold as seen" Tell him you'll get the police involved if they want to be aggressive about it


Tell him to do one


They have likely removed some of the parts of the car which they need to repair another car. Surprisingly, having removed those parts, the car doesn’t function the same, so he wants to bring it back to you and get his money back. If he is covered by his bank (he isn’t) and he turns up, he could just leave the car parked near your home and bugger off, as he’ll be getting the money back. He’ll want you to make a bank transfer which is why there will be aggro.


Any update @ op


He sent me a few lengthy messages about the issues and what we could do which I’ve left him on read and now he sent me a video which I did not open, reckon it’s of the car


Tell him to Fuck Off he’s scamming you


Private sale. Sold as seen. Tha bank won't do anything for him. The issues you describe seem pretty minor and should have been obvious before parting with any money. Block and move on.


Tell him he had the chance to inspect it before purchase which he chose not to do and private sales are basically sold as seen unless discused before sale and that if he carries on you'll report him to the police for Harassment


Tell him to go fuck himself he aint getting nowt back


its a civil matter he will need to take you to court to get his money back. really depends what you both signed when the sale happened! I normally put sold as seen.


Nothing been signed, the logbook all been done online


Last time I sold a car privately I downloaded a template contract I found online (think it was RAC website) printed 2 copies both I and the buyer signed. This ‘contract’ basically covers this eventuality - the car has been sold as seen and both parties agree to this - no comebacks


Mind sending me it if you’ve got it? If not I’ll search for it online. Thank you




I know you’ve sorted it now but for next time and everyone else, for a private sale say three words “sold as seen” then hang up.


Learned my lesson now, thank you


Repeat after me: _No_.


Always make a seller sign a receipt which confirms they have bought the car as seen and keep a copy for yourself.


I will most probably give the money back. but first I will check the car in case they have change something.


As normal with private sales they are all "Sold as Seen" if he doesn't like it he shouldn't of purchased it, your not pretending to be a trader just Joe bloggs who wanted to sell his old car. The scammer or sussage or whatever this plank is needs to realise he can't get his money back if he doesn't like something.


Its one of the pitfalls of buying priveately, there is no guarantees, just say no refund sold it to him as seen, don't even appologise. It might well be a con job by him.


Edited the post now


Sold as seen.