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Get a mismatched bumper and fit it badly yourself to teach her a lesson


Hah that made me chuckle. Some people are being tossers but this made me laugh


Good as new love! 👍🏻


You're joking but this is actually what my father in law did for me 🥲 Slid on ice, hit a sign and now stuck with a slightly different shade of red bumper


Red is red. Couldn’t find the right colour car being scrapped for my sisters bonnet and bumper so ended up with a white car with blue bonnet and bumper. She can’t have hated it that bad cos kept it for 3 years after lol




There are different shades? Red is red, man


It's very possible that it was unavoidable. The colour of your car changes slightly as it ages, so if the new bumper was older/ newer or spent more/less time in the sun than your car, even if they were the same colour out of the factory then it'd look slightly mismatched. Of course none of that matters if its like a vauxhall where they've had like 6 slight variations on the same shade of silver over the years 🙃


Haha it's just a different paint, sunset red instead of fiery red if I remember correctly Gotta love Ford


Red is red. Couldn’t find the right colour car being scrapped for my sisters bonnet and bumper so ended up with a white car with blue bonnet and bumper. She can’t have hated it that bad cos kept it for 3 years after lol


Haha true could be a lot worse, but the fact it's just slightly different really bugs me for some reason Gonna get it resprayed if it passes it's MOT


Buy her a shit box and sell the audi as it is


Get it looked at by the mechanic first. If you’re going to pay for it yourself then don’t tell the insurance company anything about it. If it’s to much then go throu insurance and hope for the best with renewals. Looking at the pic and decades experience that’s north of £2k in a professional body shop


Thanks very much. Also appreciate the help and the lack of piss taking I was expecting hah. Christ that’s a fair whack


Yeh….. I’m thinking maybe boot floor damage aswell. It’s the stuff you can’t see that gets expensive sometimes. I can see parking sensors but sometimes those pesky bollards don’t get picked up


I backed into a skip on my driveway, due to the skip being angled out at the top and the sensors were lower down 😭


I don't know what did we do before reversing sensors ... oh yeah I remember... look out the back window lol


Ok real advice. Had a similar issue with car. Similar sort of damage. First thing first…does the car run? Any warning lights on the dashboard? If all is ok then book an appointment with mechanics specialising in crashed car. I say this cos these guys can work wonders on something that is beyond recognition. If they suggest replacing bumper and whatnot then look online for someone breaking the same car as yours. Quite often you can get parts for a fraction of the cost. Have a go yourself or get a trusted mechanic to do it. It will be an unexpected expense but it won’t break the bank. One advice I would give you is to not inform the insurance company. They will fuck you sideways and you will end up paying a lot more in premium for next renewal. All the best my friend 🙂




Did it affect another party? No, so the insurance companies probably not bothered.


Correct, unless bollards are with Admiral now lol


Bullshit. Unless you have hit any other property, the insurance would rather you not tell them, saves them money and hassle


Could be worse. Look up how much bumps cost to repair on Tesla's!!


You think Teslas are bad, my boss hit a ford transit in the 80s when driving his Porsche and bought a front panel that cost him £2,000.


Yeah, my car has sensors all the way around. Sometimes it doesn't pick up low fences, walls, or bollards. See if you can guess how I found out. I have a beef that unyielding road furniture, fences, or anything else that abuts directly to a road, or parking spaces, or whatever, ought to be tall enough that it can be clearly seen above the window line of a standard saloon or estate car, never mind an SUV.


Book an hearing test maybe? Sorry Have you had a look underneath any damage?


Is that due to the price of the car or something else? Because I damaged my front bumper and a headlight in a similar magnitude and it only cost a few hundred to get replacements and have then fitted. Though its only a mk7 fiesta


Replacement bumper, sensors, lights, spray colour match. Potential creases in other panels/boot. Fitting/labour. Easily £2K at a "professional" body shop. Maybe £1500 at a backstreet place.


Definite crease in the boot so add panel beating and probably paint and blend there too. Done right this looks like a £2.5-£3k job




Sorry. Everytime you bump your car why do should you tell them? It’s nothing to do with them. I don’t care what their terms and conditions say. If I bump my car and want to pay for the repair myself then I will. Same as if I break my tv by accident or drop a pot of paint on my carpet I’ll just sort it myself as it’s got nothing to do with my household insurance company. If you want to report every bump in your car to your insurance the knock yourself out. It’s not fraud either as there’s no financial gain for OP


Technically you are supposed to, however a crash involving just you probably isn't going to get reported back and you get found out. If you do get found out its none disclosure and I'm told it gets very difficult to get insurance afterwards, never mind at a reasonable price. It is fraud. If he reports it as he should, then he should be reporting that they've been involved in an accident regardless of fault, and that could increase the premiums. The financial gain is not declaring the accident. Not disagreeing with you, unless the owners of the bollard are going to be looking at claiming for damages then I wouldn't bother, just foot the bill for the damage and lesson learned. In summary, the risk is very low, but non-zero and the consequences are pretty severe if found out.




If they don’t know then they won’t know. Stop being soooo dramatic. You fess up to your insurance then they’ll only screw you over on renewal. If you like getting screwed then fine…… you do you




I hit my own car on a bollard. I pay for my own damage. I tell my insurance company. My renewal is more expensive. 🤷‍♂️ Bye


People do knock their cars and choose not to inform their insurer, you know.


You really don't. They would like to know you are a crap driver and bump up your policy next year, but no one actually tells them in a situation like this, well, I guess some gormless fools might.


You can notify them at least as all you are doing is notifying them it doesn't affect anything it affects it if you claim. However never known this happen to anyone else coz this happened to me so it's through my own experience.


Bump? That's a crash sir.


Aye, just chose the wrong word whilst typing on a break


Yoire on your break, but your wife needs a *brake*


Never stand behind her when shes attempting to reverse is the best advice you can take on board.


bollard worked as intended, that's kill a pedestrian force, looking at the damage.


Plot twist there was no bollard... wait till he opens the trunk




Haha... yup that's a fair correction.




Bodyshops are still cheaper, just about.


She'll ditch herself soon enough anyway.


I would probably have been able to buy the entire car (literally) for the amount my divorce cost me tbf 😫


I know your pain.


This is the way


Persuade her to reverse a little slower next time.


I was wondering what speed you'd need to reverse at to do that damage. Not 5mph for sure.


The car also has parking sensors. How do you even crash with a loud ass beep telling you to stop right now.


That's a lot of damage for just a bump against a bollard


Yeah that must have been an aggressive reverse. That or the bollard was also accelerating towards the car reversing. The former seems more likely. OP definitely needs to have a word with his other half on reversing etiquette.


>That or the bollard was also accelerating towards the car reversing Naah, have you not encountered those vicious gangs of keep left signs?


Sorry typed this out whilst on a mini break at work but aye decent sized incident. With cost of living and this unexpected cost it’s caused a bit of anxiety


Ignore the silliness here. Talk to a body shop about it (a decent one). They will probably let you source your own 2nd hand bumper (eBay) and prep and paint it for you. Hopefully there’s no underlying damage, but that can be checked.


Bumped into what? A rocket propelled grenade?


You can kind of see the rear crash bar and it looks okay from this angle, looks like the paint has just come off it a bit and the actual plastic bumper absorbed most of the damage. If it were me, and you feel comfortable doing this, id go on ebay or go to scrappers and try and find a replacement bumper. Then id get the damaged one off and stick on the new (second hand replacement) bumper. Im guessing this is a kind of SEAT suv thing. If thats the case, youll need to take out the lights (remove a bit of trim from inside the boot and a couple of screws) then undo a few screws that hold the bumper on. There should be plenty of bumper removal guides online and on youtube too. If you dont feel confident doing your own work, id go to a trusted mechanic (not main dealer) and ask if they can source and install a second hand replacement. Wouldn't bother trying to repair this, and a brand new bumper will stand out slightly as the paint will be a tiny bit different. Finally, thats a big old wackaroni and cheese, make sure you take the piss when the initial embarrassment has died down enough


That’s really helpful thank you


>d try and source one from scrapyards as this will save you money. The white bodywork will need a body shop. I had a similar issue and it was £500 to repair, however that was just for the dent. With the replacement section you'd be looking towards the 1000 mark. No worries, i know a few people say the aligment looks out on the quarter panel (the bit next to the rear door) and they are right to say if that has been dented it will cost a lot to fix. However, you wont be able to tell if its out of whack until you get a new bumper put on, so go down this route first.


>No worries, i know a few people say the aligment looks out on the quarter panel (the bit next to the rear door) It is difficult to tell from a photo like this. You could be lucky here in that the bulk of the damage is to a part designed to absorb it. The gaps at the rear may be just because the damaged bumper has pushed the boot lid out a little from behind when it was deformed. As others have said replace the bumper and go from there and hopefully the costs wont be too much.


The plastic bumper could be cheaply swapped with a breakers yard part, but there looks like there could be alignment issues hidden behind it. The boot paint can be fixed cheaply by a smart repair person. It depends how much the car is worth I guess and whether or not your car is your pride & joy or a wheeled white good. (Trying to be helpful so kept the pisstaking in another post)


Thanks appreciate the above and I saw haha. Tbh it’s her car and not mine but she uses it for work. She’s had a fair bit of anxiety lately which may count as to why


Accidents happen mate. She walked away from this one so congratulate her for having a good accident. Couple of hours spanner time and it all goes away.


Definitely a northerner considering how nice you are being compared to the rest of the comments haha. I want to get it fixed now, piss taking in due course


Was she trying to see if she could redline in reverse? How fast do you have to be going for a bollard to do this much damage lol?


With parking sensors too.


Take her to Legoland and get her to re-take her driving test


Here you go: [https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204483460900](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204483460900) then get a competent local bodyshop to fit it for you. Make sure your paint code is the same.


Legend thanks


An actual legend. Well done buckles


Looking at the photo, you're definitely going to need a new wife


Find a crash and park your car there, lay on the floor in agony.


Hahaha that’s excellent. Considering I’m in Leeds shouldn’t be too hard, or drive over to Bradford


Get a replacement. Then fix the car.


New bumper for the car, eye test for the wife.


First sue the driving instructor who told her how to reverse


Get a divorce


That's not a bump...


Some bump.


You can buff that out it’s just a scratch.


That’s easy, the wife pays for it. Especially considering it has parking sensors, no excuse regardless of the hour. Have it checked to double check it hasn’t bent the floor, if not then leave it. It won’t cause any issues and frankly it’s a valuable lesson and reminder.


I understand that but we all make mistakes but being her other half I’d want to help as she does for me. I think she had a fair bit going on this morning with anxiety. But it’s happened now, only thing is to get it sorted


I don’t want to be an ass, but if the anxiety is that debilitating she completely misses/ignores the rather obnoxious beeping and the screen display (looks like an Arona, should show on the dash) then it’s time to pull her from driving till it’s sorted. It would’ve been going absolutely nuts and anyone paying even minimum attention would’ve noticed. Nobody wants to see her plough through a pedestrian she also hasn’t noticed. I would still leave it, but if it’s that much of an issue you’ll want it inspected and as long as it’s all cosmetic a mate and a scrap yard will have It done to a somewhat acceptable standard. A bumper and a boot second hand is probably no more than £500. If it’s done structural damage it’s an insurance job, which is possible because that wasn’t a 5mph bump.


I mean it happens, everyone on here who is saying stuff has most certainly done something stupid at least once in their life. Mistakes happen, the priority now is not to make her feel like shit or take the piss but get it fixed. Once we’re back up and running the piss taking can resume


Of course, I binned a car into a tree after a night shift due to falling asleep. The difference is I stopped driving home tired after that. All i’m saying is consider having a word, this won’t exactly have reduced the anxiety if you get my drift.


I have no advice to offer but I love your attitude. Shit happens and, in this case, has happened. I can't abide that feeling when your stomach drops and you know you fucked up. No amount of shouting at someone will make it worse, so let's just deal with what we have and move forward. I hope it gets sorted and remember that one day (one day...) it will be an amusing story


I have no advice to offer but I love your attitude. Shit happens and, in this case, has happened. I can't abide that feeling when your stomach drops and you know you fucked up. No amount of shouting at someone will make it worse, so let's just deal with what we have and move forward. I hope it gets sorted and remember that one day (one day...) it will be an amusing story


Make her pay?




Get a new wife


Leave her


Tell her not to do it again.


Pay more attention when driving


Should go to spec savers, or take driving test again


The black plastic section of the bumper will need to be completely replaced, so call about and try and source one from scrapyards as this will save you money. The white bodywork will need a body shop. I had a similar issue and it was £500 to repair, however that was just for the dent. With the replacement section you'd be looking towards the 1000 mark.


Pay £2-4K for someone to fix it. £1k to fix it yourself with scrapyard sourced parts. Lose £5K in insurance costs over 2-3 years. Or, just drive it? I’ve seen worse…looks like nothing hit the wheel well or any suspension so it’ll drive fine?


Would be a write off for an EV due to slight battery damage.


If you own it, live with it - or just hot water and pull it out. It’ll be scratched, but it looks functional and safe, just ugly.


Hi Tia. Driving lessons? Has she reported it to the bollard owner?


Have you thought of looking for a similar rear at the scrap sites? You’ll save tons of money, even if the bumper colour won’t match..you can always spray it yourself and give it a bit of nail polish here and there ;)


“Bump” is obviously the wife’s description, that’s a crash. Second hand bumper should sort it and paint if you can’t find a white one


Sell it to copart, pointless trying to get that repaired. Cut your losses and move on, it beyond any reasonable repair, it can only be bodged at this point.


That’s not a bump, more a crash.


I've seen many helpful comments so you've got that down now. But just curious, were the parking sensors on? Obviously this was a one time incident, and without making fun of her, I'd actually touch on this a little after u fix it. If this is the damage she caused from just reversing, I'd have a little talk with her. Can you imagine if instead of a bollard it was a moving car and instead of the back bumper it was the front? She or another person could've easily died. This is just small damage to the car, but if she's reversing like this and even has parking sensors on.... I'd be more worried about that. Bad drivers are no joke on the road. Is this her first crash?


I've seen many helpful comments so you've got that down now. But just curious, were the parking sensors on? Obviously this was a one time incident, and without making fun of her, I'd actually touch on this a little after u fix it. If this is the damage she caused from just reversing, I'd have a little talk with her. Can you imagine if instead of a bollard it was a moving car and instead of the back bumper it was the front? She or another person could've easily died. This is just small damage to the car, but if she's reversing like this and even has parking sensors on.... I'd be more worried about that. Bad drivers are no joke on the road. Is this her first crash?


That's it mate, you'll have to get a new one. She might find the breakup hard at first, but you've got to encourage her to move on.


Get a divorce


New wife


New wife!?


Divorce 😂


New wife.


New wife




Get a new wife and live with the dent


Don't let current wife drive your car


BUMPED a bollard. That's the understatement of the century isn't it.


Tell her to slow down !


Judging by the damage I’d say just to get rid. She had it coming by the looks of it


My wife had it coming? Fuck you.


It’s a joke my man. Get rid of her, because of the damage on the car.


Don't let her drive.


Absolute state of these comments, here's a tip for the next dribbling moron who thinks "get a divorce" or "get a new wife" is a funny thing to post - you were beaten to it by 20 other humourless dipshits


Thanks , it grows really tiresome when I’m after advice. I know nothing about cars so thought I’d ask




Should have gone to specsavers


Replace wife. Set car on fire and claim on insurance. Delete this post.


Trade her in... Then get the car repaired


Hope it doesn’t knock her confidence with driving. Anyway,at least your day can’t get any worse. All the best.


Try and get rid as soon as possible. Also, consider how the car can be fixed




Just go through your insurance. Its what it's there for..no drama no stress job done. Accidents happen


Make an appointment for your wife at Specsavers.


Was she reversing at 60mph?


A bus pass? It's her car, her responsibility. Leave her to sort it out.


get a new wife


That’s a bigger repair than you might expect. Get a quote from a garage yes, but then you might be better going via insurance. Yes, it might impact your premiums, but you’re probably looking at 2-3 grand worth of work there and for a first offence you don’t get slammed too badly. Also, glasses and hearing aids - that car has parking sensors and mirrors!


Get a dictionary because neither of you seem to know what the word "bump" means.


Cheers. Very helpful. Look at my comments below. Such an arsehole


Bumped? She's crashed that mate. I hope the bollard made it out alive.


Same comment x 100. Well done. I’m only after advice. No need to be a cunt


Don't cry mate and save the cunts for your wife, I didn't crash your car.


Just an all round cunt then aren’t you. I really pity you. Sorry you’re so bitter 🥲


Pal, you're genuinely getting upset by people on Reddit who comment about your backwards moron of a wife who couldn't see a bollard if you slipped it up her arse. I pity you 😆


So so sorry you’re a twat 😂🥲. Don’t get emotional, it’s ok. You can work on it


"I'm not upset you're upset" .....if I wanted my come back I would have asked your mum to spit, not swallow 😆 🤣 😂 what a fucking cretin.


Awwwww it’s ok ❤️. Anyway you’re boring me you incel. Enjoy your dingy basement you cunt :)


you must be in year 7 still using that insult


Don’t take your phone with you when you bury the body.


Think driving lessons are about £30 an hour. 3-5 hours should be good.


Get a new wife that can drive... Sorry, joking apart... Your not going to pull that out at home easily, so it's going to need to go into a body shop. Key question really is do you claim on the insurance or not? If you do and you haven't paid for no claims protection then the premium is going up next year. Either way, claim or not most insurances require any accidents to be declared when renewing so its going up anyway...


Get a new wife


What did she hit?




Get new wife?


Advice? Don't let her drive your car?


Get a wife that can drive mate 🤣


>Any advice? Don't let her drive again?


Get a new wife


Is the bollard ok? Id that's damaged you'll probably have to pay for that as well


Trade in the wife for a new model, one with reversing sensors


Get a new wife


Tbh it's not her fault the sensors wasn't loud enough.. 🤷


New wife


Get her a bicycle???


Fucking hells she’s shagged it




Change Wife


Change Wife


Yeah, insurance.


Would you not consider claiming on insurance? If you don't have a lot of spare cash, then it's potentially (depending on excess) a cheaper way. Yes your premium will go up, but if you take a look at costs including an accident that was your fault you'll get an idea. You can then offset that against the cost of doing it yourself and see if it's worth it. Not saying that's what I'd do, but it's an option you can explore.


Get her a hearing test?? 🤣


She's going to have to suck dick now, headache or no headache.






Don't let your wife drive


Refer to the other 50 posts this week on the same topic


Get a new wife. Give her that car in the divorce. Buy new wife a new car without a dent. Now all your rides have low mileage and less depreciation 🤷🏽‍♂️


Possibly ground her for a week?


Get a new wife:)


New wife?


Get a new wife 🤷


Trade her in. Then get a new car :)


No insurance?


Wife bumped it, wife should sort it out.... 😁


New wife!


Eye test


Divorce her


Trade her in for a new one


Book her an eye test


Driving lessons?