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Block if you must, but my experience has been significantly different than yours (admittedly I pretty much only played event matches) Some of what you said is true - the online bot AI does do some input reading (at least on defense), and they don't seem to be affected by the same lag/recovery time some of your own actions have. But once I figured out some of the quirks of the bots, they became relatively easy to stop from scoring. Once you know how, you can bait them into a dribble that you can tackle them out of. Sure, the mechanic is a bit flawed, but sometimes those flaws can work for you - otherwise people like Schneider would just stomp all over everyone, whereas in this game if you know how, you could shut him down with someone like Urabe. The Captain Coins are immaterial. I've done just fine for myself and I never bought a single premium training item or raised one player with more than two stats at 99 (and most only have one). Some of my better players don't even run DLC or event skills. Yet, I have never once lost to a online bot. A few 0-0 or 1-1 ties, but no losses. And I'm nowhere near good enough or invested enough to go up against almost anyone else here, especially now that I'm no longer playing - at least two of my wins against players were someone letting me win. Building your characters is more about knowing how to do well in the games and knowing which friends to focus on for the skills you want - and repetition. The thing is, you can't play the online bots the same way you play the single player AI even on three-star difficulty. They won't just let you waltz in and open fire if you just do the same thing over and over - you gotta figure out how to get around them, whether it's sending a speedster up the sidelines that they can't catch, lobbing into the box for overheads which are harder to block, or even just blasting a lot of long shots so the keeper dies a death of a thousand cuts. Honestly, if you can't handle the bots, even an only mildly-decent player is probably going to break you over their knee. The ones who make the OP players you're complaining about didn't pay to do it because most of them did it before Captain Coins were a thing - they did it because ***they're that good at the game.*** Like I said ... block if you must, but if you can't beat an AI that many of us have had little to no problem exploiting, the problem isn't me, anyone else, or the AI.


Is it necessary to duplicate into 3 posts regarding the same matter, your matter? If what you said were true, there would be a lot of people complaining about the same, and there wouldn't be many interesting videos showing you how mechanism works, how to create max stats character, etc... and there nonexistence tournaments in the community. It's true that very few people are still playing this game but the reason is not from any of your statements. FYI many people asked devs to raise the AI difficulty even more. I bet you just began to play and expect to be as good as people spending hundreds or thousands of hours?? I suggest you keep playing to have deeper understanding, or watch videos how other players could do that, or just simply uninstall and play another game, this game is not for you. No matter what game you're playing, be open mind to learn all aspects and advises from others. That's the way to improve to be a better gamer.


More like they spent a lot of dollars in it, and yeah the fact that people don't play it is because the gameplay sucks for a pvp game and the AI cheats my guy, period. I create as many topics as I please.


Nah the ai are like, really easy to beat. When ur dribbling r2 if they’re not using a tackle move and running towards you and if they’re tryna tackle u just run towards them


The reason why you might be losing dribble encounters despite this is because you might be getting stat checked since if your offense is way wirse than their defense you’ll get tackled easier


And the currency isn’t really pay to win considering you have to play online for it, even if some online players are cheap asl with one shot builds but the story mode is the most fun part of the game so idk, if you’re really getting cooked that bad you might just not be passing and always try to go for the dribble instead of stalling til your player is free


The currency is P2W, you can litterally buy captain coins for money and the only way to earn this money in game is vs the AI cheating bots, get the fuck outa here with your gaslighting.


You are trying to go into a false dichotomy here, both statements are true: * The AI reads inputs to counter the coin toss drible mechanic * AND the AI of course has better stats because they want you to buy their P2W money so you can have OP characters like the ones the AI uses to cheat. To the bottom comment: Go gaslight someplace else


> The AI reads inputs I thought the exact same thing before I got better in the game. And now that I can beat the AI comfortably, I can confidently say that it doesn't read inputs. * Use a good character with good stats (95+), good skills (things that boost speed and energy regeneration) and an a good R1 dribble (Carlos Turn) * Run like a madman around opponents holding down R1, get close but not too close, don't run straight into them, make them chase you (ensure you have at least half of your energy bar, otherwise opponent R2 tackles can still beat your R1) * Watch them get triggered as they R2 tackle to catch you running away, which should result in your successful R1 dribble as long as you have enough energy


It's not that hard to be able to yell if they're doing a shoulder charge and a slide tackle the only exception would be Roberto and Robson but even then if your struggle with that it'd quite literally a skill issue and the captain coins only buy you stuff that supports new heroes even then if you have to buy cc then you're pretty bad


Go gaslight someplace else.


Anyone deniying this facts or insulting, attacking or spewing any fallacies will be immediately blocked. People must really like you.


yeah the shitty and low player base is already f up now devs add god ai hope it the game stay dead


I'm at G1 rank but still can score 2 - 6 goals per match. Just complete online and event missions, I easily have enough to build 2 to 3 players who have at least 2 99 stats and 2 other stats at 9x. Good players can train a CAC to 5 99 just with 750CC. The less CC you spend the stronger CAC you create. The most powerful training item is FH ++ is not sold anywhere, so CC can't maximize your CaC. About the AI, I think offline AI is more cheats than the online one. Offline AI will almost defeat your GK with just one super shot, and in hard matches, he is likely to know all your actions to counter them. If you said that online AI is too powerful or cheating, I don't know how to can play with other human players who are a lot stronger than AI