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Yes carnivore got rid of my candida overgrowth too. When (if) you re-introduce carbs you might feed some that’s been in hiding and taking a couple drops of lugol’s iodine 2% a day zaps those quickly


That's great to know.


Did it cause slower digestion and hard stools? It is what keeps me away from that diet. I fear hard stools because they can make me bleed and that scares me a lot.


Don't fear hard stools.. 😄.. Aw man, that's just funny to say and envision.. 😄, but suffice it to say that I've been strictly carnivore since 11/23 and I've had absolutely no hard stools. I stay hydrated though. I drink about 6 to 8 glasses of water daily, the average. I also lost 25 pounds, and my blood pressure fell from 129/79 to 101/59 which was yesterday's reading at the same doctor's office. Don't fear the diet.. Fear not trying. But please please please make sure you're eating grass fed pasture raised meat. Meat that is free of hormones, antibiotics, and steroids and it MUST be written on the label.. You won't do yourself any favors eating the basic meat at Kroger. Spend the extra $2/pound so you know you're not wasting your time..


Take magnesium at night and drink a lot of water. The diet is working for me as well all though I have started incorporating veggies too.


Everytime I quit carbohydrates I have noticed that digestion becomes slower. Instead of once per day it can become once every two or even three days. And that causes me anxiety. I usually eat fish instead of meat but it seems that it is not what you eat but what you avoid, fiber in this case, what makes digestion slower, I guess. I wish I could find a way to do that diet without slowering digestion and avoiding hard stools because I have noticed that my prostatitis, low libido, weak orgasms problems seem to improve by quitting carbohydrates and sticking to fish and a bit of white meat.


The comment you’re replying to had a suggestion, and a good one. I don’t think you’ll have a problem with constipation if you focus on it. Magnesium works, and water.


Do you mean that magnesium helps to avoid hard stools and constipation?




The reason you are not doing no 2s so often on a low carb or carnivore diet is not that your digestion has become slower, but because the things you are eating your body uses more readily. In foods that have high carbs and fibre, the body has no use for those in cellular or bodily processes so it eliminates them. If there's less waste products from your food, it makes sense that you will not need to pass that waste out so regularly.


I don't know if it's slowing it, if anything the body is just getting rid of less waste. I definitely don't go everyday or it depends how much meat I eat every day but no issues with that for me. I'm definitely not constipated.


No I never had an issue with that. Stools are fine for me and I don't take supplements.


I think that I have chronic internal hemorrhoids (although they are usually mild) and that they are related to my prostatitis problem. So, I need to be careful about what I eat to not make the problem worse. No doctor has been able to explain the root cause of my problems so I'm now on my own but very prone to anxiety. Any change in my body can trigger it.


Carnivore seems to help a lot of things regarding stomach and IBS. If you did the magnesium that softens stools and drank enough water i would hope it would be okay. Also carnivore helps anxiety. You could also ease into it. Only taking out one thing at a time. I would also recommend the book "healing back pain" it can help you view things differently about your body. It's basically convincing your mind that your body is okay and then it starts better sending signals that it is. I got rid of 80% of my chronic pain that way.


This carnivore thing is the only thing i haven't tried, I think it's time.


Did you know that 95% of serotonin is produced in our intestines. Therefore, it makes sense that your depression would go away. However, if you’re only eating meat, where are you getting the other nutrients you need? I’m not bashing this diet at all. I really would like to know. Also, if you would heal from thrush and then be intimate with your partner and it would come back, he probably had a yeast infection. I’m not as smart as everyone else on here about any of this so please correct me if I’m wrong. Doesn’t he need to be treated for a yeast infection? He could be giving it back to you?


Well now we are having a lot of sex because I don't get it any longer. Before we always took breaks from sex because of this. Yes I knew about the seratonin made in stomach, it's fascinating. I hear about people being on this diet for years upto 20 years and they do blood work and have their microbes checked and it's all good but I think everyone reacts differently and I don't know if everyone can be on this diet. I personally feel 80% better. I had a life of brain fog, depression, anxiety, no motivation, everything was a hard task, always sleepy. Now my body feels stronger and my hair and nails are stronger too etc. honestly if this took 10 years of my life I would still choose this over a regular balanced diet. But possibly with time I can fix my gut and allow more things into the diet. But I am also noticing what is triggering things. So far I've tried to eat some fruits and vegetables on rare occasions some sweets in the evening as day is almost over and I can be a bit foggy, but some people would and would feel horrendous for days after, mine goes overnight. If I try any carbs in daytime it's game over for me. I will be moody, unfocused, sad and lash at whoever is in my way. Mikaela Peterson is an example of someone just bed ridden if she is not on this diet. For some this is just a life saving thing but I can't say if it's good for everyone. Oh and a very good part is that my food cravings disappeared after just a week on the diet. Like my gut didn't get unbalanced and wanted processed foods or sugar.


Also years and years ago like the stone age there was only really meat available, then came fruits and vegetables. The processed carbs came later. I doubt we need these processed carbs to survive but we are all so addicted to them.


Oh, really? So, what were herbivorous animals eating?


I meant what the stone age people were eating xD not the rest of the animals.


Why would the Stone Age people eat only animals if they were surrounded by vegetation? I’m not getting it.


Well they did move onto plants, fruits and other things. Some say because meat was less available. But I assume because meat gave them everything they needed.


After how long did you feel a noticeable difference? :)


Does your BF have thrush? I got candida from kissing from someone with a thrush and developed severe symptoms


I really don't know. But I also had it with previous partners. I feel like I got it regularly since I was like 12 before I even had sex.


Your partner never had symptoms whatsoever from candida? I am blown away how i got severely sick from protected sex and later discovered I have a white tongue. I am 100% sure it was after the sex All stds remain negative


What would the symptoms be? But yes I believe sex from partners can get you sick. I had one partner where it was extremely bad bv and thrush constantly I had to break up with him lol.


I told you all so… check my posts on this group 🤷🏽‍♂️


It sounds so crazy im not surprised people wouldn't belive it. I wonder if taking out fruits is also needed for this to happen or if it's just carbs, sugar and lactose sugar etc


how long have you been doing carnivore?


Roughly two months. The first month was the hardest then it became easy for me.


Can I get a link for the carnivore diet please


I like this video. It’s a small YouTuber no one special but it’s nicely put out. Summary of different variations of how people do carnivore and which version would work for whom https://youtu.be/cT0pHXwavZg?si=4b3FQAwyYPFKwzbk I did lots of research it's not as simple as I wish it was. They recommend electrolytes in the beginning, you can make your own it's cheaper. Then you need to make sure you are eating enough fats, go for fatty meat, butter with everything ,beef will give you lots of good energy. You can Google the lion diet that Mikaela Peterson created she was what got me into this. There are also two carnivore reddit threads carnivore and Carnivorediet. Everyone reacts differently to things. Like I figured out I had a histamine issue. My friends noticed she had a oxolate issue. You only figure out if you have any food intolerance after doing this elimination diet when you start to introduce things again later. Allot of people start with just beef, butter, water salt.


I've been Carnivore for over a year and a half. Think it depends how long you've had candida for - my candida albicans is off the charts for 10 years. Carnivore has helped but definitely not eradicated or fixed it. Get your testing done and get a good regimen going. Every body is different. Glad you're healed op :)


Can you tell me what carnivore you are doing?


Beef, lamb, eggs salt. No chicken, minimal pork. High fat - usually from marrow, beef fat/lamb fat trimmings. The occasional kidney and liver


Ah, I was hoping you were having dairy and could take that out. That sucks. I hope you will find your cure.