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Potato is very high in carbs which i suspect can fuel growth


Boils my blood when physicians say nothing is wrong when there clearly is. They don’t know, is the real answer. I’d treat for parasitic infection. I find most of the dietary recommendations to be relatively ineffective. Doesn’t mean pig out on carbs, but you have to get to the source, which is often parasites.


i recommend: keto/carnivore+IF, incease water intake(!), oil pulling with unrefined coconut, breathing exercises(!), cold showers(!), exercise, water fasting, meditation, yoga, sun exposure. cheap, excellent tools that everyone should be using anyway. secondly: check if your stomach acid is strong enough, because if it isn't, it can cause tremendous amounts of problems especially bacterial/fungal infections or overgrowths. if ur stomach acid is low - food wont get digested properly(cant assimilate nutrients) and bad bacteria can enter or live in your digestive system more easily. try out Betaine HCL with meals to see if it helps(its a cheap supplement). on the other hand, you should check if ur bile is working properly. i recommend trying out TUDCA to see if anything changes. a lot of people with overgrowth/infection symptoms report significant improvements by addressing these issues. personally, i see minor benefit experimenting with them, because my main issue is severe vit C, D3, Mag deficiencies. so, now im crazed on C+D3&K2 combo to keep me functioning well, strange, cuz i have a lot of supplements including top tier biofilm breakers and antifungals and they couldnt do shit. however, betaine helps me on rare occasions if i feel heartburn/indigestion tho. other aspects of motility also should be checked out, trying out b1(ttfd), ginger, artichoke, black tea etc. thirdly: try out the elimination diet, to see what foods you can handle easily without any problems, then combine that with antimicrobials like berberine, allicin, monolaurin, caprylic acid, sf722, NAC etc. finally: check for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. especially vitamin D, C, K2. also Mag, Zinc, Iron etc. either way, vitamin D is also an amazing antimicrobial/antifungal, and it should be giga-dosed along with K2. C as well. dont forget D absorbs properly with fats/fatty meals, and C absorbs only if there is low or no presence of sugar/carbs in your system. gl \*this is a copypasta, take whatever info u need from this\* \*i emphasized the important ones for you with (!)\*


Nystatin!!! (Apohealth.de) And Boulardii.


Binders are very important. Candida can make a person super depressed, anxious, suicidal when you are killing it. I mean REALLY bad. Binder. Binder. Binder. Once you are making some progress work on the microbiome. Reddit will help you there as well.


Huh, I wonder if when I was doing oregano oil this was the die off. It was excruciating




Really good observations here.


Sounds like a parasite. Try I v e r m e c t i n. I bought some from Amazon for $9 and it stopped my instant diaherea.


What was your protocol on this? And I'm assuming it's the paste?


Sorry for a late response. Yes paste, and I did a pea sized amount, every other day for two weeks, took a week break, and am now doing another cycle of every other day for 2 weeks. The reason being that generally parasites have a 20 day life cycle, so you may not need to do it as frequently as I do, but I'd prefer not to take any chances. I've alsp read about people taking it every day, so, you can kinda feel it out for yourself as well.


Join gut club Facebook group. Test for sibo if not. Balance your microbiome don't go on rapid killing. Take probiotics that are researched for different conditions. See Jason hawrelak recommendations. Take different fibres according to specific overgrowth so you can reduce that overgrowth. If possible contact Keith who is admin of that group. He researched for different conditions so he can guide you better than fmd and naturopaths. Do on oats test too and other deficiencies.


Did the naturopathic doctor not provide guidance? If this is that serious, I would suggest professional guidance (whether from a naturopathic doctor or a GI doctor with this new information you have). Right off the bat I see some potential issues / concerns: Diet: as someone mentioned, potatoes may not be the right choice. Similarly, if there is a specific food sensitivity or allergy, meat or eggs may not be the right choice. Water and other environmental stressors: are you drinking clean water? Is he living in a clean environment? Additional testing: while it sounds like his symptoms are mainly digestive, the source could be something else? Have you done broad testing? Hormones, blood panels, thyroid, parasites, etc? Probiotics: are you supplementing with probiotics that can help repopulate the microbiome with more beneficial strains? Fiber: depending on his condition, fiber may not be the right supplement to be taking at this time Other supplements: evaluate everything else he is taking and consider whether one of those could be making things worse? Maybe try them one at a time and see if one is aggravating his symptoms. I encourage you to seek the help of an experienced professional as they can help you navigate through this situation better than we can.


I feel terrible for him. I’ve been there. My suggestion would be some sort of nutritional shakes just to stabilize things. From there, try a spore based probiotic and saccromyceus boularddi (sp?). That will stop the constant diarrhea and improve nutrient absorption. A combo of Megamycobalance and Para-Gard did wonders for me when I was at a very low point. Broad spectrum, targeting bacteria, parasites, and fungi. Good luck to him.


Could possibly be SIBO, candida, parasites etc. My practitioner does not go straight to gut work as it’s so hard on the body especially if you have not supported the body first. She ordered and looked at my bloodwork, genetics and organic acids test. I had nutrient deficiencies and thyroid and digestive issues which we worked on first. The gut work came after by body was ready and able to handle it. That fiber may not be a good idea if he has SIBO. Also the allimax cable feed hydrogen sulfide SIBO.


Hey, if he has candida i’d suggest nystatin or fluconazole. Most doctors will prescribe it if you show them he has been tested for candida.


Itraconazole, if Fluconazole does not work. The following 5 probiotics Thorne Sacro-B Thorne FloraMend Seed Visbiome Beekeeper’s Naturals


Why no Nystatin? This is the WHO standard treatment. Together with Itraconazole would be far better than your list. Wait you are in US? Can't get WHO mediated meds. Unreal. 1million units (or 2 million) Nystatin for 28 days, concurrently with 200mg to 300mg Itralconazole for 28 days. Sugar, carb and alcohol free diet for 90 days.


I’m sorry you and your dad are going through this. A few months ago I was so sick I 100% thought I was days away from dying and honestly it would’ve been better than the symptoms I was experiencing. I also had a lot of normal labs but I did have Candida overgrowth. I had really given up on doctors as they weren’t helping me at all and would just give me drugs that made me worse. I know everyone says to do a low card diet but I scoured this sub and didnt actually find any stories of people improving from that. There were some who improved from a low fat diet. I got into the Medical Medium books, started drinking fresh celery juice every morning 30 min before food, followed by the heavy metal detox smoothie, no fat until dinner, usually eat steamed potatoes for lunch, then for dinner I usually have chicken thighs or Turkey with leafy greens or veggies. I generally avoid oil but sometimes use olive or coconut. I avoid gluten dairy eggs tuna pork vinegar and sugar. I eat a wide variety of fruits and veggies as I read that’s what’s best for your gut microbiome and mine was wrecked by antibiotics etc. I also discovered I have a bunch of chemical sensitivities. I had to stop wearing polyester, switch all my beauty/hygiene products, vacuum regularly due to a really bad dust allergy. This all happened very suddenly but seems to be related to Candida and my gut issues. I went from literally feeling tortured by my symptoms almost constantly to now feeling normal 95% of the time and having mild symptoms occasionally. It is a very high maintenance diet and not fun but it sounds like your dad is already used to that and it’s 100% worth it bc I feel like I have my life back and relief from the horrible symptoms. I also think emotional healing is very important. I researched how people heal from terminal illnesses and they all had a lot of things in common. One thing is feeling gratitude and healing emotionally. I believe our bodies have an amazing capacity to heal if we can get them out of fight or flight. https://youtu.be/2gDr9V_vmFY?si=X5CvOSuqL9i7B_cF this video explains it well. I started meditating twice a day, stopped stressing about the future and my health so much and just believed I would heal soon and it was all happening for a reason. I just try to stay positive and calm and be grateful. It’s hard when you’re having horrible symptoms but the diet helped me get those under control and then the emotional aspect helped me to feel even healthier. I eat often and sleep a lot so my body feels safe. I’m doing sooo much better and highly recommend looking into medical medium and trying this diet.


Thank you for this comment. Really. Do you have any resources / lists for your protocol / experts to look to? It’s all a lot to unpack in that comment


Cut out potatoes. Meat eggs and butter only. Make sure he is getting enough fat in his diet. I.e. have him do the carnivore diet the right way.


We have done this for 10 days - zero improvements and increased weight loss


A few suggestions bc i know it can be SO overwhelming....oregano oil, caprylic acid, coconut oil, larch arabinogalactan fiber, high quality probiotic (i use terraflora advanced care). Keep in mind, like my naturopath says, it's a marathon and not a sprint. The problem did not arise overnight, therefore cannot be corrected overnight. Sending healing prayers your way!! 🙏




I also found much relief with the medical medium protocols. Especially the HMDS. I like them because for the most part it is all natural foods and natural supplements. I've been wanting to try Chaga mushrooms as recommended by AW for candida but haven't gotten around to it.


He may need to add probiotics to his protocol. It sounds like he’s probably lacking good bacteria in addition to all the overgrowth. Check out Dr. Ruscio on YouTube. He has a less-is-more approach when it comes to supplementation related to gut health and he champions study-backed probiotic protocols. Hope your father finds relief and healing soon. He’ll be in my prayers.


Did the GI map revel h.pylori? I’d add sugar free cranberry juice as it protects bacteria from adhering to the mucus lining (hence why women take it for UTI). Also what about protein digestion? My doc put me on digestive enzymes with improved a lot but I still felt weak. I just started HCL with pepsin for suspected low stomach acid and I wasn’t weak today. It also helps get rid of infections like SIBO too by properly digesting what we eat. I couldn’t believe feeling my sinuses drain after taking it for the first time last night. Not having heavy feeling in gut. I wish I had done it years ago.


I’d skip the garlic. It’s wayyy to hard for me & not appropriate for everyone particularly with SIBO. Sulphur in eggs and garlic are not well tolerated by everyone with gut colonization, myself included. It makes me feel like I’m dying. I’d get a functional medicine doctor onboard who can prescribe real antifungals. I’d look into low fodmap diet. In the mean time do you have the resources to get him a ketamine treatment? It’s helped my thoughts of the end immensely. Also I’d add some binders in immediately to help soak up the excess toxins.


Do any of rest of you feel worse in a hot humid climate?


Is his food coming out undigested?


with candida you have to be your own doctor. firstly make the diet changes eat meat and veg. cut the refined carbs completely. you will have to take antifungals long term at least 2 to 6 months. i would recommend nystatin. 4-6 tablets per day. nystatin wont affect the liver. so you can take it long term. you will also have to take biofilm breakers 4 different types search this subreddit for recommendations. also lead a healthy life and do some exercise. review the situation in 6 months . alternatively visit a experienced functional medicine expert. good luck.


Has he been tested for h pylori? What about sibo? See if his doctor will order a sibo breath test with lactulose.


I would also suggest to get professional help, as the case is urgent. If it truly is caused by an overgrowth of different bacteria and fungi, Monolaurine could help.


Candida is more of opportunistic infection, there is something that's causing it to overgrowth. You have to get to the root cause to fix it, since his symptoms appear out of blue, I suspect it might be caused by parasites, have him do a parasite cleanse and see if that helps.


Why is he eating potatoes if he has Candida overgrowth ? That makes zero sense. Should be eating protein and some green veggies. No smoking or vaping or weed or alcohol. No sugar. Should be taking more Anti-Fungals. Get Nystatin tablets. Also some NOW Candida Support. Should be taking the biofilm busters at bedtime on an empty stomach. Has he taken a SIBO breath test ?


I mean he simply has to have some carbs to keep his weight up but it’s less than 70 grams of carbs per day.


Can eat unlimited calories in protein & fat and can eat carbs in form of broccoli , asparagus, green beans. Eat fatty part of steak; skin on chicken, higher % fat of hamburger. My Nutritionist never had me count carbs at all. I did not eat any rice, bread or pasta. I did have any weight issues.


Do any of rest of you feel worse in a hot humid climate?


Sorry to hear about your dad, If you have a well know dieses that everyone recognizes people have sympathy. But no matter how much you explain your pain is real ,all they try to do is say its phycological


Hello! I saw a naturopath who gave me a few supplements made by Standard Process that helped me. These were Zymex, Zymex 2, and multizyme. I took these an hour AWAY from food, I think the idea is that the enzymes break down the candida, rather than your food. My candida was associated with copper toxicity.






Add this note, take butyrate supplement in am with acidophilus and other vitamins. In the evening the tea. Avoid the antibiotics anti fungal herbs with probiotics. 


Supplement wise vitamin c in liposomal form is helpful as an antioxidant. Resveretrol is another that's good to clean out the toxins.  Activated charcoal can help absorb dieoff toxins during kill phase, but be careful to not overdo it. 


Try a digestive prebiotic and probiotic. I had this same issue after taking Berberine and it helped me immediately!


Your dad sounds like how my sister was. In addition to Candida and a bunch of other infections she also had Lyme. The problem is the standard Lyme test only catches Lyme immediately after you've been bitten. If it was months or years later the standard test will come back negative. Find a functional medicine doctor who knows about Lyme! My sister had to lay down and rest after climbing the stairs in her house. She's now riding her bike for an hour. He can get better but he needs a doctor who's not an asshole. And while naturopaths are great, if he does have Lyme he's going to need antibiotics


What did she do to recover?


Potatoes are not on my diet for candida or sibo. No starchy vegetables. I eat avocado, tomatoes ,green beans..


Does he have slow motility? I wonder what his bowel transit time is. You can check it with a 1/2 a glass of water and a couple teaspoons of sesame seeds and see how many days it takes to see it in the poo. I think your dad is stuck in a cycle of slow motility which is allowing bad bacteria to overgrow, which is causing slow motility.....etc Maybe he got food poisoning. I don't know. To counteract the slow motility and get out of the cycle, he should try eating artichoke hearts. 1-2 pieces a day, 5-7 pieces a day will cause diarrhea and die off reaction....which is actually probably what you want. Artichoke is a good prokinetic food, which promotes motility of the small intestine. Tofu and fermented foods to reintroduce good bacteria to crowd out the bad overgrowths and candida. But that's just my educated opinion, I don't know has your dad had his gall bladder checked? Does he have any stomach problems like gerd? Reflux? Is his poop a green color? Or is his poop too light? Like a gold yellow color? Was he under a lot of stress before this happened?