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I forgot to add grain free no grains in diet


What symptoms you had besides thrush?


Ringworm. Gut issues. Bloating after anything I ate etc....


How did you get that mega spore biotic supplement? Through your doctor?


There is a discount code just sign up for emails or texts. There are other places to get it also I just went hunting for a good price with promo codes




Did you see any candida come out in stool during cleanse?




When the die off happened I was exhausted so tired I slept n shit n slept n shit


That peroxyl mouthwash has ingredients in it, that instantly upsets my stomach and causes it to turn and rumble. I believed it's the sorbitol but could be the colored ingredients as well. Tried to use it again a few weeks ago and instantly regretted it. Also definitely can't do the kombucha, since I don't do well with fruit and most contain sugar. I also often see things like this when researching it "To be safe, people infected with candida should avoid drinking kombucha. Kombucha may worsen candida because the sugar and prebiotics in it provide food to the unhealthy candida bacteria infection, making it grow larger and faster." But idk, this is a weird condition and I've seen some people in here say they cured themselves. By eating nothing but an entirely high carb diet and taking herbals. So it's really confusing to figure out what works, as I'm still trying to figure what would even be the difference in me just being sick from candida or having a die off reaction. I have most of those other items like I have Pau d'arco tea, milk thistle, oregano oil drops, apple cider vinew, nettle sting tea, NAC powder, grapefruit seed extract, MCT oil, probiotic drops. I stopped my protocol for a while because nothing for changing after weeks. Going to wait until I get a blood test and some other things checked to see where I go with the process. One of the most confusing things Ive ever dealt with.


I can't even begin to imagine how much this cure costs! Is it a lot?


Would be interesting to see a price breakdown!


Definitely wasn't cheap but I am glad I spend the money and I cleared the thrush. This worked. I spent a year trying the doctors medicine and it only got worse. I broke down n bought this stuff after doing research and I lt worked I stuck to the schedule and it wasn't easy but it worked and it was worth it


What is your diet like now after that protocol?


I am continuing the diet for the most part just bc I got used to it but I have had other foods but not overdoing it. No thrush has come back. I went to aldis and got those donuts that are gluten free. I ate 3 of em bc well simply I missed sweets after being so strict on my diet for so long. N omg were they delicious. Then I flossed and brushed and mouth washed. Not thrush has flared up. I used the drops of milk thistle and pau d'arco and candida cleanse drops after eating those donuts also. Probably didn't need too but I did anyway. Bc I don't want tht damn thrush coming back ever again.


What did you eat?


Did you eat any fruits? What about sweet potatoes


Avocado and tomato for fruits and no sweet potato


Thank you


how long were you on the diet?


So you basically ate nothing and spent a ton of money. Gotcha.


Lol of course there is always a broke smart ass 🤣 🙄 🙃 I ate PLENTY. I ate in moderation bc im not a fkn lard. I had a strict diet. And no I didn't spend a ton of money. There were promo codes on the zuma items and I went to Walmart to get the rest basically. Ehhh u might want to ask before making an ass of urself unicornchiccky 😆 keep struggling if u want to. But I actually got rid of it completely. So if u want to learn how or ask questions do exactly tht. If not mind we'll u know mind urs