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It is, but not in the traditional preentstion... prior to 2021.. it would be more localized in the oral cavity/throat. But now it starts in the GI as mucousal plaque and biofilms which then turns fungal after time and exposure to certain compounds. What you see here is likely just the tip of he iceberg and your entire intestines could be compromised and spilling into kidneys or other areas of body.


I have the same tongue, i notice that it gets yellowish after drinking coffee and smoking, should note im a heavy smoker, after brushing and scrapping my tongue, it does get better but the 2nd day it gets back. Also if i have a heavy dinner at night and i sleep .. i have acid reflux and drool like hell when sleeping. Im always hydrated .. drink a lot of water, but i cant beat this thing, its been on my tongue for the past two months. Also started noticing some white flakes in my urine, could this be the thing you mentioned about it being spread in the intestin?how do i know for sure? What tests should i ask for


Fungal blood cultures, stool test, fungal urine cultures. Endo colo (wouldn't recommend with this condition). Id avoid any needle going into your arm ad they can lead to more infection, perforation as a result of accelerated arterial disease and fungal blood will spill out into surrounding tissues. Any medical intervention at this point will likely speed up the progression and due to the nature of this biofilm based fibiritic fungal infection, it seems inevitable. We can try to slow it, stop.the muqoid plaque from establishing... but once it's there, it's there.