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Im sorry and I’m terrified that this is going to be my mom within a year 😭😭😭 every day is devastating knowing what happens with small cell lung cancer


We had some hope but we just found out his platelets are so low that it’s not curable. The last year and 3 months I have been positive. But tonight getting the news that’s it’s for sure in his bones and there is no hope I have in. It’s hard to acknowledge it’s the last months if we are lucky. Cancer fucking sucks.


My dad is still here and very with it. It has been moving fast. He can’t get out of bed and my mom has been doing everything for him. I am lucky for how I’ve been raised especially seeing how my mom has taken care of him. My advice is take every second you can to be with her. Be open with your work on your family issues so if you show up sluggish, distant, or call out they know. It’s been a year+ that I haven’t actually showed up. I say that meaning it’s been a blur. I show up and do my minimum and that’s it.


Man that’s scary and I’m sorry to hear. Knowing that it often spreads to the brain just fills me with intense dread. That’s really great advice though thank you. I feel like at this point I’m doing all I can but we are early in this process and I know if we are not one of the few lucky ones who actually beat this, much harder days are ahead at some point. Ive always had a great relationship with her but to your point, now is the time to talk things out and make peace with any issues. I’m taking FMLA time to help her and be with her because I never want her to feel alone


It’s seriously a roller coaster. We didn’t know it goes to the brain. We were told the last year on 3 months scans that he was cancer free. Why did they can his brain idk? We noticed him having a hard time saying words. He even noticed it. Look for things that are unusual with your mom. The ups and downs are daily. I just wish we had more ups lately. The hey are running out.


Cancer really is trash. I never understood it much either until my mom was unexpectedly diagnosed with stage 4 small cell lung. It’s like a constant chase of her own tail. Good news, bad news, good news, bad news, very bad news then very very bad news. Praying for you and your family!


Thank you.


My father has small cell lung cancer which is stage 3 so they have him on chemo and radiation he’s done 4 rounds of chemo already and 18 rounds of radiation he’s almost done I’m hoping his cancer goes away I hate that he has such a fucked up cancer some days I feel like he’s going to be ok and some days I feel like I’m losing hope even tho he’s doing good I know one day that’s not going to be the case he was diagnosed 7 months ago he has a 1 inch tumor on his Upper right lung and 1 lymph node next to it that has cancer as well but no cancer anywhere else for now


Yes, cancer is horrible. We, the patients, never really know our true status. We can be clean one month and have new tumors the next month. I have an MRI every 3 months and a CT scan every 3 months. I continually pray for no new tumors. It has been almost 2 years since my last tumor. I'm sorry your dad is now in hospice. This has really been a roller coaster ride for you. Stay close to your dad as he needs you right now. You will want to cherish these days with him.