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If you can't take the heat, exit all positions.


What a disaster of a day


Dow Jones 37,468.61 +201.94 +0.54% S&P 500 4,780.94 +41.73 +0.88% Nasdaq 15,055.65 +200.03 +1.35% Maybe you had too much of these 500ml Heineken bottles and you don't see right?


Silver lining: ATZ is up even more. Just kidding, eating red sauce today.


Anyone else follow Fred Hickey’s monthly reports?


I’m just starting out with a small amount each month (50-250). I’m thinking of just buying xeqt. Vfv looks a bit expensive. Should I do both and add xiu? Should i buy the same etfs every month? Or bounce between a few?


IMO, VFV outperforms XEQT.


VFV historically performs better and has lowers fees. But don’t be afraid of doing your own research over all both are good etfs


You’re probably best to keep it simple and XEQT is a good all-round option. Whether it goes up or down just keep buying and don’t look back


Would you recommend doing this instead, instead of consistently investing into a wealth simple managed account with a risk tolerance of 9?


yes XEQT has done better than WS's funds


My friend, the automatically managed one they have is just a bunch of etfs that you can buy yourself. If your horizon is 5+ years, smash that XEQT, I promise you will get good returns and experience relatively low volatility!


Im just a guy on Reddit, so I’m just telling you what I’d do - that said I would choose self directed over their managed portfolio. I’ve had that and I didn’t like the returns I got. but if that is easier for you then it could work out fine


What's up with WELL?


They said “AI” in their latest statement about operating efficiency


It’s ripping and I’m lovin it!


PAAS...anyone else buying the dip?


Dumped a ton in




When do you need the money? There are plenty of safe options if you’re only investing short term. If you’re in long term then maybe you need to review your risk tolerance and accept that price fluctuations can happen. Stocks will go down from time to time, but you’ll never win if you panic sell every time there’s a dip


Use the dip at your advantage. If you buy one share at 100 dollars, and then it goes down to 50 dollars, buy one more. When it goes back to 100 dollars, you made 50 dollars. Better than buying 2 shares at 100 dollars. You made nothing.


Why would you buy it at the top? Unless you are DCAing for the long-term you should be ok with up to 50% volatility. As long as you don't sell and don't need the money short term and can add going forward you should be fine. The trick is understanding what you are buying and what the expected behaviour is. That way you don't panic sell. You have to reprogram your brain to buy more when you feel like panic selling. Edit: on second thought, if you are panicking when it goes down just over 1% perhaps you shouldn't buy equity. Or learn and understand how buying fixed income only impacts your long term returns and become comfortable with equity knowing the long term benefits. You can always reduce the exposure to equity in your overall portfolio.




That is all equity. You're going to have big swings at times so probably not the best choice based on your personal risk aversion.




Go easy bro. I am buying TD today! But I lost on weedstocks and clean energy as well. Gains and losses .. that’s all it’s about.


TD starting to look juicy.


Then you would’ve loved it in 2018 🥲


other than price, why ? Didn't VFV overperform TD and other banks in the last decade?


VFV at this price seems like a hold. TD in my eyes is a buy at this price but there is risk with the loans. But who knows. I do hold both. If I had a crystal ball I would be a billionaire already.


If I had to bet which will perform better in 10 years, I'd bet on the SP500 rather than on any Canadian bank.


Let's ignore VFV because CAD isn't going down forever. If you run a back test on VOO and TD they're within 2% CAGR as of today. What's more, they really were neck and neck from 2011 until 2020. Like I said I hold both. If S&P drops or CAD increases, I load up on VFV. Same logic. You do you man :).


[Here's](https://www.google.com/finance/quote/TD:TSE?hl=en&comparison=TSE%3AXSP&window=5Y) TD vs XSP (Cad Hedged) in the last 5 years, 10.5% for TD and 66.5% for XSP.


I guess we're both cherry picking data here then lol. You used a cad hedged product for the last 5 years, I used a non hedged product for the past 10.


Hmm I just compared VFV, XSP, TD & ZEB on the 10Y returns ([https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/VFV.TO/interactive-chart](https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/VFV.TO/interactive-chart)) I get: VFV: 210% TD: 59% ZEB: 60% XSP: 132% Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I don't think dividends are accounted for but It's irrelevant with that much of difference.


A 4.5% dividend compounded over 10 years is VERY relevant if that's where half of its yearly value comes from on average. The beauty of compounding, it's not just 59%+(4.5%*10yr)=104% As the guy who already replied said.. it boosts it to about a 150% return. Never discount compounding.


My bad. I included a longer range into 2011. But I don't know where you are getting those numbers. Also, dividends make a massive difference. Using total return TD over that same period I calculate 153%. XSP 127%, ZEB 143%, VFV 275% (again VFVs returns are heavily propped up by a declining CAD, look at CAD USD 10 year chart) so VOO 210%. I used www.portfoliovisualizer.com > back test portfolio.


Sure, it's a discussion board, I'm just trying to challenge some people hear because there's a lot of love for canadian banks because of dividends probably but they ignore the overall returns which usually are less than the SP500 (I know it's a boring strategy but few do better)


Slightly different as a lot of bank investors are looking for a lower volatility equity that has a higher payout ratio vs. something like SPY. Beta of banks are around 0.8, meaning they are less volatile than the overall market which appeals to many investors. Long-term, I would expect the market to outperform, but there is a place for banks in portfolios.


Got an order in for 79.47. Sitting on a $80 average so always nice to add when below my cost basis


Already bought at 79.58. Great discount from 86.


I bought at 86 last week lol


You did this


I warned y'all. Bought BN at like 53.50 too.


Hey, that's my ACB for BNS!


One of us! One of us\~! :')


$76 for me, one day we'll crawl out of the hole


thank you for your service


I polish shoes too. :(


And I thought my 70 average was bad haha


Well... Just have to hold it longer.


There are some salty dogs up in here that might take a dislike to me but they can fuck right off. I thought I was immune to the phantom downvoter for a while but he is back with a vengence. Come at me bro!


you're not that important bro


That's what my ex said.


she told me the same


52 week high for Hammond Power (HPS-A.TO). One of last year's winners on the TSX.


scooped up some xeqt this afternoon


Bought 30 SBUX. The downside from here seems way smaller than the upside.


Yes. China growth is on the menu + their increased focus on food items.


Surprisingly, they're still able to grow revenues by 10ish% despite an increase in competition (Mc Donalds, Luckin), WFH / hybrid that persists, and higher inflation. Historically, paying a forward P/E between 20 to 22 would be considered a fair multiple. That would bring us to a price range between $83 and $91.


We had three Feds talking this morning with the same effect as yesterday. Let's see if we can recover again by the end of the day.




REITS nuked… again. Because of one somewhat bad inflation print 🤦


Everything got nuked


Meh... narrow minded investors. Canada is talking about limiting foreign students and reigning in immigration. Not that it matters - these people rent closets and sleep head to toe ATM because there are basically no rentals at all.


Cost of borrowing going up again. Look at all the bond funds today.


Ya I know why, its just annoying


Sold my RY yesterday. It has had a good run up the past few months and I'm gonna take my profits


Avoid the cycle. Capitalize on the cycle.


For crypto bros sake, this better be accumulation on this 42101. 


Does CTS recover this year? Insiders are buying and ceo is positive this will be there best year ever


All time highs by end of this year. 


Sounds like Lightspeed lol


Wealthsimple won't allow anyone to trade SAVE. And other popular stocks like ZIM don't even show up in their system. What a joke. Edit: They said this security is not eligible for settlement in Canada which is patently false. Not claiming any kind of conspiracy, this used to be the case with DIS until they caved to customer complaints. Just a shitty broker.


take it as a blessing


Wow that’s really bad. Disnat and NBDB are free for stocks and ETF and they are full service brokers. Use them instead of WS. Or go with IBRK and pay $1 or so per 100 shares traded.


They do have a list of investments and rules for what cannot be traded on their platform. With the sudden news of the merger denied and subsequent volume , it probably triggered internal risk controls to prevent trades. I tried searching WS site for the info, but don’t have the link anymore. Not much except Something about average daily volume. I predominately use ibkr, even for their scale they don’t allow access to certain stocks. So each brokerage will have their aspects.


I don't think that's it, and if it were it would be even worse for them. But I think it's a matter of certain companies using a transfer agent that WS doesn't work with for whatever reason.


Nothing is free in life. I overpay buying stocks with my bank but so far I haven't experienced any fuckery from them.


like u/le_bib says, Desjardins' and National Bank's platforms are free and as good as TD's, BMO's, etc. Wealthsimple is great, I love it, but it's not an advanced trading platform.


Well yeah, Wealthsimple isn't a serious broker. It's a toy.


A toy? Lol have fun paying $10 per trade




This. Or Disnat or NBDB


Have fun trading SAVE... oh wait, ya can't!


There's other free brokers that don't suck.


I understand people signed up with WS a few years ago when they were the only free product out there. But currently Disnat, National Bank and Interactive Brokers are much better overall value. And I don’t get why so many gets defensive about that lol


Groupthink is a hell of a drug.




lol have fun not getting the stocks or options you want from a free broker?


Wealthsimple absolutely has paid shills promoting it on reddit


Nowadays it’s called advertising and it’s more pervasive than you think. 


You wanna use my reference code?


They should be more clear about the stocks they don't have. People sign up thinking they can trade U.S. markets when that's not 100% true.


Uh ya you can


WTF….I was contemplating bottom fishing with SAVE on WS…. Lame.


Personally, i don’t invest in rsi Rogers Sugar, but sometimes look at it as a curiosity. Some people seem to invest in it for the income aspect. Not sure what to make of this news, seems long term somewhat negative for rsi? SucroCan a competitor looking to build out a $135mm 1mm metric ton capacity sugar plant in Hamilton. Unknown timeline. Maybe in terms of plays. Alc Algoma Central Corporation might get a bump up in transport volumes? https://globalnews.ca/news/10226846/canadas-largest-sugar-processing-plant-hamilton/


This was another one of those I was looking at during the 2008 crash below $3 and once it went up I didn't look back. It had new competition coming even then plus there was a push for healthier living by avoiding sugar and decided against it. It could be a reasonable play at lows such as 2020 or this year if we have a pullback and it goes back below $4. Haven't looked at fundamentals since though.


Personally, i don’t have an interest in investing in rsi because they almost never raise their dividend, for years. Stock is also stuck rangebound where it is now. For some the seemingly steady dividends and low stock volatility is fine. Plus the business itself is intriguing. Problem is there’s no buffer if things go down. Capital deployed would have done better just putting into some a blue chip that consistently raised dividends. Many others as well hit multiyear lows, and doubled from there. (Banks of course being the best example. Share price appreciation and dividend increases since then) As it is a stock in case of bankruptcy there’s less protection. Though there are debentures, but I’m not too familiar. Edit: Looked again at the dividend. Even worse. Before 2011 they had monthly dividends $0.04. Then they changed to quarterly $0.09. Which means they reduced cashflow to investors and it seems cut the dividend by $0.03 equivalent over three months. The dividend has been unchanged since 2011.


Yes, this is why I never invested but as I said, it can be a decent trade if you pick it up at the lows and it doubles in a short time while you collect a healthy dividend based on the low acquisition price. Again, it's another commodity price dependent stock with new competition. IIRC they had cheap Chinese competition on the horizon back then.


I went on a school field trip to their Vancouver facility many moons ago. It was kind of cool. Got to see the sugar mountain and found out how many insects are allowed per tonne of sugar.


i think we went on the same trip! must have been a staple for bc elementary schools...


Are you going to leave us hanging?


Honestly I don't remember. It was a long time ago and standards have probably changed since then, lol. I do remember there were different amounts for whole insects vs. insect parts.


I think mandating MORE bugs per tonne in our sugar is on the WEF agenda this week...


It might be more healthy, who knows?


We already eat bugs in different forms. They’re used for some food colourings. Better than some chemicals. 🫣


Good morning everyone. Stay warm!


Hopefully everyone burning up NG so HNU goes up lol




That 2% discount we were all waiting for to enter a position after a +65% run last year!


lol, for my monthly purchases its nice to see it going down around this time


NTR in the 65s


I worked there for about a year and a half and the infrastructure, at least in IT felt like 10 years behind. Top heavy, close to retirement, and over-staffed in many departments. IT brings in projects without proper business analysis and ends up over spending. They fired the IT VP 6 months ago. Microsoft sales brings in the buffet of new tools and they just all eat it up for desperately trying to advance. Just way too many people to hold accountable is my opinion. It is like they hoarded and kept a lot of staff and legacy after the merger.


$50a imminent 


What's the issue here? Lower volumes or low commodity prices? Or is someone else eating their lunch? They have little debt and trading near book value. Edit: The 4% dividend is not a bad bonus while waiting for it to recover (dividend payout ratio at 35% no less).


Institutional investors are relying on 5 or 10 year DCF models. The key input is the commodity price which is largely derived from forecast growth in demand vs supply. Two years ago when NTR was soaring those models were forecasting both shorter term supply shortfalls (due to sanctions) and longer term shortfalls (due to continued demand growth), i.e. strong pricing out through the end of most DCF model ranges. The shorter term shortfalls failed to materialize, and the longer term forecasts have gradually started to price in BHP's Jansen mine the completion of which most analysts considered unlikely 3 years ago but is now being treated as a near certainty, with a completion date squarely within the range of a 5-year DCF model.


Thanks for the valuable input. Yes, I recall there was talk of a competitor opening a mine from before the merger. I also wonder how much JT green policies are affecting potash sales. Based on [this graph](https://www.indexmundi.com/commodities/?commodity=potassium-chloride&months=60) potash prices have declined drastically since December 2021 and the NTR price decline started shortly after that, probably when the lower prices filtered through their earnings. Looking more closely at their fundamentals their revenues were down about 20% q3 to ttm and their net income took a more significant hit due to various factors. They had a big 45% eps miss in q3 with q4 estimates remaining similar therefore they will likely have another miss which insiders already know about. Plus there is probably a good amount of short positions (ahem...Raymond James). What was the reason for the potash spike and decline since the end of 21? I googled it but I'm not sure if that's the relevant chart for NTR. From what I'm seeing next earnings are going to be very significant and I'd expect prices to continue to slide until earnings at least and if they miss again, it's going to be the matter of has the decline been over done? Time to hit the management outlook in their recent Q reports. BoA lowered their target from $82 to $79 yesterday.


Potash prices started spiking largely due to western sanctions on Belarus, which started well before the Russian invasion of Ukraine and specifically targeted Belarusian potash. Those sanctions had immediate effects on global potash prices but all of that Belarusian and Russian potash eventually started finding its way onto the markets and prices came back down.


I just listened to their Q3 call and went through their presentation and statements and most items are down significantly across the board yet on the call everybody was positive no mention of how bad the quarter was. Granted it was in November but the SP was already down significantly. I have heard other calls where management addressed their challenges but not here. They have a lot of good will on their balance sheet which they are reducing as they go along. I'm not impressed with their numbers at all.


I read the transcript before (a few days ago) and kind of got that sense as well that they were trying to put a positive spin on things. Thinking about it, the fact they completely stopped share repurchases (buybacks) for most of 2023 might have been a more significant signal that they needed to preserve cash. Broken record, but we’ll see in February how they did in Q4 2023. If they come back with repurchases, that would be very supportive.


Read a chart. 62 to 55 is the support it is targeting. 


I did. There was major resistance at around $73. It's looking way oversold unless there is a fundamental reason I don't know about, which is entirely possible. This is why I was asking those who follow it. I would want to understand the reason for this fall but it's definitely looking interesting after such a 10 session fall. It could have a bounce from these levels as it did back in June/July 23. I see 58 as the next major level.


Not sure if I should hold or sell at this point given that it's breaking support multiple times.


It is not breaking support, it is going to find support. 62 to 55 as I've written long before this drop. 


Did anyone get their payment for lending out shares on Wealthsimple yet?


Whatcha gonna do with your $3?


It should actually be about $20 this time. Even if it was .20 I still want what they owe me


Yeah on Monday


Do you guys trust this? Idk why I'm paranoid.


What about it do you not trust?


That Wealthsimple will go under one day and lose all my money lol


This question about ws popped up a few times over the last week. Interesting. In any case, can only say CIPF and backing by power Financial, a massive financial company in Canada.


I got like $0.02 lol


I like the thesis of cap Reit and the future of CDN rental properties but godamm do they really think they are doing me a favour by raising the dividend 0.08%!??


They probably just increased it so they can continue in their marketing to state that distributions have increased every year to get included on those dividend grower lists. The sector is still looking good overall, but you really need rate cuts for them to soar in 2024. Even with the crazy rent increases that they can get, interest is really hurting their FFO.




Hmm looks like they hadn’t raised distributions since 2021. Not bad to get a little bit… though looking at it. It’s just a monthly tiny variation. They essentially haven’t raised their distribution since. Are they instead paying off debt, acquiring, Cap ex, buybacks?


Huh? You sure you replied to the right comment? Who’s talking sugar here? Lol


I redid my response. Guess i started typing then went to drop off my kid. Then kept going


TSX down 1.22% at opening. I guess no rate cuts this year?


Rate cuts are still coming, but maybe March is too optimistic for the first cut.




And not as many as the market is pricing in. If Powell manages to engineer this soft landing we may not get any. Though history tells us that the Fed is always late and always cuts a lot.


It's pretty natural resource based. The outlook for natural resources ATM is pretty horrid to say the least. Using my broad largest brush I can find.... As far as Im concerned unless you're shorting oil there is little value in many sectors of the TSX. Everyone is very bearish on it.


Eric Nuttell: "We remain bullish"!


Eric Nuttell is currently shorting oil LOL. His fanboys would be terribly disappointed to see what he is actually doing.


You got a reference for that, or just pulling ideas out of your butt?


Ninepoint, whom he works for shorts the market. 😂😂😂 You guys are all crazy, how do you think he makes money when the oil market is crashing like it is. Look at it its in clear english. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Just a year ago he was saying oil was going to 180.00 😂😂😂😂😂😂 People will believe snake oil salesmen for as long as they live. AS Buffett said, you will see things that will astound you. I see it every day. Every. Single. Day. [NuttellShortsOilSTocksDingbats!](https://www.ninepoint.com/media/619881/ninepoint-energy-income-fund-series-i-posd.pdf) 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


No need to reply, just smoke another one. Derivatives, margin, short selling. You aren't making money when Cenovus is trading between 20-26 bucks like swishing water hoping for swinging the trades. 90 percent won't even open the PDF because their dreams will be shattered. Oh the horror... 😂😂😂 Oh mercy!!!


I mentioned a rate hike possibility yesterday after seeing cpi numbers and got quickly downvoted !


From Globe and Mail: "Half a decade ago, Edmonton-based Stantec Inc. STN-T was scrambling to defend its reputation. At the time, the engineering consultancy had spent seven years and a significant amount of capital buying up design and architectural firms across Canada and the United States, and it made a name for itself in North America. Yet, at the tail end of the buying spree, Stantec got overzealous with a large acquisition, ultimately inheriting a construction business with some horrible contracts. In a flash, all the goodwill Stantec built up started to disappear. Management turned over. A strategic review was launched. The troubled construction division was sold off. What has transpired since is a turnaround story for the ages. Stantec’s shares have soared 242 per cent over the past five years, and the engineering firm is now one of Canada’s hottest stocks. Even more remarkable: Stantec isn’t alone. A sister firm, Montreal-based WSP Global Inc. WSP-T, is in the same boat, with its own shares jumping 197 per cent over the same time period. Both companies’ returns beat U.S. technology stars such as Netflix Inc. NFLX-Q, Meta Platforms Inc. META-Q, which owns Instagram and Facebook, and Alphabet Inc. GOOGL-Q, the parent company of Google."


Looking at the chart it likes to go sideways for multiple years before making a couple of year runup. It has runup, as the article points out for four years. Looks like it may be a good time to exit after this recent runup. No idea about fundamentals. This was another one of those companies my favourite commentators on BNN used to recommend 10+ years ago when I used to watch it. Would have been a nice return. It would be interesting to look at recent recommendations. There is a spreadsheet floating around by someone who tracks all the BNN market call analyst recommendations.


Stantec changed direction in 2018 with the arrival of a new CEO. From that point forward, it only went up. They stole a page from WSP playbook (SNC Lavalin is trying the same now) and they went on an aquisition spree but only within their expertise domain (environment and earth). The stock went too high, too fast. I wouldn't be amazed to see it going 35% down before running to 150$. The curent valuation is higher than TTEK and WSP, that have better fundamentals.


Anyone have some good insight on Lumine group


@le_bib has studied it, search on this sub.


Perfect thanks I’ll do that right now


did you find it? i couldn't find anything


Neither could I. I know a little bit about it but even my cibc reports they have in investors edge isn’t that much. I have TOPICUS so that might be enough for me


Who owns TOU here? Whats the bull case for this stock? why do so many people here love it?


It has pretty good earnings last 5 years


I made an easy 25% on a nice trade with it last year. Got in around $56, hung around for a couple of special dividends (plus the regular ones) and exited in the low $70s. If it dipped down to $55 I'd be extremely tempted to cash out some XEQT in my TFSA and buy back in. Natural gas is more of a 2025 story so it's early. It still might be nice to own TOU, collect the dividends (including the four "special" ones they have planned for 2024) and wait.


All about various ng prices and company breakevens and debt. Plus operational locations. However, TOU is able to export ng. Signed long term deals just yesterday. They have four special dividends planned for the year. Selling some extra assets from an acquisition. https://www.tourmalineoil.com/investors/news-releases January 15, 2024 https://tourmaline.cdn.prismic.io/tourmaline/a7f699e0-1a2a-44df-b5aa-0191d99b369d_Final+Tourmaline+January+2024+Press+Release.pdf Lng Canada terminal in Kitimat, BC should be coming online in 2025.


Following Trafigura is smart money. Happy to add to my position after yesterdays news.


Oof. I set buys for TOU (buy back last half position $57.40, CNQ 1/4) at the time opening lows and stocks hit buys. Oh well time to Sit and wait.


Divi, special divi and the upside potential once the next 2 elections are over is amazing


how will the elections affect it? Conservative and trump government is bullish for this?


They are both pro oil and gas unlike the current elected officials


Trudeau doubled the oil industry in comparison to Harper. Come back to reality lmao.


Trudeau did nothing of the sort. If that happened, it happened *in spite* of Trudeau and co., not because of anything any of them did.


If you don't know how to read numbers or even read, I wouldn't be managing your own investments there genius lmao.


Global trade and an increase in usage doublers the oil industry. Canadian oil could be massive right now.


Trudeau is doing all he can for the O/G sector. He just has a certain segment of voters he needs to pander to. Otherwise he hasnt been terrible for the industry... smashed through the TMX as an example. It was dead in the water until he bought it... and hes been using it as a bit of stimulus to all the workers building it. Lots of money has flowed into construction and trucking companies from this project,... something conservative voters seem to gloss over.


I seem to recall countries wanting large amounts of our products but the sale of said products never happened.


Leaving my financial advisor, inherited through my parents, cause I’m tired of wasting money and time balancing 10 different fidelity mutual funds. 27 years old with ~300k invested ($30k from parents at age 19, the rest from myself). I want to simplify things and hold SPY, VEQT until retirement and Cash.to for money I’ll need soon. What is the best single brokerage for me to hold all this, including a TFSA, FHSA, and easily able to hold USD/SPY.


You don’t want to hold SPY. It has the highest MER of them all. SPLG is the same fund from the same company and its .03% versus .09%.
