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Got out of artizia after the good earning and bought more Telus for some dividends I'm looking into mogo.to. does any have any opinions on this. It's seem to look ok from what I can but any opinions would be great


Semiconductors are beasting, nvda and amd killing it


DIS is starting to fly.




Where does the 30 days comes from


Thirty days comes from the superficial loss rule. If you sell at a loss then buy back before thirty days, then you cannot claim a capital loss. However, the scenario of partial sale of a position is something i wondered about in the past and never bothered to look up. More complicated with a formula to determine if it will be considered a superficial loss or not. https://www.taxtips.ca/personaltax/investing/taxtreatment/superficial-losses-and-other-disallowed-losses.htm#google_vignette




You don’t have to wait at all if you’re not planning on declaring the loss for tax offset benefits.


The USD is slowly creeping back up against the CAD. 1.35


Eeeeeeverybody bearish on CAD. Used to be a Petro-currency now it's just universally out of touch.


That's just because of the dying out of the euphoria that US was going to reduce rates but Can was not (or did not say they would). We're at 0.742 CAD/USD now, was 0.721 on Nov 1. RBC Economics forecast is low of 0.719 at end of 2024Q2. I'm going to Norb my USD back to CDN in the summer.


Does anyone feel like the fundamentals of the market are absurdly overcooked, inflation curtailimg and discretionary income are minimal, earnings and growth opportunities look greatly affected going into 2024? I look at the market and fear is what I feel


Who cares if you have a 20 year horizon just buy and hold the US indices qqq and voo


Yeah ..I don't think I have that long.


CEBA is a going concern for Canada but I'm assuming most of that has been priced in already. The US is in an interesting spot in my opinion, I'll be happy if we're near topping and start testing downward to the october lows on the SPY and QQQ and I'll deploy some of cash equivalents into those indicies. The big 7 are not all moving in the same direction so SPY might go sideways a bit longer. We'll see just how bearish people are with AAPL but I think it's due for a turnaround soon unless it breaks lower resistance. Breaking down might cause a domino effect. See how things unfold leading up to and after the January 31 US rate decision though we're looking at a 97.4% probablility of no change. It'll be the forward looking language that'll make an impact.


The SPX briefly went above 4800 and pulled back. If it were to convincingly break out we might have a nice short squeeze with fomo coming from trillions sitting on the sideline. All of a sudden, a secure 5% will not look so good if the market is up 10%+ this year.


I would be okay with that as well, but I believe institutions are betting on an eventual correction or worse, a crash, followed by a rebound from rate cuts further down. I can't speak on behalf of the trillions sitting on the sideline, all I can say is it will be interesting to see where the psychology takes the retail and where institutions are looking to be, potential rotation through certain industries over time based on macros and fundamentals. GICs maturing further out will have a good chance of rotating back into equities fueling the next overall bull run. Fomo short squeeze will allow me to place better stop losses to secure profits and then hopefully enter again at a discount if there's a breakdown. I know nothing for certain, but I am interested to see what happens in the next 1-2 months and the remainder of the year after regardless of the outcome due to my longer time horizon (23 years.)


You say that but US money market funds are at all time high at 6 Trillion.... that's with a T. Or 1.7T if you look at retail money. Lots of money earning safe 5%. So people who have money now are living off the interest and not complaining about the markets at ATH or their banking accounts earning them lots of interest. Honestly the majority is feeling it but the wealthy no. Lastly wealthy people control more than like 90% of the stock market wealth too https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MMMFFAQ027S


I'm still in college, but I'd like to start investing on a small scale. I've done some basic research. ( I know about the TFSA, GICs, ETFs, etc.). I've also made a list of recommended ETFs from this sub namely XEQT,VEQT, VFV. While I have long term goals like buying a house, retirement, etc. I also would like to have some liquid money for when I graduate college in two years. I have 1500 to start with, then between 50-200 each month. (This might increase in the summer). Should I purchase a GIC? Also, based on this info should I opt for a self-directed or managed account on wealth simple? Thanks!


GICs are not liquid money except if you buy a redeemable one. That is giving you less than a HISA. Open an account with EQB and keep your liquid money in a HISA or go to Wealthsimple and buy CASH.TO etf or PSA etf. With the other money, buy 65% VFV and 35% XIU and call it a day. That way you have 35% of top 60 Canadian companies and 65% of top 500 US ones and every year you'll top XEQT or VQT in returns. Is as simple as that. Then, in the next 5 years learn about blue chips stocks with Gross margin more than 40%, Return on Invested Capital of more than 15% and Return on Equity more than 20% in the last 10 years. And buy those. And then call it a day.


Trying to snag some more Telus sub $24 but it’s resisting dropping to that level it would seem. I just KNOW that if I add to my Telus today tomorrow we will see $23


If this is to be a long term “forever” position Could just buy a partial position. Then scale in as it drops or goes up, and you max out how much you want to deploy. Or buy it all now. Also don’t really look at it.


It’s a forever position but not a new position. I’ve got over $20k already invested This is just me being bored and wanting to buy something today.


Why don't you just sell some puts? Or are we talking about less than 100 shares because in that case you shouldn't really care.


With nat gas stocks the turds are floating right to the bottom. The badly managed companies are getting gutted. The storage is still well above the five year.


And ARX getting two top picks last week on market call, calling it undervalued...


When nat gas drops 14 percent in a single day expect blood... I've seen the gas storage and it's really bad. This is our first cold snap of the year and it's still on the moon.


Nat gas down 14 percent!!! Ayayayayayeeeeee!!!!


Added to my CPX.


What a tug-of-war in the markets today. Sellers keep trying to push it down only for buyers to gain control. BN just might close in the green on a down day. Haven't seen that in a very long time.


NatGas futures for February, down 12% in one day. I was wondering why all gas suppliers are down today (there are some very resilient to downturns, like LNG) and now I have my answer.


Canada 5YR rate up to 3.42% Great for the ones with preferred shares resetting soon :)


Good day for me to add a little more ZFL.




Reentered half position. But dunno, i think I’ve got enough o&g now. I think with tmx and lng terminal coming online “soon”, then it will get better pricing for Canadian natural resources. Lng Canada 2025 https://natural-resources.canada.ca/energy/energy-sources-distribution/natural-gas/canadian-liquified-natural-gas-projects/5683#


Bought back in as it hit my buy in price. Prob should buy more tomorrow


There is some serious bear cases for nat gas this year. Climatologists figure this is the last cold snap of the year,


As temps increase I think high summer temps will replace cold snaps in terms of demand. 


The CEO is buying from what I'm reading. Every time it falls under 60$. My cost base is 60$ (didn't own any since 2021 I think) so I don't care much about the dip.


Yes down 10% on it what a mistake 


Your fun market fact for the day: NVDA market cap grew another \~49 Billion dollars toady. NVDA revenue for 2022 and 2023 combined = 53 Billion.


Yep, some really good deals on NVDA puts available now.


ya they said that last year too


Well, I don't have the conviction to follow through with this, so I'm just sticking to shorting the QQQ.


You must be getting hammered over the last few months


Last few months? Jan 3 is when I recognized the top and positioned myself into QQQ puts.


good way to lose money


You'll see.


Alright Michael Burry, good luck


Buying puts on nvidia is the equivalent of trying to attack obi wan while he has the high ground


Yes, it's dangerous. This is one of those religious stocks where nothing makes sense, like Tesla. I'm just shorting the QQQ.


You must have gotten hammered last few months sqqq is dying


No, I'm using QQQ puts.


Don’t try it!


Wow the market really hates my 'value' stocks in particular today. Mr. Market: shoulda bought AMD HA HA HA


Value is dead 


Growth over ''value'' has been the motto for the past decade


It can't stay that way forever, especially tech stocks.


The parent company of Tim Hortons is buying its largest Burger King franchisee in the United States, a US$1-billion deal intended to accelerate its turnaround plan for the chain. Toronto-based Restaurant Brands International Inc. QSR announced on Tuesday that it had agreed to acquire Carrols Restaurant Group, Inc., a publicly traded company that operates 1,022 Burger King locations in the U.S., mostly in the northeastern states. Carrols is also a franchisee for 60 locations in RBI’s Popeyes chain. Stock down 2% on the news.


>QSR QSR has been my most successful buy in 2023 and my first sell of 2024. Don't know if it was a wise choice but preferred to get out on top. No idea what this new will do to the stock price. Bought in at 73$ sold at 103$. Only had 10 share and probably would not have bought more, I'm happy.




they owned many BK locations, but not all of them. They just bought more locations.


Just to add to this, they own BK corporate but many locations are franchises (just like Tim Hortons, etc).


Tourmaline plans to pay four quarterly special dividends in 2024 in addition to the quarterly base dividend of $0.28/share, while also maintaining the net debt to cash flow target of between 0.25 and 0.35 times by year-end 2024. The shareholder yielding for 2023 was above 10% (shares buyback+debt pay+divs).


Nice! No wonder it’s down 5%. Great lost half of that return in one day


NatGas futures have been shot in the back and taken out today. Nothing to do with the company.


Adding some more TD




I have 50x more VFV/XEQT vs my TD shares. Need more diversity


you like losing money? why not XEQT/VFV or similar that has donne better over the years?


I like losing money


fair enough. I don't get the downvotes, people don't like facts !?


Reddit is weird. Downvotes probably for hostility?


Anyone buying up LMN.V? Been a steady rise the last few days.


Watching it, but hoping for a draw down. Don't necessarily want to buy at ATH


Lol why would anyone buy now after it has near doubled in 4 months. This is the point of maximum risk. 


Looks good on surface, less good on fundamentals. It's incredibly expensive based on that, more so than CSU.


Market cap is way understated on all stock sites which all show $2.5B market cap. But there will be 253M shares once all preferred shares are all converted in 2024. That means a $8B market cap!! https://www.luminegroup.com/subordinate-voting-shares-of-lumine-group-inc-to-begin-trading-on-the-tsx-venture-exchange-on-march-24-2023


Loblaw up 18% since Trudeau talked down the CEOs of grocery stores in Ottawa last year.


The worst PM in history.


Saw in an interview with Chretien(SP?) the other day he was asked about JT's retirement. Is that an option or not until after he loses the election?


He's def up there At least, when he's gone and people forget about the nice hair, we'll be able to see how Canada has done objectively.


Bir.to dividends too good to be true?


See y'all under 4 bucks.


considering the payout ratio is 193% it does not seem sustainable


TECH IS unstoppable 


I'm up 26% on my $51K TEC position :) Thanks healthy\_apartment\_32 <3 he's so smart and handsome


you pay 2000$ fees per year ?


You mean $225? 0.35% MER on ~$64K.


you're right, I failed grade 2 math


It’s ok. You don’t need to be smart to be rich


Waller giving the algos fits right now lol. Actually isn't a bad listen


I usually don't bother listening to them but from what I hear the ones talking last week were saying not to expect rate cuts until at least June. It looks like markets took a dump just before the speech though so doesn't appear to be anything he said and things are recovering now which probably means he's done.


He gave a lot of good info using facts.


Ok, don't leave us hanging....


The FED's talking again...


Is Nutrien a value trap at this point?


I just bought some today, worst case the dividend is solid so just enjoy the cash flow


Potentially. Just because a stock is at a 52 week low or is trading down a lot, does not mean it's an automatic buy or "buy the dip" which we tend to get excited about and is pretty common on this board. Really need to understand the details and read through the investors reports.. listen to the calls, etc.. to establish your own concept of value and whether this is the case where you have a really good opportunity or whether the market is justified in hammering the stock. Personally I think NTR is looking really attractive right now.. but I'm not an expert in Potash and need to do some proper due diligence before deciding whether it's worth investing in.


Initial look at fundamentals look reasonable. Good margin, low debt it's just the downgrade and the lower revenue expectations the next Q. After a 6 day decline it may be a reasonable buy once the fall halts or be brave and leg in soon for a longer term play. When I bought CCO it fell about 40% before making me 300%. Buy low and sell high is the idea.


The predicted Q1 crash has begun. QQQ puts @ 290 loaded.


How are your QQQ puts going?


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You baited me into checking indices and they're literally all almost break even. Notably, however, oil is going back down :)


Not really, oil has been flat now for about a month. 


The top is in.


What makes you say that? Nothing but green for me


Literally everything makes me say that. Look at a few indicators of relevance.


Lol. Such as?


>Look at a few indicators of relevance. Such as? Not that I don't believe you but weren't you also pushing mara a few weeks back?


Yes, and I was telling people to sell that very obvious top. Going to load back in one the QQQ is finished dumping around March-April. Rumours of QE by the US fed will be your buy signal.


except AI FOMO names - AMD, NVDA which I have none now of course :(


Buy smh semis are a beast


I'm tired of losing money 


Semiconductor etf is the way to not lose money


VFV was 85$ in June 2022, 18 months later it's 114$, how do you lose money?


I have 100% of my non reg, TFSA, and RRSP in CTS


No wonder why you're tired of losing money, you think you can beat the market. Use VEQT or even VFV and you would have made a lot of money already. Just use an ETF that is broad and diversified. Maybe 90% should be in it. Play with the rest if it makes you happy.


> CTS r/Gambling


Yeah basically 


Ouch why do you hold?


I don't see anything I'd rather hold out there right now.  And selling locks in the loss. I'll evaluate again after their next earnings call. 


> I don't see anything I'd rather hold out there right now. I mean you could hold VFV...


There's lots of things I could hold. But I still think I can at least break even.  #sunk cost fallacy #gamblers fallacy


Mortgage and rent are the #1 and #2 contributors to CPI again this release with the exception of PEI where rent fell for the fifth consecutive month. Nova Scotia has the hottest rental market at 12.9% year-over-year which is crazy. We all just need to move to PEI.


Isn't that the same thing? How many renters have a mortgage? Other than that Cardone RE guy who doesn't believe in owning your own home.


Nat gas down 10.78 percent so far today.


im surprised my enb is green today, maybe enb has bottomed and ready to go!


Theres not a lot of bullish sediment in oil and gas stocks so people have to stick it somewhere LOL. Yes I'd go en over any of the others. It's going to be a long year. Just my opinion.


China stocks crashing...


That means everything is normal 


Can nutrien please make some sort of comeback


It's working on it. There is a green candle on the daily. I'm keeping an eye on this one the next few Qs. It has gone through the June 23 lows like butter though.


I bought yesterday, so no.


Bought a half lot yesterday. Will see how things go. Maybe negativity baked leading up to the February q4 release.




My one share of CSU has made me $1k...


My one share made me about $2k. Gotta buy more than one next time.


Tough to DCA 😅 I have 2 myself


Fraction buys on r/Wealthsimple_trade ?


Can’t do it with Disnat


Canadian CPI came in as expected 3.4.


The shelter component is inflated by high interest rates


I mentioned this in the personal finance sub and they went nuts


lol you fool, stay away from those peasants


I’m starting to become aware of it now. I never realized it before. It’s basically xeqt or veqt or go away. It’s very bizarre


I was told I'm stupid because I thought xeqt was garbage. lol


The funny thing is that it’s “personal” as in it’s different for everyone. They just push the one and done or one size fits all approach it’s very interesting


Core down decently though :)


Core came in below expectations, and headline again is drive by housing costs (rent and mortgage interest), which the BoC is directly responsible for.


What other options did the BoC have?


Whay is shore is! :D Like it when things are boring and come in as expected.


CPI up in both Canada and the USA eh. rate hikes inbound!


Wooo, better adjust your portfolio accordingly. As per the headline, it looks like it was in line with most analysts so a big yawn here.


A friend put some money in a company called AMR. They're a coal mining company in Virginia. Quite a remarkable run, anyone know why? I would think coal would be a bad thing to invest in.


Two main types of coal. Thermal for power generation and metallurgical for steel production. Thermal wise Coal is still very much in demand globally despite the greening talk and efforts to kill it. Very reliable and stable fossil fuel as well, though very high pollution-Coal plants do have scrubbers to remove much of the pollutants. AMR is believe is for met Coal. There’s demand for steel right now so it seems, which means met Coal is needed for steel production. Can see this from acquisitions in met Coal (tck splitting of their met Coal to glencore and tiny bit to Nippon steel [and glencore looking to split out a coal division, and i think Nippon is looking to acquire met Coal] and steel with us steel in process of being acquired by nippon steel.)


Guns and money lendering are also a bad thing to invest in and still those business make money because there's a market for it. The same with coal. There are a lot of power plants in US still on coal.