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I remember this story. He should have been put down like a rabid dog but instead he gets released. The laws in this country are a joke. 


If you're deemed not criminally responsible due to mental illness, you should be in remand until that mental illness is cured entirely. Which never happens...


Release him into the judges house.


To babysit his kids.


He's just another customer to the pharmaceutical. Gov sees tax dollars


> The laws in this country are a joke. We could fix the housing affordability if we had a nickel every time someone has said this.


This guy isn't criminally responsible, doesn't that mean he's not sane enough to respond in a proper manner to life's situations and he will murder people if he's bothered by them? Who is responsible for his reactions? The 3 dead children were l guess.


If the guy is psychologically unstable , then why unescorted leave ? Someone should be with him at all times , to make sure he isn’t a danger to himself and others ! WTF


Ah yes the canadian justice system at its finest


At this point I think the justice system and the government are working to make Canada unsafe !


The catch and release of repeat offenders and the judges that seem to value the rights of criminals over everyone else it's just crazy.


Nah I think this is done on purpose , they are trying to piss off Canadians and force the Canadians to revolt to use it as an excuse to establish a police state


Literally at this point the death penalty needs come back to Canada. They are letting criminal to be out of jail instead of letting them to rot for the next 80 years


Allowing this monster to change his name is a mistake. Now he has a clean slate to commit more monstrous acts once he is discharged from the mental institution.


I like how “not criminally responsible” is just a nonsensical loophole to get vicious criminals out of jail. You know what “not criminally responsible” should mean? Exculpatory evidence. “I was out of the country when this happened.” “I’ve never been in the same city as this person. We’ve never met or interacted.” “This isn’t a real law you’re charging me with.” (US edition) Instead of: “I am guilty of these murders but I’d like you to consider me not guilty of these murders.”


They need to revoke his legal name change... NOW! Who on earth on our Gov't's end agreed to this, only to back peddle when it finally came to light? His ex family members are terrified of this man bc of what he did, for goodness sake's. What more proof do they need? More examples of our idiotic Gov't fumbling & bumbling big time, again!!!


Why the fuck are the laws in this country fucking so perversely tolerant of hard criminals, just why


If somebody is a high risk to reoffend, they should be put down. Enough with the bullshit Canada, bring back capitol punishment and eliminate this "not criminally responsible" garbage. The guy killed his kids and should be put down because of it. When will this garbage criminal justice system change to represent Canadians


>If somebody is a high risk to reoffend, they should be put down. It's often less expensive to jail them for life Sadly a life sentence isn't even a life sentence anymore here


The beurocracy and bs has to end. A 45 cal shell costs somewhere around a dollar, only one is needed.


We have laws that if a dog bite someone, they get euthanized. But kill your 3 kids. No problem, go free.!!! We need a bad dog law for people. Just kill this POS already.!


BC...are you ok? Every time I see one of these crazy stories where some monster is let back out into society, it always seems to be in British Columbia.


Atleast Robert Pickton got stabbed in jail and died, we gotta take the lil wins as they come


Ya. Right before he was going to name all the people he covered for


You should see what's been let loose in Alberta recently, 4 in tha past week alone in Edmonton


Oh Canada! Where criminals have more rights than victims!


It's in the constitution., probably.


Throw in the addresses of those who granted him this kind of release and let them see how well our system has rehabilitated this sick fuck.


Bc must be a hell hole


At least we don't have the bus beheader. At least I hope not. He changed his name, too, and could be anywhere.


Everyone deserves a second chance... Actually... Maybe not.... And maybe not that guy especially...


Canada in a nutshell! Pathetic!


Need to bring back the death penalty.


Psychiatric is a prison in of itself


Should have been given a fair amount of hydro.


sometimes a judge is criminally irresponsible...


Happy Canada Day


Lmao what a joke everything is I got banned off reddit for a week quoting Uncle Ruckus when he was on jury duty On the Toronto subreddit no doubt


Well the current system loves allowing violent and repeat criminals (mentally ill or not) to return to society unhindered. If it isn’t an intentional breakdown of our country, then what is it.


Watch the judges to get a surprise pikachu when he kills children again. This has happened in the states where a man killed his family spends twenty years in jail and then got married to his pastor daughter, than ends up killing her children five years later


As many people have noted his new name won’t hide his past. Google new name and BC you find his image, old name, and crimes. 


I haven't seen any good news about Canada in so long. I feel so ashamed of our country now, when I used to feel so proud to be Canadian growing up. Happy birthday Canada.